Cofibers of pointed maps
Content created by Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-02-14.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
module synthetic-homotopy-theory.cofibers-of-pointed-maps where
open import foundation.constant-maps open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import structured-types.pointed-maps open import structured-types.pointed-types open import structured-types.pointed-unit-type open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-pointed-span-diagrams open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-spans open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cofibers-of-maps open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.dependent-cocones-under-spans open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.dependent-universal-property-pushouts open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts-of-pointed-types open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.universal-property-pushouts
of a pointed map f : A →∗ B
is the
pushout of the span of
pointed maps B ← A → *
The cofiber of a pointed map
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} (f : A →∗ B) where type-cofiber-Pointed-Type : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) type-cofiber-Pointed-Type = type-pushout-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) point-cofiber-Pointed-Type : Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) point-cofiber-Pointed-Type = pushout-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) cofiber-Pointed-Type : Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) cofiber-Pointed-Type = pushout-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) inl-cofiber-Pointed-Type : B →∗ cofiber-Pointed-Type inl-cofiber-Pointed-Type = inl-pushout-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) inr-cofiber-Pointed-Type : unit-Pointed-Type →∗ cofiber-Pointed-Type inr-cofiber-Pointed-Type = inr-pushout-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) map-cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type : {l : Level} {X : Pointed-Type l} → cocone-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) X → type-cofiber-Pointed-Type → type-Pointed-Type X map-cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type = map-cogap-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type : {l : Level} {X : Pointed-Type l} → cocone-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A) X → cofiber-Pointed-Type →∗ X cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type = cogap-Pointed-Type f (terminal-pointed-map A)
External links
- Mapping cone at Wikidata
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. Define left half-smash products (#1320).