Morphisms of pointed arrows

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-03-13.
Last modified on 2024-04-25.

module structured-types.morphisms-pointed-arrows where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-homotopies
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications
open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-identifications
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopy-induction
open import foundation.morphisms-arrows
open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition

open import foundation-core.commuting-squares-of-maps
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families

open import structured-types.commuting-squares-of-pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.commuting-squares-of-pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-2-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types
open import structured-types.whiskering-pointed-2-homotopies-concatenation
open import structured-types.whiskering-pointed-homotopies-composition


A morphism of pointed arrows from a pointed map f : A →∗ B to a pointed map g : X →∗ Y is a triple (i , j , H) consisting of pointed maps i : A →∗ X and j : B →∗ Y and a pointed homotopy H : j ∘∗ f ~∗ g ∘∗ i witnessing that the square

    A -----> X
    |        |
  f |        | g
    ∨        ∨
    B -----> Y

commutes. Morphisms of pointed arrows can be composed horizontally or vertically by pasting of squares.


Morphisms of pointed arrows

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y)

  coherence-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (A →∗ X)  (B →∗ Y)  UU (l1  l4)
  coherence-hom-pointed-arrow i = coherence-square-pointed-maps i f g

  hom-pointed-arrow : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  hom-pointed-arrow =
    Σ (A →∗ X)  i  Σ (B →∗ Y) (coherence-hom-pointed-arrow i))

  pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    hom-pointed-arrow  A →∗ X
  pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow = pr1

  map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    hom-pointed-arrow  type-Pointed-Type A  type-Pointed-Type X
  map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h =
    map-pointed-map (pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h)

  preserves-point-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (h : hom-pointed-arrow) 
    map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h (point-Pointed-Type A) 
    point-Pointed-Type X
  preserves-point-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h =
    preserves-point-pointed-map (pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h)

  pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    hom-pointed-arrow  B →∗ Y
  pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow = pr1  pr2

  map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    hom-pointed-arrow  type-Pointed-Type B  type-Pointed-Type Y
  map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h =
    map-pointed-map (pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h)

  preserves-point-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (h : hom-pointed-arrow) 
    map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h (point-Pointed-Type B) 
    point-Pointed-Type Y
  preserves-point-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h =
    preserves-point-pointed-map (pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h)

  coh-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (h : hom-pointed-arrow) 
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h)
  coh-hom-pointed-arrow = pr2  pr2

  htpy-coh-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (h : hom-pointed-arrow) 
      ( map-pointed-map f)
      ( map-pointed-map g)
      ( map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow h)
      ( map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow h)
  htpy-coh-hom-pointed-arrow h =
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow h)

Transposing morphisms of pointed arrows

The transposition of a morphism of pointed arrows

    A -----> X
    |        |
  f |        | g
    ∨        ∨
    B -----> Y

is the morphism of pointed arrows

    A -----> B
    |        |
  i |        | j
    ∨        ∨
    X -----> Y.
module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y) (α : hom-pointed-arrow f g)

  pointed-map-domain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow : A →∗ B
  pointed-map-domain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow = f

  pointed-map-codomain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow : X →∗ Y
  pointed-map-codomain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow = g

  coh-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow :
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
      ( pointed-map-domain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow)
  coh-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow =
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)

  transpose-hom-pointed-arrow :
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
  pr1 transpose-hom-pointed-arrow =
  pr1 (pr2 transpose-hom-pointed-arrow) =
  pr2 (pr2 transpose-hom-pointed-arrow) = coh-transpose-hom-pointed-arrow

The identity morphism of pointed arrows

The identity morphism of pointed arrows is defined as

    A -----> A
    |        |
  f |        | f
    ∨        ∨
    B -----> B

where the pointed homotopy id ∘∗ f ~∗ f ∘∗ id is the concatenation of the left unit law pointed homotopy and the inverse pointed homotopy of the right unit law pointed homotopy.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {f : A →∗ B}

  id-hom-pointed-arrow : hom-pointed-arrow f f
  pr1 id-hom-pointed-arrow = id-pointed-map
  pr1 (pr2 id-hom-pointed-arrow) = id-pointed-map
  pr2 (pr2 id-hom-pointed-arrow) =
      ( left-unit-law-comp-pointed-map f)
      ( inv-pointed-htpy (right-unit-law-comp-pointed-map f))

Composition of morphisms of pointed arrows

Consider a commuting diagram of the form

        α₀       β₀
    A -----> X -----> U
    |        |        |
  f |   α  g |   β    | h
    ∨        ∨        ∨
    B -----> Y -----> V.
        α₁       β₁

Then the outer rectangle commutes by horizontal pasting of commuting squares of pointed maps. The composition of β : g → h with α : f → g is therefore defined to be

        β₀ ∘ α₀
    A ----------> U
    |             |
  f |    α □ β    | h
    ∨             ∨
    B ----------> V.
        β₁ ∘ α₁
module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  {U : Pointed-Type l5} {V : Pointed-Type l6}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y) (h : U →∗ V) (b : hom-pointed-arrow g h)
  (a : hom-pointed-arrow f g)

  pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow : A →∗ U
  pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow g h b ∘∗
    pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g a

  map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow :
    type-Pointed-Type A  type-Pointed-Type U
  map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    map-pointed-map pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow

  preserves-point-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow :
    map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow (point-Pointed-Type A) 
    point-Pointed-Type U
  preserves-point-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    preserves-point-pointed-map pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow

  pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow : B →∗ V
  pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow g h b ∘∗
    pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g a

  map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow :
    type-Pointed-Type B  type-Pointed-Type V
  map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    map-pointed-map pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow

  preserves-point-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow :
    map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow (point-Pointed-Type B) 
    point-Pointed-Type V
  preserves-point-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
    preserves-point-pointed-map pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow

  coh-comp-hom-pointed-arrow :
    coherence-hom-pointed-arrow f h
      ( pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow)
  coh-comp-hom-pointed-arrow =
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g a)
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow g h b)
      ( f)
      ( g)
      ( h)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g a)
      ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow g h b)
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g a)
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow g h b)

  comp-hom-pointed-arrow : hom-pointed-arrow f h
  pr1 comp-hom-pointed-arrow = pointed-map-domain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow
  pr1 (pr2 comp-hom-pointed-arrow) = pointed-map-codomain-comp-hom-pointed-arrow
  pr2 (pr2 comp-hom-pointed-arrow) = coh-comp-hom-pointed-arrow

Homotopies of morphisms of pointed arrows

A homotopy of morphisms of pointed arrows from (i , j , H) to (i' , j' , H') is a triple (I , J , K) consisting of pointed homotopies I : i ~∗ i' and J : j ~∗ j' and a pointed 2-homotopy K witnessing that the square of pointed homotopies

            J ·r f
  (j ∘∗ f) --------> (j' ∘∗ f)
     |                   |
   H |                   | H'
     ∨                   ∨
  (g ∘∗ i) ---------> (g ∘∗ i')
             g ·l I


module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y) (α : hom-pointed-arrow f g)

  coherence-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)
    (I :
      pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
      pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β)
    (J :
      pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
      pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β) 
    UU (l1  l4)
  coherence-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β I J =
      ( right-whisker-comp-pointed-htpy _ _ J f)
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
      ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g β)
      ( left-whisker-comp-pointed-htpy g _ _ I)

  htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)  UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β =
    Σ ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
        pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β)
      ( λ I 
        Σ ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
            pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β)
          ( coherence-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β I))

  module _
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g) (η : htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β)

    pointed-htpy-domain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
      pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
      pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β
    pointed-htpy-domain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow = pr1 η

    pointed-htpy-codomain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
      pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
      pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g β
    pointed-htpy-codomain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow = pr1 (pr2 η)

    coh-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
      coherence-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β
        ( pointed-htpy-domain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
        ( pointed-htpy-codomain-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
    coh-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow = pr2 (pr2 η)

The reflexive homotopy of pointed arrows

Consider a morphism of pointed arrows

            A -----> X
            |        |
  (f₀ , f₁) |   α₂   | (g₀ , g₁)
            ∨        ∨
            B -----> Y

from f : A →∗ B to g : X →∗ Y. The reflexive homotopy of morphisms of arrows r := (r₀ , r₁ , r₂) on α := (α₀ , α₁ , α₂) is given by

  r₀ := refl-pointed-htpy : α₀ ~∗ α₀
  r₁ := refl-pointed-htpy : α₁ ~∗ α₁

and a pointed 2-homotopy r₂ witnessing that the square of pointed homotopies

            r₁ ·r f
  (α₁ ∘ f) --------> (α₁ ∘ f)
      |                  |
   α₂ |                  | α₂
      ∨                  ∨
   (g ∘ α₀) --------> (g ∘ α₀)
             g ·l r₀

commutes. Note that r₁ ·r f ~∗ refl-pointed-htpy and g ·l r₀ ≐ refl-pointed-htpy. By whiskering of pointed 2-homotopies with respect to concatenation it follows that

  (r₁ ·r f) ∙h α₂ ~∗ refl-pointed-htpy ∙h α₂ ~∗ α₂.
module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y) (α : hom-pointed-arrow f g)

  pointed-htpy-domain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
    pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α
  pointed-htpy-domain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow = refl-pointed-htpy _

  pointed-htpy-codomain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α ~∗
    pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α
  pointed-htpy-codomain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow = refl-pointed-htpy _

  coh-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    coherence-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α α
      ( pointed-htpy-domain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
      ( pointed-htpy-codomain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
  coh-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow =
      ( right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy (coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α))
      ( inv-pointed-2-htpy
        ( concat-pointed-2-htpy
          ( right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy
            ( right-whisker-comp-pointed-htpy
              ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
              ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
              ( pointed-htpy-codomain-refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
              ( f))
            ( refl-pointed-htpy _)
            ( compute-refl-right-whisker-comp-pointed-htpy
              ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
              ( f))
            ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α))
          ( left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy (coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α))))

  refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow : htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α α
  pr1 refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow =
  pr1 (pr2 refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow) =
  pr2 (pr2 refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow) =

Characterization of the identity types of morphisms of pointed arrows

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2}
  {X : Pointed-Type l3} {Y : Pointed-Type l4}
  (f : A →∗ B) (g : X →∗ Y) (α : hom-pointed-arrow f g)

  is-torsorial-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    is-torsorial (htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
  is-torsorial-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow =
      ( is-torsorial-pointed-htpy _)
      ( pointed-map-domain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α , refl-pointed-htpy _)
      ( is-torsorial-Eq-structure
        ( is-torsorial-pointed-htpy _)
        ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α , refl-pointed-htpy _)
        ( is-contr-equiv' _
          ( equiv-tot
            ( λ H 
                ( inv-pointed-2-htpy
                  ( concat-pointed-2-htpy
                    ( right-whisker-concat-pointed-2-htpy _ _
                      ( compute-refl-right-whisker-comp-pointed-htpy
                        ( pointed-map-codomain-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
                        ( f))
                      ( H))
                    ( left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy H)))))
          ( is-torsorial-pointed-2-htpy
            ( concat-pointed-htpy
              ( coh-hom-pointed-arrow f g α)
              ( refl-pointed-htpy _)))))

  htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)  α  β  htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α β
  htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow β refl = refl-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α

  is-equiv-htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)  is-equiv (htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow β)
  is-equiv-htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow =
      ( is-torsorial-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow)
      ( htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow)

  extensionality-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)  (α  β)  htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α β
  pr1 (extensionality-hom-pointed-arrow β) =
    htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow β
  pr2 (extensionality-hom-pointed-arrow β) =
    is-equiv-htpy-eq-hom-pointed-arrow β

  eq-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow :
    (β : hom-pointed-arrow f g)  htpy-hom-pointed-arrow f g α β  α  β
  eq-htpy-hom-pointed-arrow β =
    map-inv-equiv (extensionality-hom-pointed-arrow β)

See also

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