Whiskering identifications with respect to concatenation
Content created by Fredrik Bakke and Raymond Baker.
Created on 2024-02-19.
Last modified on 2024-07-23.
module foundation-core.whiskering-identifications-concatenation where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-operations open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.identity-types
Consider two identifications p q : x = y
in a type A
. The whiskering operations are operations that take
identifications p = q
to identifications r ∙ p = r ∙ q
or to
identifications p ∙ r = q ∙ r
left whiskering¶
operation takes an identification r : z = x
and an identification p = q
an identification r ∙ p = r ∙ q
. Similarly, the
right whiskering¶
operation takes an identification r : y = z
and an identification p = q
an identification p ∙ r = q ∙ r
The whiskering operations can be defined by the acion on identifications of concatenation. Since concatenation on either side is an equivalence, it follows that the whiskering operations are equivalences.
Left whiskering of identifications
Left whiskering of identifications with respect to concatenation is an operation
(p : x = y) {q r : y = z} → q = r → p ∙ q = p ∙ r
on any type.
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where left-whisker-concat : left-whiskering-operation A (_=_) (_∙_) (_=_) left-whisker-concat p β = ap (p ∙_) β left-unwhisker-concat : {x y z : A} (p : x = y) {q r : y = z} → p ∙ q = p ∙ r → q = r left-unwhisker-concat = is-injective-concat
Right whiskering of identifications
Right whiskering of identifications with respect to concatenation is an operation
{p q : x = y} → p = q → (r : y = z) → p ∙ r = q ∙ r
on any type.
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where right-whisker-concat : right-whiskering-operation A (_=_) (_∙_) (_=_) right-whisker-concat α q = ap (_∙ q) α right-unwhisker-concat : {x y z : A} {p q : x = y} (r : y = z) → p ∙ r = q ∙ r → p = q right-unwhisker-concat r = is-injective-concat' r
Double whiskering of identifications
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} {a b c d : A} (p : a = b) {r s : b = c} (t : r = s) (q : c = d) where double-whisker-concat : (p ∙ r) ∙ q = (p ∙ s) ∙ q double-whisker-concat = right-whisker-concat (left-whisker-concat p t) q double-whisker-concat' : p ∙ (r ∙ q) = p ∙ (s ∙ q) double-whisker-concat' = left-whisker-concat p (right-whisker-concat t q)
The unit and absorption laws for left whiskering of identifications
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat : {x y : A} {p p' : x = y} (α : p = p') → left-whisker-concat refl α = α left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat refl = refl right-absorption-law-left-whisker-concat : {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) → left-whisker-concat p (refl {x = q}) = refl right-absorption-law-left-whisker-concat p q = refl
The unit and absorption laws for right whiskering of identifications
The right unit law for right whiskering of identifications with respect to concatenation asserts that the square of identifications
right-whisker-concat α refl
p ∙ refl -----------------------------> p' ∙ refl
| |
right-unit | |
∨ ∨
p -------------------------------------> p'
commutes for any α : p = p'
. Note that this law is slightly more complicated,
since concatenating with refl
on the right does not compute to the identity
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat : {x y : A} {p p' : x = y} (α : p = p') → right-unit ∙ α = right-whisker-concat α refl ∙ right-unit right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat {p = refl} refl = refl left-absorption-law-right-whisker-concat : {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) → right-whisker-concat (refl {x = p}) q = refl left-absorption-law-right-whisker-concat p q = refl
Commutativity of left and right whiskering of identifications
Consider four identifications p p' : x = y
and q q' : y = z
in a type A
Then the square of identifications
right-whisker α q
p ∙ q ---------------------> p' ∙ q
| |
left-whisker p β | | left-whisker p' β
∨ ∨
p ∙ q' --------------------> p' ∙ q'
right-whisker α q'
commutes. There are at least two natural ways in which this square is seen to commute:
- The square commutes by naturality of the homotopy
p ↦ left-whisker-concat p β
. - The transposed square commutes by the naturality of the homotopy
q ↦ right-whisker-concat α q
The first way can be thought of as braiding β
over α
, while the second can
be thought of braiding α
under β
. Braiding β
over α
, then braiding α
under β
results in no braid at all. Thus, these two ways in which the square
commutes are inverse to each other.
Note. The following statements could have been formalized using commuting squares of identifications. However, in order to avoid cyclic module dependencies in the library we avoid doing so.
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z : A} {p p' : x = y} {q q' : y = z} where commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat : (β : q = q') (α : p = p') → left-whisker-concat p β ∙ right-whisker-concat α q' = right-whisker-concat α q ∙ left-whisker-concat p' β commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat β = nat-htpy (λ p → left-whisker-concat p β) commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-concat : (α : p = p') (β : q = q') → right-whisker-concat α q ∙ left-whisker-concat p' β = left-whisker-concat p β ∙ right-whisker-concat α q' commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-concat α = nat-htpy (right-whisker-concat α) compute-inv-commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-concat : (β : q = q') (α : p = p') → ( inv (commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-concat α β)) = ( commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat β α) compute-inv-commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-concat refl refl = refl
Swapping the order of left and right whiskering of identifications
Consider a diagram of identifications
p -----> q
a -----> b -----> c ----->
with t : r = s
. Then the square of identifications
assoc p r q
(p ∙ r) ∙ q -------------> p ∙ (r ∙ q)
| |
double-whisker p t q | | double-whisker' p t q
∨ ∨
(p ∙ s) ∙ q -------------> p ∙ (s ∙ q)
assoc p s q
module _ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} where swap-double-whisker-concat : {a b c d : A} (p : a = b) {r s : b = c} (t : r = s) (q : c = d) → double-whisker-concat p t q ∙ assoc p s q = assoc p r q ∙ double-whisker-concat' p t q swap-double-whisker-concat refl refl refl = refl
The action on identifications of concatenating by refl
on the right
Consider an identification r : p = q
between two identifications
p q : x = y
in a type A
. Then the square of identifications
right-whisker r refl
p ∙ refl ----------------------> q ∙ refl
| |
right-unit | | right-unit
∨ ∨
p -----------------------------> q
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y : A} {p q : x = y} where compute-refl-right-whisker-concat : (r : p = q) → right-unit ∙ r = right-whisker-concat r refl ∙ right-unit compute-refl-right-whisker-concat refl = right-unit
Left whiskering of identifications distributes over concatenation
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where distributive-left-whisker-concat-concat : {a b c : A} (p : a = b) {q r s : b = c} (α : q = r) (β : r = s) → left-whisker-concat p (α ∙ β) = left-whisker-concat p α ∙ left-whisker-concat p β distributive-left-whisker-concat-concat p refl β = refl
Right whiskering of identifications distributes over concatenation
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where distributive-right-whisker-concat-concat : {a b c : A} {p q r : a = b} (α : p = q) (β : q = r) (s : b = c) → right-whisker-concat (α ∙ β) s = right-whisker-concat α s ∙ right-whisker-concat β s distributive-right-whisker-concat-concat refl β s = refl
Left whiskering of identifications commutes with inverses of identifications
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where compute-inv-left-whisker-concat : {a b c : A} (p : a = b) {q r : b = c} (s : q = r) → left-whisker-concat p (inv s) = inv (left-whisker-concat p s) compute-inv-left-whisker-concat p s = ap-inv (concat p _) s
Right whiskering of identifications commutes with inverses of identifications
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where compute-inv-right-whisker-concat : {a b c : A} {p q : a = b} (s : p = q) (r : b = c) → right-whisker-concat (inv s) r = inv (right-whisker-concat s r) compute-inv-right-whisker-concat s r = ap-inv (concat' _ r) s
Recent changes
- 2024-07-23. Raymond Baker. Eckmann-Hilton Updates (#1133).
- 2024-02-19. Fredrik Bakke. Additions for coherently invertible maps (#1024).