The pigeonhole principle
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Eléonore Mangel.
Created on 2022-02-15.
Last modified on 2024-04-11.
module univalent-combinatorics.pigeonhole-principle where
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.embeddings open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.injective-maps open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.negation open import foundation.pairs-of-distinct-elements open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.sets open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition open import univalent-combinatorics.counting open import univalent-combinatorics.embeddings-standard-finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types open import univalent-combinatorics.repetitions-of-values open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types
If f : X → Y
is an injective map between finite types X
and Y
with k
elements, then k ≤ l
. Conversely, if l < k
, then no map f : X → Y
The pigeonhole principle for standard finite types
Given an embedding Fin k ↪ Fin l
, it follows that k ≤ l
leq-emb-Fin : (k l : ℕ) → Fin k ↪ Fin l → k ≤-ℕ l leq-emb-Fin zero-ℕ zero-ℕ f = refl-leq-ℕ zero-ℕ leq-emb-Fin (succ-ℕ k) zero-ℕ f = ex-falso (map-emb f (inr star)) leq-emb-Fin zero-ℕ (succ-ℕ l) f = leq-zero-ℕ (succ-ℕ l) leq-emb-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (succ-ℕ l) f = leq-emb-Fin k l (reduce-emb-Fin k l f) leq-is-emb-Fin : (k l : ℕ) {f : Fin k → Fin l} → is-emb f → k ≤-ℕ l leq-is-emb-Fin k l {f = f} H = leq-emb-Fin k l (pair f H)
Given an injective map Fin k → Fin l
, it follows that k ≤ l
leq-is-injective-Fin : (k l : ℕ) {f : Fin k → Fin l} → is-injective f → k ≤-ℕ l leq-is-injective-Fin k l H = leq-is-emb-Fin k l (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-Fin l) H)
If l < k
, then any map f : Fin k → Fin l
is not an embedding
is-not-emb-le-Fin : (k l : ℕ) (f : Fin k → Fin l) → le-ℕ l k → ¬ (is-emb f) is-not-emb-le-Fin k l f p = map-neg (leq-is-emb-Fin k l) (contradiction-le-ℕ l k p)
If l < k
, then any map f : Fin k → Fin l
is not injective
is-not-injective-le-Fin : (k l : ℕ) (f : Fin k → Fin l) → le-ℕ l k → is-not-injective f is-not-injective-le-Fin k l f p = map-neg (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-Fin l)) (is-not-emb-le-Fin k l f p)
There is no injective map Fin (k + 1) → Fin k
is-not-injective-map-Fin-succ-Fin : (k : ℕ) (f : Fin (succ-ℕ k) → Fin k) → is-not-injective f is-not-injective-map-Fin-succ-Fin k f = is-not-injective-le-Fin (succ-ℕ k) k f (succ-le-ℕ k)
There is no embedding ℕ ↪ Fin k
no-embedding-ℕ-Fin : (k : ℕ) → ¬ (ℕ ↪ Fin k) no-embedding-ℕ-Fin k e = contradiction-leq-ℕ k k ( refl-leq-ℕ k) ( leq-emb-Fin (succ-ℕ k) k (comp-emb e (emb-nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k))))
For any f : Fin k → Fin l
, where l < k
, we construct a pair of distinct elements of Fin k
on which f
assumes the same value
module _ (k l : ℕ) (f : Fin k → Fin l) (p : le-ℕ l k) where repetition-of-values-le-Fin : repetition-of-values f repetition-of-values-le-Fin = repetition-of-values-is-not-injective-Fin k l f ( is-not-injective-le-Fin k l f p) pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin : pair-of-distinct-elements (Fin k) pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin = pr1 repetition-of-values-le-Fin first-repetition-of-values-le-Fin : Fin k first-repetition-of-values-le-Fin = first-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin second-repetition-of-values-le-Fin : Fin k second-repetition-of-values-le-Fin = second-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin distinction-repetition-of-values-le-Fin : first-repetition-of-values-le-Fin ≠ second-repetition-of-values-le-Fin distinction-repetition-of-values-le-Fin = distinction-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values-le-Fin : is-repetition-of-values f pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-Fin is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values-le-Fin = is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values f repetition-of-values-le-Fin repetition-of-values-Fin-succ-to-Fin : (k : ℕ) (f : Fin (succ-ℕ k) → Fin k) → repetition-of-values f repetition-of-values-Fin-succ-to-Fin k f = repetition-of-values-le-Fin (succ-ℕ k) k f (succ-le-ℕ k)
The pigeonhole principle for types equipped with a counting
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (eA : count A) (eB : count B) where
If f : A ↪ B
is an embedding between types equipped with a counting, then the number of elements of A
is less than the number of elements of B
leq-emb-count : (A ↪ B) → (number-of-elements-count eA) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) leq-emb-count f = leq-emb-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eA) ( number-of-elements-count eB) ( comp-emb ( comp-emb (emb-equiv (inv-equiv-count eB)) f) ( emb-equiv (equiv-count eA))) leq-is-emb-count : {f : A → B} → is-emb f → (number-of-elements-count eA) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) leq-is-emb-count {f} H = leq-emb-count (pair f H)
If f : A → B
is an injective map between types equipped with a counting, then the number of elements of A
is less than the number of elements of B
leq-is-injective-count : {f : A → B} → is-injective f → (number-of-elements-count eA) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) leq-is-injective-count H = leq-is-emb-count (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-count eB) H)
There is no embedding A ↪ B
between types equipped with a counting if the number of elements of B
is strictly less than the number of elements of A
is-not-emb-le-count : (f : A → B) → le-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) (number-of-elements-count eA) → ¬ (is-emb f) is-not-emb-le-count f p H = is-not-emb-le-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eA) ( number-of-elements-count eB) ( map-emb h) ( p) ( is-emb-map-emb h) where h : Fin (number-of-elements-count eA) ↪ Fin (number-of-elements-count eB) h = comp-emb ( emb-equiv (inv-equiv-count eB)) ( comp-emb (pair f H) (emb-equiv (equiv-count eA)))
There is no injective map A → B
between types equipped with a counting if the number of elements of B
is strictly less than the number of elements of A
is-not-injective-le-count : (f : A → B) → le-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) (number-of-elements-count eA) → is-not-injective f is-not-injective-le-count f p H = is-not-emb-le-count f p (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-count eB) H)
There is no embedding ℕ ↪ A
into a type equipped with a counting
no-embedding-ℕ-count : {l : Level} {A : UU l} (e : count A) → ¬ (ℕ ↪ A) no-embedding-ℕ-count e f = no-embedding-ℕ-Fin ( number-of-elements-count e) ( comp-emb (emb-equiv (inv-equiv-count e)) f)
For any map f : A → B
between types equipped with a counting, if |A| < |B|
then we construct a pair of distinct elements of A
on which f
assumes the same value
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (eA : count A) (eB : count B) (f : A → B) (p : le-ℕ (number-of-elements-count eB) (number-of-elements-count eA)) where repetition-of-values-le-count : repetition-of-values f repetition-of-values-le-count = map-equiv-repetition-of-values ( (map-inv-equiv-count eB ∘ f) ∘ (map-equiv-count eA)) ( f) ( equiv-count eA) ( equiv-count eB) ( is-section-map-inv-equiv-count eB ·r (f ∘ (map-equiv-count eA))) ( repetition-of-values-le-Fin ( number-of-elements-count eA) ( number-of-elements-count eB) ( (map-inv-equiv-count eB ∘ f) ∘ (map-equiv-count eA)) ( p)) pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count : pair-of-distinct-elements A pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count = pr1 repetition-of-values-le-count first-repetition-of-values-le-count : A first-repetition-of-values-le-count = first-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count second-repetition-of-values-le-count : A second-repetition-of-values-le-count = second-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count distinction-repetition-of-values-le-count : first-repetition-of-values-le-count ≠ second-repetition-of-values-le-count distinction-repetition-of-values-le-count = distinction-pair-of-distinct-elements pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values-le-count : is-repetition-of-values f pair-of-distinct-elements-repetition-of-values-le-count is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values-le-count = is-repetition-of-values-repetition-of-values f repetition-of-values-le-count
The pigeonhole principle for finite types
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (H : is-finite A) (K : is-finite B) where
If A ↪ B
is an embedding between finite types, then |A| ≤ |B|
leq-emb-is-finite : (A ↪ B) → (number-of-elements-is-finite H) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite K) leq-emb-is-finite f = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H P ( λ eA → apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K P ( λ eB → concatenate-eq-leq-eq-ℕ ( inv (compute-number-of-elements-is-finite eA H)) ( leq-emb-count eA eB f) ( compute-number-of-elements-is-finite eB K))) where P : Prop lzero P = leq-ℕ-Prop ( number-of-elements-is-finite H) ( number-of-elements-is-finite K) leq-is-emb-is-finite : {f : A → B} → is-emb f → (number-of-elements-is-finite H) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite K) leq-is-emb-is-finite {f} H = leq-emb-is-finite (pair f H)
If A → B
is an injective map between finite types, then |A| ≤ |B|
leq-is-injective-is-finite : {f : A → B} → is-injective f → (number-of-elements-is-finite H) ≤-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite K) leq-is-injective-is-finite I = leq-is-emb-is-finite (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-is-finite K) I)
There are no embeddings between finite types A
and B
such that `|B| < |A|
is-not-emb-le-is-finite : (f : A → B) → le-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite K) (number-of-elements-is-finite H) → ¬ (is-emb f) is-not-emb-le-is-finite f p E = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H empty-Prop ( λ e → apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K empty-Prop ( λ d → is-not-emb-le-count e d f ( concatenate-eq-le-eq-ℕ ( compute-number-of-elements-is-finite d K) ( p) ( inv (compute-number-of-elements-is-finite e H))) ( E)))
There are no injective maps between finite types A
and B
such that `|B| < |A|
is-not-injective-le-is-finite : (f : A → B) → le-ℕ (number-of-elements-is-finite K) (number-of-elements-is-finite H) → is-not-injective f is-not-injective-le-is-finite f p I = is-not-emb-le-is-finite f p (is-emb-is-injective (is-set-is-finite K) I)
There are no embeddings ℕ ↪ A
into a finite type A
no-embedding-ℕ-is-finite : {l : Level} {A : UU l} (H : is-finite A) → ¬ (ℕ ↪ A) no-embedding-ℕ-is-finite H f = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H empty-Prop ( λ e → no-embedding-ℕ-count e f)
Recent changes
- 2024-04-11. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Propositional operations (#1008).
- 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).
- 2023-10-09. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Negated equality (#822).
- 2023-09-12. Egbert Rijke. Beyond foundation (#751).
- 2023-09-12. Egbert Rijke. Factoring out whiskering (#756).