Homomorphisms of cyclic rings

Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke and Gregor Perčič.

Created on 2023-09-21.
Last modified on 2024-03-11.

module ring-theory.homomorphisms-cyclic-rings where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import ring-theory.cyclic-rings
open import ring-theory.homomorphisms-rings
open import ring-theory.integer-multiples-of-elements-rings
open import ring-theory.rings


A homomorphism of cyclic rings is a ring homomorphism between their underlying rings.

For any cyclic ring R and any ring S, there exists at most one homomorphism from R to S. We will use this observation in ring-theory.poset-of-cyclic-rings to construct the large poset of cyclic rings.


Homomorphisms of cyclic rings

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Cyclic-Ring l2)

  hom-set-Cyclic-Ring : Set (l1  l2)
  hom-set-Cyclic-Ring = hom-set-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) (ring-Cyclic-Ring S)

  hom-Cyclic-Ring : UU (l1  l2)
  hom-Cyclic-Ring = hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) (ring-Cyclic-Ring S)

  is-set-hom-Cyclic-Ring : is-set hom-Cyclic-Ring
  is-set-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
    is-set-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) (ring-Cyclic-Ring S)

The identity homomorphism of cyclic rings

module _
  {l1 : Level} (R : Cyclic-Ring l1)

  id-hom-Cyclic-Ring : hom-Cyclic-Ring R R
  id-hom-Cyclic-Ring = id-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R)

Composition of homomorphisms of cyclci rings

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
  (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Cyclic-Ring l2) (T : Cyclic-Ring l3)

  comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring :
    (g : hom-Cyclic-Ring S T) (f : hom-Cyclic-Ring R S) 
    hom-Cyclic-Ring R T
  comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring S)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring T)


Given a cyclic ring R and a ring S, there is at most one ring homomorphism from R to S

Proof: Consider two ring homomorphisms f g : R → S. To show that f = g it suffices to show that f x = g x for all x : R. However, by the assumption that R is cyclic implies that x = n1. Furthermore, every ring homomorphism preserves integer multiplication, so it follows that

  f x = f (n1) = n (f 1) = n 1 = n (g 1) = g (n1) = g x.

This completes the proof.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Ring l2)

    htpy-all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring :
      (f g : hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S) 
      htpy-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S f g
    htpy-all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring f g x =
        ( is-surjective-initial-hom-Cyclic-Ring R x)
        ( Id-Prop
          ( set-Ring S)
          ( map-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S f x)
          ( map-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S g x))
        ( λ where
          ( n , refl) 
            ( preserves-integer-multiples-hom-Ring
              ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
              ( S)
              ( f)
              ( n)
              ( one-Cyclic-Ring R)) 
            ( ap
              ( integer-multiple-Ring S n)
              ( preserves-one-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S f)) 
            ( inv
              ( ap
                ( integer-multiple-Ring S n)
                ( preserves-one-hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S g))) 
            ( inv
              ( preserves-integer-multiples-hom-Ring
                ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
                ( S)
                ( g)
                ( n)
                ( one-Cyclic-Ring R))))

  all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring :
    all-elements-equal (hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S)
  all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring f g =
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
      ( S)
      ( f)
      ( g)
      ( htpy-all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring f g)

  is-prop-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring :
    is-prop (hom-Ring (ring-Cyclic-Ring R) S)
  is-prop-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring =
    is-prop-all-elements-equal all-elements-equal-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Cyclic-Ring l2)

  is-prop-hom-Cyclic-Ring :
    is-prop (hom-Cyclic-Ring R S)
  is-prop-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
    is-prop-hom-Cyclic-Ring-Ring R (ring-Cyclic-Ring S)

Composition of morphisms of cyclic rings satisfies the laws of a category

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Cyclic-Ring l2)
  (f : hom-Cyclic-Ring R S)

  left-unit-law-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring :
    comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring R S S (id-hom-Cyclic-Ring S) f  f
  left-unit-law-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring S)
      ( f)

  right-unit-law-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring :
    comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring R R S f (id-hom-Cyclic-Ring R)  f
  right-unit-law-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring S)
      ( f)

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (R : Cyclic-Ring l1) (S : Cyclic-Ring l2)
  (T : Cyclic-Ring l3) (U : Cyclic-Ring l4)

  associative-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring :
    (h : hom-Cyclic-Ring T U)
    (g : hom-Cyclic-Ring S T)
    (f : hom-Cyclic-Ring R S) 
    comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring R S U (comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring S T U h g) f 
    comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring R T U h (comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring R S T g f)
  associative-comp-hom-Cyclic-Ring =
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring R)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring S)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring T)
      ( ring-Cyclic-Ring U)

See also

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