Dependent pushout-products

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2023-11-23.
Last modified on 2024-04-25.

module synthetic-homotopy-theory.dependent-pushout-products where
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-spans
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.universal-property-pushouts


The dependent pushout-product is a generalization of the pushout-product. Consider a map f : A → B and a family of maps g : (x : X) → B x → Y x. The dependent pushout-product is the cogap map of the commuting square

                       Σ f id
          Σ A (B ∘ f) --------> Σ X B
               |                  |
  Σ id (g ∘ f) |                  | Σ id g
               ∨                  ∨
          Σ A (Y ∘ f) --------> Σ X Y.
                       Σ f id

The fiber of the dependent pushout product at (x , y) is equivalent to the join of fibers

  fiber f x * fiber (g x) y

A special case is of interest, where Y is the family of contractible types, and B is a family of propositions.


Dependent pushout-products

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {X : UU l2} {B : X  UU l3} {Y : X  UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : (x : X)  B x  Y x)

  domain-dependent-pushout-product : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  domain-dependent-pushout-product =
      ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
      ( map-Σ B f  a  id))

  cocone-dependent-pushout-product :
      ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
      ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
      ( Σ X Y)
  pr1 cocone-dependent-pushout-product = map-Σ Y f  a  id)
  pr1 (pr2 cocone-dependent-pushout-product) = map-Σ Y id g
  pr2 (pr2 cocone-dependent-pushout-product) = refl-htpy

    uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product :
        ( Σ ( domain-dependent-pushout-product  Σ X Y)
            ( λ h 
                ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
                ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
                ( cocone-map
                  ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
                  ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
                  ( cocone-pushout
                    ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
                    ( map-Σ B f  a  id)))
                  ( h))
                ( cocone-dependent-pushout-product)))
    uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product =
        ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
        ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
        ( cocone-pushout (map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f)) (map-Σ B f  a  id)))
        ( up-pushout (map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f)) (map-Σ B f  a  id)))
        ( cocone-dependent-pushout-product)

    dependent-pushout-product : domain-dependent-pushout-product  Σ X Y
    dependent-pushout-product =
      pr1 (center uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product)

    compute-inl-dependent-pushout-product :
      ( dependent-pushout-product 
        inl-pushout (map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f)) (map-Σ B f  a  id))) ~
      ( map-Σ Y f  a  id))
    compute-inl-dependent-pushout-product =
      pr1 (pr2 (center uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product))

    compute-inr-dependent-pushout-product :
      ( dependent-pushout-product 
        inr-pushout (map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f)) (map-Σ B f  a  id))) ~
      map-Σ Y id g
    compute-inr-dependent-pushout-product =
      pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (center uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product)))

    compute-glue-dependent-pushout-product :
        ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
        ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
        ( cocone-map
          ( map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f))
          ( map-Σ B f  a  id))
          ( cocone-pushout (map-Σ (Y  f) id (g  f)) (map-Σ B f  a  id)))
          ( dependent-pushout-product))
        ( cocone-dependent-pushout-product)
        ( compute-inl-dependent-pushout-product)
        ( compute-inr-dependent-pushout-product)
    compute-glue-dependent-pushout-product =
      pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (center uniqueness-dependent-pushout-product)))

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