Wedges of pointed types
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Victor Blanchi and maybemabeline.
Created on 2022-05-13.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
module synthetic-homotopy-theory.wedges-of-pointed-types where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import structured-types.pointed-cartesian-product-types open import structured-types.pointed-maps open import structured-types.pointed-types open import structured-types.pointed-unit-type open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-pointed-span-diagrams open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cofibers-of-maps open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts-of-pointed-types
or wedge sum of two pointed types
a : A
and b : B
is defined by the following
pointed pushout:
* -------> A
| |
| |
∨ ⌜ ∨
B -----> A ∨∗ B,
and is thus canonically pointed at the identified image of a
and b
wedge-Pointed-Type : {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) → Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) wedge-Pointed-Type A B = pushout-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) infixr 10 _∨∗_ _∨∗_ = wedge-Pointed-Type module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where inl-wedge-Pointed-Type : A →∗ (A ∨∗ B) inl-wedge-Pointed-Type = inl-pushout-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type A → type-Pointed-Type (A ∨∗ B) map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type = map-pointed-map inl-wedge-Pointed-Type inr-wedge-Pointed-Type : B →∗ A ∨∗ B inr-wedge-Pointed-Type = inr-pushout-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type B → type-Pointed-Type (A ∨∗ B) map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type = map-pointed-map inr-wedge-Pointed-Type indexed-wedge-Pointed-Type : {l1 l2 : Level} (I : UU l1) (A : I → Pointed-Type l2) → Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 (indexed-wedge-Pointed-Type I A) = cofiber (λ i → (i , point-Pointed-Type (A i))) pr2 (indexed-wedge-Pointed-Type I A) = point-cofiber (λ i → (i , point-Pointed-Type (A i))) ⋁∗ = indexed-wedge-Pointed-Type
Note: the symbols used for the wedge sum _∨∗_
are the
logical or ∨
(agda-input: \vee
) and
the asterisk operator ∗
(agda-input: \ast
not the latin small letter v v
or the
asterisk *
. The ⋁
symbol used for the
indexed wedge sum, ⋁∗
, is the
N-ary logical or (agda-input: \bigvee
The images of the base points a : A
and b : B
are identified in A ∨∗ B
glue-wedge-Pointed-Type : {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) → map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type A) = map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type B) glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B = glue-pushout ( map-pointed-map (inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A)) ( map-pointed-map (inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B)) ( point-Pointed-Type unit-Pointed-Type)
The inclusion of the wedge sum A ∨∗ B
into the pointed product A ×∗ B
There is a canonical inclusion of the wedge sum into the pointed product that is
defined by the cogap map induced by the canonical inclusions A → A ×∗ B ← B
Elements of the form (x, b)
and (a, y)
, where b
and a
are basepoints,
lie in the image of the inclusion of the wedge sum into the pointed product.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : cocone-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) ( A ×∗ B) pr1 cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = inl-product-Pointed-Type A B pr1 (pr2 cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) = inr-product-Pointed-Type A B pr1 (pr2 (pr2 cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type)) = refl-htpy pr2 (pr2 (pr2 cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type)) = refl pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : (A ∨∗ B) →∗ (A ×∗ B) pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = cogap-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) ( cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type (A ∨∗ B) → type-Pointed-Type (A ×∗ B) map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = pr1 pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : ( x : type-Pointed-Type A) → ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type (map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B x)) = ( x , point-Pointed-Type B) compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = compute-inl-cogap-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) ( cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) compute-inr-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : ( y : type-Pointed-Type B) → ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type (map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B y)) = ( point-Pointed-Type A , y) compute-inr-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = compute-inr-cogap-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) ( cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type)
See also
- Smash products of pointed types for a related construction.
External links
- Wedge sum at Mathswitch
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. Define left half-smash products (#1320).
- 2024-04-25. Fredrik Bakke. chore: Fix arrowheads in character diagrams (#1124).
- 2024-03-13. Egbert Rijke. Refactoring pointed types (#1056).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1017). - 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Refactor precomposition (#937).