Strict inequality of real numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman, Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-02-05.
Last modified on 2025-02-12.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.strict-inequality-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.conjunction open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.disjunction open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.large-binary-relations open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification open import real-numbers.dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.inequality-real-numbers open import real-numbers.negation-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-real-numbers
The standard strict ordering¶ on the real numbers is defined as the presence of a rational number between them. This is the definition used in [UF13], section 11.2.1.
le-ℝ-Prop : Large-Relation-Prop _⊔_ ℝ le-ℝ-Prop x y = ∃ ℚ (λ q → upper-cut-ℝ x q ∧ lower-cut-ℝ y q) le-ℝ : Large-Relation _⊔_ ℝ le-ℝ x y = type-Prop (le-ℝ-Prop x y) is-prop-le-ℝ : {l1 l2 : Level} → (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) → is-prop (le-ℝ x y) is-prop-le-ℝ x y = is-prop-type-Prop (le-ℝ-Prop x y)
Strict inequality on the reals is irreflexive
module _ {l : Level} (x : ℝ l) where irreflexive-le-ℝ : ¬ (le-ℝ x x) irreflexive-le-ℝ = elim-exists ( empty-Prop) ( λ q (q-in-ux , q-in-lx) → is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x q (q-in-lx , q-in-ux))
Strict inequality on the reals is asymmetric
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where asymmetric-le-ℝ : le-ℝ x y → ¬ (le-ℝ y x) asymmetric-le-ℝ x<y y<x = elim-exists ( empty-Prop) ( λ p (p-in-ux , p-in-ly) → elim-exists ( empty-Prop) ( λ q (q-in-uy , q-in-lx) → rec-coproduct ( λ p<q → asymmetric-le-ℚ ( p) ( q) ( p<q) ( le-lower-upper-cut-ℝ x q p q-in-lx p-in-ux)) ( λ q≤p → not-leq-le-ℚ ( p) ( q) ( le-lower-upper-cut-ℝ y p q p-in-ly q-in-uy) ( q≤p)) ( decide-le-leq-ℚ p q)) ( y<x)) ( x<y)
Strict inequality on the reals is transitive
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) (z : ℝ l3) where transitive-le-ℝ : le-ℝ y z → le-ℝ x y → le-ℝ x z transitive-le-ℝ y<z = elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x z) ( λ p (p-in-ux , p-in-ly) → elim-exists (le-ℝ-Prop x z) (λ q (q-in-uy , q-in-lz) → intro-exists p ( p-in-ux , le-lower-cut-ℝ ( z) ( p) ( q) ( le-lower-upper-cut-ℝ y p q p-in-ly q-in-uy) ( q-in-lz))) ( y<z))
The canonical map from rationals to reals preserves and reflects strict inequality
module _ (x y : ℚ) where preserves-le-real-ℚ : le-ℚ x y → le-ℝ (real-ℚ x) (real-ℚ y) preserves-le-real-ℚ x<y = intro-exists ( mediant-ℚ x y) ( le-left-mediant-ℚ x y x<y , le-right-mediant-ℚ x y x<y) reflects-le-real-ℚ : le-ℝ (real-ℚ x) (real-ℚ y) → le-ℚ x y reflects-le-real-ℚ = elim-exists ( le-ℚ-Prop x y) ( λ q (x<q , q<y) → transitive-le-ℚ x q y q<y x<q) iff-le-real-ℚ : le-ℚ x y ↔ le-ℝ (real-ℚ x) (real-ℚ y) pr1 iff-le-real-ℚ = preserves-le-real-ℚ pr2 iff-le-real-ℚ = reflects-le-real-ℚ
Concatenation rules for inequality and strict inequality on the real numbers
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) (z : ℝ l3) where concatenate-le-leq-ℝ : le-ℝ x y → leq-ℝ y z → le-ℝ x z concatenate-le-leq-ℝ x<y y≤z = elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x z) ( λ p (p-in-upper-x , p-in-lower-y) → intro-exists p (p-in-upper-x , y≤z p p-in-lower-y)) ( x<y) concatenate-leq-le-ℝ : leq-ℝ x y → le-ℝ y z → le-ℝ x z concatenate-leq-le-ℝ x≤y y<z = elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x z) ( λ p (p-in-upper-y , p-in-lower-z) → intro-exists ( p) ( forward-implication ( leq-iff-ℝ' x y) ( x≤y) ( p) ( p-in-upper-y) , p-in-lower-z)) ( y<z)
The reals have no lower or upper bound
module _ {l : Level} (x : ℝ l) where exists-lesser-ℝ : exists (ℝ lzero) (λ y → le-ℝ-Prop y x) exists-lesser-ℝ = elim-exists ( ∃ (ℝ lzero) (λ y → le-ℝ-Prop y x)) ( λ q q-in-lx → intro-exists ( real-ℚ q) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ x q) q-in-lx)) ( is-inhabited-lower-cut-ℝ x) exists-greater-ℝ : exists (ℝ lzero) (λ y → le-ℝ-Prop x y) exists-greater-ℝ = elim-exists ( ∃ (ℝ lzero) (λ y → le-ℝ-Prop x y)) ( λ q q-in-ux → intro-exists ( real-ℚ q) ( elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x (real-ℚ q)) ( λ r (r<q , r-in-ux) → intro-exists r (r-in-ux , r<q)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) q-in-ux))) ( is-inhabited-upper-cut-ℝ x)
Negation reverses the strict ordering of real numbers
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where reverses-order-neg-ℝ : le-ℝ x y → le-ℝ (neg-ℝ y) (neg-ℝ x) reverses-order-neg-ℝ = elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop (neg-ℝ y) (neg-ℝ x)) ( λ p (p-in-ux , p-in-ly) → intro-exists ( neg-ℚ p) ( tr (is-in-lower-cut-ℝ y) (inv (neg-neg-ℚ p)) p-in-ly , tr (is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x) (inv (neg-neg-ℚ p)) p-in-ux))
If x
is less than y
, then y
is not less than or equal to x
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where not-leq-le-ℝ : le-ℝ x y → ¬ (leq-ℝ y x) not-leq-le-ℝ x<y y≤x = elim-exists ( empty-Prop) ( λ q (q-in-ux , q-in-ly) → is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x q (y≤x q q-in-ly , q-in-ux)) ( x<y)
If x
is not less than y
, then y
is less than or equal to x
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where leq-not-le-ℝ : ¬ (le-ℝ x y) → leq-ℝ y x leq-not-le-ℝ x≮y p p∈ly = elim-exists ( lower-cut-ℝ x p) ( λ q (p<q , q∈ly) → elim-disjunction ( lower-cut-ℝ x p) ( id) ( λ q∈ux → ex-falso (x≮y (intro-exists q (q∈ux , q∈ly)))) ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ x p q p<q)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ y p) p∈ly)
If x
is less than or equal to y
, then y
is not less than x
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where not-le-leq-ℝ : leq-ℝ x y → ¬ (le-ℝ y x) not-le-leq-ℝ x≤y y<x = not-leq-le-ℝ y x y<x x≤y
is less than or equal to y
if and only if y
is not less than x
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where leq-iff-not-le-ℝ : leq-ℝ x y ↔ ¬ (le-ℝ y x) pr1 leq-iff-not-le-ℝ = not-le-leq-ℝ x y pr2 leq-iff-not-le-ℝ = leq-not-le-ℝ y x
A rational is in the lower cut of x
iff its real projection is less than x
module _ {l : Level} (q : ℚ) (x : ℝ l) where le-iff-lower-cut-real-ℚ : is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x q ↔ le-ℝ (real-ℚ q) x le-iff-lower-cut-real-ℚ = is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ x q le-lower-cut-real-ℚ : is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x q → le-ℝ (real-ℚ q) x le-lower-cut-real-ℚ = forward-implication le-iff-lower-cut-real-ℚ lower-cut-real-le-ℚ : le-ℝ (real-ℚ q) x → is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x q lower-cut-real-le-ℚ = backward-implication le-iff-lower-cut-real-ℚ
A rational is in the upper cut of x
iff its real projection is greater than x
module _ {l : Level} (q : ℚ) (x : ℝ l) where le-upper-cut-real-ℚ : is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q → le-ℝ x (real-ℚ q) le-upper-cut-real-ℚ H = map-tot-exists ( λ p (p<q , p∈ux) → (p∈ux , p<q)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) H) upper-cut-real-le-ℚ : le-ℝ x (real-ℚ q) → is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q upper-cut-real-le-ℚ H = backward-implication ( is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) ( map-tot-exists (λ _ (p>x , p<q) → (p<q , p>x)) H) le-iff-upper-cut-real-ℚ : is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q ↔ le-ℝ x (real-ℚ q) pr1 le-iff-upper-cut-real-ℚ = le-upper-cut-real-ℚ pr2 le-iff-upper-cut-real-ℚ = upper-cut-real-le-ℚ
Strict inequality on the real numbers is dense
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : ℝ l1) (y : ℝ l2) where dense-le-ℝ : le-ℝ x y → exists (ℝ lzero) (λ z → le-ℝ-Prop x z ∧ le-ℝ-Prop z y) dense-le-ℝ = elim-exists ( ∃ (ℝ lzero) (λ z → le-ℝ-Prop x z ∧ le-ℝ-Prop z y)) ( λ q (q∈ux , q∈ly) → map-binary-exists ( λ z → le-ℝ x z × le-ℝ z y) ( λ _ _ → real-ℚ q) ( λ p r (p<q , p∈ux) (q<r , r∈ly) → intro-exists p (p∈ux , p<q) , intro-exists r (q<r , r∈ly)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) q∈ux) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ y q) q∈ly))
Strict inequality on the real numbers is cotransitive
cotransitive-le-ℝ : is-cotransitive-Large-Relation-Prop ℝ le-ℝ-Prop cotransitive-le-ℝ x y z = elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x z ∨ le-ℝ-Prop z y) ( λ q (x<q , q<y) → elim-exists ( le-ℝ-Prop x z ∨ le-ℝ-Prop z y) ( λ p (p<q , x<p) → elim-disjunction ( le-ℝ-Prop x z ∨ le-ℝ-Prop z y) ( λ p<z → inl-disjunction (intro-exists p (x<p , p<z))) ( λ z<q → inr-disjunction (intro-exists q (z<q , q<y))) ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ z p q p<q)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) x<q))
- [UF13]
- The Univalent Foundations Program. Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics. Institute for Advanced Study, 2013. URL:, arXiv:1308.0729.
Recent changes
- 2025-02-12. Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke. Apartness for real numbers (#1296).
- 2025-02-08. Louis Wasserman. Real numbers are dense (#1287).
- 2025-02-08. Louis Wasserman. For
x y : ℚ
,x < y
if and only ifreal-ℚ x < real-ℚ y
(#1293). - 2025-02-08. Louis Wasserman.
q : ℚ
is in the lower cut of a real only if real-ℚ q is less than that real, and analogously for the upper cut (#1302). - 2025-02-08. Louis Wasserman. Relationships between inequality, strict inequality, and their negations on reals (#1288).