Horizontal composition of spans of spans

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2025-01-03.
Last modified on 2025-01-03.

module foundation.horizontal-composition-spans-of-spans where
open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-maps
open import foundation.composition-spans
open import foundation.cones-over-cospan-diagrams
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.equivalences-arrows
open import foundation.equivalences-spans
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.morphisms-arrows
open import foundation.morphisms-spans
open import foundation.pullbacks
open import foundation.spans
open import foundation.spans-of-spans
open import foundation.standard-pullbacks
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-standard-pullbacks
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition

open import foundation-core.function-types


Given two spans F and G from A to B and two spans H and I from B to C together with higher spans α from F to G and β from H to I, i.e., we have a commuting diagram of types of the form

      F₀      H₀
    ↙ ↑ ↘   ↙ ↑ ↘
  A   α₀  B   β₀  C,
    ↖ ↓ ↗   ↖ ↓ ↗
      G₀      I₀

then we may horizontally compose α and β to obtain a span of spans α ∙ β from H ∘ F to I ∘ G. Explicitly, the horizontal composite is given by the unique construction of a span of spans

  F₀ ×_B H₀ ----------> C
      |    ↖            ∧
      |    α₀ ×_B β₀    |
      ∨            ↘    |
      A <---------- G₀ ×_B I₀.

Note. There are four equivalent, but judgmentally different choices of spanning type α₀ ×_B β₀ of the horizontal composite. We pick

  α₀ ×_B β₀ ------> I₀
      | ⌟           |
      |             |
      ∨             ∨
      F₀ ---------> B

as this choice avoids inversions of coherences as part of the construction, given our choice of orientation for coherences of spans of spans.


Horizontal composition of spans of spans

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3}
  (F : span l4 A B) (G : span l5 A B)
  (H : span l6 B C) (I : span l7 B C)
  (α : span-of-spans l8 F G)
  (β : span-of-spans l9 H I)

  spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans : UU (l2  l8  l9)
  spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
      ( right-map-span F  left-map-span-of-spans F G α)
      ( left-map-span I  right-map-span-of-spans H I β)

  cone-left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( right-map-span F)
      ( left-map-span H)
      ( spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)
  cone-left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    left-map-span-of-spans F G α  vertical-map-standard-pullback ,
    left-map-span-of-spans H I β  horizontal-map-standard-pullback ,
    coherence-square-standard-pullback ∙h
    coh-left-span-of-spans H I β ·r horizontal-map-standard-pullback

  left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
    spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans  spanning-type-comp-span H F
  left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
      ( right-map-span F)
      ( left-map-span H)
      ( cone-left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)

  cone-right-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( right-map-span G)
      ( left-map-span I)
      ( spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)
  cone-right-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    right-map-span-of-spans F G α  vertical-map-standard-pullback ,
    right-map-span-of-spans H I β  horizontal-map-standard-pullback ,
    coh-right-span-of-spans F G α ·r vertical-map-standard-pullback ∙h

  right-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
    spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans  spanning-type-comp-span I G
  right-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
      ( right-map-span G)
      ( left-map-span I)
      ( cone-right-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)

  span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( l2  l8  l9)
      ( spanning-type-comp-span H F)
      ( spanning-type-comp-span I G)
  span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    spanning-type-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans ,
    left-map-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans ,

  coherence-left-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( comp-span H F)
      ( comp-span I G)
      ( span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)
  coherence-left-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    coh-left-span-of-spans F G α ·r vertical-map-standard-pullback

  coherence-right-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( comp-span H F)
      ( comp-span I G)
      ( span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)
  coherence-right-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    coh-right-span-of-spans H I β ·r horizontal-map-standard-pullback

  coherence-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
      ( comp-span H F)
      ( comp-span I G)
      ( span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans)
  coherence-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    coherence-left-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans ,

  horizontal-comp-span-of-spans :
    span-of-spans (l2  l8  l9) (comp-span H F) (comp-span I G)
  horizontal-comp-span-of-spans =
    span-horizontal-comp-span-of-spans ,

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