Raising universe levels
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Daniel Gratzer and Elisabeth Stenholm.
Created on 2022-01-26.
Last modified on 2023-11-27.
module foundation.raising-universe-levels where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.univalence open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.embeddings open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.propositional-maps open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.sets
In Agda, types have a designated universe levels, and universes in Agda don't
overlap. Using data
types we can construct for any type A
of universe level
an equivalent type in any higher universe.
data raise (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) : UU (l1 ⊔ l) where map-raise : A → raise l A data raiseω {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) : UUω where map-raiseω : A → raiseω A
Types are equivalent to their raised equivalents
module _ {l l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} where map-inv-raise : raise l A → A map-inv-raise (map-raise x) = x is-section-map-inv-raise : (map-raise ∘ map-inv-raise) ~ id is-section-map-inv-raise (map-raise x) = refl is-retraction-map-inv-raise : (map-inv-raise ∘ map-raise) ~ id is-retraction-map-inv-raise x = refl is-equiv-map-raise : is-equiv (map-raise {l} {l1} {A}) is-equiv-map-raise = is-equiv-is-invertible map-inv-raise is-section-map-inv-raise is-retraction-map-inv-raise compute-raise : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → A ≃ raise l A pr1 (compute-raise l A) = map-raise pr2 (compute-raise l A) = is-equiv-map-raise Raise : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → Σ (UU (l1 ⊔ l)) (λ X → A ≃ X) pr1 (Raise l A) = raise l A pr2 (Raise l A) = compute-raise l A
Raising universe levels of propositions
raise-Prop : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} → Prop l1 → Prop (l ⊔ l1) pr1 (raise-Prop l P) = raise l (type-Prop P) pr2 (raise-Prop l P) = is-prop-equiv' (compute-raise l (type-Prop P)) (is-prop-type-Prop P)
Raising universe levels of sets
raise-Set : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} → Set l1 → Set (l ⊔ l1) pr1 (raise-Set l A) = raise l (type-Set A) pr2 (raise-Set l A) = is-set-equiv' (type-Set A) (compute-raise l (type-Set A)) (is-set-type-Set A)
Raising equivalent types
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (l3 l4 : Level) {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (e : A ≃ B) where map-equiv-raise : raise l3 A → raise l4 B map-equiv-raise (map-raise x) = map-raise (map-equiv e x) map-inv-equiv-raise : raise l4 B → raise l3 A map-inv-equiv-raise (map-raise y) = map-raise (map-inv-equiv e y) is-section-map-inv-equiv-raise : ( map-equiv-raise ∘ map-inv-equiv-raise) ~ id is-section-map-inv-equiv-raise (map-raise y) = ap map-raise (is-section-map-inv-equiv e y) is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-raise : ( map-inv-equiv-raise ∘ map-equiv-raise) ~ id is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-raise (map-raise x) = ap map-raise (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv e x) is-equiv-map-equiv-raise : is-equiv map-equiv-raise is-equiv-map-equiv-raise = is-equiv-is-invertible map-inv-equiv-raise is-section-map-inv-equiv-raise is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-raise equiv-raise : raise l3 A ≃ raise l4 B pr1 equiv-raise = map-equiv-raise pr2 equiv-raise = is-equiv-map-equiv-raise
Raising universe levels from l1
to l ⊔ l1
is an embedding from UU l1
to UU (l ⊔ l1)
abstract is-emb-raise : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} → is-emb (raise l {l1}) is-emb-raise l {l1} = is-emb-is-prop-map ( λ X → is-prop-is-proof-irrelevant ( λ (A , p) → is-contr-equiv ( Σ (UU l1) (λ A' → A' ≃ A)) ( equiv-tot ( λ A' → ( equiv-postcomp-equiv (inv-equiv (compute-raise l A)) A') ∘e ( equiv-precomp-equiv (compute-raise l A') (raise l A)) ∘e ( equiv-univalence) ∘e ( equiv-concat' (raise l A') (inv p)))) ( is-torsorial-equiv' A))) emb-raise : (l : Level) {l1 : Level} → UU l1 ↪ UU (l1 ⊔ l) pr1 (emb-raise l) = raise l pr2 (emb-raise l) = is-emb-raise l
Recent changes
- 2023-11-27. Elisabeth Stenholm, Daniel Gratzer and Egbert Rijke. Additions during work on material set theory in HoTT (#910).
- 2023-09-11. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Some computations for different notions of equivalence (#711).
- 2023-06-15. Egbert Rijke. Replace
(#659). - 2023-06-10. Egbert Rijke. cleaning up transport and dependent identifications files (#650).
- 2023-06-10. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Cleaning up synthetic homotopy theory (#649).