Whiskering pointed homotopies with respect to concatenation

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-03-13.
Last modified on 2024-03-13.

module structured-types.whiskering-pointed-2-homotopies-concatenation where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-identifications
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-concatenation
open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation

open import structured-types.pointed-2-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types


The whiskering operations of pointed 2-homotopies with respect to concatenation of pointed homotopies are two operations that produce pointed 2-homotopies between concatenations of pointed homotopies from either a pointed 2-homotopy on the left or on the right of the concatenations.

  • The left whiskering is an operation that takes a pointed homotopy H : f ~∗ g and a pointed 2-homotopy α : K ~²∗ L between two pointed homotopies K L : g ~∗ h as indicated in the diagram

          H      ----->
      f -----> g -----> h,

    and returns a pointed 2-homotopy H ∙h K ~²∗ H ∙h L.

  • The right whiskering is an operation that takes a pointed 2-homotopy α : H ~²∗ K between two pointed homotopies H K : f ~∗ g and a pointed homotopy L : g ~∗ h as indicated in the diagram

      f -----> g -----> h,
          K        L

    and returns a pointed 2-homotopy H ∙h L ~²∗ K ∙h L.


Left whiskering of pointed 2-homotopies with respect to concatenation

Consider three pointed maps f := (f₀ , f₁), g := (g₀ , g₁), and h := (h₀ , h₁) from A to B, a pointed homotopy H := (H₀ , H₁) : f ~∗ g and a pointed 2-homotopy α := (α₀ , α₁) : K ~²∗ L between two pointed homotopies K := (K₀ , K₁) and L := (L₀ , L₁) from g to h as indicated in the diagram

      H      ----->
  f -----> g -----> h.

The underlying homotopy of the left whiskering H ·l∗ α : H ∙h K ~²∗ H ∙h L is the homotopy

  H₀ ·l α₀ : H₀ ∙h K₀ ~ H₀ ∙h L₀.

The base point coherence of this homotopy is an identification witnessing that the triangle

           (H ∙h K)₁
        f₁ --------> ((H₀ *) ∙ (K₀ *)) ∙ h₁
           \       /
  (H ∙h L)₁ \     / right-whisker (left-whisker (H₀ *) (α₀ *)) h₁
             \   /
              ∨ ∨
    ((H₀ *) ∙ (L₀ *)) ∙ h₁

commutes. Here, the identifications (H ∙h K)₁ and (H ∙h L)₁ are the horizontal pastings of the commuting triangles of identifications

       H₀ *      K₀ *                   H₀ *      L₀ *
  f₀ * ---> g₀ * ----> h₀ *        f₀ * ---> g₀ * ----> h₀ *
       \      |      /                  \      |      /
        \  H₁ |  K₁ /                    \  H₁ |  L₁ /
     f₁  \    |g₁  / h₁               f₁  \    |g₁  / h₁
          \   |   /                        \   |   /
           \  |  /                          \  |  /
            ∨ ∨ ∨                            ∨ ∨ ∨
              *                                *.

Then the triangle

                   horizontal-pasting H₁ K₁
                       f₁ --------> (H₀ * ∙ K₀ *) ∙ h₁
                         \         /
                          \       /
  horizontal-pasting H₁ L₁ \     / right-whisker (left-whisker (H₀ *) (α₀ *)) h₁
                            \   /
                             ∨ ∨
                        (H₀ * ∙ K₀ *) ∙ h₁

commutes by left whiskering of horizontal pasting of commuting triangles of identifications.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {f g h : A →∗ B} (H : f ~∗ g) (K L : g ~∗ h) (α : K ~²∗ L)

  htpy-left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H K)
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H L)
  htpy-left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
    left-whisker-concat-htpy (htpy-pointed-htpy H) (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α)

  coherence-point-left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H K)
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H L)
      ( htpy-left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy)
  coherence-point-left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map g)
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map h)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy K (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy L (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy L)
      ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy α (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy α)

  left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
    concat-pointed-htpy H K ~²∗ concat-pointed-htpy H L
  pr1 left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
  pr2 left-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =

Right whiskering of pointed 2-homotopies with respect to concatenation

Consider three pointed maps f := (f₀ , f₁), g := (g₀ , g₁), and h := (h₀ , h₁) from A to B, a pointed 2-homotopy α := (α₀ , α₁) : H ~²∗ K between two pointed homotopies H := (H₀ , H₁) and K := (K₀ , K₁) from f to g and a pointed homotopy L := (L₀ , L₁) : g ~∗ h as indicated in the diagram

  f -----> g -----> h.
      K        L

The underlying homotopy of the right whiskering α ·r∗ L : H ∙h L ~²∗ K ∙h L is the homotopy

  α₀ ·r L₀ : H₀ ∙h L₀ ~ K₀ ∙h L₀.

The base point coherence of this homotopy is an identification witnessing that the triangle

           (H ∙h L)₁
         f₁ --------> ((H₀ *) ∙ (L₀ *)) ∙ h₁
           \         /
  (K ∙h L)₁ \       / right-whisker (right-whisker (α₀ *) (L₀ *)) h₁
             \     /
              ∨   ∨
      ((K₀ *) ∙ (L₀ *)) ∙ h₁

commutes. Here, the identifications (H ∙h L)₁ and (K ∙h L)₁ are the horizontal pastings of the commuting triangles of identifications

       H₀ *      L₀ *                   K₀ *      L₀ *
  f₀ * ---> g₀ * ----> h₀ *        f₀ * ---> g₀ * ----> h₀ *
       \      |      /                  \      |      /
        \  H₁ |  L₁ /                    \  K₁ |  L₁ /
     f₁  \    |g₁  / h₁               f₁  \    |g₁  / h₁
          \   |   /                        \   |   /
           \  |  /                          \  |  /
            ∨ ∨ ∨                            ∨ ∨ ∨
              *                                *.

Then the triangle

                   horizontal-pasting H₁ L₁
                       f₁ --------> (H₀ * ∙ L₀ *) ∙ h₁
                         \         /
                          \       /
  horizontal-pasting K₁ L₁ \     / right-whisker (right-whisker (α₀ *) (L₀ *)) h₁
                            \   /
                             ∨ ∨
                        (K₀ * ∙ L₀ *) ∙ h₁

commutes by right whiskering of horizontal pasting of commuting triangles of identifications.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {f g h : A →∗ B} (H K : f ~∗ g) (α : H ~²∗ K) (L : g ~∗ h)

  htpy-right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H L)
      ( concat-pointed-htpy K L)
  htpy-right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
    right-whisker-concat-htpy (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α) (htpy-pointed-htpy L)

  coherence-point-right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H L)
      ( concat-pointed-htpy K L)
      ( htpy-right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy)
  coherence-point-right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map g)
      ( preserves-point-pointed-map h)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy K (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy L (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy L)
      ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy α (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy α)

  right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
    concat-pointed-htpy H L ~²∗ concat-pointed-htpy K L
  pr1 right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
  pr2 right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy =

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