Content created by Egbert Rijke, Vojtěch Štěpančík and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2023-09-20.
Last modified on 2024-04-16.
module synthetic-homotopy-theory.coforks where
open import foundation.codiagonal-maps-of-types open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-maps open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-maps open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.double-arrows open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.equivalences-double-arrows open import foundation.equivalences-span-diagrams open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.homotopy-induction open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.morphisms-double-arrows open import foundation.morphisms-span-diagrams open import foundation.span-diagrams open import foundation.structure-identity-principle open import foundation.torsorial-type-families open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-spans
A cofork¶ of a
double arrow f, g : A → B
with vertext X
is a
map e : B → X
together with a homotopy
H : e ∘ f ~ e ∘ g
. The name comes from the diagram
-----> e
A -----> B -----> X
which looks like a fork if you flip the arrows, hence a cofork.
Coforks are an analogue of cocones under spans for double arrows. The universal cofork of a double arrow is their coequalizer.
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) where coherence-cofork : {X : UU l3} → (codomain-double-arrow a → X) → UU (l1 ⊔ l3) coherence-cofork e = e ∘ left-map-double-arrow a ~ e ∘ right-map-double-arrow a cofork : UU l3 → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) cofork X = Σ (codomain-double-arrow a → X) (coherence-cofork) module _ {X : UU l3} (e : cofork X) where map-cofork : codomain-double-arrow a → X map-cofork = pr1 e coh-cofork : coherence-cofork map-cofork coh-cofork = pr2 e
Homotopies of coforks
A homotopy between coforks with the same vertex is given by a homotopy between the two maps, together with a coherence datum asserting that we may apply the given homotopy and the appropriate cofork homotopy in either order.
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} where coherence-htpy-cofork : (e e' : cofork a X) → (K : map-cofork a e ~ map-cofork a e') → UU (l1 ⊔ l3) coherence-htpy-cofork e e' K = ( (coh-cofork a e) ∙h (K ·r right-map-double-arrow a)) ~ ( (K ·r left-map-double-arrow a) ∙h (coh-cofork a e')) htpy-cofork : cofork a X → cofork a X → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) htpy-cofork e e' = Σ ( map-cofork a e ~ map-cofork a e') ( coherence-htpy-cofork e e')
Postcomposing coforks
Given a cofork e : B → X
and a map h : X → Y
, we may compose the two to get
a new cofork h ∘ e
-----> e h
A -----> B -----> X -----> Y
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} (e : cofork a X) where cofork-map : {l : Level} {Y : UU l} → (X → Y) → cofork a Y pr1 (cofork-map h) = h ∘ map-cofork a e pr2 (cofork-map h) = h ·l (coh-cofork a e)
Characterization of identity types of coforks
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} where refl-htpy-cofork : (e : cofork a X) → htpy-cofork a e e pr1 (refl-htpy-cofork e) = refl-htpy pr2 (refl-htpy-cofork e) = right-unit-htpy htpy-cofork-eq : (e e' : cofork a X) → (e = e') → htpy-cofork a e e' htpy-cofork-eq e .e refl = refl-htpy-cofork e abstract is-torsorial-htpy-cofork : (e : cofork a X) → is-torsorial (htpy-cofork a e) is-torsorial-htpy-cofork e = is-torsorial-Eq-structure ( is-torsorial-htpy (map-cofork a e)) ( map-cofork a e , refl-htpy) ( is-contr-is-equiv' ( Σ ( coherence-cofork a (map-cofork a e)) ( λ K → coh-cofork a e ~ K)) ( tot (λ K M → right-unit-htpy ∙h M)) ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv ( is-equiv-concat-htpy right-unit-htpy)) ( is-torsorial-htpy (coh-cofork a e))) is-equiv-htpy-cofork-eq : (e e' : cofork a X) → is-equiv (htpy-cofork-eq e e') is-equiv-htpy-cofork-eq e = fundamental-theorem-id (is-torsorial-htpy-cofork e) (htpy-cofork-eq e) eq-htpy-cofork : (e e' : cofork a X) → htpy-cofork a e e' → e = e' eq-htpy-cofork e e' = map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-htpy-cofork-eq e e')
Postcomposing a cofork by identity is the identity
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} (e : cofork a X) where cofork-map-id : cofork-map a e id = e cofork-map-id = eq-htpy-cofork a ( cofork-map a e id) ( e) ( ( refl-htpy) , ( right-unit-htpy ∙h left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (coh-cofork a e)))
Postcomposing coforks distributes over function composition
-----> e h k
A -----> B -----> X -----> Y -----> Z
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} {Z : UU l5} (e : cofork a X) where cofork-map-comp : (h : X → Y) (k : Y → Z) → cofork-map a e (k ∘ h) = cofork-map a (cofork-map a e h) k cofork-map-comp h k = eq-htpy-cofork a ( cofork-map a e (k ∘ h)) ( cofork-map a (cofork-map a e h) k) ( ( refl-htpy) , ( ( right-unit-htpy) ∙h ( inv-preserves-comp-left-whisker-comp k h (coh-cofork a e))))
Coforks are special cases of cocones under spans
The type of coforks of a double arrow f, g : A → B
is equivalent to the type
of cocones under the span
∇ [f,g]
A <----- A + A -----> B.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) where vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork : domain-double-arrow a + domain-double-arrow a → domain-double-arrow a vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork = codiagonal (domain-double-arrow a) horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork : domain-double-arrow a + domain-double-arrow a → codomain-double-arrow a horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork (inl x) = left-map-double-arrow a x horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork (inr x) = right-map-double-arrow a x span-diagram-cofork : span-diagram l1 l2 l1 span-diagram-cofork = make-span-diagram ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) module _ {l3 : Level} {X : UU l3} where cofork-cocone-codiagonal : cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( X) → cofork a X pr1 (cofork-cocone-codiagonal c) = vertical-map-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( c) pr2 (cofork-cocone-codiagonal c) = ( ( inv-htpy ( coherence-square-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( c))) ·r ( inl)) ∙h ( ( coherence-square-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( c)) ·r ( inr)) horizontal-map-cocone-cofork : cofork a X → domain-double-arrow a → X horizontal-map-cocone-cofork e = map-cofork a e ∘ left-map-double-arrow a vertical-map-cocone-cofork : cofork a X → codomain-double-arrow a → X vertical-map-cocone-cofork e = map-cofork a e coherence-square-cocone-cofork : (e : cofork a X) → coherence-square-maps ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( vertical-map-cocone-cofork e) ( horizontal-map-cocone-cofork e) coherence-square-cocone-cofork e (inl x) = refl coherence-square-cocone-cofork e (inr x) = coh-cofork a e x cocone-codiagonal-cofork : cofork a X → cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( X) pr1 (cocone-codiagonal-cofork e) = horizontal-map-cocone-cofork e pr1 (pr2 (cocone-codiagonal-cofork e)) = vertical-map-cocone-cofork e pr2 (pr2 (cocone-codiagonal-cofork e)) = coherence-square-cocone-cofork e abstract is-section-cocone-codiagonal-cofork : cofork-cocone-codiagonal ∘ cocone-codiagonal-cofork ~ id is-section-cocone-codiagonal-cofork e = eq-htpy-cofork a ( cofork-cocone-codiagonal (cocone-codiagonal-cofork e)) ( e) ( refl-htpy , right-unit-htpy) is-retraction-cocone-codiagonal-fork : cocone-codiagonal-cofork ∘ cofork-cocone-codiagonal ~ id is-retraction-cocone-codiagonal-fork c = eq-htpy-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork (cofork-cocone-codiagonal c)) ( c) ( ( ( inv-htpy ( coherence-square-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( c))) ·r ( inl)) , ( refl-htpy) , ( ind-coproduct _ ( inv-htpy-left-inv-htpy ( ( coherence-square-cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( c)) ·r ( inl))) ( right-unit-htpy))) is-equiv-cofork-cocone-codiagonal : is-equiv cofork-cocone-codiagonal is-equiv-cofork-cocone-codiagonal = is-equiv-is-invertible ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork) ( is-section-cocone-codiagonal-cofork) ( is-retraction-cocone-codiagonal-fork) equiv-cocone-codiagonal-cofork : cocone ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( X) ≃ cofork a X pr1 equiv-cocone-codiagonal-cofork = cofork-cocone-codiagonal pr2 equiv-cocone-codiagonal-cofork = is-equiv-cofork-cocone-codiagonal triangle-cofork-cocone : {l3 l4 : Level} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} → (e : cofork a X) → coherence-triangle-maps ( cofork-map a e {Y = Y}) ( cofork-cocone-codiagonal) ( cocone-map ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork e)) triangle-cofork-cocone e h = eq-htpy-cofork a ( cofork-map a e h) ( cofork-cocone-codiagonal ( cocone-map ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork e) ( h))) ( refl-htpy , right-unit-htpy)
Morphisms between double arrows induce morphisms between cofork span diagrams
A --------> X
| | | |
f | | g h | | k
| | | |
∨ ∨ ∨ ∨
B --------> Y
induces a morphism of span diagrams
∇ [f,g]
A <------- A + A -------> B
| | |
i | | i + i | j
∨ ∨ ∨
X <------- X + X -------> Y
∇ [h,k]
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) (a' : double-arrow l3 l4) (h : hom-double-arrow a a') where spanning-map-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow : domain-double-arrow a + domain-double-arrow a → domain-double-arrow a' + domain-double-arrow a' spanning-map-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow = map-coproduct ( domain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h) ( domain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h) left-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow : coherence-square-maps' ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( spanning-map-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow) ( domain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h) ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a') left-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow = ind-coproduct _ refl-htpy refl-htpy right-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow : coherence-square-maps' ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( spanning-map-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow) ( codomain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a') right-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow = ind-coproduct _ ( left-square-hom-double-arrow a a' h) ( right-square-hom-double-arrow a a' h) hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow : hom-span-diagram ( span-diagram-cofork a) ( span-diagram-cofork a') pr1 (hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow) = domain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h pr1 (pr2 (hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow)) = codomain-map-hom-double-arrow a a' h pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow))) = spanning-map-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow)))) = left-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow)))) = right-square-hom-span-diagram-cofork-hom-double-arrow
Equivalences between double arrows induce equivalences between cofork span diagrams
An equivalence of double arrows
A --------> X
| | ≃ | |
f | | g h | | k
| | | |
∨ ∨ ≃ ∨ ∨
B --------> Y
induces an equivalence of span diagrams
∇ [f,g]
A <------- A + A -------> B
| | |
i | ≃ ≃ | i + i ≃ | j
∨ ∨ ∨
X <------- X + X -------> Y
∇ [h,k]
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) (a' : double-arrow l3 l4) (e : equiv-double-arrow a a') where spanning-equiv-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : domain-double-arrow a + domain-double-arrow a ≃ domain-double-arrow a' + domain-double-arrow a' spanning-equiv-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = equiv-coproduct ( domain-equiv-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) ( domain-equiv-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) left-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : coherence-square-maps' ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( map-equiv spanning-equiv-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) ( domain-map-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a') left-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = ind-coproduct _ refl-htpy refl-htpy right-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : coherence-square-maps' ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( map-equiv spanning-equiv-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) ( codomain-map-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a') right-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = ind-coproduct _ ( left-square-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) ( right-square-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : equiv-span-diagram ( span-diagram-cofork a) ( span-diagram-cofork a') pr1 (equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) = domain-equiv-equiv-double-arrow a a' e pr1 (pr2 (equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)) = codomain-equiv-equiv-double-arrow a a' e pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow))) = spanning-equiv-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)))) = left-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)))) = right-square-equiv-span-diagram-cofork-equiv-double-arrow
Recent changes
- 2024-04-16. Vojtěch Štěpančík. Descent data for sequential colimits and its version of the flattening lemma (#1109).
- 2024-04-06. Vojtěch Štěpančík. Rebase infrastructure for coequalizers to double arrows (#1098).
- 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).
- 2024-01-11. Fredrik Bakke. Make type family implicit for
(#995). - 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Refactor precomposition (#937).