Locally small types
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Elisabeth Stenholm.
Created on 2022-02-17.
Last modified on 2025-01-31.
module foundation.locally-small-types where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.inhabited-subtypes open import foundation.subuniverses open import foundation.univalence open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.embeddings open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.small-types open import foundation-core.subtypes open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications open import foundation-core.truncated-types open import foundation-core.truncation-levels
A type is said to be
locally small¶ with
respect to a universe UU l
if its
identity types are
small with respect to that universe.
Locally small types
is-locally-small : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → UU (lsuc l ⊔ l1) is-locally-small l A = (x y : A) → is-small l (x = y) module _ {l l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (H : is-locally-small l A) (x y : A) where type-is-locally-small : UU l type-is-locally-small = pr1 (H x y) equiv-is-locally-small : (x = y) ≃ type-is-locally-small equiv-is-locally-small = pr2 (H x y) inv-equiv-is-locally-small : type-is-locally-small ≃ (x = y) inv-equiv-is-locally-small = inv-equiv equiv-is-locally-small map-equiv-is-locally-small : (x = y) → type-is-locally-small map-equiv-is-locally-small = map-equiv equiv-is-locally-small map-inv-equiv-is-locally-small : type-is-locally-small → (x = y) map-inv-equiv-is-locally-small = map-inv-equiv equiv-is-locally-small
The subuniverse of UU l1
-locally small types in UU l2
Locally-Small-Type : (l1 l2 : Level) → UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) Locally-Small-Type l1 l2 = Σ (UU l2) (is-locally-small l1) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Locally-Small-Type l1 l2) where type-Locally-Small-Type : UU l2 type-Locally-Small-Type = pr1 A is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type : is-locally-small l1 type-Locally-Small-Type is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type = pr2 A small-identity-type-Locally-Small-Type : (x y : type-Locally-Small-Type) → UU l1 small-identity-type-Locally-Small-Type = type-is-locally-small is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type equiv-is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type : (x y : type-Locally-Small-Type) → (x = y) ≃ small-identity-type-Locally-Small-Type x y equiv-is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type = equiv-is-locally-small is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type
Being locally small is a property
is-prop-is-locally-small : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → is-prop (is-locally-small l A) is-prop-is-locally-small l A = is-prop-Π (λ x → is-prop-Π (λ y → is-prop-is-small l (x = y))) is-locally-small-Prop : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → Prop (lsuc l ⊔ l1) pr1 (is-locally-small-Prop l A) = is-locally-small l A pr2 (is-locally-small-Prop l A) = is-prop-is-locally-small l A
Any type in UU l
is l
-locally small
is-locally-small' : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-locally-small l A is-locally-small' x y = is-small'
Locally small types are closed under embeddings
is-locally-small-emb : {l1 l2 l : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → A ↪ B → is-locally-small l B → is-locally-small l A is-locally-small-emb f H x y = is-small-equiv ( map-emb f x = map-emb f y) ( equiv-ap-emb f) ( H (map-emb f x) (map-emb f y))
Locally small types are closed under equivalences
is-locally-small-equiv : {l1 l2 l : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → A ≃ B → is-locally-small l B → is-locally-small l A is-locally-small-equiv e = is-locally-small-emb (emb-equiv e)
Any small type is locally small
is-locally-small-is-small : {l l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → is-small l A → is-locally-small l A pr1 (is-locally-small-is-small (X , e) x y) = map-equiv e x = map-equiv e y pr2 (is-locally-small-is-small (X , e) x y) = equiv-ap e x y
Any proposition is locally small
is-locally-small-is-prop : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → is-prop A → is-locally-small l A is-locally-small-is-prop l H x y = is-small-is-contr l (H x y)
Any univalent universe is locally small
is-locally-small-UU : {l : Level} → is-locally-small l (UU l) pr1 (is-locally-small-UU X Y) = X ≃ Y pr2 (is-locally-small-UU X Y) = equiv-univalence
Any Σ-type of locally small types is locally small
is-locally-small-Σ : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} → is-locally-small l3 A → ((x : A) → is-locally-small l4 (B x)) → is-locally-small (l3 ⊔ l4) (Σ A B) is-locally-small-Σ {B = B} H K x y = is-small-equiv ( Eq-Σ x y) ( equiv-pair-eq-Σ x y) ( is-small-Σ ( H (pr1 x) (pr1 y)) ( λ p → K (pr1 y) (tr B p (pr2 x)) (pr2 y))) Σ-Locally-Small-Type : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Locally-Small-Type l1 l2) → (type-Locally-Small-Type A → Locally-Small-Type l3 l4) → Locally-Small-Type (l1 ⊔ l3) (l2 ⊔ l4) pr1 (Σ-Locally-Small-Type A B) = Σ (type-Locally-Small-Type A) (type-Locally-Small-Type ∘ B) pr2 (Σ-Locally-Small-Type A B) = is-locally-small-Σ ( is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type A) ( is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type ∘ B)
The underlying type of a subtype of a locally small type is locally small
is-locally-small-type-subtype : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) → is-locally-small l3 A → is-locally-small l3 (type-subtype P) is-locally-small-type-subtype {l3 = l3} P H = is-locally-small-Σ H ( λ a → is-locally-small-is-prop l3 (is-prop-is-in-subtype P a)) type-subtype-Locally-Small-Type : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Locally-Small-Type l1 l2) → subtype l3 (type-Locally-Small-Type A) → Locally-Small-Type l1 (l2 ⊔ l3) pr1 (type-subtype-Locally-Small-Type A P) = type-subtype P pr2 (type-subtype-Locally-Small-Type A P) = is-locally-small-type-subtype P (is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type A)
Any product of locally small types indexed by a small type is small
is-locally-small-Π : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} → is-small l3 A → ((x : A) → is-locally-small l4 (B x)) → is-locally-small (l3 ⊔ l4) ((x : A) → B x) is-locally-small-Π H K f g = is-small-equiv ( f ~ g) ( equiv-funext) ( is-small-Π H (λ x → K x (f x) (g x))) Π-Locally-Small-Type : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Small-Type l1 l2) → (type-Small-Type A → Locally-Small-Type l3 l4) → Locally-Small-Type (l1 ⊔ l3) (l2 ⊔ l4) pr1 (Π-Locally-Small-Type A B) = (a : type-Small-Type A) → type-Locally-Small-Type (B a) pr2 (Π-Locally-Small-Type A B) = is-locally-small-Π ( is-small-type-Small-Type A) ( is-locally-small-type-Locally-Small-Type ∘ B)
The type of types in any given subuniverse is locally small
is-locally-small-type-subuniverse : {l1 l2 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2) → is-locally-small l1 (type-subuniverse P) is-locally-small-type-subuniverse P = is-locally-small-type-subtype P is-locally-small-UU
The type of locally small types is locally small
is-locally-small-Locally-Small-Type : {l1 l2 : Level} → is-locally-small l2 (Locally-Small-Type l1 l2) is-locally-small-Locally-Small-Type {l1} = is-locally-small-type-subuniverse (is-locally-small-Prop l1)
The type of truncated types is locally small
is-locally-small-Truncated-Type : {l : Level} (k : 𝕋) → is-locally-small l (Truncated-Type l k) is-locally-small-Truncated-Type k = is-locally-small-type-subuniverse (is-trunc-Prop k)
The type of propositions is locally small
is-locally-small-type-Prop : {l : Level} → is-locally-small l (Prop l) is-locally-small-type-Prop = is-locally-small-Truncated-Type neg-one-𝕋
The type of subtypes of a small type is locally small
is-locally-small-subtype : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} → is-small l2 A → is-locally-small (l2 ⊔ l3) (subtype l3 A) is-locally-small-subtype H = is-locally-small-Π H (λ _ → is-locally-small-type-Prop)
The type of inhabited subtypes of a small type is locally small
is-locally-small-inhabited-subtype : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} → is-small l2 A → is-locally-small (l2 ⊔ l3) (inhabited-subtype l3 A) is-locally-small-inhabited-subtype H = is-locally-small-type-subtype ( is-inhabited-subtype-Prop) ( is-locally-small-subtype H)
See also
- [BBC+23]
- Marc Bezem, Ulrik Buchholtz, Pierre Cagne, Bjørn Ian Dundas, and Daniel R Grayson. Symmetry. 06 2023. URL: https://unimath.github.io/SymmetryBook/book.pdf.
- [Rij17]
- Egbert Rijke. The join construction. 01 2017. arXiv:1701.07538.
Recent changes
- 2025-01-31. Fredrik Bakke. Path-cosplittings of locally small types are locally small (#1251).
- 2024-03-12. Fredrik Bakke. Bibliographies (#1058).
- 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).
- 2023-12-21. Fredrik Bakke. Action on homotopies of functions (#973).
- 2023-11-24. Fredrik Bakke. Modal type theory (#701).