Coinductive isomorphisms in noncoherent ω-precategories

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2025-02-04.
Last modified on 2025-02-04.

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

module wild-category-theory.coinductive-isomorphisms-in-noncoherent-omega-precategories where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import wild-category-theory.noncoherent-omega-precategories


Consider a noncoherent ω-precategory 𝒞. A coinductive isomorphism in 𝒞 is a morphism f : 𝒞₁ x y equipped with, coinductively,

  • a morphism s : 𝒞₁ y x
  • a -morphism η : 𝒞₂ id (f ∘ s)
  • a witness that η is itself a coinductive isomorphism
  • another morphism r : 𝒞₁ y x
  • a -morphism ε : 𝒞₂ (r ∘ f) id
  • a witness that ε is a coinductive isomorphism.

Thus, the specified data is a commuting diagram of the form

  y ========= y
    \  ~⇓η  ∧   \
   s \     /f    \ r
      ∨   /  ~⇓ε  ∨
        x ========= x

where η and ε again are coinductive isomorphisms in their respective hom-ω-categories.

Disclaimer. We do not assert that the proposed definition of a coinductive isomorphism is fully coherent, and thus it may be subject to change in the future.

While a noncoherent ω-precategory is the most general setting that allows us to define coinductive isomorphisms, the missing coherences obstruct us from showing many of the expected properties. For example, we cannot show that all identities are coinductive isomorphisms or that coinductive isomorphisms compose.

The concept of coinductive isomorphisms in ω-categories is strictly weaker than the concept of isomorphisms. Indeed, the coindutive nature of this concept allows us, in an informal sense, to indefinitely postpone constructing a witness that s or r are “proper” inverses to f. To take an example, consider the ω-category of spans and higher spans. In this ω-category every morphism is a coinductive isomorphism since every morphism is a biadjoint, but not every morphism is an isomorphism. Moreover, this ω-category is univalent with respect to isomorphisms, but not with respect to all coinductive isomorphisms. More generally, every morphism in an “ω-catgory with duals” is a coinductive isomorphism [Che07].


The predicate on morphisms of being coinductive isomorphisms

  {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Noncoherent-ω-Precategory l1 l2)
  {x y : obj-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞}
  (f : hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 x y) : UU l2
    hom-section-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 y x

    unit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      2-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)
        ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
          ( f)
          ( hom-section-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory))

    is-coinductive-iso-unit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
        ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
          ( 𝒞)
          ( y)
          ( y))
        ( unit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

    hom-retraction-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 y x

    counit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      2-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
          ( hom-retraction-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
          ( f))
        ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)

    is-coinductive-iso-counit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
        ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
          ( 𝒞)
          ( x)
          ( x))
        ( counit-is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

open is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory public

Coinductive isomorphisms in a noncoherent ω-precategory

coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Noncoherent-ω-Precategory l1 l2)
  (x y : obj-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞) 
  UU l2
coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 x y =
  Σ ( hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 x y)
    ( is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)

Components of a coinductive isomorphism in a noncoherent ω-precategory

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {𝒞 : Noncoherent-ω-Precategory l1 l2}
  {x y : obj-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞}
  (f : coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 x y)

  hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 x y
  hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory = pr1 f

  is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    is-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
      ( hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
  is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory = pr2 f

  hom-section-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 y x
  hom-section-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    2-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
      ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)
      ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
        ( hom-section-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory))
  unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  is-coinductive-iso-unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
        ( 𝒞)
        ( y)
        ( y))
      ( unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
  is-coinductive-iso-unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  coinductive-iso-unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
        ( 𝒞)
        ( y)
        ( y))
      ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)
      ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
        ( hom-section-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory))
  pr1 coinductive-iso-unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
  pr2 coinductive-iso-unit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =

  hom-retraction-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞 y x
  hom-retraction-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
    2-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
      ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( hom-retraction-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
        ( hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory))
      ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)
  counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  is-coinductive-iso-counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
        ( 𝒞)
        ( x)
        ( x))
      ( counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
  is-coinductive-iso-counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
      ( is-coinductive-iso-hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)

  coinductive-iso-counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory :
      ( hom-noncoherent-ω-precategory-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory
        ( 𝒞)
        ( x)
        ( x))
      ( comp-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞
        ( hom-retraction-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory)
        ( hom-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory))
      ( id-hom-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory 𝒞)
  pr1 coinductive-iso-counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =
  pr2 coinductive-iso-counit-coinductive-iso-Noncoherent-ω-Precategory =

See also


Eugenia Cheng. An ω-category with all Duals is an ω-groupoid. Applied Categorical Structures, 15(4):439–453, 08 2007. doi:10.1007/s10485-007-9081-8.

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