Commuting squares of maps
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Vojtěch Štěpančík and Jonathan Prieto-Cubides.
Created on 2023-02-18.
Last modified on 2025-02-03.
module foundation.commuting-squares-of-maps where open import foundation-core.commuting-squares-of-maps public
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-homotopies open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-maps open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.homotopy-algebra open import foundation.postcomposition-functions open import foundation.precomposition-functions open import foundation.transposition-identifications-along-equivalences open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-higher-homotopies-composition open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition open import foundation-core.commuting-prisms-of-maps open import foundation-core.commuting-squares-of-homotopies open import foundation-core.commuting-squares-of-identifications open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.whiskering-identifications-concatenation
Commuting squares of maps induce commuting squares of precomposition maps
Every commuting square
A --------> X
| |
left | | right
∨ ∨
B --------> Y
induces a commuting square of precomposition functions
precomp right S
(A → S) -----------------> (X → S)
| |
precomp bottom S | | precomp top S
∨ ∨
(B → S) ------------------> (Y → S).
precomp left S
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} (top : A → X) (left : A → B) (right : X → Y) (bottom : B → Y) where precomp-coherence-square-maps : coherence-square-maps top left right bottom → (S : UU l5) → coherence-square-maps ( precomp right S) ( precomp bottom S) ( precomp top S) ( precomp left S) precomp-coherence-square-maps = htpy-precomp precomp-coherence-square-maps' : coherence-square-maps' top left right bottom → (S : UU l5) → coherence-square-maps' ( precomp right S) ( precomp bottom S) ( precomp top S) ( precomp left S) precomp-coherence-square-maps' = htpy-precomp
Commuting squares of maps induce commuting squares of postcomposition maps
Every commuting square
A --------> X
| |
left | | right
∨ ∨
B --------> Y
induces a commuting square of postcomposition functions
postcomp S top
(S → A) ------------------> (S → X)
| |
postcomp S left | | postcomp S right
∨ ∨
(S → B) ------------------> (S → Y).
postcomp S bottom
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} (top : A → X) (left : A → B) (right : X → Y) (bottom : B → Y) where postcomp-coherence-square-maps : (S : UU l5) → coherence-square-maps top left right bottom → coherence-square-maps ( postcomp S top) ( postcomp S left) ( postcomp S right) ( postcomp S bottom) postcomp-coherence-square-maps S = htpy-postcomp S postcomp-coherence-square-maps' : (S : UU l5) → coherence-square-maps' top left right bottom → coherence-square-maps' ( postcomp S top) ( postcomp S left) ( postcomp S right) ( postcomp S bottom) postcomp-coherence-square-maps' S = htpy-postcomp S
Taking vertical inversions of squares is an inverse operation
Vertical composition of a square with the square obtained by inverting the vertical maps fits into a prism with the reflexivity square.
The analogous result for horizontal composition remains to be formalized.
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} ( top : A → X) (left : A ≃ B) (right : X ≃ Y) (bottom : B → Y) where left-inverse-law-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps : ( H : coherence-square-maps top (map-equiv left) (map-equiv right) bottom) → horizontal-coherence-prism-maps ( top) ( map-equiv left) ( map-equiv right) ( bottom) ( map-inv-equiv left) ( map-inv-equiv right) ( top) ( id) ( id) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left) ( H) ( vertical-inv-equiv-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H) ( refl-htpy) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right) left-inverse-law-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps H a = ( right-unit) ∙ ( inv ( ( ap ( λ q → ( q ∙ ap (map-inv-equiv right) (H a)) ∙ ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right (top a))) ( triangle-eq-transpose-equiv-concat ( right) ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( ap bottom (is-section-map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a))))) ∙ ( assoc ( ( map-eq-transpose-equiv ( right) ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a))))) ∙ ( ap ( map-inv-equiv right) ( ap bottom (is-section-map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a))))) ( ap (map-inv-equiv right) (H a)) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right (top a))) ∙ ( left-whisker-concat-coherence-square-identifications ( map-eq-transpose-equiv ( right) ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a))))) ( _) ( _) ( _) ( _) ( inv ( vertical-pasting-coherence-square-identifications ( ap ( map-inv-equiv right) ( ap ( bottom) ( is-section-map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( ap ( map-inv-equiv right) ( H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( ap (map-inv-equiv right) (H a)) ( ap ( map-inv-equiv right) ( ap ( map-equiv right ∘ top) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a))) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right ( top (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right (top a)) ( ap top (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)) ( concat-top-identification-coherence-square-identifications ( _) ( ap ( map-inv-equiv right) ( H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( _) ( _) ( inv ( ap ( ap (map-inv-equiv right)) ( ( left-whisker-comp² ( bottom) ( coherence-map-inv-equiv left) ( a)) ∙ ( inv ( ap-comp ( bottom) ( map-equiv left) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)))))) ( map-coherence-square-identifications ( map-inv-equiv right) ( ap ( bottom ∘ map-equiv left) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)) ( H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a))) ( H a) ( ap ( map-equiv right ∘ top) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)) ( nat-htpy H (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)))) ( concat-top-identification-coherence-square-identifications _ _ _ ( ap top (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)) ( ap-comp ( map-inv-equiv right) ( map-equiv right ∘ top) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)) ( nat-htpy ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv right ·r top) ( is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a)))))) ∙ ( right-whisker-concat ( right-inverse-eq-transpose-equiv ( right) ( H (map-inv-equiv left (map-equiv left a)))) ( ap top (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv left a))))) right-inverse-law-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps : ( H : coherence-square-maps top (map-equiv left) (map-equiv right) bottom) → horizontal-coherence-prism-maps ( bottom) ( map-inv-equiv left) ( map-inv-equiv right) ( top) ( map-equiv left) ( map-equiv right) ( bottom) ( id) ( id) ( is-section-map-inv-equiv left) ( vertical-inv-equiv-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H) ( H) ( refl-htpy) ( is-section-map-inv-equiv right) right-inverse-law-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps H a = ( right-unit) ∙ ( inv ( ( assoc ( H (map-inv-equiv left a)) ( ap ( map-equiv right) ( vertical-inv-equiv-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom ( H) ( a))) ( is-section-map-inv-equiv right (bottom a))) ∙ ( left-whisker-concat ( H (map-inv-equiv left a)) ( triangle-eq-transpose-equiv ( right) ( ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv left a))) ∙ ( ap bottom (is-section-map-inv-equiv left a))))) ∙ ( is-section-inv-concat ( H (map-inv-equiv left a)) ( ap bottom (is-section-map-inv-equiv left a)))))
Associativity of vertical pasting
The proof of associativity of horizontal pasting may be found in
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} { X : UU l5} {Y : UU l6} {Z : UU l7} {W : UU l8} ( top : A → X) (top-left : A → B) (top-right : X → Y) ( mid-top : B → Y) (mid-left : B → C) (mid-right : Y → Z) (mid-bottom : C → Z) ( bottom-left : C → D) (bottom-right : Z → W) (bottom : D → W) ( sq-top : coherence-square-maps top top-left top-right mid-top) ( sq-mid : coherence-square-maps mid-top mid-left mid-right mid-bottom) ( sq-bottom : coherence-square-maps mid-bottom bottom-left bottom-right bottom) where assoc-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps : pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( mid-left ∘ top-left) ( mid-right ∘ top-right) ( mid-bottom) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid-top) ( mid-left) ( mid-right) ( mid-bottom) ( sq-top) ( sq-mid)) ( sq-bottom) ~ pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid-top) ( bottom-left ∘ mid-left) ( bottom-right ∘ mid-right) ( bottom) ( sq-top) ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( mid-top) ( mid-left) ( mid-right) ( mid-bottom) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( sq-mid) ( sq-bottom)) assoc-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps = ( ap-concat-htpy ( sq-bottom ·r mid-left ·r top-left) ( ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( bottom-right) ( sq-mid ·r top-left) ( mid-right ·l sq-top)) ∙h ( ap-concat-htpy ( bottom-right ·l (sq-mid ·r top-left)) ( preserves-comp-left-whisker-comp ( bottom-right) ( mid-right) ( sq-top))))) ∙h ( inv-htpy-assoc-htpy ( sq-bottom ·r mid-left ·r top-left) ( bottom-right ·l (sq-mid ·r top-left)) ( ( bottom-right ∘ mid-right) ·l sq-top))
Naturality of commuting squares of maps with respect to identifications
Similarly to the naturality square of homotopies and identifications, we have a naturality square of coherence squares of maps and identifications:
ap f (ap g p)
f (g x) ---------------> f (g y)
| |
H x | | H y
∨ ∨
h (k x) ---------------> h (k y)
ap h (ap k p) .
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} ( top : A → B) (left : A → C) (right : B → D) (bottom : C → D) ( H : coherence-square-maps top left right bottom) where nat-coherence-square-maps : { x y : A} (p : x = y) → coherence-square-identifications ( ap bottom (ap left p)) ( H x) ( H y) ( ap right (ap top p)) nat-coherence-square-maps refl = right-unit
As a corollary, whenever we have two coherence squares touching at a vertex:
A -----> B
| |
| H ⇗ |
∨ ∨
C -----> D -----> X
| |
| K ⇗ |
∨ ∨
Y -----> Z ,
there is a homotopy between first applying H
, then K
, and first applying
, then H
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} { X : UU l5} {Y : UU l6} {Z : UU l7} ( top : A → B) (left : A → C) (mid-top : B → D) (mid-left : C → D) ( mid-right : D → X) (mid-bottom : D → Y) (right : X → Z) (bottom : Y → Z) ( H : coherence-square-maps top left mid-top mid-left) ( K : coherence-square-maps mid-right mid-bottom right bottom) where swap-nat-coherence-square-maps : coherence-square-homotopies ( bottom ·l mid-bottom ·l H) ( K ·r mid-left ·r left) ( K ·r mid-top ·r top) ( right ·l mid-right ·l H) swap-nat-coherence-square-maps x = nat-coherence-square-maps mid-right mid-bottom right bottom K (H x)
Commutativity of horizontal and vertical pasting
Given a square of commuting squares, like so:
A -----> B -----> C
| | |
| ⇗ | ⇗ |
∨ ∨ ∨
X -----> Y -----> Z
| | |
| ⇗ | ⇗ |
∨ ∨ ∨
M -----> N -----> O ,
we have two choices for obtaining the outer commuting square — either by first vertically composing the smaller squares, and then horizontally composing the newly created rectangles, or by first horizontally composing the squares, and then vertically composing the rectangles.
The following lemma states that the big squares obtained by these two compositions are again homotopic. Diagrammatically, we have
H | K H | K
----- ~ --|--
L | T L | T .
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} {Y : UU l5} {Z : UU l6} { M : UU l7} {N : UU l8} {O : UU l9} ( top-left : A → B) (top-right : B → C) ( left-top : A → X) (mid-top : B → Y) (right-top : C → Z) ( mid-left : X → Y) (mid-right : Y → Z) ( left-bottom : X → M) (mid-bottom : Y → N) (right-bottom : Z → O) ( bottom-left : M → N) (bottom-right : N → O) ( sq-left-top : coherence-square-maps top-left left-top mid-top mid-left) ( sq-right-top : coherence-square-maps top-right mid-top right-top mid-right) ( sq-left-bottom : coherence-square-maps mid-left left-bottom mid-bottom bottom-left) ( sq-right-bottom : coherence-square-maps mid-right mid-bottom right-bottom bottom-right) where commutative-pasting-vertical-pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps : ( pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( top-right) ( left-bottom ∘ left-top) ( mid-bottom ∘ mid-top) ( right-bottom ∘ right-top) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( left-top) ( mid-top) ( mid-left) ( left-bottom) ( mid-bottom) ( bottom-left) ( sq-left-top) ( sq-left-bottom)) ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top-right) ( mid-top) ( right-top) ( mid-right) ( mid-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom-right) ( sq-right-top) ( sq-right-bottom))) ~ ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top-right ∘ top-left) ( left-top) ( right-top) ( mid-right ∘ mid-left) ( left-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom-right ∘ bottom-left) ( pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( top-right) ( left-top) ( mid-top) ( right-top) ( mid-left) ( mid-right) ( sq-left-top) ( sq-right-top)) ( pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( mid-left) ( mid-right) ( left-bottom) ( mid-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( sq-left-bottom) ( sq-right-bottom))) commutative-pasting-vertical-pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps = ( ap-concat-htpy' _ ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( bottom-right) ( sq-left-bottom ·r left-top) ( mid-bottom ·l sq-left-top)) ∙h ( double-whisker-coherence-square-homotopies ( bottom-right ·l sq-left-bottom ·r left-top) ( sq-right-bottom ·r mid-left ·r left-top) ( bottom-right ·l mid-bottom ·l sq-left-top) ( right-bottom ·l mid-right ·l sq-left-top) ( sq-right-bottom ·r mid-top ·r top-left) ( right-bottom ·l sq-right-top ·r top-left) ( inv-htpy ( swap-nat-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( left-top) ( mid-top) ( mid-left) ( mid-right) ( mid-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom-right) ( sq-left-top) ( sq-right-bottom))))) ∙h ( ap-concat-htpy _ ( inv-htpy ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( right-bottom) ( mid-right ·l sq-left-top) ( sq-right-top ·r top-left))))
Distributivity of pasting squares and transposing by precomposition
Given two commuting squares which can be composed horizontally (vertically), we know that composing them and then transposing them by precomposition gives a homotopy that is homotopic to first transposing the squares and then composing them.
tl tr tr ∘ tl
A -----> B -----> C A --------> C
| | | | |
l | H m | K | r ↦ l | H | K | r
∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨
X -----> Y -----> Z X --------> Z
bl br br ∘ bl
↧ ↧
- ∘ r
W^Z ------> W^C
| |
- ∘ br | W^K | - ∘ tr W^(H | K)
∨ - ∘ m ∨ ~
W^Y ------> W^B ↦
| | W^K
- ∘ bl | W^H | - ∘ tl ---
∨ ∨ W^H
W^X ------> W^A
- ∘ l
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} {Y : UU l5} {Z : UU l6} ( W : UU l7) where distributive-precomp-pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps : ( top-left : A → B) (top-right : B → C) ( left : A → X) (middle : B → Y) (right : C → Z) ( bottom-left : X → Y) (bottom-right : Y → Z) → ( H : coherence-square-maps top-left left middle bottom-left) → ( K : coherence-square-maps top-right middle right bottom-right) → precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top-right ∘ top-left) ( left) ( right) ( bottom-right ∘ bottom-left) ( pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( top-right) ( left) ( middle) ( right) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( H) ( K)) ( W) ~ pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( precomp right W) ( precomp bottom-right W) ( precomp top-right W) ( precomp middle W) ( precomp bottom-left W) ( precomp top-left W) ( precomp left W) ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top-right) ( middle) ( right) ( bottom-right) ( K) ( W)) ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( left) ( middle) ( bottom-left) ( H) ( W)) distributive-precomp-pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( top-left) ( top-right) ( left) ( middle) ( right) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( H) ( K) ( h) = equational-reasoning eq-htpy ( h ·l ((bottom-right ·l H) ∙h (K ·r top-left))) = eq-htpy ( (h ·l (bottom-right ·l H)) ∙h ((h ·l K) ·r top-left)) by ap ( eq-htpy) ( eq-htpy ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( h) ( bottom-right ·l H) ( K ·r top-left))) = eq-htpy ( h ·l (bottom-right ·l H)) ∙ eq-htpy ( (h ·l K) ·r top-left) by eq-htpy-concat-htpy ( h ·l (bottom-right ·l H)) ( (h ·l K) ·r top-left) = eq-htpy ( (h ∘ bottom-right) ·l H) ∙ ap ( precomp top-left W) ( htpy-precomp K W h) by ap-binary ( λ L q → eq-htpy L ∙ q) ( eq-htpy (preserves-comp-left-whisker-comp h bottom-right H)) ( inv (coherence-eq-htpy-ap-precomp top-left (h ·l K))) distributive-precomp-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps : ( top : A → X) (left-top : A → B) (right-top : X → Y) (middle : B → Y) → ( left-bottom : B → C) (right-bottom : Y → Z) (bottom : C → Z) → ( H : coherence-square-maps top left-top right-top middle) → ( K : coherence-square-maps middle left-bottom right-bottom bottom) → precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left-bottom ∘ left-top) ( right-bottom ∘ right-top) ( bottom) ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left-top) ( right-top) ( middle) ( left-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom) ( H) ( K)) ( W) ~ pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps ( precomp right-bottom W) ( precomp right-top W) ( precomp bottom W) ( precomp middle W) ( precomp top W) ( precomp left-bottom W) ( precomp left-top W) ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( middle) ( left-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom) ( K) ( W)) ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left-top) ( right-top) ( middle) ( H) ( W)) distributive-precomp-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left-top) ( right-top) ( middle) ( left-bottom) ( right-bottom) ( bottom) ( H) ( K) ( h) = equational-reasoning eq-htpy (h ·l ((K ·r left-top) ∙h (right-bottom ·l H))) = eq-htpy ( ((h ·l K) ·r left-top) ∙h (h ·l (right-bottom ·l H))) by ap ( eq-htpy) ( eq-htpy ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( h) ( K ·r left-top) ( right-bottom ·l H))) = eq-htpy ( (h ·l K) ·r left-top) ∙ eq-htpy ( h ·l (right-bottom ·l H)) by eq-htpy-concat-htpy ( (h ·l K) ·r left-top) ( h ·l (right-bottom ·l H)) = ap ( precomp left-top W) ( htpy-precomp K W h) ∙ eq-htpy ( (h ∘ right-bottom) ·l H) by ap-binary ( λ p L → p ∙ eq-htpy L) ( inv (coherence-eq-htpy-ap-precomp left-top (h ·l K))) ( eq-htpy (preserves-comp-left-whisker-comp h right-bottom H))
Transposing by precomposition of whiskered squares
Taking a square of the form
f top
X -----> A -----> B
| |
left | H | right
∨ ∨
C -----> D
and transposing it by precomposition results in the square
W^D -----> W^B
| |
| W^H |
∨ ∨ - ∘ f
W^C -----> W^A -----> W^X
This fact can be written as distribution of right whiskering over transposition:
W^(H ·r f) = W^f ·l W^H
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} {X : UU l5} (W : UU l6) ( top : A → B) (left : A → C) (right : B → D) (bottom : C → D) ( H : coherence-square-maps top left right bottom) where distributive-precomp-right-whisker-comp-coherence-square-maps : ( f : X → A) → precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top ∘ f) ( left ∘ f) ( right) ( bottom) ( H ·r f) ( W) ~ ( ( precomp f W) ·l ( precomp-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H W)) distributive-precomp-right-whisker-comp-coherence-square-maps f g = inv (coherence-eq-htpy-ap-precomp f (g ·l H))
Similarly, we can calculate transpositions of left-whiskered squares with the
formula W^(f ·l H) = W^H ·r W^f
distributive-precomp-left-whisker-comp-coherence-square-maps : ( f : D → X) → precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left) ( f ∘ right) ( f ∘ bottom) ( f ·l H) ( W) ~ ( ( precomp-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H W) ·r ( precomp f W)) distributive-precomp-left-whisker-comp-coherence-square-maps f g = ap eq-htpy (eq-htpy (λ a → inv (ap-comp g f (H a))))
The square of function spaces induced by a composition of triangles is homotopic to the composition of induced triangles of function spaces
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} (W : UU l5) ( top : A → X) (left : A → B) (right : X → Y) (bottom : B → Y) where distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps : { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A → Y} → ( L : diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right) → ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left) → ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top) → ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( horizontal-pasting-htpy-coherence-triangle-maps ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( L) ( H) ( K)) ( W)) ~ ( horizontal-pasting-htpy-coherence-triangle-maps ( precomp right W) ( precomp bottom W) ( precomp top W) ( precomp left W) ( htpy-precomp L W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W)) distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps { diagonal-right = diagonal-right} ( L) ( H) ( K) ( h) = ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp (H ∙h L) K W h) ∙ ( right-whisker-concat ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp H L W h) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W h)) distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps' : { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A → Y} → ( L : diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right) → ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left) → ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top) → ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( horizontal-pasting-htpy-coherence-triangle-maps' ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( L) ( H) ( K)) ( W)) ~ ( horizontal-pasting-htpy-coherence-triangle-maps' ( precomp right W) ( precomp bottom W) ( precomp top W) ( precomp left W) ( htpy-precomp L W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W)) distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps' { diagonal-left = diagonal-left} ( L) ( H) ( K) ( h) = ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp H (L ∙h K) W h) ∙ ( left-whisker-concat ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W h) ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp L K W h)) distributive-precomp-coherence-square-comp-coherence-triangles-maps : ( diagonal : A → Y) → ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left) → ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top) → ( precomp-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( horizontal-pasting-coherence-triangle-maps ( top) ( left) ( right) ( bottom) ( diagonal) ( H) ( K)) ( W)) ~ ( horizontal-pasting-coherence-triangle-maps ( precomp right W) ( precomp bottom W) ( precomp top W) ( precomp left W) ( precomp diagonal W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left H W) ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top K W)) distributive-precomp-coherence-square-comp-coherence-triangles-maps ( diagonal) ( H) ( K) ( h) = compute-concat-htpy-precomp H K W h
Collapsing inner squares in pasted squares composed of triangles
Consider two commuting squares, composed in total of four commuting triangles, which take the following form:
A -----------> C
| ∧|
| / |
| bl / |
tl | / | tr
| / |
| / |
∨ / mid ∨
B -----------> Y
| ∧|
| / |
| tr / |
bl | / | br
| / |
| / |
∨ / ∨
C -----------> Z .
Note that the bottom-left vertex is the same as the top-right vertex, and the diagonals are not arbitrary.
If the square that arises in the middle,
B ----> C
| |
bl | | tr
∨ ∨
C ----> Y ,
is homotopic to the reflexive homotopy refl-htpy : tr ∘ bl ~ tr ∘ bl
, then the
whole rectangle collapses (is homotopic) to the
horizontal composition
∧ \
tr / \ br
/ \
top / ∨
A -----------> C -----------> Z .
\ ∧ bottom
\ /
tl \ / bl
∨ /
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} {Z : UU l5} (top : A → C) (top-left : A → B) (top-right : C → Y) (mid : B → Y) (bottom-left : B → C) (bottom-right : Y → Z) (bottom : C → Z) (top-left-triangle : coherence-triangle-maps' top bottom-left top-left) (top-right-triangle : coherence-triangle-maps mid top-right bottom-left) (bottom-left-triangle : coherence-triangle-maps' mid top-right bottom-left) (bottom-right-triangle : coherence-triangle-maps bottom bottom-right top-right) where pasting-coherence-squares-collapse-triangles' : bottom-left-triangle ∙h top-right-triangle ~ refl-htpy → pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( horizontal-pasting-up-diagonal-coherence-triangle-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid) ( top-left-triangle) ( top-right-triangle)) ( horizontal-pasting-up-diagonal-coherence-triangle-maps ( mid) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( bottom-left-triangle) ( bottom-right-triangle)) ~ horizontal-concat-htpy' ( bottom-right-triangle) ( top-left-triangle) pasting-coherence-squares-collapse-triangles' H = left-whisker-concat-coherence-square-homotopies ( bottom-right-triangle ·r bottom-left ·r top-left) ( refl-htpy) ( _) ( _) ( _) ( ( inv-htpy ( distributive-left-whisker-comp-concat ( bottom-right) ( bottom-left-triangle ·r top-left) ( ( top-right-triangle ·r top-left) ∙h ( top-right ·l top-left-triangle)))) ∙h ( left-whisker-comp² ( bottom-right) ( inv-htpy ( right-whisker-concat-coherence-triangle-homotopies ( refl-htpy) ( top-right-triangle ·r top-left) ( bottom-left-triangle ·r top-left) ( inv-htpy H ·r top-left) ( top-right ·l top-left-triangle)))) ∙h ( preserves-comp-left-whisker-comp ( bottom-right) ( top-right) ( top-left-triangle))) ∙h ( ap-concat-htpy' ( (bottom-right ∘ top-right) ·l top-left-triangle) ( right-unit-htpy)) pasting-coherence-squares-collapse-triangles : bottom-left-triangle ∙h top-right-triangle ~ refl-htpy → pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( horizontal-pasting-up-diagonal-coherence-triangle-maps ( top) ( top-left) ( top-right) ( mid) ( top-left-triangle) ( top-right-triangle)) ( horizontal-pasting-up-diagonal-coherence-triangle-maps ( mid) ( bottom-left) ( bottom-right) ( bottom) ( bottom-left-triangle) ( bottom-right-triangle)) ~ horizontal-concat-htpy ( bottom-right-triangle) ( top-left-triangle) pasting-coherence-squares-collapse-triangles H = ( pasting-coherence-squares-collapse-triangles' H) ∙h ( coh-horizontal-concat-htpy ( bottom-right-triangle) ( top-left-triangle))
Recent changes
- 2025-02-03. Fredrik Bakke. Reflective global subuniverses (#1228).
- 2024-05-23. Vojtěch Štěpančík. Zigzags of sequential diagrams (#1129).
- 2024-04-25. Fredrik Bakke. chore: Fix arrowheads in character diagrams (#1124).
- 2024-02-19. Fredrik Bakke. Additions for coherently invertible maps (#1024).
- 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).