
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Daniel Gratzer, Elisabeth Stenholm, Louis Wasserman, Maša Žaucer and Victor Blanchi.

Created on 2022-01-26.
Last modified on 2025-02-08.

module foundation.subtypes where

open import foundation-core.subtypes public
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.embeddings
open import foundation.equality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.propositional-extensionality
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.injective-maps
open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.retractions
open import foundation-core.sections
open import foundation-core.sets
open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families


A second definition of the type of subtypes

Subtype : {l1 : Level} (l2 l3 : Level) (A : UU l1)  UU (l1  lsuc l2  lsuc l3)
Subtype l2 l3 A =
  Σ ( A  Prop l2)
    ( λ P 
      Σ ( Σ (UU l3)  X  X  A))
        ( λ i 
          Σ ( pr1 i  Σ A (type-Prop  P))
            ( λ e  map-emb (pr2 i) ~ (pr1  map-equiv e))))


The inclusion of a subtype into the ambient type is injective

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : subtype l2 A)

  is-injective-inclusion-subtype : is-injective (inclusion-subtype B)
  is-injective-inclusion-subtype =
    is-injective-is-emb (is-emb-inclusion-subtype B)

Equality in the type of all subtypes

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A)

  has-same-elements-subtype-Prop :
    {l3 : Level}  subtype l3 A  Prop (l1  l2  l3)
  has-same-elements-subtype-Prop Q =
    Π-Prop A  x  iff-Prop (P x) (Q x))

  has-same-elements-subtype : {l3 : Level}  subtype l3 A  UU (l1  l2  l3)
  has-same-elements-subtype Q = type-Prop (has-same-elements-subtype-Prop Q)

  is-prop-has-same-elements-subtype :
    {l3 : Level} (Q : subtype l3 A) 
    is-prop (has-same-elements-subtype Q)
  is-prop-has-same-elements-subtype Q =
    is-prop-type-Prop (has-same-elements-subtype-Prop Q)

  refl-has-same-elements-subtype : has-same-elements-subtype P
  pr1 (refl-has-same-elements-subtype x) = id
  pr2 (refl-has-same-elements-subtype x) = id

  is-torsorial-has-same-elements-subtype :
    is-torsorial has-same-elements-subtype
  is-torsorial-has-same-elements-subtype =
    is-torsorial-Eq-Π  x  is-torsorial-iff (P x))

  has-same-elements-eq-subtype :
    (Q : subtype l2 A)  (P  Q)  has-same-elements-subtype Q
  has-same-elements-eq-subtype .P refl =

  is-equiv-has-same-elements-eq-subtype :
    (Q : subtype l2 A)  is-equiv (has-same-elements-eq-subtype Q)
  is-equiv-has-same-elements-eq-subtype =

  extensionality-subtype :
    (Q : subtype l2 A)  (P  Q)  has-same-elements-subtype Q
  pr1 (extensionality-subtype Q) = has-same-elements-eq-subtype Q
  pr2 (extensionality-subtype Q) = is-equiv-has-same-elements-eq-subtype Q

  eq-has-same-elements-subtype :
    (Q : subtype l2 A)  has-same-elements-subtype Q  P  Q
  eq-has-same-elements-subtype Q =
    map-inv-equiv (extensionality-subtype Q)

The containment relation is antisymmetric

module _
  {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}

  equiv-antisymmetric-leq-subtype :
    {l2 l3 : Level} (P : subtype l2 A) (Q : subtype l3 A)  P  Q  Q  P 
    (x : A)  is-in-subtype P x  is-in-subtype Q x
  equiv-antisymmetric-leq-subtype P Q H K x =
      ( is-prop-is-in-subtype P x)
      ( is-prop-is-in-subtype Q x)
      ( H x)
      ( K x)

  antisymmetric-leq-subtype :
    {l2 : Level} (P Q : subtype l2 A)  P  Q  Q  P  P  Q
  antisymmetric-leq-subtype P Q H K =
    eq-has-same-elements-subtype P Q  x  (H x , K x))

The type of all subtypes of a type is a set

is-set-subtype :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1}  is-set (subtype l2 A)
is-set-subtype P Q =
    ( extensionality-subtype P Q)
    ( is-prop-has-same-elements-subtype P Q)

subtype-Set : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level)  UU l1  Set (l1  lsuc l2)
pr1 (subtype-Set l2 A) = subtype l2 A
pr2 (subtype-Set l2 A) = is-set-subtype

Characterisation of embeddings into subtypes

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : subtype l2 A) {X : UU l3}

  inv-emb-into-subtype :
    (g : X  type-subtype B) 
    Σ (X  A)  f  (x : X)  is-in-subtype B (map-emb f x))
  pr1 (pr1 (inv-emb-into-subtype g)) =
    inclusion-subtype B  map-emb g
  pr2 (pr1 (inv-emb-into-subtype g)) =
    is-emb-comp _ _ (is-emb-inclusion-subtype B) (is-emb-map-emb g)
  pr2 (inv-emb-into-subtype g) x =
    pr2 (map-emb g x)

  is-section-map-inv-emb-into-subtype :
    is-section (ind-Σ (emb-into-subtype B)) (inv-emb-into-subtype)
  is-section-map-inv-emb-into-subtype g =
    eq-type-subtype is-emb-Prop refl

  is-retraction-map-inv-emb-into-subtype :
    is-retraction (ind-Σ (emb-into-subtype B)) (inv-emb-into-subtype)
  is-retraction-map-inv-emb-into-subtype (f , b) =
      ( λ f  Π-Prop X  x  B (map-emb f x)))
      ( eq-type-subtype is-emb-Prop refl)

  equiv-emb-into-subtype :
    Σ ( X  A)
      ( λ f  (x : X)  is-in-subtype B (map-emb f x))  (X  type-subtype B)
  pr1 equiv-emb-into-subtype = ind-Σ (emb-into-subtype B)
  pr2 equiv-emb-into-subtype =

See also

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