Intersections of radical ideals of commutative rings

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Maša Žaucer.

Created on 2023-06-08.
Last modified on 2024-04-11.

module commutative-algebra.intersections-radical-ideals-commutative-rings where
open import commutative-algebra.commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.full-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.intersections-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.poset-of-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.poset-of-radical-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.powers-of-elements-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.products-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.products-radical-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.radical-ideals-commutative-rings
open import commutative-algebra.radicals-of-ideals-commutative-rings

open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import order-theory.greatest-lower-bounds-large-posets
open import order-theory.large-meet-semilattices


The intersection of two radical ideals consists of the elements contained in both of them. Given two radical ideals I and J, their intersection can be computed as

I ∩ J = √ IJ,

where IJ is the product of I and J.


The universal property of intersections of radical ideals

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Commutative-Ring l1)
  (I : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l2 A)
  (J : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l3 A)

  is-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    {l4 : Level} (K : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l4 A)  UUω
  is-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K =
      ( radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Poset A)
      ( I)
      ( J)
      ( K)

The intersection of radical ideals

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Commutative-Ring l1)
  (I : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l2 A)
  (J : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l3 A)

  is-radical-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    is-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
  pr1 (is-radical-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x n (H , K)) =
    is-radical-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I x n H
  pr2 (is-radical-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x n (H , K)) =
    is-radical-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J x n K

  intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring (l2  l3) A
  pr1 intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
      ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J)
  pr2 intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =

  ideal-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    ideal-Commutative-Ring (l2  l3) A
  ideal-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A

  is-intersection-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    is-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J
  is-intersection-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K =
    is-intersection-intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
      ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J)
      ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A K)

The large meet-semilattice of radical ideals in a commutative ring

module _
  {l1 : Level} (A : Commutative-Ring l1)

  has-meets-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    has-meets-Large-Poset (radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Poset A)
    has-meets-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
    has-meets-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    is-intersection-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A

  is-large-meet-semilattice-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
      ( radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Poset A)
    is-large-meet-semilattice-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    is-large-meet-semilattice-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    has-top-element-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A

  radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Meet-Semilattice :
    Large-Meet-Semilattice  l2  l1  lsuc l2)  l2 l3  l1  l2  l3)
    radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Meet-Semilattice =
    radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Poset A
    radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring-Large-Meet-Semilattice =


The radical ideal of an intersection is the intersection of the radicals of the ideals

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Commutative-Ring l1)
  (I : ideal-Commutative-Ring l2 A) (J : ideal-Commutative-Ring l3 A)

  forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    leq-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
      ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J))
  forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring x (H , K) =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H
      ( subset-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
        ( x))
      ( λ (n , H') 
        apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K
          ( subset-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
            ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
            ( x))
          ( λ (m , K') 
              ( add-ℕ n m)
              ( ( is-closed-under-eq-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I
                  ( is-closed-under-right-multiplication-ideal-Commutative-Ring
                    ( A)
                    ( I)
                    ( power-Commutative-Ring A n x)
                    ( power-Commutative-Ring A m x)
                    ( H'))
                  ( inv ( distributive-power-add-Commutative-Ring A n m))) ,
                ( is-closed-under-eq-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J
                  ( is-closed-under-left-multiplication-ideal-Commutative-Ring
                    ( A)
                    ( J)
                    ( power-Commutative-Ring A n x)
                    ( power-Commutative-Ring A m x)
                    ( K'))
                  ( inv ( distributive-power-add-Commutative-Ring A n m))))))

  backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    leq-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J))
      ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
  backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring x H =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H
      ( subset-intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J)
        ( x))
      ( λ (n , H' , K') 
        ( intro-exists n H' , intro-exists n K'))

  preserves-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
      ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J)) 
    ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J))
  preserves-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    eq-has-same-elements-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
      ( ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( intersection-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J))
      ( λ x 
        forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring x ,
        backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring x)

The intersection of radical ideals is the radical of the ideal generated by their product

Given two radical ideals I and J, we claim that

I ∩ J = √ IJ,

where IJ is the product of the ideals I and J. To prove this, it suffices to prove the inclusions

IJ ⊆ I ∩ J ⊆ √ IJ.

Note that any product of elements in I and J is in the intersection I ∩ J. This settles the first inclusion. For the second inclusion, note that if x ∈ I ∩ J, then x² ∈ IJ so it follows that x ∈ √ IJ.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Commutative-Ring l1)
  (I : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l2 A)
  (J : radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring l3 A)

  contains-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    contains-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
  pr1 (contains-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x y p q) =
      A I x y p
  pr2 (contains-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x y p q) =
      A J x y q

  forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    leq-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
      ( product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
  forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x (H , K) =
    is-radical-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( product-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
      ( x)
      ( 2)
      ( contains-product-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J x x H K)

  backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    leq-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
  backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring =
    is-radical-of-ideal-radical-of-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( product-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J))
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
      ( is-product-product-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I)
        ( ideal-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A J)
        ( ideal-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
        ( contains-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring))

  has-same-elements-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    has-same-elements-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
      ( product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
  pr1 (has-same-elements-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x) =
    forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x
  pr2 (has-same-elements-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x) =
    backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x

  is-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    is-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J
      ( intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
      ( contains-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring)
  is-product-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K H x p =
    is-product-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J K H x
      ( forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x p)

  is-intersection-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring :
    is-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J
      ( product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring A I J)
  pr1 (is-intersection-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K) (L , M) x p =
    forward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x
      ( L x p , M x p)
  pr1 (pr2 (is-intersection-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K) H) x p =
      ( backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x
        ( H x p))
  pr2 (pr2 (is-intersection-product-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring K) H) x p =
      ( backward-inclusion-intersection-radical-ideal-Commutative-Ring x
        ( H x p))

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