Orientations of the complete undirected graph
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Eléonore Mangel, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Elisabeth Stenholm, Julian KG, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-04-04.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module univalent-combinatorics.orientations-complete-undirected-graph where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import finite-group-theory.transpositions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.decidable-equivalence-relations open import foundation.decidable-propositions open import foundation.decidable-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalence-classes open import foundation.equivalence-extensionality open import foundation.equivalence-relations open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.functoriality-propositional-truncation open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.injective-maps open import foundation.intersections-subtypes open import foundation.involutions open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.mere-equivalences open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.sets open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import univalent-combinatorics.2-element-decidable-subtypes open import univalent-combinatorics.2-element-types open import univalent-combinatorics.counting open import univalent-combinatorics.decidable-subtypes open import univalent-combinatorics.equality-finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.equality-standard-finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.symmetric-difference
module _ {l : Level} (n : ℕ) (X : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) where orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : UU (lsuc l) orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph = ( (P , H) : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l (type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) → Σ (type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X) (type-Decidable-Prop ∘ P) is-set-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : is-set orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph is-set-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph = is-set-Π ( λ (P , H) → is-set-Σ ( is-set-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X) ( λ x → is-set-is-prop (is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop (P x)))) 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph → 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l (type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X) → Decidable-Prop l pr1 (2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d d' Y) = d Y ≠ d' Y pr1 (pr2 (2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d d' Y)) = is-prop-neg pr2 (pr2 (2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d d' Y)) = is-decidable-neg ( has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( pr1 Y) ( is-finite-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( d Y) ( d' Y)) is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference : (d d' : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) → is-finite ( Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l (type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d d' Y))) is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d d' = is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d d') ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X) mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph → Fin 2 mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d' = mod-two-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d d')) abstract equiv-symmetric-difference-subtype-pointwise-difference : ( d1 d2 d3 : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) → ( type-decidable-subtype ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3)) ≃ type-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3)) equiv-symmetric-difference-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2 d3 = equiv-Σ ( λ x → pr1 (subtype-decidable-subtype (2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3) ( x))) ( id-equiv) ( λ Y → equiv-iff ( prop-Decidable-Prop ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3) ( Y))) ( prop-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3 Y)) ( f Y) ( g Y)) where f : (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) → type-Prop ( prop-Decidable-Prop ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3) ( Y))) → type-Prop ( prop-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3 Y)) f Y (inl (pair np nnq)) r = np (r ∙ inv ( double-negation-elim-is-decidable ( has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( pr1 Y) ( is-finite-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( d2 Y) ( d3 Y)) ( nnq))) f Y (inr (pair nq nnp)) r = nq ( ( inv ( double-negation-elim-is-decidable ( has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( pr1 Y) ( is-finite-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( d1 Y) ( d2 Y)) ( nnp))) ∙ ( r)) cases-g : (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) → d1 Y ≠ d3 Y → (is-decidable (d1 Y = d2 Y)) → is-decidable (d2 Y = d3 Y) → ((d1 Y ≠ d2 Y) × ¬ (d2 Y ≠ d3 Y)) + ((d2 Y ≠ d3 Y) × ¬ (d1 Y ≠ d2 Y)) cases-g Y nr (inl p) (inl q) = ex-falso (nr (p ∙ q)) cases-g Y nr (inl p) (inr nq) = inr (pair nq (λ f → f p)) cases-g Y nr (inr np) (inl q) = inl (pair np (λ f → f q)) cases-g Y nr (inr np) (inr nq) = ex-falso (apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop ( pr2 Y) ( empty-Prop) ( λ h → contradiction-3-distinct-element-2-Element-Type ( 2-element-type-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype Y) ( d1 Y) ( d2 Y) ( d3 Y) ( np) ( nq) ( nr))) g : (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) → type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3 Y) → type-Decidable-Prop ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3) Y) g Y r = cases-g Y r ( has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( pr1 Y) ( is-finite-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( d1 Y) ( d2 Y)) ( has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( pr1 Y) ( is-finite-type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( d2 Y) ( d3 Y)) is-symmetric-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : ( d d' : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) (m : Fin 2) → Id ( m) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d') → Id ( m) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d' d) is-symmetric-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d' m p = ( p) ∙ ( ap ( mod-two-ℕ ∘ number-of-elements-has-finite-cardinality) ( all-elements-equal-has-finite-cardinality ( has-finite-cardinality-d'-d) ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d' d)))) where has-finite-cardinality-d'-d : has-finite-cardinality ( Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d' d Y))) pr1 has-finite-cardinality-d'-d = pr1 ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d d')) pr2 has-finite-cardinality-d'-d = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop ( pr2 ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d d'))) ( trunc-Prop ( ( Fin (pr1 has-finite-cardinality-d'-d)) ≃ ( Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → d' Y ≠ d Y)))) ( λ h → unit-trunc-Prop (h' ∘e h)) where h' : Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → d Y ≠ d' Y) ≃ Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → d' Y ≠ d Y) pr1 h' (pair Y np) = pair Y (λ p' → np (inv p')) pr2 h' = is-equiv-is-invertible ( λ (pair Y np) → pair Y (λ p' → np (inv p'))) ( λ (pair Y np) → eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-is-prop is-prop-neg)) ( λ (pair Y np) → eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-is-prop is-prop-neg)) eq-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : (d1 d2 d3 : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) (m : Fin 2) → Id ( m) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d2) → Id ( m) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d2 d3) → Id ( zero-Fin 1) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d3) eq-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d2 d3 m p1 p2 = inv ( is-zero-mod-succ-ℕ ( 1) ( dist-ℕ (k1 +ℕ k2) (2 *ℕ k')) ( transitive-cong-ℕ ( 2) ( k1 +ℕ k2) ( zero-ℕ) ( 2 *ℕ k') ( scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ' 2 0 2 k' (cong-zero-ℕ' 2)) ( transitive-cong-ℕ 2 ( k1 +ℕ k2) ( add-ℕ ( nat-Fin 2 ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d2)) ( nat-Fin 2 ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d2 d3))) ( zero-ℕ) ( concatenate-eq-cong-ℕ 2 ( ( ap-binary ( add-ℕ) ( ap (nat-Fin 2) (inv p1)) ( ap (nat-Fin 2) (inv p2))) ∙ ( ap ( λ n → n +ℕ (nat-Fin 2 m)) ( inv (left-unit-law-mul-ℕ (nat-Fin 2 m))))) ( scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ' 2 2 0 (nat-Fin 2 m) (cong-zero-ℕ' 2))) ( symmetric-cong-ℕ 2 ( add-ℕ ( nat-Fin 2 ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d2)) ( nat-Fin 2 ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d2 d3))) ( k1 +ℕ k2) ( cong-add-ℕ k1 k2))))) ∙ ( ap ( mod-two-ℕ) ( ( symmetric-dist-ℕ (k1 +ℕ k2) (2 *ℕ k')) ∙ ( inv ( rewrite-left-add-dist-ℕ ( k) ( 2 *ℕ k') ( k1 +ℕ k2) ( inv ( eq-symmetric-difference ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3)))) ∙ ( ap ( number-of-elements-has-finite-cardinality) ( all-elements-equal-has-finite-cardinality ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3)) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X))) ( pair ( number-of-elements-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X))) ( transitive-mere-equiv _ _ _ ( unit-trunc-Prop ( inv-equiv ( equiv-symmetric-difference-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2 d3))) ( pr2 ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d3) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X))))))))))) where k : ℕ k = number-of-elements-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( symmetric-difference-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3)) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X)) k1 : ℕ k1 = number-of-elements-is-finite (is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) k2 : ℕ k2 = number-of-elements-is-finite (is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3) k' : ℕ k' = number-of-elements-is-finite ( is-finite-type-decidable-subtype ( intersection-decidable-subtype ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d1 d2) ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference d2 d3)) ( is-finite-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype n X)) even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : equivalence-relation lzero orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph pr1 even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d' = Id-Prop ( Fin-Set 2) ( zero-Fin 1) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d') pr1 (pr2 even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) d = ap ( mod-two-ℕ ∘ number-of-elements-has-finite-cardinality) ( all-elements-equal-has-finite-cardinality ( pair ( 0) ( unit-trunc-Prop (equiv-is-empty id (λ (_ , np) → np refl)))) ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference d d))) pr1 (pr2 (pr2 even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph)) d d' p = is-symmetric-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d d' (zero-Fin 1) p pr2 (pr2 (pr2 even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph)) d1 d2 d3 p1 p2 = eq-mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph d1 d2 d3 (zero-Fin 1) p2 p1 abstract is-decidable-even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph : (Y Y' : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) → is-decidable ( sim-equivalence-relation ( even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph) ( Y) ( Y')) is-decidable-even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph Y Y' = has-decidable-equality-is-finite ( is-finite-Fin 2) ( zero-Fin 1) ( mod-two-number-of-differences-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph Y Y') quotient-sign : UU (lsuc l) quotient-sign = equivalence-class even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph quotient-sign-Set : Set (lsuc l) quotient-sign-Set = equivalence-class-Set even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph module _ {l : Level} (n : ℕ) where map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv : (X X' : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) → ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X ≃ type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X') → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X' pr1 (map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d Y) = map-equiv e (pr1 (d (precomp-equiv-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype e Y))) pr2 (map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d Y) = pr2 (d (precomp-equiv-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype e Y)) orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv : (X X' : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) → ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X ≃ type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X') → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X ≃ orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X' pr1 (orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e) = map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e pr2 (orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e) = is-equiv-is-invertible ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X' X (inv-equiv e)) ( λ d → eq-htpy ( λ Y → eq-pair-Σ (( ( ap ( λ Y' → (map-equiv e ∘ (map-equiv (inv-equiv e))) (pr1 (d Y'))) ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( λ h → pr1 Y ∘ map-equiv h) ( left-inverse-law-equiv (inv-equiv e))) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop))) ∙ ( ap ( λ h → map-equiv h (pr1 (d Y))) ( left-inverse-law-equiv (inv-equiv e))))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y (pr1 (id d Y))))))) ( λ d → eq-htpy ( λ Y → eq-pair-Σ ( ( ap ( λ Y' → (map-equiv (inv-equiv e) ∘ map-equiv e) (pr1 (d Y'))) ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( λ h → pr1 Y ∘ map-equiv h) ( right-inverse-law-equiv (inv-equiv e))) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop))) ∙ ( ap ( λ h → map-equiv h (pr1 (d Y))) ( right-inverse-law-equiv (inv-equiv e)))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y (pr1 (id d Y))))))) abstract preserves-id-equiv-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv : (X : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) → Id (orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X id-equiv) id-equiv preserves-id-equiv-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X = eq-htpy-equiv ( λ d → eq-htpy ( λ Y → eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( pr1 ∘ d) ( eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop ( pr1 Y (pr1 (map-equiv id-equiv d Y))))))) preserves-comp-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv : ( X Y Z : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) (e : type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X ≃ type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n Y) → (f : type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n Y ≃ type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n Z) → Id ( orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X Z (f ∘e e)) ( ( orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv Y Z f) ∘e ( orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X Y e)) preserves-comp-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X Y Z e f = eq-htpy-equiv ( λ d → eq-htpy ( λ S → eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( λ S' → map-equiv (f ∘e e) (pr1 (d S'))) ( htpy-eq ( preserves-comp-precomp-equiv-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype e f) ( S))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop ( pr1 S ( pr1 ( map-equiv ( orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv Y Z f ∘e orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X Y e) ( d) ( S)))))))) preserves-even-difference-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv : ( X X' : Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ l n) ( e : type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X ≃ type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X') → ( d d' : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X) → ( sim-equivalence-relation ( even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X) ( d) ( d') ↔ sim-equivalence-relation ( even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X') ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d')) pr1 ( preserves-even-difference-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d d') = _∙ ap ( mod-two-ℕ ∘ number-of-elements-has-finite-cardinality) ( all-elements-equal-has-finite-cardinality ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference n X d d')) ( pair ( number-of-elements-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference n X' ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d'))) ( map-trunc-Prop ( equiv-subtype-pointwise-difference-equiv ∘e_) ( pr2 ( has-finite-cardinality-is-finite ( is-finite-subtype-pointwise-difference n X' ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d'))))))) where equiv-subtype-pointwise-difference-equiv : Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X')) ( λ Y → type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference n X' ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d') ( Y))) ≃ Σ ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l ( type-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ n X)) ( λ Y → type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference n X d d' Y)) pr1 (pr1 equiv-subtype-pointwise-difference-equiv (pair Y NQ)) = precomp-equiv-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype e Y pr2 (pr1 equiv-subtype-pointwise-difference-equiv (pair Y NQ)) p = NQ ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap (map-equiv e) (pr1 (pair-eq-Σ p))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop ( pr1 ( Y) ( pr1 ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d' Y)))))) pr2 equiv-subtype-pointwise-difference-equiv = is-equiv-is-invertible ( λ (pair Y NQ) → pair ( precomp-equiv-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype (inv-equiv e) Y) ( λ p → NQ ( eq-pair-Σ ( ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 (d Y')) ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( λ h → pr1 Y ∘ (map-equiv h)) ( inv (left-inverse-law-equiv e))) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop))) ∙ ( ( is-injective-equiv e (pr1 (pair-eq-Σ p))) ∙ ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 (d' Y')) ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap ( λ h → pr1 Y ∘ map-equiv h) ( left-inverse-law-equiv e)) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop))))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y (pr1 (d' Y)))))))) ( λ (pair Y NQ) → eq-pair-Σ ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap (λ h → pr1 Y ∘ map-equiv h) (left-inverse-law-equiv e)) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop)) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference n X d d' Y)))) ( λ (pair Y NQ) → eq-pair-Σ ( eq-pair-Σ ( ap (λ h → pr1 Y ∘ map-equiv h) (right-inverse-law-equiv e)) ( eq-is-prop is-prop-type-trunc-Prop)) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-type-Decidable-Prop ( 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-subtype-pointwise-difference ( n) ( X') ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d') ( Y))))) pr2 ( preserves-even-difference-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d d') P = tr ( λ g → sim-equivalence-relation ( even-difference-orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph n X) ( map-equiv g d) ( map-equiv g d')) { x = orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X' X (inv-equiv e) ∘e orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e} { y = id-equiv} ( ( inv ( preserves-comp-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' X e (inv-equiv e))) ∙ ( ( ap ( orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X) ( left-inverse-law-equiv e)) ∙ ( preserves-id-equiv-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv ( X)))) ( pr1 ( preserves-even-difference-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv ( X') ( X) ( inv-equiv e) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d) ( map-orientation-complete-undirected-graph-equiv X X' e d')) ( P))
module _ {l : Level} {X : UU l} (eX : count X) (ineq : leq-ℕ 2 (number-of-elements-count eX)) where cases-orientation-aut-count : (e : X ≃ X) ( Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) ( two-elements : Σ X ( λ x → Σ X ( λ y → Σ (x ≠ y) ( λ np → Id ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)) ( Y))))) → is-decidable ( Id (map-equiv e (pr1 two-elements)) (pr1 two-elements)) → is-decidable ( Id (map-equiv e (pr1 (pr2 two-elements))) (pr1 (pr2 two-elements))) → Σ X (λ z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y z)) cases-orientation-aut-count e Y (pair x (pair y (pair np P))) (inl q) r = pair x (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z x)) P (inl refl)) cases-orientation-aut-count e Y (pair x (pair y (pair np P))) (inr nq) (inl nr) = pair y (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z y)) P (inr refl)) cases-orientation-aut-count e Y (pair x (pair y (pair np P))) (inr nq) (inr nr) = pair x (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z x)) P (inl refl)) orientation-aut-count : X ≃ X → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( pair X (unit-trunc-Prop (equiv-count eX))) orientation-aut-count e Y = cases-orientation-aut-count e Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv e (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv e (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) cases-orientation-two-elements-count : ( i j : X) ( Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) ( two-elements : Σ X ( λ x → Σ X ( λ y → Σ (x ≠ y) ( λ np' → Id ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ( Y))))) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) i) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) j) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 (pr2 two-elements)) i) → Σ X (λ z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y z)) cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inl q) r s = pair y (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z y)) P (inr refl)) cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inl r) (inl s) = pair x (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z x)) P (inl refl)) cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inl r) (inr ns) = pair y (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z y)) P (inr refl)) cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inr nr) s = pair x (tr (λ Z → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Z x)) P (inl refl)) orientation-two-elements-count : (i j : X) → i ≠ j → orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( pair X (unit-trunc-Prop (equiv-count eX))) orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y = cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) i) first-element-count : X first-element-count = map-equiv-count ( eX) ( pr1 ( two-distinct-elements-leq-2-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( ineq))) second-element-count : X second-element-count = map-equiv-count ( eX) ( pr1 ( pr2 ( two-distinct-elements-leq-2-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( ineq)))) abstract distinct-two-elements-count : first-element-count ≠ second-element-count distinct-two-elements-count p = pr2 ( pr2 ( two-distinct-elements-leq-2-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( ineq))) ( is-injective-equiv (equiv-count eX) p) canonical-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-count : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X canonical-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype-count = standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( distinct-two-elements-count) canonical-orientation-count : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( pair X (unit-trunc-Prop (equiv-count eX))) canonical-orientation-count = orientation-two-elements-count ( first-element-count) ( second-element-count) ( distinct-two-elements-count) transitive-canonical-orientation-count : orientation-Complete-Undirected-Graph ( number-of-elements-count eX) ( pair X (unit-trunc-Prop (equiv-count eX))) transitive-canonical-orientation-count = orientation-two-elements-count ( second-element-count) ( first-element-count) ( λ p → distinct-two-elements-count (inv p)) abstract cases-inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) x) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) i)) + ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) x)) → Id ( pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y)) ( x) cases-inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inl (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( pr1 d) ( pr2 d) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i)))) { x = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( i)) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( j))} { y = pair (inr (λ p → nq (inv r1 ∙ p))) (inr (λ p → nr (inv r1 ∙ p)))} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j))))) ∙ ( r1) cases-inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inr (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( d) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( j)) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i)))) { x = has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( i)} { y = inl r1} ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i)))) ∙ ( r2) inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y x)) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y i)) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → Id ( pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y)) ( x) inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x p1 p2 nq nr = cases-inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr ( eq-two-elements-transposition eX Y x i nq p1 p2) cases-inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) x) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) i)) + ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) x)) → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y))) ( x) cases-inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inl (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y) ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( d) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))) { x = has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))} { y = inl ( tr ( λ y → Id ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y)) ( y)) ( inv r1) ( is-fixed-point-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( x) ( λ q → nq (inv q)) ( λ r → nr (inv r))))} ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))) ∙ ( r1) cases-inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inr (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ w → pr1 ( cases-orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y) ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( pr1 w) ( pr2 w))) { x = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))))} { y = pair ( inr ( λ s → np ( inv r1 ∙ ( inv s ∙ tr ( λ y → Id ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y)) ( j)) ( inv r1) ( left-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))))) ( inl ( tr ( λ y → Id ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y)) ( y)) ( inv r2) ( is-fixed-point-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( x) ( λ q → nq (inv q)) ( λ r → nr (inv r)))))} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))))) ∙ ( r2) inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y x)) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y i)) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y))) ( x) inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x p1 p2 nq nr = cases-inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr ( eq-two-elements-transposition eX Y x i nq p1 p2) cases-inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) x) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) j)) + ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) x)) → Id ( pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y)) ( x) cases-inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inl (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( pr1 d) ( pr2 d) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i)))) { x = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( i)) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( j))} { y = pair (inr (λ p → nq (inv r1 ∙ p))) (inr (λ p → nr (inv r1 ∙ p)))} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j))))) ∙ ( r1) cases-inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inr (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( pr1 d) ( pr2 d) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i)))) { x = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( i)) ( has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) ( j))} { y = pair (inr λ p → np (inv p ∙ r1)) (inl r1)} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) i))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j))))) ∙ ( ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( inr λ p → np (inv p ∙ r1)) ( inl r1) ( d))) { x = has-decidable-equality-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i)} { y = inr (λ q → nq (inv r2 ∙ q))} ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count ( eX) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( i))))) ∙ ( r2)) inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y x)) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y j)) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → Id ( pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y)) ( x) inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x p1 p2 nq nr = cases-inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr ( eq-two-elements-transposition eX Y x j nr p1 p2) cases-inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) x) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) j)) + ( ( Id (pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)) j) × ( Id (pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) x)) → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y))) ( x) cases-inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inl (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ d → pr1 ( cases-orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y) ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( d) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))) { x = has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))} { y = inl ( tr ( λ y → Id ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y)) ( y)) ( inv r1) ( is-fixed-point-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( x) ( λ q → nq (inv q)) ( λ r → nr (inv r))))} ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))) ∙ ( r1) cases-inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr (inr (pair r1 r2)) = ( ap ( λ w → pr1 ( cases-orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y) ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( pr1 w) ( pr2 w))) { x = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))))} { y = pair ( inr λ s → np ( ( tr ( λ y → Id ( i) ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y))) ( inv r1) ( inv ( right-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ∙ ( s ∙ r1)))) ( inl ( tr ( λ y → Id ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( y)) ( y)) ( inv r2) ( is-fixed-point-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( x) ( λ q → nq (inv q)) ( λ r → nr (inv r)))))} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))) ( pr1 (pr2 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))))))) ∙ ( r2) inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) (Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) (x : X) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y x)) → ( type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y j)) → x ≠ i → x ≠ j → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y))) ( x) inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x p1 p2 nq nr = cases-inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x nq nr ( eq-two-elements-transposition eX Y x j nr p1 p2) cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count : ( i j : X) ( np : i ≠ j) ( two-elements : Σ X ( λ x → Σ X ( λ y → Σ (x ≠ y) ( λ np' → Id ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))))) → (q : is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) i)) → (r : is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) j)) → (s : is-decidable (Id (pr1 (pr2 two-elements)) i)) → (t : is-decidable (Id (pr1 (pr2 two-elements)) j)) → Id ( pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)) ( two-elements) ( q) ( r) ( s))) ( j) cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inl q) r s (inl t) = t cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inl q) r s (inr nt) = ex-falso ( nt ( ( inv ( left-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np'))) ∙ ( ( ap ( map-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ( q)) ∙ ( ( ap (λ Y → map-transposition Y i) P) ∙ ( left-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))))) cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inl r) (inl s) t = r cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inl r) (inr ns) t = ex-falso ( ns ( ( inv ( left-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np'))) ∙ ( ( ap ( map-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ( r)) ∙ ( ( ap (λ Y → map-transposition Y j) P) ∙ ( right-computation-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))))) cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) (inr nq) (inr nr) s t = ex-falso ( contradiction-3-distinct-element-2-Element-Type ( 2-element-type-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)) ( pair i (inl refl)) ( pair j (inr refl)) ( pair ( x) (tr (λ Y → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y x)) P (inl refl))) ( λ eq → np (pr1 (pair-eq-Σ eq))) ( λ eq → nr (inv (pr1 (pair-eq-Σ eq)))) ( λ eq → nq (inv (pr1 (pair-eq-Σ eq))))) eq-orientation-two-elements-count : (i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-two-elements-count i j np ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))) ( j) eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np = cases-eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np ( two-elements-transposition eX ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 ( two-elements-transposition eX ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))) ( i)) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 ( two-elements-transposition eX ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))) ( j)) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 ( pr2 ( two-elements-transposition eX ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))))) ( i)) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( pr1 ( pr2 ( two-elements-transposition eX ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))))) ( j)) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left : ( i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) → ( Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))) ( j)) → ( Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) → ( two-elements : Σ X ( λ x → Σ X ( λ y → Σ (x ≠ y) ( λ np' → Id ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ( Y))))) → Id (two-elements-transposition eX Y) two-elements → is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) i) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 two-elements) j) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 (pr2 two-elements)) i) → is-decidable (Id (pr1 (pr2 two-elements)) j) → Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y))) ( pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y)) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inl q) r s (inl t) = ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y'))) ( inv P ∙ ( eq-equal-elements-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np') ( np) ( q) ( t)))) ∙ ( Q ∙ ( ( inv (eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np)) ∙ ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y')) ( ( eq-equal-elements-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype (has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( np') ( inv q) ( inv t)) ∙ ( P))))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inl q) r s (inr nt) = ( inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y y ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' y)) P (inr refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' i)) P (inl q)) ( λ s' → np' (q ∙ inv s')) ( nt)) ∙ ( inv ( inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y y ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' y)) P (inr refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' i)) P (inl q)) ( λ s' → np' (q ∙ inv s')) ( nt))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inr nq) (inl r) (inl s) t = ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y'))) ( inv P ∙ ( ( is-commutative-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np')) ∙ ( eq-equal-elements-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( λ p → np' (inv p)) ( np) ( s) ( r))))) ∙ ( Q ∙ ( ( inv (eq-orientation-two-elements-count i j np)) ∙ ( ap ( λ Y' → pr1 (orientation-two-elements-count i j np Y')) ( eq-equal-elements-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( λ p → np' (inv p)) ( inv s) ( inv r) ∙ ( ( inv ( is-commutative-standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np'))) ∙ ( P)))))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inr nq) (inl r) (inr ns) t = ( inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y y ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' y)) P (inr refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' j)) P (inl r)) ( ns) ( λ t' → np' (r ∙ inv t'))) ∙ ( inv ( inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y y ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' y)) P (inr refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' j)) P (inl r)) ( ns) ( λ t' → np' (r ∙ inv t')))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inr nq) (inr nr) (inl s) t = ( inward-edge-left-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' x)) P (inl refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' i)) P (inr s)) ( nq) ( nr)) ∙ ( inv ( inward-edge-left-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' x)) P (inl refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' i)) P (inr s)) ( nq) ( nr))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inr nq) (inr nr) (inr ns) (inl t) = ( inward-edge-right-transposition-orientation-count i j np Y x ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' x)) P (inl refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' j)) P (inr t)) ( nq) ( nr)) ∙ ( inv ( inward-edge-right-two-elements-orientation-count i j np Y x ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' x)) P (inl refl)) ( tr (λ Y' → type-Decidable-Prop (pr1 Y' j)) P (inr t)) ( nq) ( nr))) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-left i j np Q Y (pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) R (inr nq) (inr nr) (inr ns) (inr nt) = ( ap ( λ w → pr1 ( cases-orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( Y) ( pr1 w) ( pr2 w) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 w)))) (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 w)))))) { x = pair ( two-elements-transposition eX Y) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y))) ( pr1 (two-elements-transposition eX Y)))} { y = pair ( pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) ( inl ( is-fixed-point-standard-transposition ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np) ( x) ( λ q → nq (inv q)) ( λ r → nr (inv r))))} ( eq-pair-Σ ( R) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-is-decidable ( is-set-count eX ( map-equiv ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( x)) ( x)))))) ∙ ( ap ( λ w → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y ( pair x (pair y (pair np' P))) ( pr1 w) ( pr2 w) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX y i))) { x = pair (inr nq) (inr nr)} { y = pair ( has-decidable-equality-count eX x i) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX x j)} ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-decidable (is-set-count eX x i))) ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-decidable (is-set-count eX x j)))) ∙ ap ( λ k → pr1 ( cases-orientation-two-elements-count i j Y k ( has-decidable-equality-count eX (pr1 k) i) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX (pr1 k) j) ( has-decidable-equality-count eX (pr1 (pr2 k)) i))) ( inv R)) cases-eq-orientation-aut-orientation-two-elements-count-right : ( i j : X) (np : i ≠ j) → ( Id ( pr1 ( orientation-aut-count ( transposition ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np))) ( standard-2-Element-Decidable-Subtype ( has-decidable-equality-count eX) ( np)))) ( i)) → ( Y : 2-Element-Decidable-Subtype l X) → ( two-elements : Σ X ( λ x → Σ X ( λ