Inequality on the integers
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, malarbol, Bryan Lu, Julian KG, Louis Wasserman, Victor Blanchi, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-01-26.
Last modified on 2025-03-25.
module elementary-number-theory.inequality-integers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers open import elementary-number-theory.addition-positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.difference-integers open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.integers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.nonnegative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.nonpositive-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-integers open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.decidable-propositions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import order-theory.posets open import order-theory.preorders
An integer x
is less than or equal
to the integer y
if the
difference y - x
nonnegative. This relation
defines the
standard ordering¶ on the
Inequality on the integers
leq-ℤ-Prop : ℤ → ℤ → Prop lzero leq-ℤ-Prop x y = subtype-nonnegative-ℤ (y -ℤ x) leq-ℤ : ℤ → ℤ → UU lzero leq-ℤ x y = type-Prop (leq-ℤ-Prop x y) is-prop-leq-ℤ : (x y : ℤ) → is-prop (leq-ℤ x y) is-prop-leq-ℤ x y = is-prop-type-Prop (leq-ℤ-Prop x y) infix 30 _≤-ℤ_ _≤-ℤ_ = leq-ℤ
Inequality on the integers is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive
refl-leq-ℤ : (k : ℤ) → leq-ℤ k k refl-leq-ℤ k = tr is-nonnegative-ℤ (inv (right-inverse-law-add-ℤ k)) star antisymmetric-leq-ℤ : {x y : ℤ} → leq-ℤ x y → leq-ℤ y x → x = y antisymmetric-leq-ℤ {x} {y} H K = eq-diff-ℤ ( is-zero-is-nonnegative-neg-is-nonnegative-ℤ K ( is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (inv (distributive-neg-diff-ℤ x y)) H)) transitive-leq-ℤ : (k l m : ℤ) → leq-ℤ l m → leq-ℤ k l → leq-ℤ k m transitive-leq-ℤ k l m H K = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ ( triangle-diff-ℤ m l k) ( is-nonnegative-add-ℤ H K)
Inequality on the integers is decidable
is-decidable-leq-ℤ : (x y : ℤ) → (leq-ℤ x y) + ¬ (leq-ℤ x y) is-decidable-leq-ℤ x y = is-decidable-is-nonnegative-ℤ (y -ℤ x) leq-ℤ-Decidable-Prop : (x y : ℤ) → Decidable-Prop lzero leq-ℤ-Decidable-Prop x y = ( leq-ℤ x y , is-prop-leq-ℤ x y , is-decidable-leq-ℤ x y)
Inequality on the integers is linear
linear-leq-ℤ : (x y : ℤ) → (leq-ℤ x y) + (leq-ℤ y x) linear-leq-ℤ x y = map-coproduct ( λ H → is-nonnegative-is-positive-ℤ ( is-positive-eq-ℤ ( distributive-neg-diff-ℤ x y) ( is-positive-neg-is-negative-ℤ H))) ( id) ( decide-is-negative-is-nonnegative-ℤ)
An integer is lesser than its successor
succ-leq-ℤ : (k : ℤ) → leq-ℤ k (succ-ℤ k) succ-leq-ℤ k = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ ( inv ( ( left-successor-law-add-ℤ k (neg-ℤ k)) ∙ ( ap succ-ℤ (right-inverse-law-add-ℤ k)))) ( star) leq-ℤ-succ-leq-ℤ : (k l : ℤ) → leq-ℤ k l → leq-ℤ k (succ-ℤ l) leq-ℤ-succ-leq-ℤ k l = transitive-leq-ℤ k l (succ-ℤ l) (succ-leq-ℤ l)
Chaining rules for equality and inequality
concatenate-eq-leq-eq-ℤ : {x' x y y' : ℤ} → x' = x → leq-ℤ x y → y = y' → leq-ℤ x' y' concatenate-eq-leq-eq-ℤ refl H refl = H concatenate-leq-eq-ℤ : (x : ℤ) {y y' : ℤ} → leq-ℤ x y → y = y' → leq-ℤ x y' concatenate-leq-eq-ℤ x H refl = H concatenate-eq-leq-ℤ : {x x' : ℤ} (y : ℤ) → x' = x → leq-ℤ x y → leq-ℤ x' y concatenate-eq-leq-ℤ y refl H = H
Addition on the integers preserves inequality
preserves-leq-left-add-ℤ : (z x y : ℤ) → leq-ℤ x y → leq-ℤ (x +ℤ z) (y +ℤ z) preserves-leq-left-add-ℤ z x y = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (inv (right-translation-diff-ℤ y x z)) preserves-leq-right-add-ℤ : (z x y : ℤ) → leq-ℤ x y → leq-ℤ (z +ℤ x) (z +ℤ y) preserves-leq-right-add-ℤ z x y = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (inv (left-translation-diff-ℤ y x z)) preserves-leq-add-ℤ : {a b c d : ℤ} → leq-ℤ a b → leq-ℤ c d → leq-ℤ (a +ℤ c) (b +ℤ d) preserves-leq-add-ℤ {a} {b} {c} {d} H K = transitive-leq-ℤ ( a +ℤ c) ( b +ℤ c) ( b +ℤ d) ( preserves-leq-right-add-ℤ b c d K) ( preserves-leq-left-add-ℤ c a b H)
Addition on the integers reflects inequality
reflects-leq-left-add-ℤ : (z x y : ℤ) → leq-ℤ (x +ℤ z) (y +ℤ z) → leq-ℤ x y reflects-leq-left-add-ℤ z x y = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (right-translation-diff-ℤ y x z) reflects-leq-right-add-ℤ : (z x y : ℤ) → leq-ℤ (z +ℤ x) (z +ℤ y) → leq-ℤ x y reflects-leq-right-add-ℤ z x y = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (left-translation-diff-ℤ y x z)
The inclusion of ℕ into ℤ preserves inequality
leq-int-ℕ : (x y : ℕ) → leq-ℕ x y → leq-ℤ (int-ℕ x) (int-ℕ y) leq-int-ℕ zero-ℕ y H = tr ( is-nonnegative-ℤ) ( inv (right-unit-law-add-ℤ (int-ℕ y))) ( is-nonnegative-int-ℕ y) leq-int-ℕ (succ-ℕ x) (succ-ℕ y) H = tr (is-nonnegative-ℤ) ( inv (diff-succ-ℤ (int-ℕ y) (int-ℕ x)) ∙ ( ap (_-ℤ (succ-ℤ (int-ℕ x))) (succ-int-ℕ y) ∙ ap ((int-ℕ (succ-ℕ y)) -ℤ_) (succ-int-ℕ x))) ( leq-int-ℕ x y H)
The partially ordered set of integers ordered by inequality
ℤ-Preorder : Preorder lzero lzero ℤ-Preorder = (ℤ , leq-ℤ-Prop , refl-leq-ℤ , transitive-leq-ℤ) ℤ-Poset : Poset lzero lzero ℤ-Poset = (ℤ-Preorder , λ x y → antisymmetric-leq-ℤ)
An integer x
is nonnegative if and only if 0 ≤ x
module _ (x : ℤ) where abstract leq-zero-is-nonnegative-ℤ : is-nonnegative-ℤ x → leq-ℤ zero-ℤ x leq-zero-is-nonnegative-ℤ = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (inv (right-zero-law-diff-ℤ x)) is-nonnegative-leq-zero-ℤ : leq-ℤ zero-ℤ x → is-nonnegative-ℤ x is-nonnegative-leq-zero-ℤ = is-nonnegative-eq-ℤ (right-zero-law-diff-ℤ x)
An integer greater than or equal to a nonnegative integer is nonnegative
module _ (x y : ℤ) (I : leq-ℤ x y) where abstract is-nonnegative-leq-nonnegative-ℤ : is-nonnegative-ℤ x → is-nonnegative-ℤ y is-nonnegative-leq-nonnegative-ℤ H = is-nonnegative-leq-zero-ℤ y ( transitive-leq-ℤ ( zero-ℤ) ( x) ( y) ( I) ( leq-zero-is-nonnegative-ℤ x H))
An integer x
is nonpositive if and only if x ≤ 0
module _ (x : ℤ) where abstract leq-zero-is-nonpositive-ℤ : is-nonpositive-ℤ x → leq-ℤ x zero-ℤ leq-zero-is-nonpositive-ℤ = is-nonnegative-neg-is-nonpositive-ℤ is-nonpositive-leq-zero-ℤ : leq-ℤ x zero-ℤ → is-nonpositive-ℤ x is-nonpositive-leq-zero-ℤ H = is-nonpositive-eq-ℤ ( neg-neg-ℤ x) ( is-nonpositive-neg-is-nonnegative-ℤ H)
An integer less than or equal to a nonpositive integer is nonpositive
module _ (x y : ℤ) (I : leq-ℤ x y) where abstract is-nonpositive-leq-nonpositive-ℤ : is-nonpositive-ℤ y → is-nonpositive-ℤ x is-nonpositive-leq-nonpositive-ℤ H = is-nonpositive-leq-zero-ℤ x ( transitive-leq-ℤ ( x) ( y) ( zero-ℤ) ( leq-zero-is-nonpositive-ℤ y H) ( I))
Negation of integers reverses inequality
neg-leq-ℤ : (x y : ℤ) → leq-ℤ x y → leq-ℤ (neg-ℤ y) (neg-ℤ x) neg-leq-ℤ x y = tr ( is-nonnegative-ℤ) ( ap (_+ℤ neg-ℤ x) (inv (neg-neg-ℤ y)) ∙ commutative-add-ℤ (neg-ℤ (neg-ℤ y)) (neg-ℤ x))
See also
- The decidable total order on the integers is defined in
- Strict inequality on the integers is defined in
Recent changes
- 2025-03-25. Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke. Multiplication on closed intervals of rational numbers (#1351).
- 2024-04-09. malarbol and Fredrik Bakke. The additive group of rational numbers (#1100).
- 2024-03-28. malarbol and Fredrik Bakke. Refactoring positive integers (#1059).
- 2024-02-27. malarbol. Rational real numbers (#1034).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename