Reflexive globular types
Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2024-11-17.
Last modified on 2025-02-04.
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-} module globular-types.reflexive-globular-types where
open import foundation.binary-relations open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import globular-types.globular-maps open import globular-types.globular-types
A globular type is
if every -cell x
comes with a choice of -cell from x
to x
Reflexivity structure on globular types
record is-reflexive-Globular-Type {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Globular-Type l1 l2) : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) where coinductive field is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : is-reflexive (1-cell-Globular-Type G) field is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → is-reflexive-Globular-Type (1-cell-globular-type-Globular-Type G x y) open is-reflexive-Globular-Type public module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {G : Globular-Type l1 l2} (r : is-reflexive-Globular-Type G) where refl-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → 1-cell-Globular-Type G x x refl-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r _ is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → is-reflexive (2-cell-Globular-Type G {x} {y}) is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r) refl-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} {f : 1-cell-Globular-Type G x y} → 2-cell-Globular-Type G f f refl-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r) ( _) is-reflexive-2-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → {f g : 1-cell-Globular-Type G x y} → is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( 2-cell-globular-type-Globular-Type G {x} {y} f g) is-reflexive-2-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Globular-Type l1 l2) (r : is-reflexive-Globular-Type G) where is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → {f g : 1-cell-Globular-Type G x y} → is-reflexive (3-cell-Globular-Type G {x} {y} {f} {g}) is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r) refl-4-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → {f g : 1-cell-Globular-Type G x y} → {s : 2-cell-Globular-Type G f g} → 3-cell-Globular-Type G s s refl-4-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = refl-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r) is-reflexive-3-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Globular-Type G} → {f g : 1-cell-Globular-Type G x y} {s t : 2-cell-Globular-Type G f g} → is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( 3-cell-globular-type-Globular-Type G {x} {y} {f} {g} s t) is-reflexive-3-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-2-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r)
Reflexive globular types
record Reflexive-Globular-Type (l1 l2 : Level) : UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) where
The underlying globular type of a reflexive globular type:
field globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type : Globular-Type l1 l2 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : UU l1 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 0-cell-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type → 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type → UU l2 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 1-cell-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type 2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x x' : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type} (y y' : 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type x x') → UU l2 2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 2-cell-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type 3-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x x' : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type} {y y' : 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type x x'} → (z z' : 2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type y y') → UU l2 3-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 3-cell-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type globular-structure-Reflexive-Globular-Type : globular-structure l2 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type globular-structure-Reflexive-Globular-Type = globular-structure-0-cell-Globular-Type ( globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type)
The reflexivity structure of a reflexive globular type:
field refl-Reflexive-Globular-Type : is-reflexive-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type refl-1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type} → 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type x x refl-1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( refl-Reflexive-Globular-Type) ( _) 1-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type : (x y : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type) → Globular-Type l2 l2 1-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 1-cell-globular-type-Globular-Type globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type refl-2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type} {f : 1-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type x y} → 2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type f f refl-2-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( refl-Reflexive-Globular-Type) ( _) refl-2-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type} → is-reflexive-Globular-Type ( 1-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type x y) refl-2-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type = is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type refl-Reflexive-Globular-Type
The reflexive globular type of 1-cells of a reflexive globular type:
1-cell-reflexive-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type : (x y : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type) → Reflexive-Globular-Type l2 l2 globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type ( 1-cell-reflexive-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type x y) = 1-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type x y refl-Reflexive-Globular-Type ( 1-cell-reflexive-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type x y) = refl-2-cell-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type open Reflexive-Globular-Type public
The predicate of being a reflexive globular structure
is-reflexive-globular-structure : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} → globular-structure l2 A → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-reflexive-globular-structure G = is-reflexive-Globular-Type (make-Globular-Type G) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (G : globular-structure l2 A) (r : is-reflexive-globular-structure G) where is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : is-reflexive (1-cell-globular-structure G) is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r refl-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x : A} → 1-cell-globular-structure G x x refl-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-1-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r _ is-reflexive-globular-structure-1-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} → is-reflexive-globular-structure ( globular-structure-1-cell-globular-structure G x y) is-reflexive-globular-structure-1-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-1-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} → is-reflexive (2-cell-globular-structure G {x} {y}) is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure {x} {y} = is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r refl-3-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} {f : 1-cell-globular-structure G x y} → 2-cell-globular-structure G f f refl-3-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure _ is-reflexive-globular-structure-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} {f g : 1-cell-globular-structure G x y} → is-reflexive-globular-structure ( globular-structure-2-cell-globular-structure G f g) is-reflexive-globular-structure-2-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-2-cell-globular-type-is-reflexive-Globular-Type r is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} {f g : 1-cell-globular-structure G x y} → is-reflexive (3-cell-globular-structure G {x} {y} {f} {g}) is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure = is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-Globular-Type (make-Globular-Type G) r refl-4-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure : {x y : A} {f g : 1-cell-globular-structure G x y} {H : 2-cell-globular-structure G f g} → 3-cell-globular-structure G H H refl-4-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure {x} {y} {f} {g} {H} = is-reflexive-3-cell-is-reflexive-globular-structure _
The type of reflexive globular structures
reflexive-globular-structure : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (A : UU l1) → UU (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) reflexive-globular-structure l2 A = Σ (globular-structure l2 A) (is-reflexive-globular-structure)
Globular maps between reflexive globular types
Since there are at least two notions of morphism between reflexive globular types, both of which have an underlying globular map, we record here the definition of globular maps between reflexive globular types.
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Reflexive-Globular-Type l1 l2) (H : Reflexive-Globular-Type l3 l4) where globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4) globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type = globular-map ( globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type G) ( globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type H) module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Reflexive-Globular-Type l1 l2) (H : Reflexive-Globular-Type l3 l4) (f : globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type G H) where 0-cell-globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type G → 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type H 0-cell-globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 0-cell-globular-map f 1-cell-globular-map-globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type : {x y : 0-cell-Reflexive-Globular-Type G} → globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type ( 1-cell-reflexive-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type G x y) ( 1-cell-reflexive-globular-type-Reflexive-Globular-Type H _ _) 1-cell-globular-map-globular-map-Reflexive-Globular-Type = 1-cell-globular-map-globular-map f
See also
- Colax reflexive globular maps
- Lax reflexive globular maps
- Reflexive globular maps
- Noncoherent ω-precategories are globular types that are both reflexive and transitive.
Recent changes
- 2025-02-04. Fredrik Bakke. Rename wild higher categories (#1233).
- 2024-12-03. Egbert Rijke. Hofmann-Streicher universes for graphs and globular types (#1196).
- 2024-11-17. Egbert Rijke. chore: Moving files about globular types to a new namespace (#1223).