Transport along higher identifications

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Raymond Baker.

Created on 2023-09-24.
Last modified on 2024-07-23.

module foundation.transport-along-higher-identifications where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-homotopies
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.homotopy-algebra
open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition
open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation

open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation-core.whiskering-homotopies-concatenation

The action on identifications of transport

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p p' : x  y}

  tr² : (B : A  UU l2) (α : p  p') (b : B x)  (tr B p b)  (tr B p' b)
  tr² B α b = ap  t  tr B t b) α

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p p' : x  y}
  {α α' : p  p'}

  tr³ : (B : A  UU l2) (β : α  α') (b : B x)  (tr² B α b)  (tr² B α' b)
  tr³ B β b = ap  t  tr² B t b) β

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p p' : x  y}
  {α α' : p  p'} {γ γ' : α  α'}

  tr⁴ : (B : A  UU l2) (ψ : γ  γ')  (tr³ B γ) ~ (tr³ B γ')
  tr⁴ B ψ b = ap  t  tr³ B t b) ψ

Computing 2-dimensional transport in a family of identifications with a fixed source

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {a b c : A} {q q' : b  c}

  tr²-Id-right :
    (α : q  q') (p : a  b) 
      ( tr-Id-right q p)
      ( tr² (Id a) α p)
      ( left-whisker-concat p α)
      ( tr-Id-right q' p)
  tr²-Id-right α p =
    inv-nat-htpy  (t : b  c)  tr-Id-right t p) α

Coherences and algebraic identities for tr²

Computing tr² along the concatenation of identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-concat :
    {p p' p'' : x  y} (α : p  p') (β : p'  p'') 
    tr² B (α  β) ~ tr² B α ∙h tr² B β
  tr²-concat α β b = ap-concat  t  tr B t b) α β

Computing tr² along the inverse of an identification

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-inv :
    {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') 
    tr² B (inv α) ~ inv-htpy (tr² B α)
  tr²-inv α b = ap-inv  t  tr B t b) α

  left-inverse-law-tr² :
    {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') 
    tr² B (inv α) ∙h tr² B α ~ refl-htpy
  left-inverse-law-tr² α =
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy (tr²-inv α) (tr² B α)) ∙h
    ( left-inv-htpy (tr² B α))

  right-inverse-law-tr² :
    {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') 
    tr² B α ∙h tr² B (inv α) ~ refl-htpy
  right-inverse-law-tr² α =
    ( left-whisker-concat-htpy (tr² B α) (tr²-inv α)) ∙h
    ( right-inv-htpy (tr² B α))

Computing tr² along the unit laws for vertical concatenation of identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-left-unit :
    (p : x  y)  tr² B left-unit ~ tr-concat refl p
  tr²-left-unit p = refl-htpy

  tr²-right-unit :
    (p : x  y)  tr² B right-unit ~ tr-concat p refl
  tr²-right-unit refl = refl-htpy

Computing tr² along the whiskering of identification

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y z : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-left-whisker :
    (p : x  y) {q q' : y  z} (β : q  q') 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p β))
      ( tr² B β ·r tr B p)
      ( tr-concat p q')
  tr²-left-whisker refl refl = refl-htpy
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y z : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-right-whisker :
    {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') (q : y  z) 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q))
      ( ( tr B q) ·l (tr² B α))
      ( tr-concat p' q)
  tr²-right-whisker refl refl = inv-htpy right-unit-htpy

Coherences and algebraic identities for tr³

Computing tr³ along the concatenation of identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}
  {x y : A} {p p' : x  y} {α α' α'' : p  p'}

  tr³-concat :
    (γ : α  α') (δ : α'  α'')  tr³ B (γ  δ) ~ (tr³ B γ) ∙h (tr³ B δ)
  tr³-concat γ δ b = ap-concat  t  tr² B t b) γ δ

Computing tr³ along the horizontal concatenation of identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p p' p'' : x  y}
  {α α' : p  p'} {β β' : p'  p''} {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-horizontal-concat :
    (γ : α  α') (δ : β  β') 
      ( tr²-concat α β)
      ( tr³ B (horizontal-concat-Id² γ δ))
      ( horizontal-concat-htpy² (tr³ B γ) (tr³ B δ))
      ( tr²-concat α' β')
  tr³-horizontal-concat refl refl = inv-htpy right-unit-htpy

Computing tr³ along the inverse of an identification

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p p' : x  y} {α α' : p  p'}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-inv :
    (γ : α  α') 
    tr³ B (inv γ) ~ inv-htpy (tr³ B γ)
  tr³-inv γ b = ap-inv  t  tr² B t b) γ

  left-inv-law-tr³ :
    (γ : α  α') 
    tr³ B (inv γ) ∙h tr³ B γ ~ refl-htpy
  left-inv-law-tr³ γ =
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy (tr³-inv γ) (tr³ B γ)) ∙h
    ( left-inv-htpy (tr³ B γ))

  right-inv-law-tr³ :
    (γ : α  α') 
    tr³ B γ ∙h tr³ B (inv γ) ~ refl-htpy
  right-inv-law-tr³ γ =
    ( left-whisker-concat-htpy (tr³ B γ) (tr³-inv γ)) ∙h
    ( right-inv-htpy (tr³ B γ))

Computing tr³ along the unit laws for vertical concatenation of identifications

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} {p q : x  y}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-right-unit :
    (α : p  q) 
    tr³ B (right-unit {p = α}) ~ tr²-concat α refl ∙h right-unit-htpy
  tr³-right-unit refl = refl-htpy

  tr³-left-unit :
    (α : p  q) 
    tr³ B (left-unit {p = α}) ~ tr²-concat refl α ∙h left-unit-htpy
  tr³-left-unit α = refl-htpy

Computing tr³ along the unit laws for whiskering of identifications

These coherences take the form of the following commutative diagrams. Note that there is an asymmetry between the left and right coherence laws due to the asymmetry in the definition of concatenation of identifications.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat :
    {q q' : x  y} (β : q  q') 
      ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
      ( refl-htpy)
      ( tr²-left-whisker refl β)
      ( tr³ B (left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat β))
  tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat refl = refl-htpy
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat :
    {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') 
      ( ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) right-unit) ∙h
        ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α refl))
          ( tr²-right-unit p')))
      ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))
      ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
      ( ( tr²-concat right-unit α) ∙h
        ( right-whisker-concat-htpy (tr²-right-unit p) (tr² B α)) ∙h
        ( inv-htpy
          ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
            ( tr-concat p refl)
            ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α)))))
  tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat {p = refl} {p' = refl} refl =

The above coherences have simplified forms when we consider 2-loops

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (β : refl {x = x}  refl) 
      ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
      ( refl-htpy)
      ( tr²-left-whisker refl β)
      ( tr³ B (left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat β))
  tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat-Ω² β =
    tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat β

  tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α : refl {x = x}  refl) 
      ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
      ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α  right-unit)))
      ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
      ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α)))
  tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α =
      ( ( tr³ B (inv right-unit)) ∙h
        ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl))
      ( tr³
        ( B)
        ( inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α  right-unit)))
      ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
      ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α)))
      ( ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr³-inv right-unit)
          ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl)) ∙h
        ( inv-htpy
          ( left-transpose-htpy-concat
            ( tr³ B right-unit)
            ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
            ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl)
            ( inv-htpy
              ( right-transpose-htpy-concat
                ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl)
                ( right-unit-htpy)
                ( tr³ B right-unit)
                ( inv-htpy
                  ( tr³-right-unit (right-whisker-concat α refl))))))))
      ( concat-left-homotopy-coherence-square-homotopies
        ( ( tr³ B (inv right-unit)) ∙h
          ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl))
        ( ( tr³ B (inv right-unit)) ∙h
          ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α))))
        ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
        ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α)))
        ( ( inv-htpy
            ( tr³-concat
              ( inv right-unit)
              ( inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))) ∙h
          ( tr⁴
            ( B)
            ( inv
              ( distributive-inv-concat
                ( right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α) (right-unit)))))
        ( left-whisker-concat-coherence-square-homotopies
          ( tr³ B (inv right-unit))
          ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl)
          ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))
          ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
          ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α)))
          ( concat-bottom-homotopy-coherence-square-homotopies
            ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl)
            ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))
            ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
            ( inv-htpy
              ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
                ( refl-htpy)
                ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α))))
            ( ap-inv-htpy
              ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat-htpy
                ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α))))
            ( concat-top-homotopy-coherence-square-homotopies
              ( ( tr²-concat (right-whisker-concat α refl) refl) ∙h
                ( refl-htpy))
              ( tr³ B (inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))
              ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
              ( inv-htpy
                ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
                  ( refl-htpy)
                  ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α))))
              ( right-unit-htpy)
              ( tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α)))))

Computing tr³ along commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat

This coherence naturally takes the form of a filler for a cube whose left face is

tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat β α)

and whose right face is

commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy (tr² B β) (tr² B α)

However, this cube has trivial front and back faces. Thus, we only prove a simplified form of the coherence.

Non-trivial faces of the cube
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y z : A}
  {B : A  UU l2} {p p' : x  y} {q q' : y  z}

  tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat :
    (β : q  q') (α : p  p') 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p β)) ∙h
        ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q')))
      ( (tr² B β ·r tr B p) ∙h (tr B q' ·l tr² B α))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
  tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat β α =
    ( vertical-pasting-coherence-square-homotopies
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p β))
      ( right-whisker-comp (tr² B β) (tr B p))
      ( tr-concat p q')
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q'))
      ( left-whisker-comp (tr B q') (tr² B α))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
      ( tr²-left-whisker p β)
      ( tr²-right-whisker α q'))

  tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat :
    (β : q  q') (α : p  p') 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p β  right-whisker-concat α q'))
      ( (tr² B β ·r tr B p) ∙h (tr B q' ·l tr² B α))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
  tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat β α =
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( left-whisker-concat p β)
        ( right-whisker-concat α q'))
      ( tr-concat p' q')) ∙h
    ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat β α)

  tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat :
    (α : p  p') (β : q  q') 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q)) ∙h
        ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p' β)))
      ( (tr B q ·l tr² B α) ∙h (tr² B β ·r tr B p'))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
  tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β =
    ( vertical-pasting-coherence-square-homotopies
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q))
      ( left-whisker-comp (tr B q) (tr² B α))
      ( tr-concat p' q)
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat p' β))
      ( right-whisker-comp (tr² B β) (tr B p'))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
      ( tr²-right-whisker α q)
      ( tr²-left-whisker p' β))

  tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat :
    (α : p  p') (β : q  q') 
      ( tr-concat p q)
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α q  left-whisker-concat p' β))
      ( ( tr B q ·l tr² B α) ∙h (tr² B β ·r tr B p'))
      ( tr-concat p' q')
  tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat α β =
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( right-whisker-concat α q)
        ( left-whisker-concat p' β))
      ( tr-concat p' q')) ∙h
    ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β)
The coherence itself
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y z : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat :
    {q q' : y  z} (β : q  q') {p p' : x  y} (α : p  p') 
      ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat β α)
      ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
        ( tr³
          ( B)
          ( commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat β α))
        ( tr-concat p' q'))
      ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
        ( tr-concat p q)
        ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
          ( tr² B β)
          ( tr² B α)))
      ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat α β)
    {q = refl} refl {p = refl} refl =
A simplification of the non-trivial faces of the cube when α and β are 2-loops
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {a : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl α)) ∙h
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat β refl))) ~
    ( tr² B α ∙h (id ·l (tr² B β)))
  tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
      ( tr³ B (left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat α))
      ( ( tr³
          ( B)
          ( inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat β  right-unit))) ∙h
        ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B β))))

  compute-tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( inv-coherence-square-homotopies-horizontal-refl
      ( ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl α)) ∙h
        ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat β refl)))
      ( tr² B α ∙h id ·l (tr² B β))
      ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat α β)) ~
    ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
  compute-tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( vertical-pasting-inv-coherence-square-homotopies-horizontal-refl
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl α))
      ( tr² B α)
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat β refl))
      ( id ·l (tr² B β))
      ( tr²-left-whisker refl α)
      ( tr²-right-whisker β refl)) ∙h
    ( z-concat-htpy³
      ( inv-htpy (tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α))
      ( inv-htpy (tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-Ω² β)))

  tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α refl)) ∙h
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl β))) ~
    ( ( id ·l (tr² B α)) ∙h (tr² B β))
  tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
      ( ( tr³
          ( B)
          ( inv (right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat α  right-unit))) ∙h
        ( inv-htpy (left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp (tr² B α))))
      ( tr³ B (left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat β))

  compute-tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( inv-coherence-square-homotopies-horizontal-refl
      ( ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α refl)) ∙h
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl β)))
      ( id ·l (tr² B α) ∙h tr² B β)
      ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β)) ~
    ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
  compute-tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( vertical-pasting-inv-coherence-square-homotopies-horizontal-refl
      ( tr² B (right-whisker-concat α refl))
      ( id ·l (tr² B α))
      ( tr² B (left-whisker-concat refl β))
      ( tr² B β)
      ( tr²-right-whisker α refl)
      ( tr²-left-whisker refl β)) ∙h
    ( z-concat-htpy³
      ( inv-htpy (tr³-right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α))
      ( inv-htpy (tr³-left-unit-law-left-whisker-concat-Ω² β)))

  tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( tr²
      ( B)
      ( ( left-whisker-concat refl α) 
        ( right-whisker-concat β refl))) ~
    ( ( ( tr² B α) ·r (tr B refl)) ∙h ((tr B refl) ·l (tr² B β)))
  tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( tr²-concat
      ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
      ( right-whisker-concat β refl)) ∙h
    ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)

  compute-tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy) ∙h
      ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat α β)) ~
    ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
  compute-tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( inv-htpy
      ( assoc-htpy
        ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
        ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
            ( right-whisker-concat β refl))
          ( refl-htpy))
        ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat α β))) ∙h
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( vertical-inv-coherence-square-homotopies
        ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
            ( right-whisker-concat β refl))
          ( refl-htpy))
        ( right-unit-htpy)
        ( right-unit-htpy)
        ( tr²-concat
          ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
          ( right-whisker-concat β refl))
        ( right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
            ( right-whisker-concat β refl))))
      ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat α β)) ∙h
    ( assoc-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
        ( right-whisker-concat β refl))
      ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
      ( tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat α β)) ∙h
    ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( left-whisker-concat refl α)
        ( right-whisker-concat β refl))
      ( compute-tr²-left-whisker-concat-tr²-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β))

  tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( tr²
      ( B)
      ( ( right-whisker-concat α refl) 
        ( left-whisker-concat refl β))) ~
    ( ( ( tr B refl) ·l (tr² B α)) ∙h ((tr² B β) ·r (tr B refl)))
  tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( tr²-concat
      ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
      ( left-whisker-concat refl β)) ∙h
    ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)

  compute-tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
    ( ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy) ∙h
      ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat α β)) ~
    ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
  compute-tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
    ( inv-htpy
      ( assoc-htpy
        ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
        ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
            ( left-whisker-concat refl β))
          ( refl-htpy))
        ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β))) ∙h
    ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( vertical-inv-coherence-square-homotopies
        ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
            ( left-whisker-concat refl β))
          ( refl-htpy))
        ( right-unit-htpy)
        ( right-unit-htpy)
        ( tr²-concat
          ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
          ( left-whisker-concat refl β))
        ( right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-htpy
          ( tr²-concat
            ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
            ( left-whisker-concat refl β))))
      ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β)) ∙h
    ( assoc-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
        ( left-whisker-concat refl β))
      ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
      ( tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat α β)) ∙h
    ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
      ( tr²-concat
        ( right-whisker-concat α refl)
        ( left-whisker-concat refl β))
      ( compute-tr²-right-whisker-concat-tr²-left-whisker-concat-Ω² α β))
A simplification of the main coherence when α and β are 2-loops
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {a : A}
  {B : A  UU l2}

  tr³-commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat-Ω² :
    (α β : refl {x = a}  refl) 
      ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
      ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
      ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
        ( tr² B α)
        ( tr² B β))
      ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² β α)
  tr³-commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β =
      ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
      ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
      ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
        ( tr² B α)
        ( tr² B β))
      ( ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy) ∙h
        ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat β α))
      ( compute-tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat-Ω² β α)
      ( concat-top-homotopy-coherence-square-homotopies
        ( ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy) ∙h
          ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat α β))
        ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
        ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
          ( tr² B α)
          ( tr² B β))
        ( ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy) ∙h
          ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat β α))
        ( compute-tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat-Ω² α β)
        ( horizontal-pasting-coherence-square-homotopies
          ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
          ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat α β)
          ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
          ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
            ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
            ( refl-htpy))
          ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
            ( tr² B α)
            ( tr² B β))
          ( inv-htpy right-unit-htpy)
          ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat β α)
          ( horizontal-inv-coherence-square-homotopies
            ( right-unit-htpy)
            ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
              ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
              ( refl-htpy))
            ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
            ( right-unit-htpy)
            ( inv-htpy
              ( right-unit-law-right-whisker-concat-htpy
                ( tr³
                  ( B)
                  ( commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β)))))
          ( concat-right-homotopy-coherence-square-homotopies
            ( tr²-concat-left-whisker-concat-right-whisker-concat α β)
            ( right-whisker-concat-htpy
              ( tr³ B (commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))
              ( refl-htpy))
            ( left-whisker-concat-htpy
              ( refl-htpy)
              ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
                ( tr² B α)
                ( tr² B β)))
            ( tr²-concat-right-whisker-concat-left-whisker-concat β α)
            ( left-unit-law-left-whisker-comp
              ( commutative-right-whisker-left-whisker-htpy
                ( tr² B α)
                ( tr² B β)))
            ( tr³-commutative-left-whisker-right-whisker-concat α β))))

Recent changes