Directed trees
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke and Jonathan Prieto-Cubides.
Created on 2023-01-26.
Last modified on 2025-01-26.
module trees.directed-trees where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.decidable-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.isolated-elements open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.torsorial-type-families open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.type-arithmetic-coproduct-types open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import graph-theory.directed-graphs open import graph-theory.walks-directed-graphs
A directed tree is a directed graph G
equipped with a root r : G
that for every vertex x : G
the type of walks from x
to r
is contractible.
is-tree-Directed-Graph-Prop' : {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (r : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → Prop (l1 ⊔ l2) is-tree-Directed-Graph-Prop' G r = Π-Prop ( vertex-Directed-Graph G) ( λ x → is-contr-Prop (walk-Directed-Graph G x r)) is-tree-Directed-Graph' : {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (r : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-tree-Directed-Graph' G r = type-Prop (is-tree-Directed-Graph-Prop' G r) is-prop-is-tree-Directed-Graph' : {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (r : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → is-prop (is-tree-Directed-Graph' G r) is-prop-is-tree-Directed-Graph' G r = is-prop-type-Prop (is-tree-Directed-Graph-Prop' G r) is-tree-Directed-Graph : {l1 l2 : Level} → Directed-Graph l1 l2 → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-tree-Directed-Graph G = Σ ( vertex-Directed-Graph G) ( λ r → is-tree-Directed-Graph' G r) Directed-Tree : (l1 l2 : Level) → UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) Directed-Tree l1 l2 = Σ ( Directed-Graph l1 l2) is-tree-Directed-Graph module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where graph-Directed-Tree : Directed-Graph l1 l2 graph-Directed-Tree = pr1 T node-Directed-Tree : UU l1 node-Directed-Tree = vertex-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree edge-Directed-Tree : (x y : node-Directed-Tree) → UU l2 edge-Directed-Tree = edge-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree : node-Directed-Tree → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x = Σ node-Directed-Tree (λ y → edge-Directed-Tree y x) node-direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree) → direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x → node-Directed-Tree node-direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x = pr1 edge-direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree) (y : direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x) → edge-Directed-Tree (node-direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x y) x edge-direct-predecessor-Directed-Tree x = pr2 walk-Directed-Tree : (x y : node-Directed-Tree) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) walk-Directed-Tree = walk-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree walk-Directed-Tree' : (x y : node-Directed-Tree) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) walk-Directed-Tree' = walk-Directed-Graph' graph-Directed-Tree compute-walk-Directed-Tree : (x y : node-Directed-Tree) → walk-Directed-Tree x y ≃ walk-Directed-Tree' x y compute-walk-Directed-Tree = compute-walk-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree refl-walk-Directed-Tree : {x : node-Directed-Tree} → walk-Directed-Tree x x refl-walk-Directed-Tree = refl-walk-Directed-Graph cons-walk-Directed-Tree : {x y z : node-Directed-Tree} (e : edge-Directed-Tree x y) → walk-Directed-Tree y z → walk-Directed-Tree x z cons-walk-Directed-Tree = cons-walk-Directed-Graph unit-walk-Directed-Tree : {x y : node-Directed-Tree} → edge-Directed-Tree x y → walk-Directed-Tree x y unit-walk-Directed-Tree = unit-walk-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree length-walk-Directed-Tree : {x y : node-Directed-Tree} → walk-Directed-Tree x y → ℕ length-walk-Directed-Tree = length-walk-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree is-tree-Directed-Tree : is-tree-Directed-Graph graph-Directed-Tree is-tree-Directed-Tree = pr2 T root-Directed-Tree : node-Directed-Tree root-Directed-Tree = pr1 is-tree-Directed-Tree is-root-Directed-Tree : node-Directed-Tree → UU l1 is-root-Directed-Tree x = root-Directed-Tree = x unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree : is-tree-Directed-Graph' graph-Directed-Tree root-Directed-Tree unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree = pr2 is-tree-Directed-Tree walk-to-root-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree) → walk-Directed-Tree x root-Directed-Tree walk-to-root-Directed-Tree x = center (unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree x) unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree' : (x : node-Directed-Tree) → is-contr (walk-Directed-Tree' x root-Directed-Tree) unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree' x = is-contr-equiv' ( walk-Directed-Tree x root-Directed-Tree) ( compute-walk-Directed-Tree x root-Directed-Tree) ( unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree x) walk-to-root-Directed-Tree' : (x : node-Directed-Tree) → walk-Directed-Tree' x root-Directed-Tree walk-to-root-Directed-Tree' x = center (unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree' x)
Proper nodes of directed trees
We define proper nodes of a directed tree to be nodes that are distinct from the root.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where is-proper-node-Directed-Tree-Prop : node-Directed-Tree T → Prop l1 is-proper-node-Directed-Tree-Prop x = neg-type-Prop (is-root-Directed-Tree T x) is-proper-node-Directed-Tree : node-Directed-Tree T → UU l1 is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x = type-Prop (is-proper-node-Directed-Tree-Prop x) is-prop-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-prop (is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x) is-prop-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x = is-prop-type-Prop (is-proper-node-Directed-Tree-Prop x) is-proof-irrelevant-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-proof-irrelevant (is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x) is-proof-irrelevant-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x = is-proof-irrelevant-is-prop (is-prop-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x) proper-node-Directed-Tree : UU l1 proper-node-Directed-Tree = Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) is-proper-node-Directed-Tree node-proper-node-Directed-Tree : proper-node-Directed-Tree → node-Directed-Tree T node-proper-node-Directed-Tree = pr1 is-proper-node-proper-node-Directed-Tree : (x : proper-node-Directed-Tree) → is-proper-node-Directed-Tree (node-proper-node-Directed-Tree x) is-proper-node-proper-node-Directed-Tree = pr2
Being a tree is a proposition
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Directed-Graph l1 l2) where uniqueness-root-is-tree-Directed-Graph : (H K : is-tree-Directed-Graph G) → pr1 H = pr1 K uniqueness-root-is-tree-Directed-Graph (r , H) (s , K) = eq-is-refl-concat-walk-Directed-Graph G ( center (K r)) ( center (H s)) ( eq-is-contr (H r)) is-prop-is-tree-Directed-Graph : is-prop (is-tree-Directed-Graph G) is-prop-is-tree-Directed-Graph = is-prop-all-elements-equal ( λ H K → eq-type-subtype ( is-tree-Directed-Graph-Prop' G) ( uniqueness-root-is-tree-Directed-Graph H K)) is-tree-directed-graph-Prop : Prop (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 is-tree-directed-graph-Prop = is-tree-Directed-Graph G pr2 is-tree-directed-graph-Prop = is-prop-is-tree-Directed-Graph uniqueness-root-Directed-Tree : {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (H : is-tree-Directed-Graph (graph-Directed-Tree T)) → is-root-Directed-Tree T (pr1 H) uniqueness-root-Directed-Tree T = uniqueness-root-is-tree-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( is-tree-Directed-Tree T)
The root in a tree is an isolated element
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where abstract is-decidable-is-root-walk-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) (w : walk-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) → is-decidable (is-root-Directed-Tree T x) is-decidable-is-root-walk-Directed-Tree ._ refl-walk-Directed-Graph = inl refl is-decidable-is-root-walk-Directed-Tree x ( cons-walk-Directed-Graph {.x} {y} e w) = inr ( λ where refl → neq-cons-refl-walk-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( x) ( y) ( e) ( w) ( eq-is-contr (unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x))) is-isolated-root-Directed-Tree : is-isolated (root-Directed-Tree T) is-isolated-root-Directed-Tree x = is-decidable-is-root-walk-Directed-Tree x (walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x) is-prop-is-root-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-prop (is-root-Directed-Tree T x) is-prop-is-root-Directed-Tree = is-prop-eq-isolated-element ( root-Directed-Tree T) ( is-isolated-root-Directed-Tree) is-root-directed-tree-Prop : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → Prop l1 pr1 (is-root-directed-tree-Prop x) = is-root-Directed-Tree T x pr2 (is-root-directed-tree-Prop x) = is-prop-is-root-Directed-Tree x is-contr-loop-space-root-Directed-Tree : is-contr (root-Directed-Tree T = root-Directed-Tree T) is-contr-loop-space-root-Directed-Tree = is-contr-loop-space-isolated-element ( root-Directed-Tree T) ( is-isolated-root-Directed-Tree) eq-refl-root-Directed-Tree : (p : root-Directed-Tree T = root-Directed-Tree T) → p = refl eq-refl-root-Directed-Tree p = eq-is-contr is-contr-loop-space-root-Directed-Tree eq-refl-root-Directed-Tree' : (p : root-Directed-Tree T = root-Directed-Tree T) → refl = p eq-refl-root-Directed-Tree' p = eq-is-contr is-contr-loop-space-root-Directed-Tree
The root has no direct successors
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree : ¬ (Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T (root-Directed-Tree T))) no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree (x , e) = neq-cons-refl-walk-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( root-Directed-Tree T) ( x) ( e) ( walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x) ( eq-is-contr ( unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T (root-Directed-Tree T))) is-proper-node-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : {x y : node-Directed-Tree T} (e : edge-Directed-Tree T x y) → ¬ (is-root-Directed-Tree T x) is-proper-node-direct-successor-Directed-Tree e refl = no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree (_ , e)
The type of edges to the root is a proposition
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where is-proof-irrelevant-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-proof-irrelevant (edge-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) pr1 (is-proof-irrelevant-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x e) = e pr2 (is-proof-irrelevant-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x e) e' = is-injective-unit-walk-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( eq-is-contr (unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x)) is-prop-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-prop (edge-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) is-prop-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x = is-prop-is-proof-irrelevant ( is-proof-irrelevant-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x) eq-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) (e e' : edge-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) → e = e' eq-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x e e' = eq-is-prop (is-prop-edge-to-root-Directed-Tree x)
Graphs in which vertices have unique direct-successors are trees if for every vertex x
there is a walk from x
to the root
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (r : vertex-Directed-Graph G) where unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph = (x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → is-contr ((r = x) + Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x)) no-direct-successor-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → is-empty (Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G r)) no-direct-successor-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H = is-empty-right-summand-is-contr-coproduct (H r) refl is-isolated-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → is-isolated r is-isolated-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H x = map-coproduct ( id) ( is-empty-left-summand-is-contr-coproduct (H x)) ( center (H x)) is-torsorial-walk-from-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → is-torsorial (walk-Directed-Graph G r) pr1 (is-torsorial-walk-from-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H) = ( r , refl-walk-Directed-Graph) pr2 ( is-torsorial-walk-from-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H) ( y , refl-walk-Directed-Graph) = refl pr2 ( is-torsorial-walk-from-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H) ( y , cons-walk-Directed-Graph e w) = ex-falso ( no-direct-successor-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H ( _ , e)) is-contr-loop-space-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → is-contr (r = r) is-contr-loop-space-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H = is-contr-loop-space-isolated-element r ( is-isolated-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H) is-not-root-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : (x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → is-contr ( (r = x) + Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x)) → Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x) → r ≠ x is-not-root-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph x H (y , e) = is-empty-left-summand-is-contr-coproduct H (y , e) is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : (x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → is-contr ( (r = x) + Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x)) → is-proof-irrelevant (Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x)) is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph x H (y , e) = is-contr-right-summand H (y , e) is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → (x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → is-proof-irrelevant (walk-Directed-Graph G x r) pr1 ( is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H x refl-walk-Directed-Graph) = refl-walk-Directed-Graph pr2 ( is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H x refl-walk-Directed-Graph) ( w) = ( inv ( ap ( λ α → tr (walk-Directed-Graph G x) α refl-walk-Directed-Graph) ( eq-is-contr ( is-contr-loop-space-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph ( H))))) ∙ ( pr2 ( pair-eq-Σ ( eq-is-contr ( is-torsorial-walk-from-root-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H) { (r , refl-walk-Directed-Graph)} { (r , w)}))) is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H x ( cons-walk-Directed-Graph {.x} {y} e w) = is-contr-equiv ( walk-Directed-Graph G y r) ( equivalence-reasoning walk-Directed-Graph G x r ≃ coproduct-walk-Directed-Graph G x r by compute-coproduct-walk-Directed-Graph G x r ≃ Σ ( vertex-Directed-Graph G) ( λ y → edge-Directed-Graph G x y × walk-Directed-Graph G y r) by left-unit-law-coproduct-is-empty ( r = x) ( Σ ( vertex-Directed-Graph G) ( λ y → edge-Directed-Graph G x y × walk-Directed-Graph G y r)) ( is-not-root-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph x ( H x) ( y , e)) ≃ Σ ( Σ (vertex-Directed-Graph G) (edge-Directed-Graph G x)) ( λ p → walk-Directed-Graph G (pr1 p) r) by inv-associative-Σ ( vertex-Directed-Graph G) ( edge-Directed-Graph G x) ( λ p → walk-Directed-Graph G (pr1 p) r) ≃ walk-Directed-Graph G y r by left-unit-law-Σ-is-contr ( is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-has-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph ( x) ( H x) ( y , e)) (y , e)) ( is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H y w) is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph' : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → ((x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → walk-Directed-Graph G x r) → is-tree-Directed-Graph' G r is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph' H w x = is-proof-irrelevant-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H x (w x) is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph → ((x : vertex-Directed-Graph G) → walk-Directed-Graph G x r) → is-tree-Directed-Graph G pr1 (is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H w) = r pr2 (is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph H w) = is-tree-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph' H w
Nodes in trees have unique direct-successors
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where center-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) (w : walk-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) → is-root-Directed-Tree T x + Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x) center-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree .(root-Directed-Tree T) refl-walk-Directed-Graph = inl refl center-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x ( cons-walk-Directed-Graph {.x} {y} e w) = inr (y , e) center-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-root-Directed-Tree T x + Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x) center-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x = center-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x ( walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x) contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : ( x : node-Directed-Tree T) ( w : walk-Directed-Tree T x (root-Directed-Tree T)) → ( p : is-root-Directed-Tree T x + Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → center-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x w = p contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree ._ ( refl-walk-Directed-Graph) ( inl p) = ap inl (eq-refl-root-Directed-Tree' T p) contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree ._ ( refl-walk-Directed-Graph) ( inr (y , e)) = ex-falso (no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree T (y , e)) contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree _ ( cons-walk-Directed-Graph {._} {y} e w) ( inl refl) = ex-falso (no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree T (y , e)) contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree _ ( cons-walk-Directed-Graph {x} {y} e w) ( inr (z , f)) = ap ( inr) ( eq-direct-successor-eq-cons-walk-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( x) ( e) ( f) ( walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T y) ( walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T z) ( eq-is-contr (unique-walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x))) contraction-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : ( x : node-Directed-Tree T) → ( p : is-root-Directed-Tree T x + Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → center-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x = p contraction-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x = contraction-walk-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x ( walk-to-root-Directed-Tree T x) unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : unique-direct-successor-Directed-Graph ( graph-Directed-Tree T) ( root-Directed-Tree T) pr1 (unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x) = center-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x pr2 (unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x) = contraction-unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x unique-direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-proper-node-Directed-Tree T x → is-contr (Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) unique-direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x f = is-contr-equiv' ( ( is-root-Directed-Tree T x) + ( Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x))) ( left-unit-law-coproduct-is-empty ( is-root-Directed-Tree T x) ( Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) ( f)) ( unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x) abstract is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-proof-irrelevant (Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x (y , e) = unique-direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x ( λ where refl → no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree T (y , e)) is-prop-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-prop (Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) is-prop-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x = is-prop-is-proof-irrelevant ( is-proof-irrelevant-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x) eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : {x : node-Directed-Tree T} (u v : Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → u = v eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree {x} = eq-is-prop' (is-prop-direct-successor-Directed-Tree x) direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree : (x : node-Directed-Tree T) → is-proper-node-Directed-Tree T x → Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x) direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x f = center (unique-direct-successor-is-proper-node-Directed-Tree x f)
Transporting walks in directed trees
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2) where tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : {x y : node-Directed-Tree T} (u v : Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 u) y → walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 v) y tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree {x} {y} u v = tr ( λ r → walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 r) y) ( eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree T u v) eq-tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree' : {x y : node-Directed-Tree T} (u v : Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → (w : walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 u) y) → (p : u = v) → cons-walk-Directed-Graph ( pr2 v) ( tr (λ r → walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 r) y) p w) = cons-walk-Directed-Graph (pr2 u) w eq-tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree' u .u w refl = refl eq-tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree : {x y : node-Directed-Tree T} (u v : Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T x)) → (w : walk-Directed-Tree T (pr1 u) y) → cons-walk-Directed-Graph ( pr2 v) ( tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree u v w) = cons-walk-Directed-Graph (pr2 u) w eq-tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree u v w = eq-tr-walk-eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree' u v w ( eq-direct-successor-Directed-Tree T u v)
See also
There are many variations of the notion of trees, all of which are subtly different:
- Undirected trees can be found in
. - Acyclic undirected graphs can be found in
Recent changes
- 2025-01-26. Fredrik Bakke. Fix definition of ordinals (#1241).
- 2024-04-11. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Propositional operations (#1008).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1017). - 2023-10-21. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Implement
throughout the library (#875). - 2023-10-09. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Negated equality (#822).