Markov’s principle
Content created by Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-01-07.
Last modified on 2025-01-31.
module logic.markovs-principle where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.booleans open import foundation.decidable-subtypes open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.disjunction open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.inhabited-types open import foundation.negation open import foundation.universal-quantification open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.sets open import logic.markovian-types open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types
Markov’s principle¶
asserts that if a decidable subtype 𝒫
the natural numbers ℕ
is not
full, then
there is a natural number n
is not in 𝒫
Markov’s principle is an example of a constructive taboo. It is a consequence of the law of excluded middle that is not provable generally in constructive mathematics.
Markov’s principle
Markov's-Principle : UU lzero Markov's-Principle = is-markovian ℕ
Markov’s principle is constructively valid for upwards closed subtypes
Proof. Assume given an ascending chain of decidable propositions Pᵢ ⇒ Pᵢ₊₁
indexed by the natural numbers ℕ
. This gives a decidable subtype 𝒫
of ℕ
given by i ∈ 𝒫
iff Pᵢ
is true. Observe that if i ∈ 𝒫
then every j ≥ i
also in 𝒫
, and there must exist a least such i ∈ 𝒫
. Therefore,
𝒫 = Σ (m ∈ ℕ) (m ≥ k)
for some k
. So, if ¬ (∀ᵢ Pᵢ)
it is necessarily the
case that ¬ P₀
markovs-principle-upwards-closed-structure : {l : Level} (P : ℕ → UU l) (H : (n : ℕ) → P n → P (succ-ℕ n)) → ¬ ((n : ℕ) → P n) → Σ ℕ (¬_ ∘ P) markovs-principle-upwards-closed-structure P H q = (0 , λ x → q (ind-ℕ x H))
See also
- The principle of omniscience
- The limited principle of omniscience
- The lesser limited principle of omniscience
- The weak limited principle of omniscience
External links
- Markov’s principle at Wikidata
- Taboos.MarkovsPrinciple at TypeTopology
- limited principle of omniscience at Lab
Recent changes
- 2025-01-31. Fredrik Bakke. Equality of conatural numbers (#1236).
- 2025-01-07. Fredrik Bakke. Logic (#1226).