Abstract polytopes

Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Julian KG, fernabnor and louismntnu.

Created on 2022-02-10.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.

module polytopes.abstract-polytopes where
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-standard-finite-types
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.disjunction
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import order-theory.finitely-graded-posets
open import order-theory.posets

open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


We define abstract polytopes as finitely graded posets satisfying certain axioms. In the classical definition, the grading is a consequence of the axioms. Here, we take finitely graded posets as our starting point

The first axiom of polytopes asserts that polytopes have a least and a largest element. This is already defined as


Next, we assert the diamond condition for abstract polytopes.


The diamond condition

diamond-condition-finitely-graded-poset-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {k : } (X : Finitely-Graded-Poset l1 l2 k) 
  Prop (l1  l2)
diamond-condition-finitely-graded-poset-Prop {k = zero-ℕ} X = raise-unit-Prop _
diamond-condition-finitely-graded-poset-Prop {k = succ-ℕ k} X =
    ( Fin k)
    ( λ i 
        ( face-Finitely-Graded-Poset X (inl-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k i)))
        ( λ x 
            ( face-Finitely-Graded-Poset X
              ( succ-Fin
                ( succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ k))
                ( succ-Fin
                  ( succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ k))
                  ( inl-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k i)))))
            ( λ y 
              has-cardinality-ℕ-Prop 2
                ( Σ ( face-Finitely-Graded-Poset X
                      ( succ-Fin
                        ( succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ k))
                        ( inl-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k i))))
                    ( λ z 
                      adjacent-Finitely-Graded-Poset X (inl-Fin k i) x z ×
                      adjacent-Finitely-Graded-Poset X
                        ( succ-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k i))
                        ( z)
                        ( y))))))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {k : } (X : Finitely-Graded-Poset l1 l2 k)

  diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset : UU (l1  l2)
  diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset =
    type-Prop (diamond-condition-finitely-graded-poset-Prop X)

  is-prop-diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset :
    is-prop diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset
  is-prop-diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset =
    is-prop-type-Prop (diamond-condition-finitely-graded-poset-Prop X)


We introduce the notion of prepolytopes to be finitely graded posets equipped with a least and a largest element, and satisfying the diamond condition. Before we state the remaining conditions of polytopes, we introduce some terminology

Prepolytope : (l1 l2 : Level) (k : )  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2)
Prepolytope l1 l2 k =
  Σ ( Finitely-Graded-Poset l1 l2 k)
    ( λ X 
      has-bottom-and-top-element-Finitely-Graded-Poset X ×
      diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset X)


Basic structure of prepolytopes

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {k : } (X : Prepolytope l1 l2 k)

  finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope : Finitely-Graded-Poset l1 l2 k
  finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope = pr1 X

  has-bottom-and-top-element-Prepolytope :
  has-bottom-and-top-element-Prepolytope = pr1 (pr2 X)

  has-bottom-element-Prepolytope :
    has-bottom-element-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope
  has-bottom-element-Prepolytope = pr1 has-bottom-and-top-element-Prepolytope

  has-top-element-Prepolytope :
    has-top-element-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope
  has-top-element-Prepolytope = pr2 has-bottom-and-top-element-Prepolytope

  diamond-condition-Prepolytope :
    diamond-condition-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope
  diamond-condition-Prepolytope = pr2 (pr2 X)

  module _
    (i : Fin (succ-ℕ k))

    face-prepolytope-Set : Set l1
    face-prepolytope-Set =
      face-Finitely-Graded-Poset-Set finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope i

    face-Prepolytope : UU l1
    face-Prepolytope =
      face-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope i

    is-set-face-Prepolytope : is-set face-Prepolytope
    is-set-face-Prepolytope =
      is-set-face-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope i

  module _
    (i : Fin k) (y : face-Prepolytope (inl-Fin k i))
    (z : face-Prepolytope (succ-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k i)))

    adjancent-prepolytope-Prop : Prop l2
    adjancent-prepolytope-Prop =
        ( finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope)
        ( i)
        ( y)
        ( z)

    adjacent-Prepolytope : UU l2
    adjacent-Prepolytope =
      adjacent-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope i y z

    is-prop-adjacent-Prepolytope : is-prop adjacent-Prepolytope
    is-prop-adjacent-Prepolytope =
        ( finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope)
        ( i)
        ( y)
        ( z)

  set-Prepolytope : Set l1
  set-Prepolytope =
    set-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  type-Prepolytope : UU l1
  type-Prepolytope =
    type-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  is-set-type-Prepolytope : is-set type-Prepolytope
  is-set-type-Prepolytope =
    is-set-type-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  element-face-Prepolytope :
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)}  face-Prepolytope i  type-Prepolytope
  element-face-Prepolytope =
    element-face-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  shape-Prepolytope :
    type-Prepolytope  Fin (succ-ℕ k)
  shape-Prepolytope =
    shape-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  face-element-Prepolytope :
    (x : type-Prepolytope)  face-Prepolytope (shape-Prepolytope x)
  face-element-Prepolytope =
    face-type-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i j : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} 
    face-Prepolytope i  face-Prepolytope j  UU (l1  l2)
  path-faces-Prepolytope x y =
    path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope x y

  refl-path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} (x : face-Prepolytope i)  path-faces-Prepolytope x x
  refl-path-faces-Prepolytope x = refl-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset

  cons-path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} {x : face-Prepolytope i}
    {j : Fin k} {y : face-Prepolytope (inl-Fin k j)}
    {z : face-Prepolytope (succ-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (inl-Fin k j))} 
    adjacent-Prepolytope j y z  path-faces-Prepolytope x y 
    path-faces-Prepolytope x z
  cons-path-faces-Prepolytope a p = cons-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset a p

  tr-refl-path-faces-Preposet :
    {i j : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} (p : Id j i) (x : face-Prepolytope j) 
    path-faces-Prepolytope (tr face-Prepolytope p x) x
  tr-refl-path-faces-Preposet =
    tr-refl-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  concat-path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i1 i2 i3 : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} {x : face-Prepolytope i1}
    {y : face-Prepolytope i2} {z : face-Prepolytope i3} 
    path-faces-Prepolytope y z  path-faces-Prepolytope x y 
    path-faces-Prepolytope x z
  concat-path-faces-Prepolytope =
    concat-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  path-elements-Prepolytope : (x y : type-Prepolytope)  UU (l1  l2)
  path-elements-Prepolytope =
    path-elements-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  refl-path-elements-Prepolytope :
    (x : type-Prepolytope)  path-elements-Prepolytope x x
  refl-path-elements-Prepolytope =
    refl-path-elements-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  concat-path-elements-Prepolytope :
    (x y z : type-Prepolytope) 
    path-elements-Prepolytope y z  path-elements-Prepolytope x y 
    path-elements-Prepolytope x z
  concat-path-elements-Prepolytope =
    concat-path-elements-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  leq-type-path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i1 i2 : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} (x : face-Prepolytope i1)
    (y : face-Prepolytope i2) 
    path-faces-Prepolytope x y  leq-Fin (succ-ℕ k) i1 i2
  leq-type-path-faces-Prepolytope =
    leq-type-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  eq-path-elements-Prepolytope :
    (x y : type-Prepolytope)
    (p : Id (shape-Prepolytope x) (shape-Prepolytope y)) 
    path-elements-Prepolytope x y  Id x y
  eq-path-elements-Prepolytope =
    eq-path-elements-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  eq-path-faces-Prepolytope :
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} (x y : face-Prepolytope i) 
    path-faces-Prepolytope x y  Id x y
  eq-path-faces-Prepolytope =
    eq-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  antisymmetric-path-elements-Prepolytope :
    (x y : type-Prepolytope)  path-elements-Prepolytope x y 
    path-elements-Prepolytope y x  Id x y
  antisymmetric-path-elements-Prepolytope =

  module _
    (x y : type-Prepolytope)

    leq-prepolytope-Prop : Prop (l1  l2)
    leq-prepolytope-Prop =
      leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset-Prop finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope x y

    leq-Prepolytope : UU (l1  l2)
    leq-Prepolytope =
      leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope x y

    is-prop-leq-Prepolytope : is-prop leq-Prepolytope
    is-prop-leq-Prepolytope =
      is-prop-leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope x y

  refl-leq-Prepolytope : is-reflexive leq-Prepolytope
  refl-leq-Prepolytope =
    refl-leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  transitive-leq-Prepolytope : is-transitive leq-Prepolytope
  transitive-leq-Prepolytope =
    transitive-leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  antisymmetric-leq-Prepolytope : is-antisymmetric leq-Prepolytope
  antisymmetric-leq-Prepolytope =
    antisymmetric-leq-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  poset-Prepolytope : Poset l1 (l1  l2)
  poset-Prepolytope =
    poset-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  chain-Prepolytope : (l : Level)  UU (l1  l2  lsuc l)
  chain-Prepolytope =
    chain-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  flag-Prepolytope : (l : Level)  UU (l1  l2  lsuc l)
  flag-Prepolytope =
    maximal-chain-Finitely-Graded-Poset finitely-graded-poset-Prepolytope

  subtype-flag-Prepolytope :
    {l : Level} (F : flag-Prepolytope l) 
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)}  face-Prepolytope i  Prop l
  subtype-flag-Prepolytope =

  type-subtype-flag-Prepolytope :
    {l : Level} (F : flag-Prepolytope l) 
    {i : Fin (succ-ℕ k)}  face-Prepolytope i  UU l
  type-subtype-flag-Prepolytope F x =
    type-Prop (subtype-flag-Prepolytope F x)

  face-flag-Prepolytope :
    {l : Level} (F : flag-Prepolytope l)  Fin (succ-ℕ k)  UU (l1  l)
  face-flag-Prepolytope F i =
    Σ (face-Prepolytope i) (type-subtype-flag-Prepolytope F)

  face-bottom-element-Prepolytope : face-Prepolytope (zero-Fin k)
  face-bottom-element-Prepolytope = pr1 has-bottom-element-Prepolytope

  element-bottom-element-Prepolytope : type-Prepolytope
  element-bottom-element-Prepolytope =
    element-face-Prepolytope face-bottom-element-Prepolytope

  is-bottom-element-bottom-element-Prepolytope :
    (x : type-Prepolytope) 
    leq-Prepolytope element-bottom-element-Prepolytope x
  is-bottom-element-bottom-element-Prepolytope =
    pr2 has-bottom-element-Prepolytope

  face-has-top-element-Prepolytope : face-Prepolytope (neg-one-Fin k)
  face-has-top-element-Prepolytope = pr1 has-top-element-Prepolytope

  element-has-top-element-Prepolytope : type-Prepolytope
  element-has-top-element-Prepolytope =
    element-face-Prepolytope face-has-top-element-Prepolytope

  is-has-top-element-has-top-element-Prepolytope :
    (x : type-Prepolytope) 
    leq-Prepolytope x element-has-top-element-Prepolytope
  is-has-top-element-has-top-element-Prepolytope =
    pr2 has-top-element-Prepolytope

  is-contr-face-bottom-dimension-Prepolytope :
    is-contr (face-Prepolytope (zero-Fin k))
  pr1 is-contr-face-bottom-dimension-Prepolytope =
  pr2 is-contr-face-bottom-dimension-Prepolytope x =
      ( is-bottom-element-bottom-element-Prepolytope
        ( element-face-Prepolytope x))
      ( Id-Prop
        ( face-prepolytope-Set (zero-Fin k))
        ( face-bottom-element-Prepolytope)
        ( x))
      ( λ p  eq-path-faces-Prepolytope face-bottom-element-Prepolytope x p)

  is-contr-face-top-dimension-Prepolytope :
    is-contr (face-Prepolytope (neg-one-Fin k))
  pr1 is-contr-face-top-dimension-Prepolytope =
  pr2 is-contr-face-top-dimension-Prepolytope x =
      ( is-has-top-element-has-top-element-Prepolytope
        ( element-face-Prepolytope x))
      ( Id-Prop
        ( face-prepolytope-Set (neg-one-Fin k))
        ( face-has-top-element-Prepolytope)
        ( x))
      ( λ p 
        inv (eq-path-faces-Prepolytope x face-has-top-element-Prepolytope p))

Flags are equivalently described as paths from the least to the largest element

  is-on-path-face-prepolytope-Prop :
    {i1 i2 : Fin (succ-ℕ k)} {x : face-Prepolytope i1} {y : face-Prepolytope i2}
    (p : path-faces-Prepolytope x y) 
    {i3 : Fin (succ-ℕ k)}  face-Prepolytope i3  Prop l1
    {x = x} refl-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset z =
      ( set-Prepolytope)
      ( element-face-Prepolytope x)
      ( element-face-Prepolytope z)
    ( cons-path-faces-Finitely-Graded-Poset {z = w} a p) z =
      ( is-on-path-face-prepolytope-Prop p z)
      ( Id-Prop
        ( set-Prepolytope)
        ( element-face-Prepolytope w)
        ( element-face-Prepolytope z))

  module _
    {i1 i2 i3 : Fin (succ-ℕ k)}
    {x : face-Prepolytope i1} {y : face-Prepolytope i2}

    is-on-path-face-Prepolytope :
      path-faces-Prepolytope x y  face-Prepolytope i3  UU l1
    is-on-path-face-Prepolytope p z =
      type-Prop (is-on-path-face-prepolytope-Prop p z)

    is-prop-is-on-path-face-Prepolytope :
      (p : path-faces-Prepolytope x y) (z : face-Prepolytope i3) 
      is-prop (is-on-path-face-Prepolytope p z)
    is-prop-is-on-path-face-Prepolytope p z =
      is-prop-type-Prop (is-on-path-face-prepolytope-Prop p z)

Proof condition P2 of polytopes

The second axiom of polytopes asserts that every maximal chain has k elements. Note that every maximal chain is a path from the bottom element to the top element, which necessarily passes through all dimensions. Therefore, the second axiom follows from our setup. Note that we didn’t start with general posets, but with finitely graded posets.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (l : Level) {k : } (X : Prepolytope l1 l2 k)

  condition-P2-prepolytope-Prop : Prop (l1  l2  lsuc l)
  condition-P2-prepolytope-Prop =
      ( flag-Prepolytope X l)
      ( λ F 
          ( Fin (succ-ℕ k))
          ( λ i 
              ( Σ ( face-Prepolytope X i)
                  ( λ x  type-Prop (subtype-flag-Prepolytope X F x)))))

  condition-P2-Prepolytope : UU (l1  l2  lsuc l)
  condition-P2-Prepolytope = type-Prop condition-P2-prepolytope-Prop

  is-prop-condition-P2-Prepolytope : is-prop condition-P2-Prepolytope
  is-prop-condition-P2-Prepolytope =
    is-prop-type-Prop condition-P2-prepolytope-Prop

Strong connectedness of polytopes

The strong connectedness condition for polytopes asserts that the unordered graph of flags of a polytope is connected. The edges in this graph are punctured flags, i.e., chains that have exactly one element in each dimension except in one dimension that is neither the top nor the bottom dimension. A punctured flag connects the two flags it is a subchain of.

The definition of polytopes

Polytope :
  (l1 l2 l3 : Level) (k : )  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2  lsuc l3)
Polytope l1 l2 l3 k =
  Σ ( Prepolytope l1 l2 k)
    ( λ X 
      ( condition-P2-Prepolytope l3 X) ×

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