Morphisms of H-spaces
Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2023-09-13.
Last modified on 2024-03-23.
module structured-types.morphisms-h-spaces where
open import foundation.action-on-higher-identifications-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-identifications open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.path-algebra open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation open import group-theory.homomorphisms-semigroups open import structured-types.h-spaces open import structured-types.pointed-maps open import structured-types.pointed-types
Consider two H-spaces X
and Y
. A
morphism of H-spaces¶ from X
to Y
consists of
a pointed map f : X →∗ Y
that preserves
the unital binary operation
α : (x x' : X) → f (μ x x') = μ (f x) (f x')
and which furthermore comes equipped with the following structure, witnessing that the unit laws are preserved:
For each
x' : X
an identificationα₁ x'
witnessing that the triangleα * x' f (μ * x') -------> μ (f *) (f x') \ / \ / ap (μ - (f x')) f₁ \ / \ ∨ ap f (left-unit-law x') \ μ * (f x') \ / \ / left-unit-law (f x') \ / ∨ ∨ f x'
For each
x : X
an identificationα₂ x
witnessing that the triangleα x * f (μ x *) --------> μ (f x) (f *) \ / \ / ap (μ (f x) -) f₁ \ / \ ∨ ap f (right-unit-law x) \ μ (f x) * \ / \ / right-unit-law (f x) \ / ∨ ∨ f x
An identification
witnessing that the squareα₁ α₀ * * ∙ (ap (μ - (f *)) f₁ ∙ left-unit-law *) ---> ap f (left-unit-law *) | | (α₀ * *) ·l β | | ∨ ∨ α₀ * * ∙ (ap (μ (f *) -) f₁ ∙ right-unit-law *) ---> ap f (right-unit-law *) α₂
Here, the identification on the left is obtained by left whiskering the identification witnessing that the square
ap (μ (f *)) f₁ μ (f *) (f *) -----------------> μ (f *) * | | ap (μ - (f *)) f₁ | β | right-unit-law (f *) ∨ ∨ μ * (f *) ----------------------> f * left-unit-law (f *)
commutes, with the identification
α * * : f (μ * *) = μ (f *) (f *)
. The quickest way to see that this square commutes is by identification elimination on the identificationf₁ : f * = *
, using the coherenceleft-unit-law * = right-unit-law *
. Alternatively, note that all the squares in the diagramap (μ (f *)) f₁ μ (f *) (f *) -----------------> μ (f *) * --------> f * | | | ap (μ - (f *)) f₁ | ap (μ - *) f₁ | | ∨ ∨ ∨ μ * (f *) ---------------------> μ * * ----------> * | ap (μ *) f₁ | | | | coh ·r refl | refl ∨ ∨ ∨ f * ---------------------------> * ------------> * f₁ refl
commute. Therefore we obtain an identification
ap (μ - (f *)) f₁ ∙ (left-unit-law (f *) ∙ f₁) = ap (μ (f *) -) f₁ ∙ (right-unit-law (f *) ∙ f₁).
By unwhiskering of commuting squares of identifications, i.e., by cancelling out
on both sides, it follows that the asserted square commutes.
The predicate of preserving left and right unit laws
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} (f : A →∗ B) (μ : (x y : type-Pointed-Type A) → type-Pointed-Type A) (ν : (x y : type-Pointed-Type B) → type-Pointed-Type B) (μf : preserves-mul μ ν (map-pointed-map f)) where preserves-left-unit-law-mul : ((x : type-Pointed-Type A) → μ (point-Pointed-Type A) x = x) → ((y : type-Pointed-Type B) → Id (ν (point-Pointed-Type B) y) y) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-left-unit-law-mul lA lB = (x : type-Pointed-Type A) → coherence-triangle-identifications ( ap (map-pointed-map f) (lA x)) ( ( ap ( λ t → ν t (map-pointed-map f x)) ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)) ∙ ( lB (map-pointed-map f x))) ( μf) preserves-right-unit-law-mul : ((x : type-Pointed-Type A) → μ x (point-Pointed-Type A) = x) → ((y : type-Pointed-Type B) → ν y (point-Pointed-Type B) = y) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-right-unit-law-mul rA rB = (x : type-Pointed-Type A) → coherence-triangle-identifications ( ap (map-pointed-map f) (rA x)) ( ( ap (ν (map-pointed-map f x)) (preserves-point-pointed-map f)) ∙ ( rB (map-pointed-map f x))) ( μf)
The predicate of preserving H-space structure on a pointed type
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (M : H-Space l1) (N : H-Space l2) where preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space : (pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f = preserves-mul (mul-H-Space M) (mul-H-Space N) (map-pointed-map f) preserves-left-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space : (f : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-left-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μf = preserves-left-unit-law-mul f ( mul-H-Space M) ( mul-H-Space N) ( μf) ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space M) ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space N) preserves-right-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space : (f : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-right-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μf = preserves-right-unit-law-mul f ( mul-H-Space M) ( mul-H-Space N) ( μf) ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space M) ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space N) coherence-square-unit-laws-preserves-point-pointed-map-H-Space : (f : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → coherence-square-identifications ( ap ( mul-H-Space N (map-pointed-map f (unit-H-Space M))) ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)) ( ap ( mul-H-Space' N (map-pointed-map f (unit-H-Space M))) ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)) ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space N (map-pointed-map f (unit-H-Space M))) ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space N (map-pointed-map f (unit-H-Space M))) coherence-square-unit-laws-preserves-point-pointed-map-H-Space (f , refl) = coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space N preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-pointed-map-H-Space : (f : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → (μ : preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f) → (ν : preserves-left-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ) → (ρ : preserves-right-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ) → UU l2 preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ ν ρ = coherence-square-identifications ( ν (unit-H-Space M)) ( ap² (map-pointed-map f) (coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space M)) ( left-whisker-concat ( μ) ( coherence-square-unit-laws-preserves-point-pointed-map-H-Space f)) ( ρ (unit-H-Space M)) preserves-unital-mul-pointed-map-H-Space : (f : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-unital-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f = Σ ( preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f) ( λ μ → Σ ( preserves-left-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ) ( λ ν → Σ ( preserves-right-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ) ( preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-pointed-map-H-Space f μ ν)))
Morphisms of H-spaces
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (M : H-Space l1) (N : H-Space l2) where hom-H-Space : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) hom-H-Space = Σ ( pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N) ( preserves-unital-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {M : H-Space l1} {N : H-Space l2} (f : hom-H-Space M N) where pointed-map-hom-H-Space : pointed-type-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-H-Space N pointed-map-hom-H-Space = pr1 f map-hom-H-Space : type-H-Space M → type-H-Space N map-hom-H-Space = map-pointed-map pointed-map-hom-H-Space preserves-unit-hom-H-Space : map-hom-H-Space (unit-H-Space M) = unit-H-Space N preserves-unit-hom-H-Space = preserves-point-pointed-map pointed-map-hom-H-Space preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space : preserves-unital-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N pointed-map-hom-H-Space preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space = pr2 f preserves-mul-hom-H-Space : preserves-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N pointed-map-hom-H-Space preserves-mul-hom-H-Space = pr1 preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space preserves-left-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space : preserves-left-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N ( pointed-map-hom-H-Space) ( preserves-mul-hom-H-Space) preserves-left-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space = pr1 (pr2 preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space) preserves-right-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space : preserves-right-unit-law-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N ( pointed-map-hom-H-Space) ( preserves-mul-hom-H-Space) preserves-right-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space)) preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-hom-H-Space : preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-pointed-map-H-Space M N ( pointed-map-hom-H-Space) ( preserves-mul-hom-H-Space) ( preserves-left-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space) ( preserves-right-unit-law-mul-hom-H-Space) preserves-coherence-unit-laws-mul-hom-H-Space = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 preserves-unital-mul-hom-H-Space))
Homotopies of morphisms of H-spaces
preserves-mul-htpy : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (μA : A → A → A) (μB : B → B → B) → {f g : A → B} (μf : preserves-mul μA μB f) (μg : preserves-mul μA μB g) → (f ~ g) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) preserves-mul-htpy {A = A} μA μB μf μg H = (a b : A) → Id (μf ∙ ap-binary μB (H a) (H b)) (H (μA a b) ∙ μg)
Recent changes
- 2024-03-23. Egbert Rijke. Deloopings and Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces (#1079).
- 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).
- 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Abelianization (#877).
- 2023-09-26. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Maps of categories, functor categories, and small subprecategories (#794).
- 2023-09-13. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Refactor structured monoids (#761).