Functors between large categories

Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2023-10-17.
Last modified on 2023-11-24.

module category-theory.functors-large-categories where
open import category-theory.functors-large-precategories
open import category-theory.large-categories

open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels


A functor from a large category C to a large category D is a functor between the underlying large precategories of C and D. In other words, functors of large categories consist of:

  • a map F₀ : C → D on objects,
  • a map F₁ : hom x y → hom (F₀ x) (F₀ y) on morphisms, such that the following identities hold:
  • F id_x = id_(F x),
  • F (g ∘ f) = F g ∘ F f.


module _
  {αC αD : Level  Level} {βC βD : Level  Level  Level} (γ : Level  Level)
  (C : Large-Category αC βC) (D : Large-Category αD βD)

  functor-Large-Category : UUω
  functor-Large-Category =
    functor-Large-Precategory γ
      ( large-precategory-Large-Category C)
      ( large-precategory-Large-Category D)

module _
  {αC αD : Level  Level} {βC βD : Level  Level  Level} {γ : Level  Level}
  (C : Large-Category αC βC) (D : Large-Category αD βD)
  (F : functor-Large-Category γ C D)

  obj-functor-Large-Category :
    {l1 : Level}  obj-Large-Category C l1  obj-Large-Category D (γ l1)
  obj-functor-Large-Category =
    obj-functor-Large-Precategory F

  hom-functor-Large-Category :
    {l1 l2 : Level}
    {X : obj-Large-Category C l1} {Y : obj-Large-Category C l2} 
    hom-Large-Category C X Y 
    hom-Large-Category D
      ( obj-functor-Large-Category X)
      ( obj-functor-Large-Category Y)
  hom-functor-Large-Category =
    hom-functor-Large-Precategory F

  preserves-id-functor-Large-Category :
    {l1 : Level} {X : obj-Large-Category C l1} 
    hom-functor-Large-Category (id-hom-Large-Category C {X = X}) 
    id-hom-Large-Category D
  preserves-id-functor-Large-Category =
    preserves-id-functor-Large-Precategory F

  preserves-comp-functor-Large-Category :
    {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
    {X : obj-Large-Category C l1} {Y : obj-Large-Category C l2}
    {Z : obj-Large-Category C l3}
    (g : hom-Large-Category C Y Z) (f : hom-Large-Category C X Y) 
    hom-functor-Large-Category (comp-hom-Large-Category C g f) 
    comp-hom-Large-Category D
      ( hom-functor-Large-Category g)
      ( hom-functor-Large-Category f)
  preserves-comp-functor-Large-Category =
    preserves-comp-functor-Large-Precategory F

The identity functor

There is an identity functor on any large category.

id-functor-Large-Category :
  {αC : Level  Level} {βC : Level  Level  Level} 
  (C : Large-Category αC βC) 
  functor-Large-Category  l  l) C C
id-functor-Large-Category C =
  id-functor-Large-Precategory (large-precategory-Large-Category C)

Composition of functors

Any two compatible functors can be composed to a new functor.

comp-functor-Large-Category :
  {αC αD αE γG γF : Level  Level}
  {βC βD βE : Level  Level  Level} 
  (C : Large-Category αC βC)
  (D : Large-Category αD βD)
  (E : Large-Category αE βE) 
  functor-Large-Category γG D E 
  functor-Large-Category γF C D 
  functor-Large-Category  l  γG (γF l)) C E
comp-functor-Large-Category C D E =
    ( large-precategory-Large-Category C)
    ( large-precategory-Large-Category D)
    ( large-precategory-Large-Category E)

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