Metric spaces

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.

Created on 2024-09-28.
Last modified on 2024-09-28.


Metric spaces are types structured with a concept of distance on its elements.

Since we operate in a constructive setting, the concept of distance is captured by considering upper bounds on the distance between points, rather than by a distance function as in the classical approach. Thus, a metric space A is defined by a family of neighborhood relations on it indexed by the positive rational numbers ℚ⁺,

  N : ℚ⁺ → A → A → Prop l

that satisfies certain axioms. Constructing a proof of N d x y amounts to saying that d is an upper bound on the distance from x to y.

The neighborhood relation on a metric space must satisfy the following axioms:

  • Reflexivity. Every positive rational d is an upper bound on the distance from x to itself.
  • Symmetry. If d is an upper bound on the distance from x to y, then d is an upper bound on the distance from y to x.
  • Triangularity. If d is an upper bound on the distance from x to y, and d' is an upper bound on the distance from y to z, then d + d' is an upper bound on the distance from x to z.

Finally, we ask that our metric spaces are extensional, which amounts to the property of indistinguishability of identicals

  • If every positive rational d is an upper bound on the distance from x to y, then x and y are equal.

Instances of metric spaces

Metric spaceFile
Metric space of Cauchy approximations in a metric spacemetric-spaces. metric-space-of-cauchy-approximations-in-a-metric-space
Metric space of convergent Cauchy approximations in a metric spacemetric-spaces. metric-space-of-convergent-cauchy-approximations-in-a-metric-space
Metric space of rational numbersmetric-spaces.metric-space-of-rational-numbers
Metric space of rational numbers with open neighborhoodsmetric-spaces.metric-space-of-rational-numbers-with-open-neighborhoods
Metric space of real numbersreal-numbers.metric-space-of-real-numbers

Modules in the metric spaces namespace

module metric-spaces where

open import metric-spaces.category-of-metric-spaces-and-isometries public
open import metric-spaces.category-of-metric-spaces-and-short-functions public
open import metric-spaces.cauchy-approximations-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.cauchy-approximations-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.closed-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.complete-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.convergent-cauchy-approximations-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.dependent-products-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.discrete-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.equality-of-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.equality-of-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.extensional-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.functions-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.functor-category-set-functions-isometry-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.functor-category-short-isometry-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.induced-premetric-structures-on-preimages public
open import metric-spaces.isometric-equivalences-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.isometries-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.isometries-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.limits-of-cauchy-approximations-in-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.metric-space-of-cauchy-approximations-in-a-metric-space public
open import metric-spaces.metric-space-of-convergent-cauchy-approximations-in-a-metric-space public
open import metric-spaces.metric-space-of-rational-numbers public
open import metric-spaces.metric-space-of-rational-numbers-with-open-neighborhoods public
open import metric-spaces.metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.metric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.monotonic-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.ordering-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.precategory-of-metric-spaces-and-functions public
open import metric-spaces.precategory-of-metric-spaces-and-isometries public
open import metric-spaces.precategory-of-metric-spaces-and-short-functions public
open import metric-spaces.premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.pseudometric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.pseudometric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.reflexive-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.saturated-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.short-functions-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.short-functions-premetric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.subspaces-metric-spaces public
open import metric-spaces.symmetric-premetric-structures public
open import metric-spaces.triangular-premetric-structures public


Our setup for metric space theory closely follows [Boo20].

Auke Bart Booij. Analysis in univalent type theory. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2020. URL:

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