Strictly involutive identity types

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2024-02-08.
Last modified on 2024-03-12.

module foundation.strictly-involutive-identity-types where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equality-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.multivariable-homotopies
open import foundation.strictly-right-unital-concatenation-identifications
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universal-property-identity-systems
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.retractions
open import foundation-core.sections
open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications


The standard definition of identity types has the limitation that many of the basic operations only satisfy algebraic laws weakly. On this page, we consider the strictly involutive identity types

  (x =ⁱ y) := Σ (z : A) ((z = y) × (z = x))

whose elements we call strictly involutive identifications. This type family is equivalent to the standard identity types, but satisfies the strict laws

  • invⁱ (invⁱ p) ≐ p
  • invⁱ reflⁱ ≐ reflⁱ

where we use a superscript i to distinguish the strictly involutive identity type from the standard identity type.

In addition, we maintain the following strict laws

  • invⁱ reflⁱ ≐ reflⁱ
  • reflⁱ ∙ p ≐ p or p ∙ reflⁱ ≐ p
  • ind-Idⁱ B f reflⁱ ≐ f reflⁱ

among other more specific laws considered on this page.


module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  involutive-Id : (x y : A)  UU l
  involutive-Id x y = Σ A  z  (z  y) × (z  x))

  infix 6 _=ⁱ_
  _=ⁱ_ : A  A  UU l
  (a =ⁱ b) = involutive-Id a b

  reflⁱ : {x : A}  x =ⁱ x
  reflⁱ {x} = (x , refl , refl)


The strictly involutive identity types are equivalent to the standard identity types

The equivalence (x = y) ≃ (x =ⁱ y) is defined from left to right by inclusion at the second component

  involutive-eq-eq := p ↦ (x , p , refl)   : x = y → x =ⁱ y,

and from right to left by the concatenation

  eq-involutive-eq := (z , p , q) ↦ inv q ∙ p   : x =ⁱ y → x = y.

This equivalence weakly preserves the groupoid structure on the strictly involutive identity types as we will see later. Moreover, the composition eq-involutive-eq ∘ involutive-eq-eq computes strictly to the identity:

  eq-involutive-eq ∘ involutive-eq-eq
  ≐ p ↦ (((z , p , q) ↦ inv q ∙ p) (r ↦ (w , r , refl)))
  ≐ p ↦ inv refl ∙ p
  ≐ p ↦ refl ∙ p
  ≐ p ↦ p

and the reflexivities are preserved strictly:

  eq-involutive-eq reflⁱ ≐ inv refl ∙ refl ≐ refl ∙ refl ≐ refl,


  involutive-eq-eq refl ≐ (x , refl , refl) ≐ reflⁱ.
module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y : A}

  involutive-eq-eq : x  y  x =ⁱ y
  involutive-eq-eq p = (x , p , refl)

  eq-involutive-eq : x =ⁱ y  x  y
  eq-involutive-eq (z , p , q) = inv q  p

  is-section-eq-involutive-eq : is-section involutive-eq-eq eq-involutive-eq
  is-section-eq-involutive-eq (z , p , refl) = refl

  is-retraction-eq-involutive-eq :
    is-retraction involutive-eq-eq eq-involutive-eq
  is-retraction-eq-involutive-eq p = refl

  is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq : is-equiv involutive-eq-eq
  pr1 (pr1 is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq) = eq-involutive-eq
  pr2 (pr1 is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq) = is-section-eq-involutive-eq
  pr1 (pr2 is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq) = eq-involutive-eq
  pr2 (pr2 is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq) = is-retraction-eq-involutive-eq

  is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq : is-equiv eq-involutive-eq
  pr1 (pr1 is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq) = involutive-eq-eq
  pr2 (pr1 is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq) = is-retraction-eq-involutive-eq
  pr1 (pr2 is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq) = involutive-eq-eq
  pr2 (pr2 is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq) = is-section-eq-involutive-eq

  equiv-involutive-eq-eq : (x  y)  (x =ⁱ y)
  pr1 equiv-involutive-eq-eq = involutive-eq-eq
  pr2 equiv-involutive-eq-eq = is-equiv-involutive-eq-eq

  equiv-eq-involutive-eq : (x =ⁱ y)  (x  y)
  pr1 equiv-eq-involutive-eq = eq-involutive-eq
  pr2 equiv-eq-involutive-eq = is-equiv-eq-involutive-eq

This equivalence preserves the reflexivity elements strictly in both directions.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  preserves-refl-involutive-eq-eq :
    {x : A}  involutive-eq-eq (refl {x = x})  reflⁱ
  preserves-refl-involutive-eq-eq = refl

  preserves-refl-eq-involutive-eq :
    {x : A}  eq-involutive-eq (reflⁱ {x = x})  refl
  preserves-refl-eq-involutive-eq = refl

Torsoriality of the strictly involutive identity types

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x : A}

  is-torsorial-involutive-Id : is-torsorial (involutive-Id x)
  is-torsorial-involutive-Id =
      ( Σ A (x =_))
      ( equiv-tot  y  equiv-eq-involutive-eq {x = x} {y}))
      ( is-torsorial-Id x)

The dependent universal property of the strictly involutive identity types

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x : A}

  dependent-universal-property-identity-system-involutive-Id :
      ( involutive-Id x)
      ( reflⁱ)
  dependent-universal-property-identity-system-involutive-Id =
      ( reflⁱ)
      ( is-torsorial-involutive-Id)

The induction principle for strictly involutive identity types

The strictly involutive identity types satisfy the induction principle of the identity types. This states that given a base point x : A and a family of types over the identity types based at x, B : (y : A) (p : x =ⁱ y) → UU l2, then to construct a dependent function f : (y : A) (p : x =ⁱ y) → B y p it suffices to define it at f x reflⁱ. The strictly involutive identity types also satisfy the corresponding computation rule strictly.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1}
  (x : A) (B : (y : A) (p : x =ⁱ y)  UU l2)

  ind-involutive-Id :
    B x reflⁱ  (y : A) (p : x =ⁱ y)  B y p
  ind-involutive-Id b .x (.x , refl , refl) = b

  compute-ind-involutive-Id :
    (b : B x reflⁱ)  ind-involutive-Id b x reflⁱ  b
  compute-ind-involutive-Id b = refl

  uniqueness-ind-involutive-Id :
    (f : (y : A) (p : x =ⁱ y)  B y p) 
    ind-involutive-Id (f x reflⁱ)  f
  uniqueness-ind-involutive-Id f =
    eq-multivariable-htpy 2  where .x (.x , refl , refl)  refl)

Note. The only reason we must apply function extensionality is to show uniqueness of the induction principle up to equality.


The strictly involutive identity types form a strictly involutive weak groupoidal structure on types.

Inverting strictly involutive identifications

We have an inversion operation on involutive-Id defined by swapping the position of the identifications. This operation satisfies the strict laws

  • invⁱ (invⁱ p) ≐ p, and
  • invⁱ reflⁱ ≐ reflⁱ.
module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  invⁱ : {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  y =ⁱ x
  invⁱ (z , p , q) = (z , q , p)

  compute-refl-inv-involutive-Id : {x : A}  invⁱ (reflⁱ {x = x})  reflⁱ
  compute-refl-inv-involutive-Id = refl

  inv-inv-involutive-Id : {x y : A} (p : x =ⁱ y)  invⁱ (invⁱ p)  p
  inv-inv-involutive-Id p = refl

The inversion operation corresponds to the standard inversion operation on identifications.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  preserves-inv-involutive-eq-eq :
    {x y : A} (p : x  y) 
    involutive-eq-eq (inv p)  invⁱ (involutive-eq-eq p)
  preserves-inv-involutive-eq-eq refl = refl

  preserves-inv-eq-involutive-eq :
    {x y : A} (p : x =ⁱ y) 
    eq-involutive-eq (invⁱ p)  inv (eq-involutive-eq p)
  preserves-inv-eq-involutive-eq (z , p , q) =
    ap (inv p ∙_) (inv (inv-inv q))  inv (distributive-inv-concat (inv q) p)

Concatenation of strictly involutive identifications

We have, practically speaking, two definitions of the concatenation operation on strictly involutive identity types. One satisfies a strict left unit law and the other satisfies a strict right unit law. In both cases, we must use the strictly right unital concatenation operation on standard identifications _∙ᵣ_, to obtain this strict one-sided unit law, as will momentarily be demonstrated.

The strictly left unital concatenation operation is defined by

  (w , p , q) ∙ⁱ (w' , p' , q') := (w' , p' , (q' ∙ᵣ inv p) ∙ᵣ q),

and the strictly right unital concatenation operation is defined by

  (w , p , q) ∙ᵣⁱ (w' , p' , q') = (w , (p ∙ᵣ inv q') ∙ᵣ p' , q).

The following computation verifies that the strictly left unital concatenation operation is indeed strictly left unital:

  reflⁱ ∙ⁱ r
  ≐ (x , refl , refl) ∙ⁱ (w , p , q)
  ≐ (w , p , (q ∙ᵣ inv refl) ∙ᵣ refl)
  ≐ (w , p , (q ∙ᵣ inv refl))
  ≐ (w , p , (q ∙ᵣ refl))
  ≐ (w , p , q)
  ≐ r.

While for the strictly right unital concatenation operation, we have the computation

  r ∙ᵣⁱ reflⁱ
  ≐  (w , p , q) ∙ᵣⁱ (x , refl , refl)
  ≐ (w , (p ∙ᵣ inv refl) ∙ᵣ refl , q)
  ≐ (w , p ∙ᵣ inv refl , q)
  ≐ (w , p ∙ᵣ refl , q)
  ≐ (w , p , q)
  ≐ r.

To be consistent with the convention for the standard identity types, we take the strictly left unital concatenation operation to be the default concatenation operation on strictly involutive identity types.

The strictly left unital concatenation operation

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  infixl 15 _∙ⁱ_
  _∙ⁱ_ : {x y z : A}  x =ⁱ y  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ z
  (w , p , q) ∙ⁱ (w' , p' , q') = (w' , p' , (q' ∙ᵣ inv p) ∙ᵣ q)

  concat-involutive-Id : {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  (z : A)  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ z
  concat-involutive-Id p z q = p ∙ⁱ q

  concat-involutive-Id' : (x : A) {y z : A}  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ y  x =ⁱ z
  concat-involutive-Id' x q p = p ∙ⁱ q

  preserves-concat-involutive-eq-eq :
    {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z) 
    involutive-eq-eq (p  q)  involutive-eq-eq p ∙ⁱ involutive-eq-eq q
  preserves-concat-involutive-eq-eq refl q = refl

  preserves-concat-eq-involutive-eq :
    {x y z : A} (p : x =ⁱ y) (q : y =ⁱ z) 
    eq-involutive-eq (p ∙ⁱ q)  eq-involutive-eq p  eq-involutive-eq q
  preserves-concat-eq-involutive-eq (w , p , q) (w' , p' , q') =
    ( ap
      ( _∙ p')
      ( ( distributive-inv-right-strict-concat (q' ∙ᵣ inv p) q) 
        ( ( ap
            ( inv q ∙ᵣ_)
            ( ( distributive-inv-right-strict-concat q' (inv p)) 
              ( ap (_∙ᵣ inv q') (inv-inv p)))) 
          ( inv (assoc-right-strict-concat (inv q) p (inv q'))) 
          ( eq-double-concat-right-strict-concat-left-associated
            ( inv q)
            ( p)
            ( inv q'))))) 
    ( assoc (inv q  p) (inv q') p')

The strictly right unital concatenation operation

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l}

  infixl 15 _∙ᵣⁱ_
  _∙ᵣⁱ_ : {x y z : A}  x =ⁱ y  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ z
  (w , p , q) ∙ᵣⁱ (w' , p' , q') = (w , (p ∙ᵣ inv q') ∙ᵣ p' , q)

  right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  (z : A)  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ z
  right-strict-concat-involutive-Id p z q = p ∙ᵣⁱ q

  right-strict-concat-involutive-Id' :
    (x : A) {y z : A}  y =ⁱ z  x =ⁱ y  x =ⁱ z
  right-strict-concat-involutive-Id' x q p = p ∙ᵣⁱ q

  eq-concat-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    {x y z : A} (p : x =ⁱ y) (q : y =ⁱ z)  p ∙ᵣⁱ q  p ∙ⁱ q
  eq-concat-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id (w , refl , q) (w' , p' , refl) =
      ( eq-pair
        ( left-unit-right-strict-concat)
        ( inv left-unit-right-strict-concat))

  preserves-right-strict-concat-involutive-eq-eq :
    {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z) 
    involutive-eq-eq (p  q)  involutive-eq-eq p ∙ᵣⁱ involutive-eq-eq q
  preserves-right-strict-concat-involutive-eq-eq p refl =
    ap involutive-eq-eq right-unit

  preserves-right-strict-concat-eq-involutive-eq :
    {x y z : A} (p : x =ⁱ y) (q : y =ⁱ z) 
    eq-involutive-eq (p ∙ᵣⁱ q)  eq-involutive-eq p  eq-involutive-eq q
  preserves-right-strict-concat-eq-involutive-eq (w , p , q) (w' , p' , q') =
    ( ap
      ( inv q ∙_)
      ( ( eq-double-concat-right-strict-concat-left-associated p (inv q') p') 
        ( assoc p (inv q') p'))) 
    ( inv (assoc (inv q) p (inv q'  p')))

The groupoidal laws for the strictly involutive identity types

The general proof strategy is to induct on the minimal number of identifications to make the left endpoints strictly equal, and then proceed by reasoning with the groupoid laws of the underlying identity types.

The groupoidal laws for the strictly left unital concatenation operation

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z w : A}

  assoc-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y) (q : y =ⁱ z) (r : z =ⁱ w)  (p ∙ⁱ q) ∙ⁱ r  p ∙ⁱ (q ∙ⁱ r)
  assoc-involutive-Id (_ , p , q) (_ , p' , q') (_ , p'' , q'') =
      ( eq-pair-eq-fiber
        ( ( inv (assoc-right-strict-concat (q'' ∙ᵣ inv p') (q' ∙ᵣ inv p) q)) 
          ( ap
            ( _∙ᵣ q)
            ( inv (assoc-right-strict-concat (q'' ∙ᵣ inv p') q' (inv p))))))

Note. Observe that the previous proof relies solely on the associator of the underlying identity type. This is one of the fundamental observations leading to the construction of the computational identity type.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y : A}

  left-unit-involutive-Id :
    {p : x =ⁱ y}  reflⁱ ∙ⁱ p  p
  left-unit-involutive-Id = refl

  right-unit-involutive-Id :
    {p : x =ⁱ y}  p ∙ⁱ reflⁱ  p
  right-unit-involutive-Id {p = .y , refl , q} =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair-eq-fiber left-unit-right-strict-concat)

  left-inv-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y)  invⁱ p ∙ⁱ p  reflⁱ
  left-inv-involutive-Id (.y , refl , q) =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair-eq-fiber (right-inv-right-strict-concat q))

  right-inv-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y)  p ∙ⁱ invⁱ p  reflⁱ
  right-inv-involutive-Id (.x , p , refl) =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair-eq-fiber (right-inv-right-strict-concat p))

  distributive-inv-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y) {z : A} (q : y =ⁱ z)  invⁱ (p ∙ⁱ q)  invⁱ q ∙ⁱ invⁱ p
  distributive-inv-concat-involutive-Id (.y , refl , q') (.y , p' , refl) =
      ( eq-pair
        ( left-unit-right-strict-concat)
        ( inv left-unit-right-strict-concat))

The groupoidal laws for the strictly right unital concatenation operation

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z w : A}

  assoc-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y) (q : y =ⁱ z) (r : z =ⁱ w)  (p ∙ᵣⁱ q) ∙ᵣⁱ r  p ∙ᵣⁱ (q ∙ᵣⁱ r)
    ( _ , p , q) (_ , p' , q') (_ , p'' , q'') =
      ( eq-pair
        ( ( assoc-right-strict-concat (p ∙ᵣ inv q' ∙ᵣ p') (inv q'') p'') 
          ( assoc-right-strict-concat (p ∙ᵣ inv q') p' (inv q'' ∙ᵣ p'')) 
          ( ap
            ( p ∙ᵣ inv q' ∙ᵣ_)
            ( inv (assoc-right-strict-concat p' (inv q'') p''))))
        ( refl))

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y : A}

  left-unit-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    {p : x =ⁱ y}  reflⁱ ∙ᵣⁱ p  p
  left-unit-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id {p = .x , p , refl} =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair left-unit-right-strict-concat refl)

  right-unit-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    {p : x =ⁱ y}  p ∙ᵣⁱ reflⁱ  p
  right-unit-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id = refl

  left-inv-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y)  invⁱ p ∙ᵣⁱ p  reflⁱ
  left-inv-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id (.y , refl , q) =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair (right-inv-right-strict-concat q) refl)

  right-inv-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y)  p ∙ᵣⁱ invⁱ p  reflⁱ
  right-inv-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id (.x , p , refl) =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair (right-inv-right-strict-concat p) refl)

  distributive-inv-right-strict-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y) {z : A} (q : y =ⁱ z) 
    invⁱ (p ∙ᵣⁱ q)  invⁱ q ∙ᵣⁱ invⁱ p
    ( .y , refl , q) (.y , p' , refl) =
      ( eq-pair
        ( inv left-unit-right-strict-concat)
        ( left-unit-right-strict-concat))


We define a range of basic operations on the strictly involutive identifications that all enjoy strict computational properties.

Action of functions on strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B)

  eq-ap-involutive-Id : {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  f x  f y
  eq-ap-involutive-Id = ap f  eq-involutive-eq

  ap-involutive-Id : {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  f x =ⁱ f y
  ap-involutive-Id = involutive-eq-eq  eq-ap-involutive-Id

  compute-ap-refl-involutive-Id :
    {x : A}  ap-involutive-Id (reflⁱ {x = x})  reflⁱ
  compute-ap-refl-involutive-Id = refl

module _
  {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}

  compute-ap-id-involutive-Id :
    {x y : A} (p : x =ⁱ y)  ap-involutive-Id id p  p
  compute-ap-id-involutive-Id (z , q , refl) =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair (ap-id q) refl)

Action of binary functions on strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} (f : A  B  C)

  ap-binary-involutive-Id :
    {x x' : A} (p : x =ⁱ x') {y y' : B} (q : y =ⁱ y')  f x y =ⁱ f x' y'
  ap-binary-involutive-Id (z , p1 , p2) (w , q1 , q2) =
    ( f z w , ap-binary f p1 q1 , ap-binary f p2 q2)

  left-unit-ap-binary-involutive-Id :
    {x : A} {y y' : B} (q : y =ⁱ y') 
    ap-binary-involutive-Id reflⁱ q  ap-involutive-Id (f x) q
  left-unit-ap-binary-involutive-Id (z , p , refl) = refl

  right-unit-ap-binary-involutive-Id :
    {x x' : A} (p : x =ⁱ x') {y : B} 
    ap-binary-involutive-Id p reflⁱ  ap-involutive-Id  z  f z y) p
  right-unit-ap-binary-involutive-Id {.z} {x'} (z , p , refl) {y} =
    eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair right-unit refl)

Transport along strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : A  UU l2)

  tr-involutive-Id : {x y : A}  x =ⁱ y  B x  B y
  tr-involutive-Id = tr B  eq-involutive-eq

  compute-tr-refl-involutive-Id :
    {x : A}  tr-involutive-Id (reflⁱ {x = x})  id
  compute-tr-refl-involutive-Id = refl

Function extensionality with respect to strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}

  htpy-involutive-eq : f =ⁱ g  f ~ g
  htpy-involutive-eq = htpy-eq  eq-involutive-eq

  involutive-eq-htpy : f ~ g  f =ⁱ g
  involutive-eq-htpy = involutive-eq-eq  eq-htpy

  equiv-htpy-involutive-eq : (f =ⁱ g)  (f ~ g)
  equiv-htpy-involutive-eq = equiv-funext ∘e equiv-eq-involutive-eq

  equiv-involutive-eq-htpy : (f ~ g)  (f =ⁱ g)
  equiv-involutive-eq-htpy = equiv-involutive-eq-eq ∘e equiv-eq-htpy

  funext-involutive-Id : is-equiv htpy-involutive-eq
  funext-involutive-Id = is-equiv-map-equiv equiv-htpy-involutive-eq
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}

  involutive-htpy-involutive-eq : f =ⁱ g  (x : A)  f x =ⁱ g x
  involutive-htpy-involutive-eq (h , p , q) x =
    ( h x , htpy-eq p x , htpy-eq q x)

  involutive-eq-involutive-htpy : ((x : A)  f x =ⁱ g x)  f =ⁱ g
  involutive-eq-involutive-htpy H =
    ( pr1  H , eq-htpy (pr1  (pr2  H)) , eq-htpy (pr2  (pr2  H)))

It remains to show that these maps are part of an equivalence.

Standard univalence with respect to strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l1 : Level} {A B : UU l1}

  map-involutive-eq : A =ⁱ B  A  B
  map-involutive-eq = map-eq  eq-involutive-eq

  equiv-involutive-eq : A =ⁱ B  A  B
  equiv-involutive-eq = equiv-eq  eq-involutive-eq

  involutive-eq-equiv : A  B  A =ⁱ B
  involutive-eq-equiv = involutive-eq-eq  eq-equiv

  equiv-equiv-involutive-eq : (A =ⁱ B)  (A  B)
  equiv-equiv-involutive-eq = equiv-univalence ∘e equiv-eq-involutive-eq

  is-equiv-equiv-involutive-eq : is-equiv equiv-involutive-eq
  is-equiv-equiv-involutive-eq = is-equiv-map-equiv equiv-equiv-involutive-eq

  equiv-involutive-eq-equiv : (A  B)  (A =ⁱ B)
  equiv-involutive-eq-equiv = equiv-involutive-eq-eq ∘e equiv-eq-equiv A B

  is-equiv-involutive-eq-equiv : is-equiv involutive-eq-equiv
  is-equiv-involutive-eq-equiv = is-equiv-map-equiv equiv-involutive-eq-equiv

Whiskering of strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z : A}

  left-whisker-concat-involutive-Id :
    (p : x =ⁱ y) {q r : y =ⁱ z}  q =ⁱ r  p ∙ⁱ q =ⁱ p ∙ⁱ r
  left-whisker-concat-involutive-Id p β = ap-involutive-Id (p ∙ⁱ_) β

  right-whisker-concat-involutive-Id :
    {p q : x =ⁱ y}  p =ⁱ q  (r : y =ⁱ z)  p ∙ⁱ r =ⁱ q ∙ⁱ r
  right-whisker-concat-involutive-Id α r = ap-involutive-Id (_∙ⁱ r) α

Horizontal concatenation of strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z : A}

  horizontal-concat-involutive-Id² :
    {p q : x =ⁱ y}  p =ⁱ q  {u v : y =ⁱ z}  u =ⁱ v  p ∙ⁱ u =ⁱ q ∙ⁱ v
  horizontal-concat-involutive-Id² = ap-binary-involutive-Id (_∙ⁱ_)

Vertical concatenation of strictly involutive identifications

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y : A}

  vertical-concat-involutive-Id² :
    {p q r : x =ⁱ y}  p =ⁱ q  q =ⁱ r  p =ⁱ r
  vertical-concat-involutive-Id² α β = α ∙ⁱ β

See also


Martín Hötzel Escardó. Definitions of equivalence satisfying judgmental/strict groupoid laws? Google groups forum discussion, 09 2019. URL:

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