The rational numbers
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Bryan Lu, Fernando Chu, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, malarbol, Julian KG, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-02-17.
Last modified on 2024-04-09.
module elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-integers open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-integers open import elementary-number-theory.integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.integers open import elementary-number-theory.mediant-integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-integers open import elementary-number-theory.reduced-integer-fractions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.reflecting-maps-equivalence-relations open import foundation.sets open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.universe-levels
The type of rational numbers is the quotient of the type of fractions, by the
equivalence relation given by (n/m) ~ (n'/m') := Id (n *ℤ m') (n' *ℤ m)
The type of rationals
ℚ : UU lzero ℚ = Σ fraction-ℤ is-reduced-fraction-ℤ module _ (x : ℚ) where fraction-ℚ : fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ = pr1 x is-reduced-fraction-ℚ : is-reduced-fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ is-reduced-fraction-ℚ = pr2 x numerator-ℚ : ℤ numerator-ℚ = numerator-fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ positive-denominator-ℚ : positive-ℤ positive-denominator-ℚ = positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ denominator-ℚ : ℤ denominator-ℚ = denominator-fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ is-positive-denominator-ℚ : is-positive-ℤ denominator-ℚ is-positive-denominator-ℚ = is-positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ fraction-ℚ
Inclusion of fractions
rational-fraction-ℤ : fraction-ℤ → ℚ pr1 (rational-fraction-ℤ x) = reduce-fraction-ℤ x pr2 (rational-fraction-ℤ x) = is-reduced-reduce-fraction-ℤ x
Inclusion of the integers
rational-ℤ : ℤ → ℚ pr1 (pr1 (rational-ℤ x)) = x pr2 (pr1 (rational-ℤ x)) = one-positive-ℤ pr2 (rational-ℤ x) = is-one-gcd-one-ℤ' x
Negative one, zero and one
neg-one-ℚ : ℚ neg-one-ℚ = rational-ℤ neg-one-ℤ is-neg-one-ℚ : ℚ → UU lzero is-neg-one-ℚ x = (x = neg-one-ℚ) zero-ℚ : ℚ zero-ℚ = rational-ℤ zero-ℤ is-zero-ℚ : ℚ → UU lzero is-zero-ℚ x = (x = zero-ℚ) is-nonzero-ℚ : ℚ → UU lzero is-nonzero-ℚ k = ¬ (is-zero-ℚ k) one-ℚ : ℚ one-ℚ = rational-ℤ one-ℤ is-one-ℚ : ℚ → UU lzero is-one-ℚ x = (x = one-ℚ)
The negative of a rational number
neg-ℚ : ℚ → ℚ pr1 (neg-ℚ (x , H)) = neg-fraction-ℤ x pr2 (neg-ℚ (x , H)) = is-reduced-neg-fraction-ℤ x H
The mediant of two rationals
mediant-ℚ : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ mediant-ℚ x y = rational-fraction-ℤ ( mediant-fraction-ℤ ( fraction-ℚ x) ( fraction-ℚ y))
The rational images of two similar integer fractions are equal
eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ : (x y : fraction-ℤ) → (H : sim-fraction-ℤ x y) → rational-fraction-ℤ x = rational-fraction-ℤ y eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ x y H = eq-pair-Σ' ( pair ( unique-reduce-fraction-ℤ x y H) ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-reduced-fraction-ℤ (reduce-fraction-ℤ y))))
The type of rationals is a set
abstract is-set-ℚ : is-set ℚ is-set-ℚ = is-set-Σ ( is-set-fraction-ℤ) ( λ x → is-set-is-prop (is-prop-is-reduced-fraction-ℤ x)) ℚ-Set : Set lzero pr1 ℚ-Set = ℚ pr2 ℚ-Set = is-set-ℚ abstract is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ : (x : ℚ) → rational-fraction-ℤ (fraction-ℚ x) = x is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ (pair (pair m (pair n n-pos)) p) = eq-pair-Σ ( eq-pair ( eq-quotient-div-is-one-ℤ _ _ p (div-left-gcd-ℤ m n)) ( eq-pair-Σ ( eq-quotient-div-is-one-ℤ _ _ p (div-right-gcd-ℤ m n)) ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-positive-ℤ n)))) ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-reduced-fraction-ℤ (m , n , n-pos)))
Two fractions with the same numerator and same denominator are equal
module _ ( x y : ℚ) ( H : numerator-ℚ x = numerator-ℚ y) ( K : denominator-ℚ x = denominator-ℚ y) where abstract eq-ℚ : x = y eq-ℚ = ( inv (is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ x)) ∙ ( eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ ( fraction-ℚ x) ( fraction-ℚ y) ( ap-mul-ℤ H (inv K))) ∙ ( is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ y)
A rational number is zero if and only if its numerator is zero
module _ (x : ℚ) where abstract is-zero-numerator-is-zero-ℚ : is-zero-ℚ x → is-zero-ℤ (numerator-ℚ x) is-zero-numerator-is-zero-ℚ = ap numerator-ℚ is-zero-is-zero-numerator-ℚ : is-zero-ℤ (numerator-ℚ x) → is-zero-ℚ x is-zero-is-zero-numerator-ℚ H = ( inv (is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ x)) ∙ ( eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ ( fraction-ℚ x) ( fraction-ℚ zero-ℚ) ( eq-is-zero-ℤ ( ap (mul-ℤ' one-ℤ) H ∙ right-zero-law-mul-ℤ one-ℤ) ( left-zero-law-mul-ℤ (denominator-ℚ x)))) ∙ ( is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ zero-ℚ)
The rational image of the negative of an integer is the rational negative of its image
abstract preserves-neg-rational-ℤ : (k : ℤ) → rational-ℤ (neg-ℤ k) = neg-ℚ (rational-ℤ k) preserves-neg-rational-ℤ k = eq-ℚ (rational-ℤ (neg-ℤ k)) (neg-ℚ (rational-ℤ k)) refl refl
The reduced fraction of the negative of an integer fraction is the negative of the reduced fraction
abstract preserves-neg-rational-fraction-ℤ : (x : fraction-ℤ) → rational-fraction-ℤ (neg-fraction-ℤ x) = neg-ℚ (rational-fraction-ℤ x) preserves-neg-rational-fraction-ℤ x = ( eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ ( neg-fraction-ℤ x) ( fraction-ℚ (neg-ℚ (rational-fraction-ℤ x))) ( preserves-sim-neg-fraction-ℤ ( x) ( reduce-fraction-ℤ x) ( sim-reduced-fraction-ℤ x))) ∙ ( is-retraction-rational-fraction-ℚ (neg-ℚ (rational-fraction-ℤ x)))
The negative function on the rational numbers is an involution
abstract neg-neg-ℚ : (x : ℚ) → neg-ℚ (neg-ℚ x) = x neg-neg-ℚ x = eq-ℚ (neg-ℚ (neg-ℚ x)) x (neg-neg-ℤ (numerator-ℚ x)) refl
The reflecting map from fraction-ℤ
to ℚ
reflecting-map-sim-fraction : reflecting-map-equivalence-relation equivalence-relation-sim-fraction-ℤ ℚ pr1 reflecting-map-sim-fraction = rational-fraction-ℤ pr2 reflecting-map-sim-fraction {x} {y} H = eq-ℚ-sim-fraction-ℤ x y H
Recent changes
- 2024-04-09. malarbol and Fredrik Bakke. The additive group of rational numbers (#1100).
- 2024-03-28. malarbol and Fredrik Bakke. Refactoring positive integers (#1059).
- 2024-02-27. malarbol. Rational real numbers (#1034).
- 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Abelianization (#877).
- 2023-06-25. Fredrik Bakke, louismntnu, fernabnor, Egbert Rijke and Julian KG. Posets are categories, and refactor binary relations (#665).