Terminal reflexive graphs

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-12-03.
Last modified on 2024-12-03.

module graph-theory.terminal-reflexive-graphs where
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import graph-theory.directed-graphs
open import graph-theory.reflexive-graphs
open import graph-theory.morphisms-reflexive-graphs
open import graph-theory.terminal-directed-graphs


The terminal reflexive graph is a reflexive graph 1 such that the type of graph homomorphisms hom A 1 is contractible for any reflexive graph A.

Concretely, the terminal reflexive graph 1 is defined by

  1₀ := 1
  1₁ x y := 1.


The predicate of being a terminal reflexive graph

The (small) predicate of being a terminal reflexive graph asserts that the type of vertices and all types of edges are contractible.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Reflexive-Graph l1 l2)

  is-terminal-prop-Reflexive-Graph : Prop (l1  l2)
  is-terminal-prop-Reflexive-Graph =
      ( is-contr-Prop (vertex-Reflexive-Graph A))
      ( Π-Prop
        ( vertex-Reflexive-Graph A)
        ( λ x 
            ( vertex-Reflexive-Graph A)
            ( λ y  is-contr-Prop (edge-Reflexive-Graph A x y))))

  is-terminal-Reflexive-Graph : UU (l1  l2)
  is-terminal-Reflexive-Graph = type-Prop is-terminal-prop-Reflexive-Graph

  is-prop-is-terminal-Reflexive-Graph :
    is-prop is-terminal-Reflexive-Graph
  is-prop-is-terminal-Reflexive-Graph =
    is-prop-type-Prop is-terminal-prop-Reflexive-Graph

The universal property of being a terminal reflexive graph

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Reflexive-Graph l1 l2)

  universal-property-terminal-Reflexive-Graph : UUω
  universal-property-terminal-Reflexive-Graph =
    {l3 l4 : Level} (X : Reflexive-Graph l3 l4) 
    is-contr (hom-Reflexive-Graph X A)

The terminal reflexive graph

directed-graph-terminal-Reflexive-Graph : Directed-Graph lzero lzero
directed-graph-terminal-Reflexive-Graph = terminal-Directed-Graph

vertex-terminal-Reflexive-Graph : UU lzero
vertex-terminal-Reflexive-Graph =
  vertex-Directed-Graph directed-graph-terminal-Reflexive-Graph

edge-terminal-Reflexive-Graph :
  (x y : vertex-terminal-Reflexive-Graph)  UU lzero
edge-terminal-Reflexive-Graph =
  edge-Directed-Graph directed-graph-terminal-Reflexive-Graph

terminal-Reflexive-Graph : Reflexive-Graph lzero lzero
pr1 terminal-Reflexive-Graph = terminal-Directed-Graph
pr2 terminal-Reflexive-Graph _ = star

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