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The agda-unimath library
- Adjunctions between large categories
- Adjunctions between large precategories
- Anafunctors between categories
- Anafunctors between precategories
- The augmented simplex category
- Categories
- The category of functors and natural transformations between two categories
- The category of functors and natural transformations from small to large categories
- The category of maps and natural transformations between two categories
- The category of maps and natural transformations from small to large categories
- Commuting squares of morphisms in large precategories
- Commuting squares of morphisms in precategories
- Commuting squares of morphisms in set-magmoids
- Commuting triangles of morphisms in precategories
- Commuting triangles of morphisms in set-magmoids
- Complete precategories
- Composition operations on binary families of sets
- Cones in precategories
- Conservative functors between precategories
- Constant functors
- Copresheaf categories
- Coproducts in precategories
- Cores of categories
- Cores of precategories
- Coslice precategories
- Dependent composition operations over precategories
- Dependent products of categories
- Dependent products of large categories
- Dependent products of large precategories
- Dependent products of precategories
- Discrete categories
- Displayed precategories
- Embedding maps between precategories
- Embeddings between precategories
- Endomorphisms in categories
- Endomorphisms in precategories
- Epimorphism in large precategories
- Equivalences between categories
- Equivalences between large precategories
- Equivalences between precategories
- Essential fibers of functors between precategories
- Essentially injective functors between precategories
- Essentially surjective functors between precategories
- Exponential objects in precategories
- Extensions of functors between precategories
- Faithful functors between precategories
- Faithful maps between precategories
- Full functors between precategories
- Full large subcategories
- Full large subprecategories
- Full maps between precategories
- Full subcategories
- Full subprecategories
- Fully faithful functors between precategories
- Fully faithful maps between precategories
- Function categories
- Function precategories
- Functors between categories
- Functors from small to large categories
- Functors from small to large precategories
- Functors between large categories
- Functors between large precategories
- Functors between nonunital precategories
- Functors between precategories
- Functors between set-magmoids
- Gaunt categories
- Groupoids
- Homotopies of natural transformations in large precategories
- Indiscrete precategories
- The initial category
- Initial objects of large categories
- Initial objects of large precategories
- Initial objects in a precategory
- Isomorphism induction in categories
- Isomorphism induction in precategories
- Isomorphisms in categories
- Isomorphisms in large categories
- Isomorphisms in large precategories
- Isomorphisms in precategories
- Isomorphisms in subprecategories
- Large categories
- Large function categories
- Large function precategories
- Large precategories
- Large subcategories
- Large subprecategories
- Limits in precategories
- Maps between categories
- Maps from small to large categories
- Maps from small to large precategories
- Maps between precategories
- Maps between set-magmoids
- Monads on categories
- Monads on precategories
- Monomorphisms in large precategories
- Natural isomorphisms between functors between categories
- Natural isomorphisms between functors between large precategories
- Natural isomorphisms between functors between precategories
- Natural isomorphisms between maps between categories
- Natural isomorphisms between maps between precategories
- Natural numbers object in a precategory
- Natural transformations between functors between categories
- Natural transformations between functors from small to large categories
- Natural transformations between functors from small to large precategories
- Natural transformations between functors between large categories
- Natural transformations between functors between large precategories
- Natural transformations between functors between precategories
- Natural transformations between maps between categories
- Natural transformations between maps from small to large precategories
- Natural transformations between maps between precategories
- Nonunital precategories
- One object precategories
- Opposite categories
- Opposite large precategories
- Opposite precategories
- Opposite preunivalent categories
- Opposite strongly preunivalent categories
- Pointed endofunctors on categories
- Pointed endofunctors
- Precategories
- Precategory of elements of a presheaf
- The precategory of functors and natural transformations between two precategories
- The precategory of functors and natural transformations from small to large precategories
- The precategory of maps and natural transformations from a small to a large precategory
- The precategory of maps and natural transformations between two precategories
- Pregroupoids
- Presheaf categories
- Preunivalent categories
- Products in precategories
- Products of precategories
- Pseudomonic functors between precategories
- Pullbacks in precategories
- Replete subprecategories
- Representable functors between categories
- Representable functors between large precategories
- Representable functors between precategories
- The representing arrow category
- Restrictions of functors to cores of precategories
- Right extensions in precategories
- Right Kan extensions in precategories
- Rigid objects in a category
- Rigid objects in a precategory
- Set-magmoids
- Sieves in categories
- The simplex category
- Slice precategories
- Split essentially surjective functors between precategories
- Strict categories
- Strongly preunivalent categories
- Structure equivalences between set-magmoids
- Subcategories
- Subprecategories
- Subterminal precategories
- The terminal category
- Terminal objects in a precategory
- Wide subcategories
- Wide subprecategories
- The Yoneda lemma for categories
- The Yoneda lemma for precategories
- The binomial theorem in commutative rings
- The binomial theorem in commutative semirings
- Boolean rings
- The category of commutative rings
- Commutative rings
- Commutative semirings
- Dependent products of commutative rings
- Dependent products of commutative semirings
- Discrete fields
- The Eisenstein integers
- Euclidean domains
- Full ideals of commutative rings
- Function commutative rings
- Function commutative semirings
- The Gaussian integers
- The group of multiplicative units of a commutative ring
- Homomorphisms of commutative rings
- Homomorphisms of commutative semirings
- Ideals of commutative rings
- Ideals of commutative semirings
- Ideals generated by subsets of commutative rings
- Integer multiples of elements of commutative rings
- Integral domains
- Intersections of ideals of commutative rings
- Intersections of radical ideals of commutative rings
- Invertible elements in commutative rings
- Isomorphisms of commutative rings
- Joins of ideals of commutative rings
- Joins of radical ideals of commutative rings
- Local commutative rings
- Maximal ideals of commutative rings
- Multiples of elements in commutative rings
- Nilradical of a commutative ring
- The nilradical of a commutative semiring
- The poset of ideals of a commutative ring
- The poset of radical ideals of a commutative ring
- Powers of elements in commutative rings
- Powers of elements in commutative semirings
- The precategory of commutative rings
- The precategory of commutative semirings
- Prime ideals of commutative rings
- Products of commutative rings
- Products of ideals of commutative rings
- Products of radical ideals of a commutative ring
- Products of subsets of commutative rings
- Radical ideals of commutative rings
- Radical ideals generated by subsets of commutative rings
- Radicals of ideals of commutative rings
- Subsets of commutative rings
- Subsets of commutative semirings
- Sums in commutative rings
- Sums in commutative semirings
- Transporting commutative ring structures along isomorphisms of abelian groups
- Trivial commutative rings
- The Zariski locale
- The Zariski topology on the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring
- Directed complete posets
- Directed families in posets
- Kleene’s fixed point theorem for ω-complete posets
- Kleene’s fixed point theorem for posets
- ω-Complete posets
- ω-Continuous maps between ω-complete posets
- ω-Continuous maps between posets
- Reindexing directed families in posets
- Scott-continuous maps between posets
- The absolute value function on the integers
- The Ackermann function
- Addition on integer fractions
- Addition on the integers
- Addition on the natural numbers
- Addition of positive, negative, nonnegative and nonpositive integers
- Addition on the rational numbers
- The additive group of rational numbers
- The Archimedean property of integer fractions
- The Archimedean property of the integers
- The Archimedean property of the natural numbers
- The Archimedean property of the positive rational numbers
- The Archimedean property of
- Arithmetic functions
- The based induction principle of the natural numbers
- Based strong induction for the natural numbers
- The Bell numbers
- Bezout’s lemma in the integers
- Bezout’s lemma on the natural numbers
- The binomial coefficients
- The binomial theorem for the integers
- The binomial theorem for the natural numbers
- Bounded sums of arithmetic functions
- Catalan numbers
- Closed intervals of rational numbers
- The cofibonacci sequence
- The Collatz bijection
- The Collatz conjecture
- The commutative semiring of natural numbers
- Conatural numbers
- The congruence relations on the integers
- The congruence relations on the natural numbers
- The cross-multiplication difference of two integer fractions
- Cubes of natural numbers
- Decidable dependent function types
- The decidable total order of integers
- The decidable total order of natural numbers
- The decidable total order of rational numbers
- The decidable total order of a standard finite type
- Decidable types in elementary number theory
- The difference between integers
- The difference between rational numbers
- Dirichlet convolution
- The distance between integers
- The distance between natural numbers
- Divisibility of integers
- Divisibility in modular arithmetic
- Divisibility of natural numbers
- The divisibility relation on the standard finite types
- Equality of conatural numbers
- Equality of integers
- Equality of natural numbers
- Equality of rational numbers
- The Euclid–Mullin sequence
- Euclidean division on the natural numbers
- Euler’s totient function
- Exponentiation of natural numbers
- Factorials of natural numbers
- Falling factorials
- Fermat numbers
- The Fibonacci sequence
- The field of rational numbers
- The natural numbers base
- Finitely cyclic maps
- The fundamental theorem of arithmetic
- The Goldbach conjecture
- The greatest common divisor of integers
- The greatest common divisor of natural numbers
- The group of integers
- The half-integers
- The Hardy-Ramanujan number
- The inclusion of the natural numbers into the conatural numbers
- Inequality of conatural numbers
- Inequality on integer fractions
- Inequality on the integers
- Inequality of natural numbers
- Inequality on the rational numbers
- Inequality on the standard finite types
- Infinite conatural numbers
- The infinitude of primes
- Initial segments of the natural numbers
- Integer fractions
- Integer partitions
- The integers
- The Jacobi symbol
- The Kolakoski sequence
- The Legendre symbol
- Lower bounds of type families over the natural numbers
- Maximum on the natural numbers
- Maximum on the rational numbers
- Maximum on the standard finite types
- The mediant fraction of two integer fractions
- Mersenne primes
- Minimum on the natural numbers
- Minimum on the rational numbers
- Minimum on the standard finite types
- Modular arithmetic
- Modular arithmetic on the standard finite types
- The monoid of natural numbers with addition
- The monoid of the natural numbers with maximum
- Multiplication on integer fractions
- Multiplication of integers
- Multiplication of the elements of a list of natural numbers
- Multiplication of natural numbers
- Multiplication of positive, negative, nonnegative and nonpositive integers
- Multiplication on the rational numbers
- The multiplicative group of positive rational numbers
- The multiplicative group of rational numbers
- Multiplicative inverses of positive integer fractions
- The multiplicative monoid of natural numbers
- The multiplicative monoid of rational numbers
- Multiplicative units in the integers
- Multiplicative units in modular arithmetic
- Multiset coefficients
- The type of natural numbers
- Negative integer fractions
- The negative integers
- Negative rational numbers
- The nonnegative integers
- The nonpositive integers
- Nonzero integers
- Nonzero natural numbers
- Nonzero rational numbers
- The ordinal induction principle for the natural numbers
- Parity of the natural numbers
- Peano arithmetic
- Pisano periods
- The poset of natural numbers ordered by divisibility
- The positive, negative, nonnegative and nonpositive integers
- Positive conatural numbers
- Positive integer fractions
- The positive integers
- Positive rational numbers
- Powers of integers
- Powers of two
- Prime numbers
- Products of natural numbers
- Proper divisors of natural numbers
- Pythagorean triples
- The rational numbers
- Reduced integer fractions
- Relatively prime integers
- Relatively prime natural numbers
- Repeating an element in a standard finite type
- Retracts of the type of natural numbers
- The ring of integers
- The ring of rational numbers
- The sieve of Eratosthenes
- Square-free natural numbers
- Squares in the integers
- Squares in ℤₚ
- Squares in the natural numbers
- The standard cyclic groups
- The standard cyclic rings
- Stirling numbers of the second kind
- Strict inequality on the integer fractions
- Strict inequality on the integers
- Strict inequality on the natural numbers
- Strict inequality on the rational numbers
- Strict inequality on the standard finite types
- Strictly ordered pairs of natural numbers
- The strong induction principle for the natural numbers
- Sums of natural numbers
- Sylvester’s sequence
- Taxicab numbers
- Telephone numbers
- The triangular numbers
- The Twin Prime conjecture
- Type arithmetic with natural numbers
- Unit elements in the standard finite types
- Unit fractions in the rational numbers types
- Unit similarity on the standard finite types
- The universal property of the conatural numbers
- The universal property of the integers
- The universal property of the natural numbers
- Upper bounds for type families over the natural numbers
- The well-ordering principle of the natural numbers
- The well-ordering principle of the standard finite types
- The zero conatural number
- Commutative finite rings
- Dependent products of commutative finit rings
- Dependent products of finite rings
- Finite fields
- Finite rings
- Homomorphisms of commutative finite rings
- Homomorphisms of finite rings
- Products of commutative finite rings
- Products of finite rings
- Semisimple commutative finite rings
- The abstract quaternion group of order
- Alternating concrete groups
- Alternating groups
- Cartier’s delooping of the sign homomorphism
- The concrete quaternion group
- Deloopings of the sign homomorphism
- Abelian groups
- Finite Commutative monoids
- Finite groups
- Finite monoids
- Finite semigroups
- The group of n-element types
- Groups of order
- Orbits of permutations
- Permutations
- Permutations of standard finite types
- The sign homomorphism
- Simpson’s delooping of the sign homomorphism
- Subgroups of finite groups
- Tetrahedra in
-dimensional space - Transpositions
- Transpositions of standard finite types
- The abstract quaternion group of order
-Connected types0
-Images of maps0
-Types- Action on equivalences of functions
- The action on equivalences of functions out of subuniverses
- Action on equivalences of type families
- Action on equivalences in type families over subuniverses
- The action of functions on higher identifications
- The action on homotopies of functions
- The binary action on identifications of binary dependent functions
- The binary action on identifications of binary functions
- The action on identifications of dependent functions
- The action on identifications of functions
- Apartness relations
- Arithmetic law for coproduct decomposition and Σ-decomposition
- Arithmetic law for product decomposition and Π-decomposition
- Automorphisms
- The axiom of choice
- Bands
- Base changes of span diagrams
- Bicomposition of functions
- Binary dependent identifications
- Binary embeddings
- Binary equivalences
- Binary equivalences on unordered pairs of types
- Binary functoriality of set quotients
- Homotopies of binary operations
- Binary operations on unordered pairs of types
- Binary reflecting maps of equivalence relations
- Binary relations
- Binary relations with extensions
- Binary relations with lifts
- Binary transport
- Binary type duality
- The booleans
- The Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein–Escardó theorem
- Cantor’s theorem
- Cartesian morphisms of arrows
- Cartesian morphisms of span diagrams
- Cartesian product types
- Cartesian products of set quotients
- The category of families of sets
- The category of sets
- Choice of representatives for an equivalence relation
- Coalgebras of the maybe monad
- Codiagonal maps of types
- Coherently idempotent maps
- Coherently invertible maps
- Coinhabited pairs of types
- Commuting cubes of maps
- Commuting hexagons of identifications
- Commuting pentagons of identifications
- Commuting prisms of maps
- Commuting squares of homotopies
- Commuting squares of identifications
- Commuting squares of maps
- Commuting tetrahedra of homotopies
- Commuting tetrahedra of maps
- Commuting triangles of homotopies
- Commuting triangles of identifications
- Commuting triangles of maps
- Commuting triangles of morphisms of arrows
- Complements of type families
- Complements of subtypes
- Composite maps in inverse sequential diagrams
- Composition algebra
- Composition of spans
- Computational identity types
- Cones over cospan diagrams
- Cones over inverse sequential diagrams
- Conjunction
- Connected components of types
- Connected components of universes
- Connected maps
- Connected types
- Constant maps
- Constant span diagrams
- Constant type families
- The continuation monad
- Contractible maps
- Contractible types
- Copartial elements
- Copartial functions
- Coproduct decompositions
- Coproduct decompositions in a subuniverse
- Coproduct types
- Coproducts of pullbacks
- Morphisms in the coslice category of types
- Cospan diagrams
- Cospans of types
- Decidability of dependent function types
- Decidability of dependent pair types
- Decidable embeddings
- Decidable equality
- Decidable equivalence relations
- Decidable maps
- Decidable propositions
- Decidable relations on types
- Decidable subtypes
- Decidable types
- Dependent binary homotopies
- The dependent binomial theorem for types (distributivity of dependent function types over coproduct types)
- Dependent epimorphisms
- Dependent epimorphisms with respect to truncated types
- Dependent function types
- Dependent homotopies
- Dependent identifications
- Dependent inverse sequential diagrams of types
- Dependent pair types
- Dependent products of pullbacks
- Dependent sequences
- Dependent sums of pullbacks
- Dependent telescopes
- The dependent universal property of equivalences
- Descent for coproduct types
- Descent for dependent pair types
- Descent for the empty type
- Descent for equivalences
- Diaconescu’s theorem
- Diagonal maps into cartesian products of types
- Diagonal maps of types
- Diagonal span diagrams
- Diagonals of maps
- Diagonals of morphisms of arrows
- Discrete binary relations
- Discrete reflexive relations
- Discrete relaxed Σ-decompositions
- Discrete Σ-decompositions
- Discrete types
- Disjoint subtypes
- Disjunction
- Double arrows
- Double negation
- The double negation modality
- Double negation stable equality
- Double negation stable propositions
- Double powersets
- Dubuc-Penon compact types
- Effective maps for equivalence relations
- Embeddings
- Empty types
- Endomorphisms
- Epimorphisms
- Epimorphisms with respect to maps into sets
- Epimorphisms with respect to truncated types
- Equality of cartesian product types
- Equality of coproduct types
- Equality on dependent function types
- Equality of dependent pair types
- Equality in the fibers of a map
- Equivalence classes
- Equivalence extensionality
- Equivalence induction
- Equivalence injective type families
- Equivalence relations
- Equivalences
- Equivalences of arrows
- Equivalences of cospans
- Equivalences of double arrows
- Equivalences of inverse sequential diagrams of types
- Equivalences on
- Equivalences of span diagrams
- Equivalences of span diagrams on families of types
- Equivalences of spans
- Equivalences of spans of families of types
- Evaluation of functions
- Exclusive disjunctions
- Exclusive sums
- Existential quantification
- Exponents of set quotients
- Extensions of types
- Extensions of types in a global subuniverse
- Extensions of types in a subuniverse
- Faithful maps
- Families of equivalences
- Families of maps
- Families of types over telescopes
- Fiber inclusions
- Fibered equivalences
- Fibered involutions
- Maps fibered over a map
- Fibers of maps
- Finitely coherent equivalences
- Finitely coherently invertible maps
- Fixed points of endofunctions
- Full subtypes of types
- Function extensionality
- Function types
- Functional correspondences
- Functoriality of the action on identifications of functions
- Functoriality of cartesian product types
- Functoriality of coproduct types
- Functoriality of dependent function types
- Functoriality of dependent pair types
- Functoriality of fibers of maps
- Functoriality of function types
- Functoriality of morphisms of arrows
- Functoriality of propositional truncations
- Functorialty of pullbacks
- Functoriality of sequential limits
- Functoriality of set quotients
- Functoriality of set truncation
- Functoriality of truncations
- Fundamental theorem of equivalence relations
- The fundamental theorem of identity types
- Global choice
- Global subuniverses
- The globular type of dependent functions
- The globular type of functions
- Higher homotopies of morphisms of arrows
- Hilbert’s
-operators - Homotopies
- Homotopies of morphisms of arrows
- Homotopies of morphisms of cospan diagrams
- Homotopy algebra
- Homotopy induction
- The homotopy preorder of types
- Horizontal composition of spans of spans
- Idempotent maps
- Identity systems
- Identity types of truncated types
- Identity types
- The image of a map
- Images of subtypes
- Implicit function types
- Impredicative encodings of the logical operations
- Impredicative universes
- The induction principle for propositional truncation
- Infinitely coherent equivalences
- Inhabited subtypes
- Inhabited types
- Injective maps
- The interchange law
- Intersections of subtypes
- Inverse sequential diagrams of types
- Invertible maps
- Involutions
- Irrefutable propositions
- Isolated elements
- Isomorphisms of sets
- Iterated cartesian product types
- Iterated dependent pair types
- Iterated dependent product types
- Iterating automorphisms
- Iterating families of maps over a map
- Iterating functions
- Iterating involutions
- Kernel span diagrams of maps
- Large apartness relations
- Large binary relations
- Large dependent pair types
- Large homotopies
- Large identity types
- The large locale of propositions
- The large locale of subtypes
- The law of excluded middle
- Lawvere’s fixed point theorem
- The lesser limited principle of omniscience
- Lifts of types
- The limited principle of omniscience
- The locale of propositions
- Locally small types
- Logical equivalences
- Maps in global subuniverses
- Maps in subuniverses
- The maybe monad
- Mere embeddings
- Mere equality
- Mere equivalences
- Mere functions
- Mere logical equivalences
- Mere path-cosplit maps
- Monomorphisms
- Morphisms of arrows
- Morphisms of binary relations
- Morphisms of coalgebras of the maybe monad
- Morphisms of cospan diagrams
- Morphisms of cospans
- Morphisms of double arrows
- Morphisms of inverse sequential diagrams of types
- Morphisms of span diagrams
- Morphisms of spans
- Morphisms of spans on families of types
- Morphisms of twisted arrows
- Multisubsets
- Multivariable correspondences
- Multivariable decidable relations
- Multivariable functoriality of set quotients
- Multivariable homotopies
- Multivariable operations
- Multivariable relations
- Multivariable sections
- Negated equality
- Negation
- Noncontractible types
- Null-homotopic maps
- Operations on span diagrams
- Operations on spans
- Operations on spans of families of types
- Opposite spans
- Pairs of distinct elements
- Partial elements
- Partial functions
- Partial sequences
- Partitions
- Path algebra
- Path-cosplit maps
- Path-split maps
- Path-split type families
- Perfect images
- Permutations of spans of families of types
- Π-decompositions of types
- Π-decompositions of types into types in a subuniverse
- Pointed torsorial type families
- Postcomposition of dependent functions
- Postcomposition of functions
- Postcomposition of pullbacks
- Powersets
- Precomposition of dependent functions
- Precomposition of functions
- Precomposition of functions into subuniverses
- Precomposition of type families
- The preunivalence axiom
- Preunivalent type families
- The principle of omniscience
- Product decompositions
- Product decompositions of types in a subuniverse
- Products of binary relations
- Products of equivalence relataions
- Products of tuples of types
- Products of pullbacks
- Products of unordered pairs of types
- Products of unordered tuples of types
- Projective types
- Proper subsets
- Propositional extensionality
- Propositional maps
- Propositional resizing
- Propositional truncations
- Propositions
- Pullback cones
- Pullbacks
- Pullbacks of subtypes
- Quasicoherently idempotent maps
- Raising universe levels
- Reflecting maps for equivalence relations
- Reflexive relations
- The Regensburg extension of the fundamental theorem of identity types
- Relaxed Σ-decompositions of types
- Repetitions of values of maps
- Repetitions in sequences
- The type theoretic replacement axiom
- Retractions
- Retracts of maps
- Retracts of types
- Sections
- Types separated at subuniverses
- Sequences
- Sequential limits
- Set presented types
- Set quotients
- Set truncations
- Sets
- Shifting sequences
- Σ-closed subuniverses
- Σ-decompositions of types into types in a subuniverse
- Σ-decompositions of types
- Singleton induction
- Singleton subtypes
- Morphisms in the slice category of types
- Small maps
- Small types
- Small universes
- Sorial type families
- Span diagrams
- Span diagrams on families of types
- Spans of types
- Spans of families of types
- Spans of spans
- Split idempotent maps
- Split surjective maps
- Standard apartness relations
- Standard pullbacks
- Standard ternary pullbacks
- Strict symmetrization of binary relations
- Strictly involutive identity types
- The strictly right unital concatenation operation on identifications
- The strong preunivalence axiom
- Strongly extensional maps
- Structure
- The structure identity principle
- Structured equality duality
- Structured type duality
- Subsingleton induction
- Subterminal types
- Subtype duality
- The subtype identity principle
- Subtypes
- Subuniverses
- Surjective maps
- Symmetric binary relations
- Symmetric cores of binary relations
- Symmetric difference of subtypes
- The symmetric identity types
- Symmetric operations
- Telescopes
- Terminal spans on families of types
- Tight apartness relations
- Torsorial type families
- Total partial elements
- Total partial functions
- Transfinite cocomposition of maps
- Transport along equivalences
- Transport along higher identifications
- Transport along homotopies
- Transport along identifications
- Transport-split type families
- Transposing identifications along equivalences
- Transposing identifications along retractions
- Transposing identifications along sections
- Transposition of span diagrams
- Trivial relaxed Σ-decompositions
- Trivial Σ-decompositions
- Truncated equality
- Truncated maps
- Truncated types
-Equivalences- Truncation images of maps
- Truncation levels
- The truncation modalities
- Truncations
- Tuples of types
- Type arithmetic with the booleans
- Type arithmetic for cartesian product types
- Type arithmetic for coproduct types
- Type arithmetic with dependent function types
- Type arithmetic for dependent pair types
- Type arithmetic with the empty type
- Type arithmetic with standard pullbacks
- Type arithmetic with the unit type
- Type duality
- The type theoretic principle of choice
- Uniformly decidable type families
- Unions of subtypes
- Uniqueness of the image of a map
- Uniqueness quantification
- The uniqueness of set quotients
- Uniqueness of set truncations
- Uniqueness of the truncations
- The unit type
- Unital binary operations
- The univalence axiom
- The univalence axiom implies function extensionality
- Univalent type families
- The universal property of booleans
- The universal properties of cartesian product types
- Universal property of contractible types
- The universal property of coproduct types
- The universal property of dependent function types
- The universal property of dependent pair types
- The universal property of the empty type
- The universal property of equivalences
- The universal property of the family of fibers of maps
- The universal property of fiber products
- The universal property of identity systems
- The universal property of identity types
- The universal property of the image of a map
- The universal property of the maybe monad
- The universal property of propositional truncations
- The universal property of propositional truncations with respect to sets
- The universal property of pullbacks
- The universal property of sequential limits
- The universal property of set quotients
- The universal property of set truncations
- The universal property of truncations
- The universal property of the unit type
- Universal quantification
- Universe levels
- Unordered pairs of elements in a type
- Unordered pairs of types
- Unordered
-tuples of elements in a type - Unordered tuples of types
- Vectors of set quotients
- Vertical composition of spans of spans
- Weak function extensionality
- The weak limited principle of omniscience
- Weakly constant maps
- Whiskering higher homotopies with respect to composition
- Whiskering homotopies with respect to composition
- Whiskering homotopies with respect to concatenation
- Whiskering identifications with respect to concatenation
- Whiskering operations
- The wild category of types
- Yoneda identity types
-Types- Cartesian product types
- Coherently invertible maps
- Commuting prisms of maps
- Commuting squares of homotopies
- Commuting squares of identifications
- Commuting squares of maps
- Commuting triangles of maps
- Constant maps
- Contractible maps
- Contractible types
- Coproduct types
- Decidable propositions
- Dependent identifications
- Diagonal maps into cartesian products of types
- Discrete types
- Embeddings
- Empty types
- Endomorphisms
- Equality of dependent pair types
- Equivalence relations
- Equivalences
- Families of equivalences
- Fibers of maps
- Function types
- Functoriality of dependent function types
- Functoriality of dependent pair types
- Homotopies
- Identity types
- Injective maps
- Invertible maps
- Negation
- Operations on span diagrams
- Operations on spans
- Path-split maps
- Postcomposition of dependent functions
- Postcomposition of functions
- Precomposition of dependent functions
- Precomposition of functions
- Propositional maps
- Propositions
- Pullbacks
- Retractions
- Retracts of types
- Sections
- Sets
- Small types
- Subtypes
- Torsorial type families
- Transport along identifications
- Truncated maps
- Truncated types
- Truncation levels
- The type theoretic principle of choice
- The univalence axiom
- The universal property of pullbacks
- The universal property of truncations
- Whiskering homotopies with respect to concatenation
- Whiskering identifications with respect to concatenation
- Base change of dependent globular types
- Base change of dependent reflexive globular types
- Binary dependent globular types
- Binary dependent reflexive globular types
- Binary globular maps
- Colax reflexive globular maps
- Colax transitive globular maps
- Composition structure on globular types
- Constant globular types
- Dependent globular types
- Dependent reflexive globular types
- Dependent sums of globular types
- Discrete dependent reflexive globular types
- Discrete globular types
- Discrete reflexive globular types
- Empty globular types
- Equality of globular types
- Exponentials of globular types
- Fibers of globular maps
- Equivalences between globular types
- Maps between globular types
- Globular types
- Large colax reflexive globular maps
- Large colax transitive globular maps
- Maps between large globular types
- Large globular types
- Large lax reflexive globular maps
- Large lax transitive globular maps
- Large reflexive globular maps
- Large reflexive globular types
- Large symmetric globular types
- Large transitive globular maps
- Large transitive globular types
- Lax reflexive globular maps
- Lax transitive globular maps
- Points of globular types
- Points of reflexive globular types
- Pointwise extensions of binary families of globular types
- Pointwise extensions of binary families of reflexive globular types
- Pointwise extensions of families of globular types
- Pointwise extensions of families of reflexive globular types
- Products of families of globular types
- Reflexive globular equivalences
- Reflexive globular maps
- Reflexive globular types
- Sections of dependent globular types
- Superglobular types
- Symmetric globular types
- Terminal globular types
- Transitive globular maps
- Transitive globular types
- The unit globular type
- The unit reflexive globular type
- The universal globular type
- The universal reflexive globular type
- Acyclic undirected graphs
- Base change of dependent directed graphs
- Base change of dependent reflexive graphs
- Cartesian products of directed graphs
- Cartesian products of reflexive graphs
- Circuits in undirected graphs
- Closed walks in undirected graphs
- Complete bipartite graphs
- Complete multipartite graphs
- Complete undirected graphs
- Connected graphs
- Cycles in undirected graphs
- Dependent directed graphs
- Dependent products of directed graphs
- Dependent products of reflexive graphs
- Dependent reflexive graphs
- Dependent sums directed graphs
- Dependent sums reflexive graphs
- Directed graph duality
- Directed graph structures on standard finite sets
- Directed graphs
- Discrete dependent reflexive graphs
- Discrete directed graphs
- Discrete reflexive graphs
- Displayed large reflexive graphs
- Edge-coloured undirected graphs
- Embeddings of directed graphs
- Embeddings of undirected graphs
- Enriched undirected graphs
- Equivalences of dependent directed graphs
- Equivalences of dependent reflexive graphs
- Equivalences of directed graphs
- Equivalences of enriched undirected graphs
- Equivalences of reflexive graphs
- Equivalences of undirected graphs
- Eulerian circuits in undirected graphs
- Faithful morphisms of undirected graphs
- Fibers of directed graphs
- Fibers of morphisms into directed graphs
- Fibers of morphisms into reflexive graphs
- Finite graphs
- Geometric realizations of undirected graphs
- Higher directed graphs
- Hypergraphs
- Internal homs of directed graphs
- Large higher directed graphs
- Large reflexive graphs
- Matchings
- Mere equivalences of undirected graphs
- Morphisms of dependent directed graphs
- Morphisms of directed graphs
- Morphisms of reflexive graphs
- Morphisms of undirected graphs
- Incidence in undirected graphs
- Orientations of undirected graphs
- Paths in undirected graphs
- Polygons
- Raising universe levels of directed graphs
- Reflecting maps of undirected graphs
- Reflexive graphs
- Regular undirected graph
- Sections of dependent directed graphs
- Sections of dependent reflexive graphs
- Simple undirected graphs
- Stereoisomerism for enriched undirected graphs
- Terminal directed graphs
- Terminal reflexive graphs
- Totally faithful morphisms of undirected graphs
- Trails in directed graphs
- Trails in undirected graphs
- Undirected graph structures on standard finite sets
- Undirected graphs
- The universal directed graph
- The universal reflexive graph
- Vertex covers
- Voltage graphs
- Walks in directed graphs
- Walks in undirected graphs
- Wide displayed large reflexive graphs
- Abelian groups
- Abelianization of groups
- Pointwise addition of morphisms of abelian groups
- Automorphism groups
- Cartesian products of abelian groups
- Cartesian products of concrete groups
- Cartesian products of groups
- Cartesian products of monoids
- Cartesian products of semigroups
- The category of abelian groups
- The category of concrete groups
- The category of group actions
- The category of groups
- The orbit category of a group
- The category of semigroups
- Cayley’s theorem
- The center of a group
- Center of a monoid
- Center of a semigroup
- Central elements of groups
- Central elements of monoids
- Central elements of semirings
- Centralizer subgroups
- Characteristic subgroups
- Commutative monoids
- Commutator subgroups
- Commutators of elements in groups
- Commuting elements of groups
- Commuting elements of monoids
- Commuting elements of semigroups
- Commuting squares of group homomorphisms
- Concrete group actions
- Concrete groups
- Concrete monoids
- Congruence relations on abelian groups
- Congruence relations on commutative monoids
- Congruence relations on groups
- Congruence relations on monoids
- Congruence relations on semigroups
- Conjugation in groups
- Conjugation on concrete groups
- Contravariant pushforwards of concrete group actions
- Cores of monoids
- Cyclic groups
- Decidable subgroups of groups
- Dependent products of abelian groups
- Dependent products of commutative monoids
- Dependent products of groups
- Dependent products of monoids
- Dependent products of semigroups
- The dihedral group construction
- The dihedral groups
- The
-lattice - Elements of finite order
- Embeddings of abelian groups
- Embeddings of groups
- The endomorphism rings of abelian groups
- Epimorphisms in groups
- Equivalences of concrete group actions
- Equivalences of concrete groups
- Equivalences of group actions
- Equivalences between semigroups
- Exponents of abelian groups
- Exponents of groups
- Free concrete group actions
- Free groups with one generator
- The full subgroup of a group
- The full subsemigroup of a semigroup
- Function groups of abelian groups
- Function commutative monoids
- Function groups
- Function monoids
- Function semigroups
- Functoriality of quotient groups
- Furstenberg groups
- Generating elements of groups
- Generating sets of groups
- Group actions
- Abstract groups
- Homomorphisms of abelian groups
- Homomorphisms of commutative monoids
- Morphisms of concrete group actions
- Homomorphisms of concrete groups
- Homomorphisms of generated subgroups
- Homomorphisms of group actions
- Homomorphisms of groups
- Homomorphisms of groups equipped with normal subgroups
- Homomorphisms of monoids
- Homomorphisms of semigroups
- Homotopy automorphism groups
- Images of group homomorphisms
- Images of semigroup homomorphisms
- Integer multiples of elements in abelian groups
- Integer powers of elements of groups
- Intersections of subgroups of abelian groups
- Intersections of subgroups of groups
- Inverse semigroups
- Invertible elements in monoids
- Isomorphisms of abelian groups
- Isomorphisms of concrete groups
- Isomorphisms of group actions
- Isomorphisms of groups
- Isomorphisms of monoids
- Isomorphisms of semigroups
- Iterated cartesian products of concrete groups
- Kernels of homomorphisms between abelian groups
- Kernels of homomorphisms of concrete groups
- Kernels of homomorphisms of groups
- Large semigroups
- Concrete automorphism groups on sets
- Mere equivalences of concrete group actions
- Mere equivalences of group actions
- Minkowski multiplication of subsets of a commutative monoid
- Minkowski multiplication on subsets of a monoid
- Minkowski multiplication on subsets of a semigroup
- Monoid actions
- Monoids
- Monomorphisms of concrete groups
- Monomorphisms in the category of groups
- Multiples of elements in abelian groups
- Nontrivial groups
- Normal closures of subgroups
- Normal cores of subgroups
- Normal subgroups
- Normal subgroups of concrete groups
- Normal submonoids
- Normal submonoids of commutative monoids
- Normalizer subgroups
- Nullifying group homomorphisms
- The opposite of a group
- The opposite of a semigroup
- The orbit-stabilizer theorem for concrete groups
- Orbits of concrete group actions
- Orbits of group actions
- The order of an element in a group
- Perfect cores
- Perfect groups
- Perfect subgroups
- Powers of elements in commutative monoids
- Powers of elements in groups
- Powers of elements in monoids
- The precategory of commutative monoids
- The precategory of concrete groups
- The precategory of group actions
- The precategory of groups
- The precategory of monoids
- The precategory of orbits of a monoid action
- The precategory of semigroups
- Principal group actions
- Principal torsors of concrete groups
- Products of elements in a monoid
- Products of tuples of elements in commutative monoids
- Pullbacks of subgroups
- Pullbacks of subsemigroups
- Quotient groups
- Quotient groups of concrete groups
- Quotients of abelian groups
- Rational commutative monoids
- Representations of monoids in precategories
- Saturated congruence relations on commutative monoids
- Saturated congruence relations on monoids
- Semigroups
- Sheargroups
- Shriek of concrete group homomorphisms
- Stabilizer groups
- Stabilizers of concrete group actions
- Subgroups
- Subgroups of abelian groups
- Subgroups of concrete groups
- Subgroups generated by elements of a group
- Subgroups generated by families of elements
- Subgroups generated by subsets of groups
- Submonoids
- Submonoids of commutative monoids
- Subsemigroups
- Subsets of abelian groups
- Subsets of commutative monoids
- Subsets of groups
- Subsets of monoids
- Subsets of semigroups
- The substitution functor of concrete group actions
- The substitution functor of group actions
- Surjective group homomorphisms
- Surjective semigroup homomorphisms
- Symmetric concrete groups
- Symmetric groups
- Torsion elements of groups
- Torsion-free groups
- Torsors of abstract groups
- Transitive concrete group actions
- Transitive group actions
- Trivial concrete groups
- Trivial group homomorphisms
- Trivial groups
- Trivial subgroups
- Unordered tuples of elements in commutative monoids
- Wild representations of monoids
- Abelian higher groups
- Automorphism groups
- Cartesian products of higher groups
- Conjugation in higher groups
- Cyclic higher groups
- Deloopable groups
- Deloopable H-spaces
- Deloopable types
- Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces
- Equivalences of higher groups
- Fixed points of higher group actions
- Free higher group actions
- Higher group actions
- Higher groups
- Homomorphisms of higher group actions
- Homomorphisms of higher groups
- The higher group of integers
- Iterated cartesian products of higher groups
- Iterated deloopings of pointed types
- Orbits of higher group actions
- Small ∞-groups
- Subgroups of higher groups
- Symmetric higher groups
- Transitive higher group actions
- Trivial higher groups
- Constant matrices
- Diagonal vectors
- Diagonal matrices on rings
- Functoriality of the type of matrices
- Functoriality of the type of vectors
- Matrices
- Matrices on rings
- Multiplication of matrices
- Scalar multiplication on matrices
- Scalar multiplication of vectors
- Scalar multiplication of vectors on rings
- Transposition of matrices
- Vectors
- Vectors on commutative rings
- Vectors on commutative semirings
- Vectors on euclidean domains
- Vectors on rings
- Vectors on semirings
- Arrays
- Concatenation of lists
- Flattening of lists
- Functoriality of the list operation
- Lists
- Lists of elements in discrete types
- Permutations of lists
- Permutations of vectors
- Predicates on lists
- Quicksort for lists
- Reversing lists
- Sort by insertion for lists
- Sort by insertion for vectors
- Sorted lists
- Sorted vectors
- Sorting algorithms for lists
- Sorting algorithms for vectors
- The universal property of lists with respect to wild monoids
- Complements of De Morgan subtypes
- Complements of decidable subtypes
- Complements of double negation stable subtypes
- De Morgan embeddings
- De Morgan maps
- De Morgan propositions
- De Morgan subtypes
- De Morgan types
- De Morgan’s law
- Double negation eliminating maps
- Double negation elimination
- Double negation stable embeddings
- Double negation stable subtypes
- Functoriality of existential quantification
- Markovian types
- Markov’s principle
- The category of metric spaces and isometries
- The category of metric spaces and short maps
- Cauchy approximations in metric spaces
- Cauchy approximations in premetric spaces
- Cauchy sequences in complete metric spaces
- Cauchy sequences in metric spaces
- Closed premetric structures
- Complete metric spaces
- Convergent Cauchy approximations in metric spaces
- Dependent products of metric spaces
- Discrete premetric structures
- Equality of metric spaces
- Equality of premetric spaces
- Extensional premetric structures on types
- Functions between metric spaces
- The functor from the precategory of metric spaces and isometries to the precategory of sets
- The inclusion of isometries into the category of metric spaces and short maps
- Induced premetric structures on preimages
- Isometric equivalences between premetric spaces
- Isometries between metric spaces
- Isometries between premetric spaces
- Limits of Cauchy approximations in premetric spaces
- The metric space of cauchy approximations in a metric space
- The metric space of convergent cauchy approximations in a metric space
- The standard metric structure on the rational numbers
- The metric structure on the rational numbers with open neighborhoods
- Metric spaces
- Metric structures
- Monotonic premetric structures on types
- The poset of premetric structures on a type
- The precategory of metric spaces and functions
- The precategory of metric spaces and isometries
- The precategory of metric spaces and short functions
- Premetric spaces
- Premetric structures on types
- Pseudometric spaces
- Pseudometric structures on a type
- Reflexive premetric structures on types
- Saturated metric spaces
- Short functions between metric spaces
- Short functions between premetric spaces
- Subspaces of metric spaces
- Symmetric premetric structures on types
- Triangular premetric structures on types
- The action on homotopies of the flat modality
- The action on identifications of crisp functions
- The action on identifications of the flat modality
- Crisp cartesian product types
- Crisp coproduct types
- Crisp dependent function types
- Crisp dependent pair types
- Crisp function types
- Crisp identity types
- The crisp law of excluded middle
- Crisp pullbacks
- Crisp types
- Dependent universal property of flat discrete crisp types
- Flat discrete crisp types
- The flat modality
- The flat-sharp adjunction
- Functoriality of the flat modality
- Functoriality of the sharp modality
- Sharp codiscrete maps
- Sharp codiscrete types
- The sharp modality
- Transport along crisp identifications
- The universal property of flat discrete crisp types
- Accessible elements with respect to relations
- Bottom elements in large posets
- Bottom elements in posets
- Bottom elements in preorders
- Chains in posets
- Chains in preorders
- Closure operators on large locales
- Closure operators on large posets
- Commuting squares of Galois connections between large posets
- Commuting squares of order preserving maps of large posets
- Coverings in locales
- Decidable posets
- Decidable preorders
- Decidable subposets
- Decidable subpreorders
- Decidable total orders
- Decidable total preorders
- Deflationary maps on a poset
- Deflationary maps on a preorder
- Dependent products of large frames
- Dependent products of large inflattices
- Dependent products of large locales
- Dependent products of large meet-semilattices
- Dependent products of large posets
- Dependent products of large preorders
- Dependent products of large suplattices
- Distributive lattices
- Finite coverings in locales
- Finite posets
- Finite preorders
- Finite total orders
- Finitely graded posets
- Frames
- Galois connections
- Galois connections between large posets
- Greatest lower bounds in large posets
- Greatest lower bounds in posets
- Homomorphisms of frames
- Homomorphisms of large frames
- Homomorphisms of large locales
- Homomorphisms of large meet-semilattices
- Homomorphisms of large suplattices
- Homomorphisms of meet-semilattices
- Homomorphisms of meet-suplattices
- Homomorphisms of suplattices
- Ideals in preorders
- Incidence algebras
- Inflationary maps on a poset
- Inflationary maps on a preorder
- Inflattices
- Inhabited chains in posets
- Inhabited chains in preorders
- Inhabited finite total orders
- Interval subposets
- Join preserving maps between posets
- Join-semilattices
- The Knaster–Tarski fixed point theorem
- Large frames
- Large inflattices
- Large join-semilattices
- Large locales
- Large meet-semilattices
- Large meet-subsemilattices
- Large posets
- Large preorders
- Large quotient locales
- Large subframes
- Large subposets
- Large subpreorders
- Large subsuplattices
- Large suplattices
- Lattices
- Least upper bounds in large posets
- Least upper bounds in posets
- Locales
- Locally finite posets
- Lower bounds in large posets
- Lower bounds in posets
- Lower sets in large posets
- Lower types in preorders
- Maximal chains in posets
- Maximal chains in preorders
- Meet-semilattices
- Meet-suplattices
- Nuclei on large locales
- Opposite large posets
- Opposite large preorders
- Opposite posets
- Opposite preorders
- Order preserving maps between large posets
- Order preserving maps between large preorders
- Order preserving maps between posets
- Order preserving maps between preorders
- Ordinals
- Posets
- Powers of large locales
- The precategory of decidable total orders
- The precategory of finite posets
- The precategory of finite total orders
- The precategory of inhabited finite total orders
- The precategory of posets
- The precategory of total orders
- Preorders
- Principal lower sets of large posets
- Principal upper sets of large posets
- Reflective Galois connections between large posets
- Resizing posets
- Resizing preorders
- Resizing suplattices
- Similarity of elements in large posets
- Similarity of elements in large preorders
- Similarity of order preserving maps between large posets
- Similarity of order preserving maps between large preorders
- Strict order preserving maps
- Strict preorders
- Strictly inflationary maps on a strictly preordered type
- Strictly preordered sets
- Subposets
- Subpreorders
- Suplattices
- Supremum preserving maps between posets
- Top elements in large posets
- Top elements in posets
- Top elements in preorders
- Total orders
- Total preorders
- Transitive well-founded relations
- Transposing inequalities in posets along order-preserving retractions
- Transposing inequalities in posets along sections of order-preserving maps
- Upper bounds of chains in posets
- Upper bounds in large posets
- Upper bounds in posets
- Upper sets of large posets
- Well-founded relations
- Zorn’s lemma
Orthogonal factorization systems
- Cd-structures
- Cellular maps
- The closed modalities
- Continuation modalities
- Double lifts of families of elements
- Double negation sheaves
- Extensions of double lifts of families of elements
- Extensions of families of elements
- Extensions of maps
- Factorization operations
- Factorization operations into function classes
- Factorization operations into global function classes
- Factorizations of maps
- Factorizations of maps into function classes
- Factorizations of maps into global function classes
- Families of types local at a map
- Fiberwise orthogonal maps
- Function classes
- Functoriality of higher modalities
- Functoriality of localizations at global subuniverses
- Functoriality of the pullback-hom
- Functoriality of reflective global subuniverses
- Global function classes
- Higher modalities
- The identity modality
- Large Lawvere–Tierney topologies
- Lawvere–Tierney topologies
- Lifting operations
- Lifting structures on commuting squares of maps
- Lifts of families of elements
- Lifts of maps
- Localizations at global subuniverses
- Localizations at maps
- Localizations at subuniverses
- Locally small modal-operators
- Maps local at maps
- Mere lifting properties
- Modal induction
- Modal operators
- Modal subuniverse induction
- Null families of types
- Null maps
- Null types
- The open modalities
- Orthogonal factorization systems
- Orthogonal maps
- Precomposition of lifts of families of elements by maps
- The pullback-hom
- The raise modalities
- Reflective global subuniverses
- Reflective modalities
- Reflective subuniverses
- Regular cd-structures
- Σ-closed modalities
- Σ-closed reflective modalities
- Σ-closed reflective subuniverses
- Stable orthogonal factorization systems
- Types colocal at maps
- Types local at maps
- Types separated at maps
- Uniquely eliminating modalities
- The universal property of localizations at global subuniverses
- Wide function classes
- Wide global function classes
- The zero modality
- Addition of lower Dedekind real numbers
- Addition of upper Dedekind real numbers
- Apartness of real numbers
- Arithmetically located Dedekind cuts
- Dedekind real numbers
- Inequality on the lower Dedekind real numbers
- Inequality on the real numbers
- Inequality on the upper Dedekind real numbers
- Lower Dedekind real numbers
- The maximum of lower Dedekind real numbers
- The maximum of real numbers
- The maximum of upper Dedekind real numbers
- The metric space of real numbers
- The minimum of lower Dedekind real numbers
- The minimum of real numbers
- The minimum of upper Dedekind real numbers
- Negation of lower and upper Dedekind real numbers
- Negation of real numbers
- Raising the universe levels of real numbers
- Rational lower Dedekind real numbers
- Rational real numbers
- Rational upper Dedekind real numbers
- Similarity of real numbers
- Strict inequality of real numbers
- Upper Dedekind real numbers
- Additive orders of elements of rings
- Algebras over rings
- The binomial theorem for rings
- The binomial theorem for semirings
- The category of cyclic rings
- The category of rings
- Central elements of rings
- Central elements of semirings
- Characteristics of rings
- Commuting elements of rings
- Congruence relations on rings
- Congruence relations on semirings
- Cyclic rings
- Dependent products of rings
- Dependent products of semirings
- Division rings
- The free ring with one generator
- Full ideals of rings
- Function rings
- Function semirings
- Generating elements of rings
- The group of multiplicative units of a ring
- Homomorphisms of cyclic rings
- Homomorphisms of rings
- Homomorphisms of semirings
- Ideals generated by subsets of rings
- Ideals of rings
- Ideals of semirings
- Idempotent elements in rings
- Initial rings
- Integer multiples of elements of rings
- Intersections of ideals of rings
- Intersections of ideals of semirings
- The invariant basis property of rings
- Invertible elements in rings
- Isomorphisms of rings
- Joins of ideals of rings
- Joins of left ideals of rings
- Joins of right ideals of rings
- Kernels of ring homomorphisms
- Left ideals generated by subsets of rings
- Left ideals of rings
- Local rings
- Localizations of rings
- Maximal ideals of rings
- Modules over rings
- Multiples of elements in rings
- Multiplicative orders of elements of rings
- Nil ideals of rings
- Nilpotent elements in rings
- Nilpotent elements in semirings
- Opposite rings
- The poset of cyclic rings
- The poset of ideals of a ring
- The poset of left ideals of a ring
- The poset of right ideals of a ring
- Powers of elements in rings
- Powers of elements in semirings
- The precategory of rings
- The precategory of semirings
- Products of ideals of rings
- Products of left ideals of rings
- Products of right ideals of rings
- Products of rings
- Products of subsets of rings
- Quotient rings
- Radical ideals of rings
- Right ideals generated by subsets of rings
- Right ideals of rings
- Rings
- Semirings
- Subsets of rings
- Subsets of semirings
- Sums of elements in rings
- Sums of elements in semirings
- Transporting ring structures along isomorphisms of abelian groups
- Trivial rings
- Cartesian exponents of species
- Cartesian products of species of types
- Cauchy composition of species of types
- Cauchy composition of species of types in a subuniverse
- Cauchy exponentials of species of types
- Cauchy exponentials of species of types in a subuniverse
- Cauchy products of species of types
- Cauchy products of species of types in a subuniverse
- Cauchy series of species of types
- Cauchy series of species of types in a subuniverse
- Composition of Cauchy series of species of types
- Composition of Cauchy series of species of types in subuniverses
- Coproducts of species of types
- Coproducts of species of types in subuniverses
- Cycle index series of species
- Derivatives of species
- Dirichlet exponentials of a species of types
- Dirichlet exponentials of species of types in a subuniverse
- Dirichlet products of species of types
- Dirichlet products of species of types in subuniverses
- Dirichlet series of species of finite inhabited types
- Dirichlet series of species of types
- Dirichlet series of species of types in subuniverses
- Equivalences of species of types
- Equivalences of species of types in subuniverses
- Exponential of Cauchy series of species of types
- Exponential of Cauchy series of species of types in subuniverses
- Hasse-Weil species
- Morphisms of finite species
- Morphisms of species of types
- Pointing of species of types
- The precategory of finite species
- Products of Cauchy series of species of types
- Products of Cauchy series of species of types in subuniverses
- Products of Dirichlet series of species of finite inhabited types
- Products of Dirichlet series of species of types
- Products of Dirichlet series of species of types in subuniverses
- Small Composition of species of finite inhabited types
- Small Cauchy composition of species types in subuniverses
- Species of finite inhabited types
- Species of finite types
- Species of inhabited types
- Species of types
- Species of types in subuniverses
- The unit of Cauchy composition of types
- The unit of Cauchy composition of species of types in subuniverses
- Unlabeled structures of finite species
- Cartesian products of types equipped with endomorphisms
- Central H-spaces
- Commuting squares of pointed homotopies
- Commuting squares of pointed maps
- Commuting triangles of pointed maps
- Conjugation of pointed types
- Constant pointed maps
- Contractible pointed types
- Cyclic types
- Dependent products of H-spaces
- Dependent products of pointed types
- Dependent products of wild monoids
- Dependent types equipped with automorphisms
- Equivalences of H-spaces
- Equivalences of pointed arrows
- Equivalences of types equipped with automorphisms
- Equivalences of types equipped with endomorphisms
- Faithful pointed maps
- Fibers of pointed maps
- Finite multiplication in magmas
- Function H-spaces
- Function magmas
- Function wild monoids
- H-spaces
- The initial pointed type equipped with an automorphism
- The involutive type of H-space structures on a pointed type
- Involutive types
- Iterated cartesian products of types equipped with endomorphisms
- Iterated cartesian products of pointed types
- Magmas
- Mere equivalences of types equipped with endomorphisms
- Morphisms of H-spaces
- Morphisms of magmas
- Morphisms of pointed arrows
- Morphisms of twisted pointed arrows
- Morphisms of types equipped with automorphisms
- Morphisms of types equipped with endomorphisms
- Morphisms of wild monoids
- Noncoherent H-spaces
- Opposite pointed spans
- Pointed
-homotopies - Pointed cartesian product types
- Pointed dependent functions
- Pointed dependent pair types
- Pointed equivalences
- Pointed families of types
- Pointed homotopies
- Pointed isomorphisms
- Pointed maps
- Pointed retractions of pointed maps
- Pointed sections of pointed maps
- Pointed span diagrams
- Pointed spans
- Pointed types
- Pointed types equipped with automorphisms
- The pointed unit type
- Universal property of contractible types with respect to pointed types and maps
- Postcomposition of pointed maps
- Precomposition of pointed maps
- Sets equipped with automorphisms
- Small pointed types
- Symmetric elements of involutive types
- Symmetric H-spaces
- Transposition of pointed span diagrams
- Types equipped with automorphisms
- Types equipped with endomorphisms
- Uniform pointed homotopies
- The universal property of pointed equivalences
- Unpointed maps between pointed types
- Whiskering pointed homotopies with respect to concatenation
- Whiskering of pointed homotopies with respect to composition of pointed maps
- The wild category of pointed types
- Wild groups
- Wild loops
- Wild monoids
- Wild quasigroups
- Wild semigroups
- Cone diagrams of synthetic categories
- Cospans of synthetic categories
- Equivalences between synthetic categories
- Invertible functors between synthetic categories
- Pullbacks of synthetic categories
- Retractions of functors between synthetic categories
- Sections of functor between synthetic categories
- Synthetic categories
-acyclic maps0
-acyclic types1
-acyclic types- Acyclic maps
- Acyclic types
- The category of connected set bundles over the circle
- Cavallo’s trick
- The circle
- Cocartesian morphisms of arrows
- Cocones under pointed span diagrams
- Cocones under sequential diagrams
- Cocones under spans
- Codiagonals of maps
- Coequalizers
- Cofibers of maps
- Cofibers of pointed maps
- Coforks
- Correspondence between cocones under sequential diagrams and certain coforks
- Conjugation of loops
- Connected set bundles over the circle
- Connective prespectra
- Connective spectra
- Dependent cocones under sequential diagrams
- Dependent cocones under spans
- Dependent coforks
- Dependent descent for the circle
- The dependent pullback property of pushouts
- Dependent pushout-products
- Dependent sequential diagrams
- Dependent suspension structures
- The dependent universal property of coequalizers
- The dependent universal property of pushouts
- The dependent universal property of sequential colimits
- Dependent universal property of suspensions
- The descent property of the circle
- Descent data for constant type families over the circle
- Descent data for families of dependent pair types over the circle
- Descent data for families of equivalence types over the circle
- Descent data for families of function types over the circle
- Subtypes of descent data for the circle
- Descent data for type families of equivalence types over pushouts
- Descent data for type families of function types over pushouts
- Descent data for type families of identity types over pushouts
- Descent data for pushouts
- Descent data for sequential colimits
- Descent property of pushouts
- Descent property of sequential colimits
- Double loop spaces
- The Eckmann-Hilton argument
- Equifibered sequential diagrams
- Equivalences of cocones under sequential diagrams
- Equivalences of coforks
- Equivalances of dependent sequential diagrams
- Equivalences of descent data for pushouts
- Equivalences of sequential diagrams
- Families with descent data for pushouts
- Families with descent data for sequential colimits
- The flattening lemma for coequalizers
- The flattening lemma for pushouts
- The flattening lemma for sequential colimits
- Free loops
- Functoriality of the loop space operation
- Functoriality of sequential colimits
- Functoriality of suspensions
- Groups of loops in
-types - Hatcher’s acyclic type
- Homotopy groups
- Identity systems of descent data for pushouts
- The induction principle of pushouts
- The infinite complex projective space
- Infinite cyclic types
- The interval
- Iterated loop spaces
- Iterated suspensions of pointed types
- Join powers of types
- Joins of maps
- Joins of types
- Left half-smash products
- The loop homotopy on the circle
- Loop spaces
- Maps of prespectra
- Mere spheres
- Morphisms of cocones under morphisms of sequential diagrams
- Morphisms of coforks
- Morphisms of dependent sequential diagrams
- Morphisms of descent data of the circle
- Morphisms of descent data for pushouts
- Morphisms of sequential diagrams
- The multiplication operation on the circle
- Null cocones under pointed span diagrams
- The plus-principle
- Powers of loops
- Premanifolds
- Prespectra
- The pullback property of pushouts
- Pushout-products
- Pushouts
- Pushouts of pointed types
- The recursion principle of pushouts
- Retracts of sequential diagrams
- Rewriting rules for pushouts
- Sections of families over the circle
- Sections of descent data for pushouts
- Sequential colimits
- Sequential diagrams
- Sequentially compact types
- Shifts of sequential diagrams
- Smash products of pointed types
- Spectra
- The sphere prespectrum
- Spheres
- Suspension prespectra
- Suspension Structures
- Suspensions of pointed types
- Suspensions of propositions
- Suspensions of types
- Tangent spheres
- Total cocones of type families over cocones under sequential diagrams
- Total sequential diagrams of dependent sequential diagrams
- Triple loop spaces
-acyclic mapsk
-acyclic types- The universal cover of the circle
- The universal property of the circle
- The universal property of coequalizers
- The universal property of pushouts
- The universal property of sequential colimits
- Universal property of suspensions
- Universal Property of suspensions of pointed types
- Wedges of pointed types
- Zigzags between sequential diagrams
- Algebras for polynomial endofunctors
- Bases of directed trees
- Bases of enriched directed trees
- Binary W-types
- Bounded multisets
- The coalgebra of directed trees
- The coalgebra of enriched directed trees
- Coalgebras of polynomial endofunctors
- The combinator of directed trees
- Combinators of enriched directed trees
- Directed trees
- The elementhood relation on coalgebras of polynomial endofunctors
- The elementhood relation on W-types
- Empty multisets
- Enriched directed trees
- Equivalences of directed trees
- Equivalences of enriched directed trees
- Extensional W-types
- Fibers of directed trees
- Fibers of enriched directed trees
- Full binary trees
- Functoriality of the combinator of directed trees
- Functoriality of the fiber operation on directed trees
- Functoriality of W-types
- Hereditary W-types
- Indexed W-types
- Induction principles on W-types
- Inequality on W-types
- Lower types of elements in W-types
- Morphisms of algebras of polynomial endofunctors
- Morphisms of coalgebras of polynomial endofunctors
- Morphisms of directed trees
- Morphisms of enriched directed trees
- Multiset-indexed dependent products of types
- Multisets
- Planar binary trees
- Plane trees
- Polynomial endofunctors
- Raising universe levels of directed trees
- Ranks of elements in W-types
- Rooted morphisms of directed trees
- Rooted morphisms of enriched directed trees
- Rooted quasitrees
- Rooted undirected trees
- Small multisets
- Submultisets
- Transitive multisets
- The underlying trees of elements of coalgebras of polynomial endofunctors
- The underlying trees of elements of W-types
- Undirected trees
- The universal multiset
- The universal tree
- The W-type of natural numbers
- The W-type of the type of propositions
- W-types
- Comprehension of fibered type theories
- Dependent type theories
- Fibered dependent type theories
-types in precategories with attributes- Π-types in precategories with families
- Precategories with attributes
- Precategories with families
- Sections of dependent type theories
- Simple type theories
- Unityped type theories
-element decidable subtypes2
-element subtypes2
-element types- The binomial types
- Bracelets
- Cartesian products of finite types
- The classical definition of the standard finite types
- Complements of isolated elements of finite types
- Coproducts of finite types
- Counting in type theory
- Counting the elements of decidable subtypes
- Counting the elements of dependent pair types
- Counting the elements of the fiber of a map
- Counting the elements in Maybe
- Cubes
- Cycle partitions of finite types
- Cycle prime decompositions of natural numbers
- Cyclic finite types
- De Morgan’s law for finite families of propositions
- Decidable dependent function types
- Decidability of dependent pair types
- Decidable equivalence relations on finite types
- Decidable propositions
- Decidable subtypes of finite types
- Dedekind finite sets
- Counting the elements of dependent function types
- Dependent pair types of finite types
- Finite discrete Σ-decompositions
- Distributivity of set truncation over finite products
- Double counting
- Embeddings
- Embeddings between standard finite types
- Equality in finite types
- Equality in the standard finite types
- Equivalences between finite types
- Equivalences of cubes
- Equivalences between standard finite types
- Ferrers diagrams (unlabeled partitions)
- Fibers of maps between finite types
- Finite choice
- Finite presentations of types
- Finite types
- Finiteness of the type of connected components
- Finitely presented types
- Finite function types
- The image of a map
- Inequality on types equipped with a counting
- Inhabited finite types
- Injective maps between finite types
- An involution on the standard finite types
- Isotopies of Latin squares
- Kuratowski finite sets
- Latin squares
- Locally finite types
- The groupoid of main classes of Latin hypercubes
- The groupoid of main classes of Latin squares
- The maybe monad on finite types
- Necklaces
- Orientations of the complete undirected graph
- Orientations of cubes
- Partitions of finite types
- Petri-nets
- π-finite types
- The pigeonhole principle
- Finitely π-presented types
- Quotients of finite types
- Ramsey theory
- Repetitions of values
- Repetitions of values in sequences
- Retracts of finite types
- Riffle shuffles
- Sequences of elements in finite types
- Set quotients of index
- Finite Σ-decompositions of finite types
- Skipping elements in standard finite types
- Small types
- Standard finite pruned trees
- Standard finite trees
- The standard finite types
- Steiner systems
- Steiner triple systems
- Combinatorial identities of sums of natural numbers
- Surjective maps between finite types
- Symmetric difference of finite subtypes
- Finite trivial Σ-decompositions
- Type duality of finite types
- Unbounded π-finite types
- Unions of finite subtypes
- The universal property of the standard finite types
- Unlabeled partitions
- Unlabeled rooted trees
- Unlabeled trees
- Untruncated π-finite types
- Coinductive isomorphisms in noncoherent large ω-precategories
- Coinductive isomorphisms in noncoherent ω-precategories
- Colax functors between large noncoherent ω-precategories
- Colax functors between noncoherent ω-precategories
- Maps between noncoherent large ω-precategories
- Maps between noncoherent ω-precategories
- Noncoherent large ω-precategories
- Noncoherent ω-precategories