Addition of lower Dedekind real numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2025-03-23.
Last modified on 2025-03-23.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.addition-lower-dedekind-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.additive-group-of-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.difference-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.binary-transport open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.conjunction open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.sets open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels open import group-theory.abelian-groups open import group-theory.commutative-monoids open import group-theory.groups open import group-theory.minkowski-multiplication-commutative-monoids open import group-theory.monoids open import group-theory.semigroups open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification open import real-numbers.lower-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-lower-dedekind-real-numbers
We introduce
of two
lower Dedekind real numbers x
and y
, which is a lower Dedekind real number with cut equal to the
Minkowski sum of
the cuts of x
and y
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : lower-ℝ l1) (y : lower-ℝ l2) where cut-add-lower-ℝ : subtype (l1 ⊔ l2) ℚ cut-add-lower-ℝ = minkowski-mul-Commutative-Monoid ( commutative-monoid-add-ℚ) ( cut-lower-ℝ x) ( cut-lower-ℝ y) is-in-cut-add-lower-ℝ : ℚ → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-in-cut-add-lower-ℝ = is-in-subtype cut-add-lower-ℝ abstract is-inhabited-cut-add-lower-ℝ : exists ℚ cut-add-lower-ℝ is-inhabited-cut-add-lower-ℝ = minkowski-mul-inhabited-is-inhabited-Commutative-Monoid ( commutative-monoid-add-ℚ) ( cut-lower-ℝ x) ( cut-lower-ℝ y) ( is-inhabited-cut-lower-ℝ x) ( is-inhabited-cut-lower-ℝ y) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-cut-add-lower-ℝ q → exists ℚ (λ r → le-ℚ-Prop q r ∧ cut-add-lower-ℝ r) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ q q<x+y = do ((lx , ly) , (lx<x , ly<y , q=lx+ly)) ← q<x+y (lx' , lx<lx' , lx'<x) ← forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-lower-ℝ x lx) lx<x (ly' , ly<ly' , ly'<y) ← forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-lower-ℝ y ly) ly<y intro-exists ( lx' +ℚ ly') ( inv-tr ( λ p → le-ℚ p (lx' +ℚ ly')) ( q=lx+ly) ( preserves-le-add-ℚ {lx} {lx'} {ly} {ly'} lx<lx' ly<ly') , intro-exists (lx' , ly') (lx'<x , ly'<y , refl)) where open do-syntax-trunc-Prop (∃ ℚ (λ r → le-ℚ-Prop q r ∧ cut-add-lower-ℝ r)) backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → exists ℚ (λ r → le-ℚ-Prop q r ∧ cut-add-lower-ℝ r) → is-in-cut-add-lower-ℝ q backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ q ∃r = do (r , q<r , r<x+y) ← ∃r ((rx , ry) , (rx<x , ry<y , r=rx+ry)) ← r<x+y let r-q⁺ = positive-diff-le-ℚ q r q<r ε⁺@(ε , _) = mediant-zero-ℚ⁺ r-q⁺ intro-exists ( rx -ℚ ε , q -ℚ (rx -ℚ ε)) ( is-in-cut-diff-rational-ℚ⁺-lower-ℝ x rx ε⁺ rx<x , is-in-cut-le-ℚ-lower-ℝ ( y) ( q -ℚ (rx -ℚ ε)) ( ry) ( binary-tr ( le-ℚ) ( equational-reasoning (q -ℚ rx) +ℚ ε = q +ℚ (neg-ℚ rx +ℚ ε) by associative-add-ℚ q (neg-ℚ rx) ε = q +ℚ (ε -ℚ rx) by ap (q +ℚ_) (commutative-add-ℚ (neg-ℚ rx) ε) = q -ℚ (rx -ℚ ε) by ap (q +ℚ_) (inv (distributive-neg-diff-ℚ rx ε))) ( equational-reasoning (q -ℚ rx) +ℚ (r -ℚ q) = (q -ℚ rx) -ℚ (q -ℚ r) by ap ((q -ℚ rx) +ℚ_) (inv (distributive-neg-diff-ℚ q r)) = neg-ℚ rx -ℚ neg-ℚ r by left-translation-diff-ℚ (neg-ℚ rx) (neg-ℚ r) q = neg-ℚ rx +ℚ (rx +ℚ ry) by ap (neg-ℚ rx +ℚ_) (neg-neg-ℚ r ∙ r=rx+ry) = ry by is-retraction-left-div-Group group-add-ℚ rx ry) ( preserves-le-right-add-ℚ ( q -ℚ rx) ( ε) ( r -ℚ q) ( le-mediant-zero-ℚ⁺ r-q⁺))) ( ry<y) , inv ( is-identity-right-conjugation-add-ℚ (rx -ℚ ε) q)) where open do-syntax-trunc-Prop (cut-add-lower-ℝ q) is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-cut-add-lower-ℝ q ↔ exists ℚ (λ r → le-ℚ-Prop q r ∧ cut-add-lower-ℝ r) is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ q = forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ q , backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ q add-lower-ℝ : lower-ℝ (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 add-lower-ℝ = cut-add-lower-ℝ pr1 (pr2 add-lower-ℝ) = is-inhabited-cut-add-lower-ℝ pr2 (pr2 add-lower-ℝ) = is-rounded-cut-add-lower-ℝ
Addition of lower Dedekind real numbers is commutative
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : lower-ℝ l1) (y : lower-ℝ l2) where abstract commutative-add-lower-ℝ : add-lower-ℝ x y = add-lower-ℝ y x commutative-add-lower-ℝ = eq-eq-cut-lower-ℝ ( add-lower-ℝ x y) ( add-lower-ℝ y x) ( commutative-minkowski-mul-Commutative-Monoid ( commutative-monoid-add-ℚ) ( cut-lower-ℝ x) ( cut-lower-ℝ y))
Addition of lower Dedekind real numbers is associative
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (x : lower-ℝ l1) (y : lower-ℝ l2) (z : lower-ℝ l3) where abstract associative-add-lower-ℝ : add-lower-ℝ (add-lower-ℝ x y) z = add-lower-ℝ x (add-lower-ℝ y z) associative-add-lower-ℝ = eq-eq-cut-lower-ℝ ( add-lower-ℝ (add-lower-ℝ x y) z) ( add-lower-ℝ x (add-lower-ℝ y z)) ( associative-minkowski-mul-Commutative-Monoid ( commutative-monoid-add-ℚ) ( cut-lower-ℝ x) ( cut-lower-ℝ y) ( cut-lower-ℝ z))
Unit laws for the addition of lower Dedekind real numbers
module _ {l : Level} (x : lower-ℝ l) where abstract right-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ : add-lower-ℝ x (lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ) = x right-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ = eq-sim-cut-lower-ℝ ( add-lower-ℝ x (lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ)) ( x) ( (λ r → elim-exists ( cut-lower-ℝ x r) ( λ (p , q) (p<x , q<0 , r=p+q) → tr ( is-in-cut-lower-ℝ x) ( ap (p +ℚ_) (neg-neg-ℚ q) ∙ inv r=p+q) ( is-in-cut-diff-rational-ℚ⁺-lower-ℝ ( x) ( p) ( neg-ℚ q , is-positive-le-zero-ℚ (neg-ℚ q) (neg-le-ℚ q zero-ℚ q<0)) ( p<x)))) , (λ p p<x → elim-exists ( cut-add-lower-ℝ x (lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ) p) ( λ q (p<q , q<x) → intro-exists ( q , p -ℚ q) ( q<x , tr ( λ r → le-ℚ r zero-ℚ) ( distributive-neg-diff-ℚ q p) ( neg-le-ℚ ( zero-ℚ) ( q -ℚ p) ( backward-implication ( iff-translate-diff-le-zero-ℚ p q) ( p<q))) , inv (is-identity-right-conjugation-add-ℚ q p))) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-lower-ℝ x p) p<x))) left-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ : add-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ) x = x left-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ = commutative-add-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ) x ∙ right-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ
The commutative monoid of lower Dedekind real numbers
semigroup-add-lower-ℝ-lzero : Semigroup (lsuc lzero) semigroup-add-lower-ℝ-lzero = (lower-ℝ lzero , is-set-lower-ℝ lzero) , add-lower-ℝ , associative-add-lower-ℝ monoid-lower-ℝ-lzero : Monoid (lsuc lzero) monoid-lower-ℝ-lzero = semigroup-add-lower-ℝ-lzero , lower-real-ℚ zero-ℚ , left-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ , right-unit-law-add-lower-ℝ commutative-monoid-add-lower-ℝ-lzero : Commutative-Monoid (lsuc lzero) commutative-monoid-add-lower-ℝ-lzero = monoid-lower-ℝ-lzero , commutative-add-lower-ℝ
Recent changes
- 2025-03-23. Louis Wasserman. Addition for lower and upper Dedekind reals (#1342).