The universal property of the conatural numbers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2025-01-04.
Last modified on 2025-01-04.

module elementary-number-theory.universal-property-conatural-numbers where
open import foundation.coalgebras-maybe
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.morphisms-coalgebras-maybe
open import foundation.universe-levels


The conatural numbers ℕ∞ enjoys many universal properties, among others:

  1. It is the one-point compactification of the natural numbers.
  2. It classifies downward-stable subsets of the natural numbers.
  3. It is the final coalgebra of the maybe monad.

On this page we consider the last of these. Thus, a Maybe-coalgebra η : X → Maybe X satisfies the universal property of the conatural numbers if, for every other Maybe-coalgebra η' : Y → Maybe Y there is a unique coalgebra homomorphism

f Y ----------> X | | η'| | η ∨ ∨ Maybe Y ----> Maybe X. Maybe f


The universal property of the conatural numbers at a universe level

universal-property-conatural-numbers-Level :
  {l1 : Level}  coalgebra-Maybe l1  (l : Level)  UU (l1  lsuc l)
universal-property-conatural-numbers-Level N∞ l =
  (X : coalgebra-Maybe l)  is-contr (hom-coalgebra-Maybe X N∞)

The universal property of the conatural numbers at a universe level

universal-property-conatural-numbers :
  {l1 : Level}  coalgebra-Maybe l1  UUω
universal-property-conatural-numbers N∞ =
  {l : Level}  universal-property-conatural-numbers-Level N∞ l

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