Decidable types
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Eléonore Mangel.
Created on 2022-01-27.
Last modified on 2025-01-07.
module foundation.decidable-types where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.double-negation open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.hilberts-epsilon-operators open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.raising-universe-levels open import foundation.retracts-of-types open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.retractions open import foundation-core.sections
A type is said to be decidable¶ if we can either construct an element, or we can prove that it is empty. In other words, we interpret decidability via the Curry–Howard interpretation of logic into type theory. A related concept is that a type is either inhabited or empty, where inhabitedness of a type is expressed using the propositional truncation.
The Curry–Howard interpretation of decidability
is-decidable : {l : Level} (A : UU l) → UU l is-decidable A = A + (¬ A) is-decidable-fam : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A → UU l2) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-decidable-fam {A = A} P = (x : A) → is-decidable (P x)
The predicate that a type is inhabited or empty
is-inhabited-or-empty : {l1 : Level} → UU l1 → UU l1 is-inhabited-or-empty A = type-trunc-Prop A + is-empty A
Merely decidable types
A type A
is said to be
merely decidable¶ if it comes equipped
with an element of ║ is-decidable A ║₋₁
, or equivalently, the
disjunction A ∨ ¬ A
is-merely-decidable-Prop : {l : Level} → UU l → Prop l is-merely-decidable-Prop A = trunc-Prop (is-decidable A) is-merely-decidable : {l : Level} → UU l → UU l is-merely-decidable A = type-trunc-Prop (is-decidable A)
The unit type and the empty type are decidable
is-decidable-unit : is-decidable unit is-decidable-unit = inl star is-decidable-empty : is-decidable empty is-decidable-empty = inr id
Coproducts of decidable types are decidable
is-decidable-coproduct : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable A → is-decidable B → is-decidable (A + B) is-decidable-coproduct (inl a) y = inl (inl a) is-decidable-coproduct (inr na) (inl b) = inl (inr b) is-decidable-coproduct (inr na) (inr nb) = inr (rec-coproduct na nb)
Cartesian products of decidable types are decidable
is-decidable-product : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable A → is-decidable B → is-decidable (A × B) is-decidable-product (inl a) (inl b) = inl (pair a b) is-decidable-product (inl a) (inr g) = inr (g ∘ pr2) is-decidable-product (inr f) (inl b) = inr (f ∘ pr1) is-decidable-product (inr f) (inr g) = inr (f ∘ pr1) is-decidable-product' : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable A → (A → is-decidable B) → is-decidable (A × B) is-decidable-product' (inl a) d with d a ... | inl b = inl (pair a b) ... | inr nb = inr (nb ∘ pr2) is-decidable-product' (inr na) d = inr (na ∘ pr1) is-decidable-left-factor : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable (A × B) → B → is-decidable A is-decidable-left-factor (inl (pair x y)) b = inl x is-decidable-left-factor (inr f) b = inr (λ a → f (pair a b)) is-decidable-right-factor : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable (A × B) → A → is-decidable B is-decidable-right-factor (inl (pair x y)) a = inl y is-decidable-right-factor (inr f) a = inr (λ b → f (pair a b))
Function types of decidable types are decidable
is-decidable-function-type : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable A → is-decidable B → is-decidable (A → B) is-decidable-function-type (inl a) (inl b) = inl (λ x → b) is-decidable-function-type (inl a) (inr g) = inr (λ h → g (h a)) is-decidable-function-type (inr f) _ = inl (ex-falso ∘ f) is-decidable-function-type' : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → is-decidable A → (A → is-decidable B) → is-decidable (A → B) is-decidable-function-type' (inl a) d with d a ... | inl b = inl (λ x → b) ... | inr nb = inr (λ f → nb (f a)) is-decidable-function-type' (inr na) d = inl (ex-falso ∘ na)
The negation of a decidable type is decidable
is-decidable-neg : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-decidable A → is-decidable (¬ A) is-decidable-neg d = is-decidable-function-type d is-decidable-empty
Decidable types are closed under coinhabited types
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where is-decidable-iff : (A → B) → (B → A) → is-decidable A → is-decidable B is-decidable-iff f g (inl a) = inl (f a) is-decidable-iff f g (inr na) = inr (na ∘ g) is-decidable-iff' : A ↔ B → is-decidable A → is-decidable B is-decidable-iff' (f , g) = is-decidable-iff f g module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where iff-is-decidable : A ↔ B → is-decidable A ↔ is-decidable B iff-is-decidable e = is-decidable-iff' e , is-decidable-iff' (inv-iff e)
Decidable types are closed under retracts
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where is-decidable-retract-of : A retract-of B → is-decidable B → is-decidable A is-decidable-retract-of R = is-decidable-iff' (iff-retract' R) is-decidable-retract-of' : A retract-of B → is-decidable A → is-decidable B is-decidable-retract-of' R = is-decidable-iff' (inv-iff (iff-retract' R))
Decidable types are closed under equivalences
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where is-decidable-is-equiv : {f : A → B} → is-equiv f → is-decidable B → is-decidable A is-decidable-is-equiv {f} H = is-decidable-retract-of (retract-equiv (f , H)) is-decidable-equiv : A ≃ B → is-decidable B → is-decidable A is-decidable-equiv e = is-decidable-iff (map-inv-equiv e) (map-equiv e) is-decidable-equiv' : A ≃ B → is-decidable A → is-decidable B is-decidable-equiv' e = is-decidable-iff (map-equiv e) (map-inv-equiv e)
Equivalent types have equivalent decidability predicates
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (e : A ≃ B) where map-equiv-is-decidable : is-decidable A → is-decidable B map-equiv-is-decidable = is-decidable-equiv' e map-inv-equiv-is-decidable : is-decidable B → is-decidable A map-inv-equiv-is-decidable = is-decidable-equiv e is-section-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable : is-section map-equiv-is-decidable map-inv-equiv-is-decidable is-section-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable (inl x) = ap inl (is-section-map-inv-equiv e x) is-section-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable (inr x) = ap inr eq-neg is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable : is-retraction map-equiv-is-decidable map-inv-equiv-is-decidable is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable (inl x) = ap inl (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv e x) is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable (inr x) = ap inr eq-neg is-equiv-map-equiv-is-decidable : is-equiv map-equiv-is-decidable is-equiv-map-equiv-is-decidable = is-equiv-is-invertible map-inv-equiv-is-decidable is-section-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-is-decidable equiv-is-decidable : is-decidable A ≃ is-decidable B equiv-is-decidable = map-equiv-is-decidable , is-equiv-map-equiv-is-decidable
Decidability implies double negation elimination
double-negation-elim-is-decidable : {l : Level} {P : UU l} → is-decidable P → (¬¬ P → P) double-negation-elim-is-decidable (inl x) p = x double-negation-elim-is-decidable (inr x) p = ex-falso (p x)
See also double negation stable propositions.
Decidable types have ε-operators
elim-trunc-Prop-is-decidable : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-decidable A → ε-operator-Hilbert A elim-trunc-Prop-is-decidable (inl a) x = a elim-trunc-Prop-is-decidable (inr f) x = ex-falso (apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop x empty-Prop f)
is an idempotent operation
idempotent-is-decidable : {l : Level} (P : UU l) → is-decidable (is-decidable P) → is-decidable P idempotent-is-decidable P (inl (inl p)) = inl p idempotent-is-decidable P (inl (inr np)) = inr np idempotent-is-decidable P (inr np) = inr (λ p → np (inl p))
Being inhabited or empty is a proposition
abstract is-property-is-inhabited-or-empty : {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → is-prop (is-inhabited-or-empty A) is-property-is-inhabited-or-empty A = is-prop-coproduct ( λ t → apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop t empty-Prop) ( is-prop-type-trunc-Prop) ( is-prop-neg) is-inhabited-or-empty-Prop : {l1 : Level} → UU l1 → Prop l1 pr1 (is-inhabited-or-empty-Prop A) = is-inhabited-or-empty A pr2 (is-inhabited-or-empty-Prop A) = is-property-is-inhabited-or-empty A
Any inhabited type is a fixed point for is-decidable
is-fixed-point-is-decidable-is-inhabited : {l : Level} {X : UU l} → type-trunc-Prop X → is-decidable X ≃ X is-fixed-point-is-decidable-is-inhabited {l} {X} t = right-unit-law-coproduct-is-empty X (¬ X) (is-nonempty-is-inhabited t)
Raising universe level conserves decidability
module _ (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) where is-decidable-raise : is-decidable A → is-decidable (raise l A) is-decidable-raise = is-decidable-equiv' (compute-raise l A)
Decidable types are inhabited or empty
is-inhabited-or-empty-is-decidable : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-decidable A → is-inhabited-or-empty A is-inhabited-or-empty-is-decidable (inl x) = inl (unit-trunc-Prop x) is-inhabited-or-empty-is-decidable (inr y) = inr y
Decidable types are merely decidable
is-merely-decidable-is-decidable : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-decidable A → is-merely-decidable A is-merely-decidable-is-decidable = unit-trunc-Prop
Types are inhabited or empty if and only if they are merely decidable
module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where is-inhabited-or-empty-is-merely-decidable : is-merely-decidable A → is-inhabited-or-empty A is-inhabited-or-empty-is-merely-decidable = rec-trunc-Prop ( is-inhabited-or-empty-Prop A) ( is-inhabited-or-empty-is-decidable) is-merely-decidable-is-inhabited-or-empty : is-inhabited-or-empty A → is-merely-decidable A is-merely-decidable-is-inhabited-or-empty (inl |x|) = rec-trunc-Prop (is-merely-decidable-Prop A) (unit-trunc-Prop ∘ inl) |x| is-merely-decidable-is-inhabited-or-empty (inr y) = unit-trunc-Prop (inr y) iff-is-inhabited-or-empty-is-merely-decidable : is-merely-decidable A ↔ is-inhabited-or-empty A iff-is-inhabited-or-empty-is-merely-decidable = ( is-inhabited-or-empty-is-merely-decidable , is-merely-decidable-is-inhabited-or-empty)
See also
- That decidablity is irrefutable is shown in
Recent changes
- 2025-01-07. Fredrik Bakke. Logic (#1226).
- 2024-10-15. Fredrik Bakke. Define double negation sheaves (#1198).
- 2024-09-23. Fredrik Bakke. Cantor’s theorem and diagonal argument (#1185).
- 2024-09-17. Fredrik Bakke. Some closure properties of decidable maps and embeddings (#1184).
- 2024-04-17. Fredrik Bakke. Splitting idempotents (#1105).