Dependent reflexive graphs

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-12-03.
Last modified on 2024-12-03.

module graph-theory.dependent-reflexive-graphs where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import graph-theory.dependent-directed-graphs
open import graph-theory.reflexive-graphs


Consider a reflexive graph A. A dependent reflexive graph B over A consists of:

  • A family B₀ : A₀ → 𝒰 of types as the type family of vertices
  • A family B₁ : {x y : A₀} → A₁ x y → B₀ x → B₀ y → 𝒰 of binary relations between the types of vertices B₀, indexed by the type of edges A₁ in A.
  • A family of elements refl B : (x : A₀) (y : B₀ x) → B₁ (refl A x) y y witnessing the reflexivity of B₁ over the reflexivity refl A of A₁.

To see that this is a sensible definition of dependent reflexive graphs, observe that the type of reflexive graphs itself is equivalent to the type of dependent reflexive graphs over the terminal reflexive graph. Furthermore, graph homomorphisms into the universal reflexive graph are equivalent to dependent reflexive graphs.

Alternatively, a dependent reflexive graph B over A can be defined by

  • A family B₀ : A₀ → Reflexive-Graph of reflexive graphs as the type family of vertices
  • A family B₁ : {x y : A₀} → A₁ x y → (B₀ x)₀ → (B₀ y)₀ → 𝒰.
  • A family of equivalences `refl B : (x : A₀) (y y’ : B₀ x) → B₁ (refl A x) y y’ ≃ (B₀ x)₁ y y’.

This definition is more closely related to the concept of morphism into the universal reflexive graph.


Dependent reflexive graphs

Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (l3 l4 : Level)  Reflexive-Graph l1 l2 
  UU (l1  l2  lsuc l3  lsuc l4)
Dependent-Reflexive-Graph l3 l4 A =
  Σ ( Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 (directed-graph-Reflexive-Graph A))
    ( λ B 
      (x : vertex-Reflexive-Graph A) (y : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph B x) 
      edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph B (refl-Reflexive-Graph A x) y y)

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Reflexive-Graph l1 l2}
  (B : Dependent-Reflexive-Graph l3 l4 A)

  dependent-directed-graph-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 (directed-graph-Reflexive-Graph A)
  dependent-directed-graph-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph = pr1 B

  vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    vertex-Reflexive-Graph A  UU l3
  vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph =

  edge-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    {x y : vertex-Reflexive-Graph A} 
    edge-Reflexive-Graph A x y 
    vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph x 
    vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph y  UU l4
  edge-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph =

  refl-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    {x : vertex-Reflexive-Graph A} (y : vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph x) 
    edge-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph (refl-Reflexive-Graph A x) y y
  refl-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph = pr2 B _

An equivalent definition of dependent reflexive graphs

The second definition of dependent reflexive graphs is more closely equivalent to the concept of morphisms into the universal reflexive graph.

Dependent-Reflexive-Graph' :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (l3 l4 : Level)  Reflexive-Graph l1 l2 
  UU (l1  l2  lsuc l3  lsuc l4)
Dependent-Reflexive-Graph' l3 l4 G =
  Σ ( Σ ( vertex-Reflexive-Graph G  Reflexive-Graph l3 l4)
        ( λ H 
          (x y : vertex-Reflexive-Graph G)
          (e : edge-Reflexive-Graph G x y) 
          vertex-Reflexive-Graph (H x)  vertex-Reflexive-Graph (H y)  UU l4))
    ( λ (H₀ , H₁) 
      (x : vertex-Reflexive-Graph G)
      (u v : vertex-Reflexive-Graph (H₀ x)) 
      H₁ x x (refl-Reflexive-Graph G x) u v 
      edge-Reflexive-Graph (H₀ x) u v)

Constant dependent reflexive graphs

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Reflexive-Graph l1 l2) (B : Reflexive-Graph l3 l4)

  vertex-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    vertex-Reflexive-Graph A  UU l3
  vertex-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph x = vertex-Reflexive-Graph B

  edge-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    {x y : vertex-Reflexive-Graph A} 
    edge-Reflexive-Graph A x y 
    vertex-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph x 
    vertex-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph y  UU l4
  edge-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph _ =
    edge-Reflexive-Graph B

  refl-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph :
    (x : vertex-Reflexive-Graph A)
    (y : vertex-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph x) 
    edge-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph (refl-Reflexive-Graph A x) y y
  refl-constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph _ =
    refl-Reflexive-Graph B

  constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph : Dependent-Reflexive-Graph l3 l4 A
  pr1 (pr1 constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph) =
  pr2 (pr1 constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph) _ _ =
  pr2 constant-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph =

Evaluating dependent reflexive graphs at a point

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {G : Reflexive-Graph l1 l2}
  (H : Dependent-Reflexive-Graph l3 l4 G) (x : vertex-Reflexive-Graph G)

  ev-point-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph : Reflexive-Graph l3 l4
  pr1 (pr1 ev-point-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph) =
    vertex-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph H x
  pr2 (pr1 ev-point-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph) =
    edge-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph H (refl-Reflexive-Graph G x)
  pr2 ev-point-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph =
    refl-Dependent-Reflexive-Graph H

See also

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