Conatural numbers
Content created by Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-01-04.
Last modified on 2025-01-31.
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-} module elementary-number-theory.conatural-numbers where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.injective-maps open import foundation.maybe open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.retractions open import foundation.sections open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.identity-types
The conatural numbers¶ ℕ∞
is a
set that satisfies the dual of the universal property
of natural numbers in the sense
that it is the final coalgebra of the functor X ↦ 1 + X
rather than the
initial algebra.
The coinductive type of conatural numbers
record ℕ∞ : UU lzero where coinductive constructor cons-ℕ∞ field decons-ℕ∞ : Maybe ℕ∞ open ℕ∞ public
The zero element of the conatural numbers
zero-ℕ∞ : ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞ zero-ℕ∞ = exception-Maybe
The element at infinity of the conatural numbers
infinity-ℕ∞ : ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞ infinity-ℕ∞ = unit-Maybe infinity-ℕ∞
The successor function on the conatural numbers
succ-ℕ∞ : ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞ (succ-ℕ∞ x) = unit-Maybe x
Alternative definition of the constructor function for conatural numbers
cons-ℕ∞' : Maybe ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ cons-ℕ∞' = rec-coproduct succ-ℕ∞ (λ _ → zero-ℕ∞)
Alternative definition of the deconstructor function for conatural numbers
decons-ℕ∞' : ℕ∞ → Maybe ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞' x = rec-coproduct inl inr (decons-ℕ∞ x) compute-decons-ℕ∞ : decons-ℕ∞' ~ decons-ℕ∞ compute-decons-ℕ∞ x with decons-ℕ∞ x compute-decons-ℕ∞ x | inl q = refl compute-decons-ℕ∞ x | inr q = refl
The coiterator function for conatural numbers
coit-ℕ∞ : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → (A → Maybe A) → A → ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞ (coit-ℕ∞ f x) with f x decons-ℕ∞ (coit-ℕ∞ f x) | inl a = unit-Maybe (coit-ℕ∞ f a) decons-ℕ∞ (coit-ℕ∞ f x) | inr _ = exception-Maybe
The corecursor function for conatural numbers
corec-ℕ∞ : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → (A → ℕ∞ + Maybe A) → A → ℕ∞ decons-ℕ∞ (corec-ℕ∞ f x) with f x decons-ℕ∞ (corec-ℕ∞ f x) | inl q = unit-Maybe q decons-ℕ∞ (corec-ℕ∞ f x) | inr (inl a) = unit-Maybe (corec-ℕ∞ f a) decons-ℕ∞ (corec-ℕ∞ f x) | inr (inr *) = inr *
Zero is not a successor
neq-zero-succ-ℕ∞ : (x : ℕ∞) → succ-ℕ∞ x ≠ zero-ℕ∞ neq-zero-succ-ℕ∞ x p = is-not-exception-unit-Maybe x (ap decons-ℕ∞ p)
Zero is not the point at infinity
neq-zero-infinity-ℕ∞ : infinity-ℕ∞ ≠ zero-ℕ∞ neq-zero-infinity-ℕ∞ p = is-not-exception-unit-Maybe infinity-ℕ∞ (ap decons-ℕ∞ p) neq-infinity-zero-ℕ∞ : zero-ℕ∞ ≠ infinity-ℕ∞ neq-infinity-zero-ℕ∞ = is-symmetric-nonequal infinity-ℕ∞ zero-ℕ∞ neq-zero-infinity-ℕ∞
The constructor function is a section of the deconstructor
is-section-cons-ℕ∞ : is-section decons-ℕ∞ cons-ℕ∞ is-section-cons-ℕ∞ (inl x) = refl is-section-cons-ℕ∞ (inr x) = refl section-decons-ℕ∞ : section decons-ℕ∞ section-decons-ℕ∞ = cons-ℕ∞ , is-section-cons-ℕ∞ retraction-cons-ℕ∞ : retraction cons-ℕ∞ retraction-cons-ℕ∞ = decons-ℕ∞ , is-section-cons-ℕ∞ is-injective-cons-ℕ∞ : is-injective cons-ℕ∞ is-injective-cons-ℕ∞ = is-injective-retraction cons-ℕ∞ retraction-cons-ℕ∞
is-section-cons-ℕ∞' : is-section decons-ℕ∞' cons-ℕ∞ is-section-cons-ℕ∞' (inl x) = refl is-section-cons-ℕ∞' (inr x) = refl section-decons-ℕ∞' : section decons-ℕ∞' section-decons-ℕ∞' = cons-ℕ∞ , is-section-cons-ℕ∞' retraction-cons-ℕ∞' : retraction cons-ℕ∞ retraction-cons-ℕ∞' = decons-ℕ∞' , is-section-cons-ℕ∞' is-section-cons-ℕ∞'' : is-section decons-ℕ∞' cons-ℕ∞' is-section-cons-ℕ∞'' (inl x) = refl is-section-cons-ℕ∞'' (inr x) = refl is-injective-cons-ℕ∞' : is-injective cons-ℕ∞' is-injective-cons-ℕ∞' = is-injective-retraction cons-ℕ∞' (decons-ℕ∞' , is-section-cons-ℕ∞'')
The successor function is injective
is-injective-succ-ℕ∞ : is-injective succ-ℕ∞ is-injective-succ-ℕ∞ p = is-injective-inl (is-injective-cons-ℕ∞' p)
External links
- CoNaturals at TypeTopology
- extended natural numbers at Lab
Recent changes
- 2025-01-31. Fredrik Bakke. Equality of conatural numbers (#1236).
- 2025-01-04. Fredrik Bakke. Coinductive definition of the conatural numbers (#1232).