The difference between rational numbers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.

Created on 2024-04-09.
Last modified on 2024-04-09.

{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}

module elementary-number-theory.difference-rational-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-rational-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.interchange-law


The difference of two rational numbers x and y is the addition of x and the negative of y.


diff-ℚ :     
diff-ℚ x y = x +ℚ (neg-ℚ y)

infixl 36 _-ℚ_
_-ℚ_ = diff-ℚ

ap-diff-ℚ : {x x' y y' : }  x  x'  y  y'  x -ℚ y  x' -ℚ y'
ap-diff-ℚ p q = ap-binary diff-ℚ p q


Two rational numbers with a difference equal to zero are equal

  eq-diff-ℚ : {x y : }  is-zero-ℚ (x -ℚ y)  x  y
  eq-diff-ℚ {x} {y} H =
    ( inv (right-unit-law-add-ℚ x)) 
    ( ap (x +ℚ_) (inv (left-inverse-law-add-ℚ y))) 
    ( inv (associative-add-ℚ x (neg-ℚ y) y)) 
    ( ap (_+ℚ y) H) 
    ( left-unit-law-add-ℚ y)

The difference of a rational number with itself is zero

  is-zero-diff-ℚ' : (x : )  is-zero-ℚ (x -ℚ x)
  is-zero-diff-ℚ' = right-inverse-law-add-ℚ

The difference of two equal rational numbers is zero

  is-zero-diff-ℚ : {x y : }  x  y  is-zero-ℚ (x -ℚ y)
  is-zero-diff-ℚ {x} refl = is-zero-diff-ℚ' x

The difference of a rational number with zero is itself

  right-zero-law-diff-ℚ : (x : )  x -ℚ zero-ℚ  x
  right-zero-law-diff-ℚ = right-unit-law-add-ℚ

The difference of zero and a rational number is its negative

  left-zero-law-diff-ℚ : (x : )  zero-ℚ -ℚ x  neg-ℚ x
  left-zero-law-diff-ℚ x = left-unit-law-add-ℚ (neg-ℚ x)

Triangular identity for addition and difference of rational numbers

  triangle-diff-ℚ :
    (x y z : )  (x -ℚ y) +ℚ (y -ℚ z)  x -ℚ z
  triangle-diff-ℚ x y z =
    ( associative-add-ℚ x (neg-ℚ y) (y -ℚ z)) 
    ( ap
      ( x +ℚ_)
      { neg-ℚ y +ℚ y -ℚ z}
      { neg-ℚ z}
      ( ( inv (associative-add-ℚ (neg-ℚ y) y (neg-ℚ z))) 
        ( ( ap
            (_+ℚ (neg-ℚ z))
            { neg-ℚ y +ℚ y}
            { zero-ℚ}
            ( left-inverse-law-add-ℚ y)) 
          ( left-unit-law-add-ℚ (neg-ℚ z)))))

The negative of the difference of two rational numbers x and y is the difference of y and x

  distributive-neg-diff-ℚ :
    (x y : )  neg-ℚ (x -ℚ y)  y -ℚ x
  distributive-neg-diff-ℚ x y =
    ( distributive-neg-add-ℚ x (neg-ℚ y)) 
    ( ap ((neg-ℚ x) +ℚ_) (neg-neg-ℚ y)) 
    ( commutative-add-ℚ (neg-ℚ x) y)

Interchange laws for addition and difference on rational numbers

  interchange-law-diff-add-ℚ :
    (x y u v : )  (x +ℚ y) -ℚ (u +ℚ v)  (x -ℚ u) +ℚ (y -ℚ v)
  interchange-law-diff-add-ℚ x y u v =
    ( ap ((x +ℚ y) +ℚ_) (distributive-neg-add-ℚ u v)) 
    ( interchange-law-add-add-ℚ x y (neg-ℚ u) (neg-ℚ v))

  interchange-law-add-diff-ℚ :
    (x y u v : )  (x -ℚ y) +ℚ (u -ℚ v)  (x +ℚ u) -ℚ (y +ℚ v)
  interchange-law-add-diff-ℚ x y u v =
    inv (interchange-law-diff-add-ℚ x u y v)

The difference of rational numbers is invariant by translation

  left-translation-diff-ℚ :
    (x y z : )  (z +ℚ x) -ℚ (z +ℚ y)  x -ℚ y
  left-translation-diff-ℚ x y z =
    ( interchange-law-diff-add-ℚ z x z y) 
    ( ap (_+ℚ (x -ℚ y)) (right-inverse-law-add-ℚ z)) 
    ( left-unit-law-add-ℚ (x -ℚ y))

  right-translation-diff-ℚ :
    (x y z : )  (x +ℚ z) -ℚ (y +ℚ z)  x -ℚ y
  right-translation-diff-ℚ x y z =
    ( ap-diff-ℚ (commutative-add-ℚ x z) (commutative-add-ℚ y z)) 
    ( left-translation-diff-ℚ x y z)

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