Negative integer fractions
Content created by Fredrik Bakke and Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2025-03-25.
Last modified on 2025-03-25.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module elementary-number-theory.negative-integer-fractions where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.addition-positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.integers open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-and-negative-integers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-integer-fractions open import elementary-number-theory.positive-integers open import elementary-number-theory.reduced-integer-fractions open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels
An integer fraction x
is said
to be
if its numerator is a
negative integer.
The property of being a negative integer fraction
module _ (x : fraction-ℤ) where is-negative-fraction-ℤ : UU lzero is-negative-fraction-ℤ = is-negative-ℤ (numerator-fraction-ℤ x) is-prop-is-negative-fraction-ℤ : is-prop is-negative-fraction-ℤ is-prop-is-negative-fraction-ℤ = is-prop-is-negative-ℤ (numerator-fraction-ℤ x)
The negative of a positive integer fraction is negative
abstract is-negative-neg-positive-fraction-ℤ : (x : fraction-ℤ) → is-positive-fraction-ℤ x → is-negative-fraction-ℤ (neg-fraction-ℤ x) is-negative-neg-positive-fraction-ℤ _ = is-negative-neg-is-positive-ℤ
The negative of a negative integer fraction is positive
abstract is-positive-neg-negative-fraction-ℤ : (x : fraction-ℤ) → is-negative-fraction-ℤ x → is-positive-fraction-ℤ (neg-fraction-ℤ x) is-positive-neg-negative-fraction-ℤ _ = is-positive-neg-is-negative-ℤ
An integer fraction similar to a negative integer fraction is negative
is-negative-sim-fraction-ℤ : (x y : fraction-ℤ) (S : sim-fraction-ℤ x y) → is-negative-fraction-ℤ x → is-negative-fraction-ℤ y is-negative-sim-fraction-ℤ x y S N = is-negative-right-factor-mul-positive-ℤ ( is-negative-eq-ℤ ( S ∙ commutative-mul-ℤ (numerator-fraction-ℤ y) (denominator-fraction-ℤ x)) ( is-negative-mul-negative-positive-ℤ ( N) ( is-positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ y))) ( is-positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ x)
The reduced fraction of a negative integer fraction is negative
is-negative-reduce-fraction-ℤ : {x : fraction-ℤ} (P : is-negative-fraction-ℤ x) → is-negative-fraction-ℤ (reduce-fraction-ℤ x) is-negative-reduce-fraction-ℤ {x} = is-negative-sim-fraction-ℤ ( x) ( reduce-fraction-ℤ x) ( sim-reduced-fraction-ℤ x)
The sum of two negative integer fractions is negative
is-negative-add-fraction-ℤ : {x y : fraction-ℤ} → is-negative-fraction-ℤ x → is-negative-fraction-ℤ y → is-negative-fraction-ℤ (add-fraction-ℤ x y) is-negative-add-fraction-ℤ {x} {y} P Q = is-negative-add-ℤ ( is-negative-mul-negative-positive-ℤ ( P) ( is-positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ y)) ( is-negative-mul-negative-positive-ℤ ( Q) ( is-positive-denominator-fraction-ℤ x))
The product of two negative integer fractions is positive
is-positive-mul-negative-fraction-ℤ : {x y : fraction-ℤ} → is-negative-fraction-ℤ x → is-negative-fraction-ℤ y → is-positive-fraction-ℤ (mul-fraction-ℤ x y) is-positive-mul-negative-fraction-ℤ = is-positive-mul-negative-ℤ
Recent changes
- 2025-03-25. Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke. Multiplication on closed intervals of rational numbers (#1351).