The universal property of the integers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Vojtěch Štěpančík.

Created on 2023-08-28.
Last modified on 2024-02-06.

module elementary-number-theory.universal-property-integers where
open import elementary-number-theory.integers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.homotopy-induction
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.universe-levels


The universal property of the integers states that given any type X equipped with a point x : X and an automorphism e : X ≃ X, there is a unique structure preserving map from to X.

  elim-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    ( k : )  P k
  elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inl zero-ℕ) =
    map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-map-equiv (pS neg-one-ℤ)) p0
  elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inl (succ-ℕ x)) =
      ( is-equiv-map-equiv (pS (inl (succ-ℕ x))))
      ( elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inl x))
  elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inl _)) = p0
  elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inr zero-ℕ)) = map-equiv (pS zero-ℤ) p0
  elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inr (succ-ℕ x))) =
      ( pS (inr (inr x)))
      ( elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inr x)))

  compute-zero-elim-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    Id (elim-ℤ P p0 pS zero-ℤ) p0
  compute-zero-elim-ℤ P p0 pS = refl

  compute-succ-elim-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) (k : ) 
    Id (elim-ℤ P p0 pS (succ-ℤ k)) (map-equiv (pS k) (elim-ℤ P p0 pS k))
  compute-succ-elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inl zero-ℕ) =
      ( is-section-map-inv-is-equiv
        ( is-equiv-map-equiv (pS (inl zero-ℕ)))
        ( elim-ℤ P p0 pS (succ-ℤ (inl zero-ℕ))))
  compute-succ-elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inl (succ-ℕ x)) =
      ( is-section-map-inv-is-equiv
        ( is-equiv-map-equiv (pS (inl (succ-ℕ x))))
        ( elim-ℤ P p0 pS (succ-ℤ (inl (succ-ℕ x)))))
  compute-succ-elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inl _)) = refl
  compute-succ-elim-ℤ P p0 pS (inr (inr _)) = refl

  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k)))  UU l1
ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS =
  Σ ( (k : )  P k)
    ( λ f 
      ( ( Id (f zero-ℤ) p0) ×
        ( (k : )  Id (f (succ-ℤ k)) ((map-equiv (pS k)) (f k)))))

Elim-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k)))  ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS
pr1 (Elim-ℤ P p0 pS) = elim-ℤ P p0 pS
pr1 (pr2 (Elim-ℤ P p0 pS)) = compute-zero-elim-ℤ P p0 pS
pr2 (pr2 (Elim-ℤ P p0 pS)) = compute-succ-elim-ℤ P p0 pS

equiv-comparison-map-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS) (k : ) 
  Id ((pr1 s) k) ((pr1 t) k)  Id ((pr1 s) (succ-ℤ k)) ((pr1 t) (succ-ℤ k))
equiv-comparison-map-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t k =
  ( ( equiv-concat (pr2 (pr2 s) k) (pr1 t (succ-ℤ k))) ∘e
    ( equiv-concat' (map-equiv (pS k) (pr1 s k)) (inv (pr2 (pr2 t) k)))) ∘e
  ( equiv-ap (pS k) (pr1 s k) (pr1 t k))

zero-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS) (H : (pr1 s) ~ (pr1 t))  UU l1
zero-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t H =
  Id (H zero-ℤ) ((pr1 (pr2 s))  (inv (pr1 (pr2 t))))

succ-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS) (H : (pr1 s) ~ (pr1 t))  UU l1
succ-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t H =
  ( k : ) 
    ( H (succ-ℤ k))
    ( map-equiv (equiv-comparison-map-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t k) (H k))

  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  UU l1
Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t =
    ( λ k  Id (pr1 s k) (pr1 t k))
    ( (pr1 (pr2 s))  (inv (pr1 (pr2 t))))
    ( equiv-comparison-map-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t)

reflexive-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1)
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s s
pr1 (reflexive-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS (f , p , H)) = refl-htpy
pr1 (pr2 (reflexive-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS (f , p , H))) = inv (right-inv p)
pr2 (pr2 (reflexive-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS (f , p , H))) = inv  (right-inv  H)

Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  Id s t  Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t
Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq P p0 pS s .s refl = reflexive-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s

  is-torsorial-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    ( s : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  is-torsorial (Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s)
  is-torsorial-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s =
      ( is-torsorial-htpy (pr1 s))
      ( pair (pr1 s) refl-htpy)
      ( is-torsorial-Eq-structure
        ( is-contr-is-equiv'
          ( Σ (Id (pr1 s zero-ℤ) p0)  α  Id α (pr1 (pr2 s))))
          ( tot  α  right-transpose-eq-concat refl α (pr1 (pr2 s))))
          ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv
            ( λ α  is-equiv-right-transpose-eq-concat refl α (pr1 (pr2 s))))
          ( is-torsorial-Id' (pr1 (pr2 s))))
        ( pair (pr1 (pr2 s)) (inv (right-inv (pr1 (pr2 s)))))
        ( is-contr-is-equiv'
          ( Σ ( ( k : )  Id (pr1 s (succ-ℤ k)) (pr1 (pS k) (pr1 s k)))
              ( λ β  β ~ (pr2 (pr2 s))))
          ( tot  β  right-transpose-htpy-concat refl-htpy β (pr2 (pr2 s))))
          ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv
            ( λ β 
              is-equiv-right-transpose-htpy-concat refl-htpy β (pr2 (pr2 s))))
          ( is-torsorial-htpy' (pr2 (pr2 s)))))

  is-equiv-Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  is-equiv (Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq P p0 pS s t)
  is-equiv-Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq P p0 pS s =
      ( is-torsorial-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s)
      ( Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq P p0 pS s)

eq-Eq-ELIM-ℤ :
  { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
  ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
  ( s t : ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)  Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t  Id s t
eq-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t = map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-Eq-ELIM-ℤ-eq P p0 pS s t)

  is-prop-ELIM-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    is-prop (ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)
  is-prop-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS =
      ( λ s t  eq-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t
        ( Elim-ℤ
          ( λ k  Id (pr1 s k) (pr1 t k))
          ( (pr1 (pr2 s))  (inv (pr1 (pr2 t))))
          ( equiv-comparison-map-Eq-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS s t)))

The dependent universal property of the integers

  is-contr-ELIM-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} (P :   UU l1) 
    ( p0 : P zero-ℤ) (pS : (k : )  (P k)  (P (succ-ℤ k))) 
    is-contr (ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS)
  is-contr-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS =
    is-proof-irrelevant-is-prop (is-prop-ELIM-ℤ P p0 pS) (Elim-ℤ P p0 pS)

The universal property of the integers

The nondependent universal property of the integers is a special case of the dependent universal property applied to constant type families.

  { l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) (e : X  X)  UU l1
ELIM-ℤ' {X = X} x e = ELIM-ℤ  k  X) x  k  e)

  universal-property-ℤ :
    { l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) (e : X  X)  is-contr (ELIM-ℤ' x e)
  universal-property-ℤ {X = X} x e = is-contr-ELIM-ℤ  k  X) x  k  e)

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