Dirichlet exponentials of species of types in a subuniverse

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Victor Blanchi.

Created on 2023-05-25.
Last modified on 2024-02-06.

module species.dirichlet-exponentials-species-of-types-in-subuniverses where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.global-subuniverses
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.pi-decompositions
open import foundation.pi-decompositions-subuniverse
open import foundation.product-decompositions
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.subuniverses
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import species.coproducts-species-of-types
open import species.coproducts-species-of-types-in-subuniverses
open import species.dirichlet-exponentials-species-of-types
open import species.dirichlet-products-species-of-types-in-subuniverses
open import species.species-of-types-in-subuniverses


The Dirichlet exponential of a species S : P → Q of types in subuniverse is defined by

  X ↦ Σ ((U , V , e) : Π-Decomposition-subuniverse P X),  Π (u : U) → S (V u).

If Q is a global subuniverse, and if the previous definition is in Q, then the Dirichlet exponential is also a species of types in subuniverse from P to Q.


The underlying type of the Dirichlet product of species in a subuniverse

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2) (Q : global-subuniverse  l  l))

  type-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse :
    (S : species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3))
    (X : type-subuniverse P)  UU (lsuc l1  l2  l3)
  type-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse S X =
    Σ ( Π-Decomposition-Subuniverse P X)
      ( λ D 
        ( b : indexing-type-Π-Decomposition-Subuniverse P X D) 
        ( inclusion-subuniverse
            ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
            ( S (subuniverse-cotype-Π-Decomposition-Subuniverse P X D b))))

Subuniverses closed under the Dirichlet exponential of a species in a subuniverse

is-closed-under-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2) (Q : global-subuniverse  l  l)) 
is-closed-under-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse {l1} {l2} P Q =
  {l3 : Level}
  (S : species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3))
  (X : type-subuniverse P) 
    ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3))
    ( type-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q S X)

The Dirichlet exponential of a species of types in a subuniverse

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2) (Q : global-subuniverse  l  l))
  ( C1 : is-closed-under-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q)

  dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse :
    species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3) 
    species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3))
  pr1 (dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse S X) =
    type-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q S X
  pr2 (dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse S X) = C1 S X


Equivalence form with species of types

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2) (Q : global-subuniverse  l  l))
  ( C1 : is-closed-under-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q)
  ( C2 :
    ( U : UU l1) 
    ( V : U  UU l1) 
    ( (u : U)  is-in-subuniverse P (V u)) 
    is-in-subuniverse P (Π U V)  is-in-subuniverse P U)
  ( S : species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3))
  ( X : type-subuniverse P)

    reassociate :
        ( P)
        ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3))
        ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 S)
        ( inclusion-subuniverse P X) 
      Σ ( Π-Decomposition l1 l1 (inclusion-subuniverse P X))
        ( λ (U , V , e) 
          Σ ( ( is-in-subuniverse P U × ((u : U)  is-in-subuniverse P (V u))) ×
              is-in-subuniverse P (inclusion-subuniverse P X))
            ( λ p  (u : U)  pr1 (S (V u , (pr2 (pr1 p)) u))))
    pr1 reassociate (pX , ((U , pU) , V , e) , s) =
      ((U , ((λ u  pr1 (V u)) , e)) , ((pU ,  u  pr2 (V u))) , pX) , s)
    pr2 reassociate =
        ( λ ((U , V , e) , ( ((pU , pV) , pX) , s)) 
          ( pX , ((U , pU) ,  u  V u , pV u) , e) , s))
        ( refl-htpy)
        ( refl-htpy)

    reassociate' :
      Σ ( Π-Decomposition l1 l1 (inclusion-subuniverse P X))
        ( λ d 
          Σ ( ( u : (indexing-type-Π-Decomposition d)) 
              is-in-subuniverse P (cotype-Π-Decomposition d u))
            ( λ p 
              ( ( u : indexing-type-Π-Decomposition d) 
                  ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
                  ( S (cotype-Π-Decomposition d u , p u)))))
          ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
              ( P)
              ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
              ( S))
        ( inclusion-subuniverse P X)
    pr1 reassociate' (d , pV , s) = d , ( λ u  (pV u) , (s u))
    pr2 reassociate' =
        ( λ (d , f)  (d , pr1  f , pr2  f))
        ( refl-htpy)
        ( refl-htpy)

  equiv-dirichlet-exponential-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse :
      ( P)
      ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3))
      ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 S)
      ( inclusion-subuniverse P X) 
      ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
        ( P)
        ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
        ( S))
      ( inclusion-subuniverse P X)
  equiv-dirichlet-exponential-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse =
    ( reassociate') ∘e
    ( ( equiv-tot
        ( λ d 
            ( λ p 
              ( u : indexing-type-Π-Decomposition d) 
                ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
                ( S (cotype-Π-Decomposition d u , p u)))
            ( ( inv-equiv
                ( equiv-add-redundant-prop
                  ( is-prop-type-Prop
                    ( P (indexing-type-Π-Decomposition d)))
                  ( λ pV 
                      ( indexing-type-Π-Decomposition d)
                      ( cotype-Π-Decomposition d)
                      ( pV)
                      ( tr
                        ( is-in-subuniverse P)
                        ( eq-equiv (matching-correspondence-Π-Decomposition d))
                        ( pr2 X))))) ∘e
              ( ( commutative-product) ∘e
                ( inv-equiv
                  ( equiv-add-redundant-prop
                    ( is-prop-type-Prop (P (inclusion-subuniverse P X)))
                    ( λ _  pr2 X))))))) ∘e
      ( reassociate))

The Dirichlet exponential of the sum of a species is equivalent to the Dirichlet product of the exponential of the two species

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (P : subuniverse l1 l2)
  (Q : global-subuniverse  l  l))
  ( C1 : is-closed-under-dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q)
  ( C2 : is-closed-under-coproduct-species-subuniverse P Q)
  ( C3 : is-closed-under-dirichlet-product-species-subuniverse P Q)
  ( C4 :
    ( U : UU l1) 
    ( V : U  UU l1) 
    ( (u : U)  is-in-subuniverse P (V u)) 
      ( is-in-subuniverse P (Π U V)) 
      ( is-in-subuniverse P U))
  ( C5 : is-closed-under-products-subuniverse P)
  ( C6 :
    ( A B : UU l1) 
    is-in-subuniverse P (A × B) 
    is-in-subuniverse P A × is-in-subuniverse P B)
  ( S : species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3))
  ( T : species-subuniverse P (subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l4))
  ( X : type-subuniverse P)

  equiv-dirichlet-exponential-sum-species-subuniverse :
      ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3  l4))
      ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1
        ( coproduct-species-subuniverse P Q C2 S T) X) 
      ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3  l4))
      ( dirichlet-product-species-subuniverse P Q C3
        ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 S)
        ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 T)
        ( X))
  equiv-dirichlet-exponential-sum-species-subuniverse =
    ( ( inv-equiv
        ( equiv-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
          ( P)
          ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3  l4))
          ( dirichlet-product-species-subuniverse P Q C3
            ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 S)
            ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 T))
          ( X))) ∘e
      ( ( inv-equiv
          ( equiv-dirichlet-product-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
            ( P)
            ( Q)
            ( C3)
            ( C5)
            ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 S)
            ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1 T)
            ( inclusion-subuniverse P X))) ∘e
        ( ( equiv-tot
            ( λ d 
                (( inv-equiv
                  ( equiv-dirichlet-exponential-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                    ( P)
                    ( Q)
                    ( C1)
                    ( C4)
                    ( S)
                    ( left-summand-binary-product-Decomposition d ,
                      pr1 (lemma-C6 d)))))
                (( inv-equiv
                  ( equiv-dirichlet-exponential-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                    ( P)
                    ( Q)
                    ( C1)
                    ( C4)
                    ( T)
                    ( right-summand-binary-product-Decomposition d ,
                      pr2 (lemma-C6 d))))))) ∘e
          ( ( equiv-dirichlet-exponential-sum-species-types
              ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                ( P)
                ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
                ( S))
              ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                ( P)
                ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l4)
                ( T))
              ( pr1 X)) ∘e
            ( ( equiv-tot
                ( λ d 
                    ( λ x 
                        ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                          ( P)
                          ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l3)
                          ( S))
                        ( Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                          ( P)
                          ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q l4)
                          ( T))
                        ( cotype-Π-Decomposition d x))
                    ( id-equiv)
                    ( λ x 
                        ( P)
                        ( Q)
                        ( C2)
                        ( S)
                        ( T)
                        ( cotype-Π-Decomposition d x)))) ∘e
              ( ( equiv-dirichlet-exponential-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                  ( P)
                  ( Q)
                  ( C1)
                  ( C4)
                  ( coproduct-species-subuniverse P Q C2 S T)
                  ( X)) ∘e
                ( equiv-Σ-extension-species-subuniverse
                  ( P)
                  ( subuniverse-global-subuniverse Q (lsuc l1  l2  l3  l4))
                  ( dirichlet-exponential-species-subuniverse P Q C1
                    ( coproduct-species-subuniverse P Q C2 S T))
                  ( X))))))))
    lemma-C6 =
      λ d 
        ( left-summand-binary-product-Decomposition d)
        ( right-summand-binary-product-Decomposition d)
        ( tr
          ( is-in-subuniverse P)
          ( eq-equiv (matching-correspondence-binary-product-Decomposition d))
          ( pr2 X))

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