The universal property of the unit type

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Jonathan Prieto-Cubides.

Created on 2022-02-08.
Last modified on 2024-04-11.

module foundation.universal-property-unit-type where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.diagonal-maps-of-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universal-property-contractible-types
open import foundation.universal-property-equivalences
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.constant-maps
open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.precomposition-functions


The universal property of the unit type characterizes maps out of the unit type. Similarly, the dependent universal property of the unit type characterizes dependent functions out of the unit type.

In foundation.contractible-types we have alread proven related universal properties of contractible types.


ev-star :
  {l : Level} (P : unit  UU l)  ((x : unit)  P x)  P star
ev-star P f = f star

ev-star' :
  {l : Level} (Y : UU l)  (unit  Y)  Y
ev-star' Y = ev-star  t  Y)

  dependent-universal-property-unit :
    {l : Level} (P : unit  UU l)  is-equiv (ev-star P)
  dependent-universal-property-unit =
    dependent-universal-property-contr-is-contr star is-contr-unit

equiv-dependent-universal-property-unit :
  {l : Level} (P : unit  UU l)  ((x : unit)  P x)  P star
pr1 (equiv-dependent-universal-property-unit P) = ev-star P
pr2 (equiv-dependent-universal-property-unit P) =
  dependent-universal-property-unit P

  universal-property-unit :
    {l : Level} (Y : UU l)  is-equiv (ev-star' Y)
  universal-property-unit Y = dependent-universal-property-unit  t  Y)

equiv-universal-property-unit :
  {l : Level} (Y : UU l)  (unit  Y)  Y
pr1 (equiv-universal-property-unit Y) = ev-star' Y
pr2 (equiv-universal-property-unit Y) = universal-property-unit Y

inv-equiv-universal-property-unit :
  {l : Level} (Y : UU l)  Y  (unit  Y)
inv-equiv-universal-property-unit Y =
  inv-equiv (equiv-universal-property-unit Y)

  is-equiv-point-is-contr :
    {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) 
    is-contr X  is-equiv (point x)
  is-equiv-point-is-contr x is-contr-X =
    is-equiv-is-contr (point x) is-contr-unit is-contr-X

  is-equiv-point-universal-property-unit :
    {l1 : Level} (X : UU l1) (x : X) 
    ({l2 : Level} (Y : UU l2)  is-equiv  (f : X  Y)  f x)) 
    is-equiv (point x)
  is-equiv-point-universal-property-unit X x H =
      ( point x)
      ( λ Y 
          ( ev-star' Y)
          ( precomp (point x) Y)
          ( universal-property-unit Y)
          ( H Y))

  universal-property-unit-is-equiv-point :
    {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) 
    is-equiv (point x) 
    ({l2 : Level} (Y : UU l2)  is-equiv  (f : X  Y)  f x))
  universal-property-unit-is-equiv-point x is-equiv-point Y =
      ( ev-star' Y)
      ( precomp (point x) Y)
      ( is-equiv-precomp-is-equiv (point x) is-equiv-point Y)
      ( universal-property-unit Y)

  universal-property-unit-is-contr :
    {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) 
    is-contr X 
    ({l2 : Level} (Y : UU l2)  is-equiv  (f : X  Y)  f x))
  universal-property-unit-is-contr x is-contr-X =
    universal-property-unit-is-equiv-point x
      ( is-equiv-point-is-contr x is-contr-X)

  is-equiv-diagonal-exponential-is-equiv-point :
    {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : X) 
    is-equiv (point x) 
    ({l2 : Level} (Y : UU l2)  is-equiv (diagonal-exponential Y X))
  is-equiv-diagonal-exponential-is-equiv-point x is-equiv-point Y =
      ( universal-property-unit-is-equiv-point x is-equiv-point Y)
      ( refl-htpy)

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