Equivalences of coforks

Content created by Vojtěch Štěpančík.

Created on 2024-04-16.
Last modified on 2024-04-16.

module synthetic-homotopy-theory.equivalences-coforks-under-equivalences-double-arrows where
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-maps
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.double-arrows
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.equivalences-arrows
open import foundation.equivalences-double-arrows
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.morphisms-arrows
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.coforks
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.morphisms-coforks-under-morphisms-double-arrows


Consider two double arrows f, g : A → B and h, k : U → V, equipped with coforks c : B → X and c' : V → Y, respectively, and an equivalence of double arrows e : (f, g) ≃ (h, k).

Then an equivalence of coforks under e is a triple (m, H, K), with m : X ≃ Y an equivalence of vertices of the coforks, H a homotopy witnessing that the bottom square in the diagram

     A --------> U
    | |    ≃    | |
  f | | g     h | | k
    | |         | |
    ∨ ∨    ≃    ∨ ∨
     B --------> V
     |     j     |
   c |           | c'
     |           |
     ∨     ≃     ∨
     X --------> Y

commutes, and K a coherence datum "filling the inside" --- we have two stacks of squares

           i                        i
     A --------> U            A --------> U
     |     ≃     |            |     ≃     |
   f |           | h        g |           | k
     |           |            |           |
     ∨     ≃     ∨            ∨     ≃     ∨
     B --------> V            B --------> V
     |     j     |            |     j     |
   c |           | c'       c |           | c'
     |           |            |           |
     ∨     ≃     ∨            ∨     ≃     ∨
     X --------> Y            X --------> Y
           m                        m

which share the top map i and the bottom square, and the coherences of c and c' filling the sides; that gives the homotopies

                                                i                 i
     A                  A                 A --------> U     A --------> U
     |                  |                             |                 |
   f |                f |                             | h               | k
     |                  |                             |                 |
     ∨                  ∨     j                       ∨                 ∨
     B         ~        B --------> V       ~         V        ~        V
     |                              |                 |                 |
   c |                              | c'              | c'              | c'
     |                              |                 |                 |
     ∨                              ∨                 ∨                 ∨
     X --------> Y                  Y                 Y                 Y


     A                 A               A                    A --------> U
     |                 |               |                                |
   f |               g |             g |                                | k
     |                 |               |                                |
     ∨                 ∨               ∨     j                          ∨
     B         ~       B       ~       B --------> V           ~        V
     |                 |                           |                    |
   c |               c |                           | c'                 | c'
     |                 |                           |                    |
     ∨                 ∨                           ∨                    ∨
     X --------> Y     X --------> Y               Y                    Y ,
           m                 m

which are required to be homotopic.


Equivalences of coforks

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {a : double-arrow l1 l2} {X : UU l3} (c : cofork a X)
  {a' : double-arrow l4 l5} {Y : UU l6} (c' : cofork a' Y)
  (e : equiv-double-arrow a a')

  coherence-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : (X  Y)  UU (l2  l6)
  coherence-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow m =
      ( codomain-map-equiv-double-arrow a a' e)
      ( map-cofork a c)
      ( map-cofork a' c')
      ( map-equiv m)

  coherence-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
    (m : X  Y)  coherence-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow m 
    UU (l1  l6)
  coherence-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow m H =
    ( ( H ·r (left-map-double-arrow a)) ∙h
      ( ( map-cofork a' c') ·l
        ( left-square-equiv-double-arrow a a' e)) ∙h
      ( (coh-cofork a' c') ·r (domain-map-equiv-double-arrow a a' e))) ~
    ( ( (map-equiv m) ·l (coh-cofork a c)) ∙h
      ( H ·r (right-map-double-arrow a)) ∙h
      ( (map-cofork a' c') ·l (right-square-equiv-double-arrow a a' e)))

  equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : UU (l1  l2  l3  l6)
  equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
    Σ ( X  Y)
      ( λ m 
        Σ ( coherence-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow m)
          ( coherence-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow m))

  module _
    (e' : equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)

    equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : X  Y
    equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = pr1 e'

    map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow : X  Y
    map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
      map-equiv equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow

    is-equiv-map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
      is-equiv map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow
    is-equiv-map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
      is-equiv-map-equiv equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow

    coh-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
        ( equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)
    coh-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = pr1 (pr2 e')

    equiv-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
      equiv-arrow (map-cofork a c) (map-cofork a' c')
    pr1 equiv-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
      codomain-equiv-equiv-double-arrow a a' e
    pr1 (pr2 equiv-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) =
    pr2 (pr2 equiv-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) =

    hom-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
      hom-arrow (map-cofork a c) (map-cofork a' c')
    hom-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
        ( map-cofork a c)
        ( map-cofork a' c')
        ( equiv-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)

    coh-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
        ( equiv-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)
        ( coh-map-cofork-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow)
    coh-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow = pr2 (pr2 e')

    hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
      hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' (hom-equiv-double-arrow a a' e)
    pr1 hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow =
    pr1 (pr2 hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) =
    pr2 (pr2 hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow) =

The predicate on morphisms of coforks under equivalences of double arrows of being an equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {a : double-arrow l1 l2} {X : UU l3} (c : cofork a X)
  {a' : double-arrow l4 l5} {Y : UU l6} (c' : cofork a' Y)
  (e : equiv-double-arrow a a')

  is-equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
    hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' (hom-equiv-double-arrow a a' e) 
    UU (l3  l6)
  is-equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow h =
      ( map-hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' h)

  is-equiv-hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
    (e' : equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow c c' e) 
      ( hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow c c' e e')
  is-equiv-hom-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow e' =
    is-equiv-map-equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow c c' e e'


Morphisms of coforks under equivalences of arrows which are equivalences are equivalences of coforks

To construct an equivalence of coforks under an equivalence e of double arrows, it suffices to construct a morphism of coforks under the underlying morphism of double arrows of e, and show that the map X → Y is an equivalence.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {a : double-arrow l1 l2} {X : UU l3} (c : cofork a X)
  {a' : double-arrow l4 l5} {Y : UU l6} (c' : cofork a' Y)
  (e : equiv-double-arrow a a')

  equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow :
    (h : hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' (hom-equiv-double-arrow a a' e)) 
    is-equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow c c' e h 
    equiv-cofork-equiv-double-arrow c c' e
  pr1 (equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow h is-equiv-map-cofork) =
    (map-hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' h , is-equiv-map-cofork)
  pr1 (pr2 (equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow h _)) =
    coh-map-cofork-hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' h
  pr2 (pr2 (equiv-hom-cofork-equiv-double-arrow h _)) =
    coh-hom-cofork-hom-double-arrow c c' h

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