The Knaster–Tarski fixed point theorem
Content created by Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2024-11-20.
Last modified on 2024-11-20.
module order-theory.knaster-tarski-fixed-point-theorem where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.fixed-points-endofunctions open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.universe-levels open import order-theory.inflattices open import order-theory.order-preserving-maps-posets open import order-theory.posets open import order-theory.suplattices
Knaster–Tarski fixed point theorem¶
states that every order preserving endomap f : 𝒜 → 𝒜
on a complete lattice has
a least and a greatest fixed point.
Indeed, any order preserving endomap on a
suplattice has a greatest fixed point and any
order preserving endomap on an inflattice has a
least fixed point.
The Knaster–Tarski fixed point theorem for suplattices
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒜 : Suplattice l1 l2 (l1 ⊔ l2)) (f : type-Suplattice 𝒜 → type-Suplattice 𝒜) (F : preserves-order-Poset (poset-Suplattice 𝒜) (poset-Suplattice 𝒜) f) where indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = Σ ( type-Suplattice 𝒜) (λ x → leq-Suplattice 𝒜 x (f x)) family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice → type-Suplattice 𝒜 family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = pr1 point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : type-Suplattice 𝒜 point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = sup-Suplattice 𝒜 family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice leq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : leq-Suplattice 𝒜 ( point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) leq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = forward-implication ( is-least-upper-bound-sup-Suplattice 𝒜 ( family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice)) ( λ w → transitive-leq-Suplattice 𝒜 _ _ _ ( F ( pr1 w) ( point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-sup-Suplattice 𝒜 _ w)) ( pr2 w)) geq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : leq-Suplattice 𝒜 ( f point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) geq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-sup-Suplattice 𝒜 ( family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice , F point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice ( f point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( leq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice)) is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : f ( point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) = point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = antisymmetric-leq-Suplattice 𝒜 ( f (point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice)) ( point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( geq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) ( leq-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice) fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : fixed-point f fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice = point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice , is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice greatest-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice : (x : fixed-point f) → leq-Suplattice 𝒜 (pr1 x) point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice greatest-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Suplattice (x , p) = is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-sup-Suplattice 𝒜 _ ( x , concatenate-leq-eq-Poset ( poset-Suplattice 𝒜) ( refl-leq-Suplattice 𝒜 x) ( inv p))
The Knaster–Tarski fixed point theorem for inflattices
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒜 : Inflattice l1 l2 (l1 ⊔ l2)) (f : type-Inflattice 𝒜 → type-Inflattice 𝒜) (F : preserves-order-Poset (poset-Inflattice 𝒜) (poset-Inflattice 𝒜) f) where indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = Σ ( type-Inflattice 𝒜) (λ x → leq-Inflattice 𝒜 (f x) x) family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : indexing-type-family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice → type-Inflattice 𝒜 family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = pr1 point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : type-Inflattice 𝒜 point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = inf-Inflattice 𝒜 family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice geq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : leq-Inflattice 𝒜 ( f point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) geq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = forward-implication ( is-greatest-lower-bound-inf-Inflattice 𝒜 ( family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice)) ( λ w → transitive-leq-Inflattice 𝒜 _ _ _ ( pr2 w) ( F _ _ (is-lower-bound-family-of-elements-inf-Inflattice 𝒜 _ w))) leq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : leq-Inflattice 𝒜 ( point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) leq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = is-lower-bound-family-of-elements-inf-Inflattice 𝒜 ( family-of-elements-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( f point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice , F (f point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( geq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice)) is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : f ( point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) = point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = antisymmetric-leq-Inflattice 𝒜 ( f (point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice)) ( point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( geq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) ( leq-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice) fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : fixed-point f fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice = point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice , is-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice least-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice : (x : fixed-point f) → leq-Inflattice 𝒜 point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice (pr1 x) least-fixed-point-knaster-tarski-Inflattice (x , p) = is-lower-bound-family-of-elements-inf-Inflattice 𝒜 _ ( x , concatenate-eq-leq-Poset ( poset-Inflattice 𝒜) ( p) ( refl-leq-Inflattice 𝒜 x))
- by Reed Mullanix
External links
- Knaster–tarski theorem at Wikidata
- Knaster–Tarski theorem at Wikipedia
- Tarski’s Fixed Point Theorem at Wolfram MathWorld
Recent changes
- 2024-11-20. Fredrik Bakke. Two fixed point theorems (#1227).