The flattening lemma for coequalizers
Content created by Vojtěch Štěpančík, Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2023-09-20.
Last modified on 2025-02-10.
module synthetic-homotopy-theory.flattening-lemma-coequalizers where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.double-arrows open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.type-arithmetic-coproduct-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.coforks open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.dependent-universal-property-coequalizers open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.flattening-lemma-pushouts open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.universal-property-coequalizers open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.universal-property-pushouts
The flattening lemma¶ for coequalizers states that coequalizers commute with dependent pair types. More precisely, given a coequalizer
-----> e
A -----> B -----> X
with homotopy H : e ∘ f ~ e ∘ g
, and a type family P : X → 𝒰
over X
, the
Σ (a : A) P(efa) -----> Σ (b : B) P(eb) ---> Σ (x : X) P(x)
is again a coequalizer.
The statement of the flattening lemma for coequalizers
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} (P : X → UU l4) (e : cofork a X) where left-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer : Σ (domain-double-arrow a) (P ∘ map-cofork a e ∘ left-map-double-arrow a) → Σ (codomain-double-arrow a) (P ∘ map-cofork a e) left-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer = map-Σ-map-base ( left-map-double-arrow a) ( P ∘ map-cofork a e) right-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer : Σ (domain-double-arrow a) (P ∘ map-cofork a e ∘ left-map-double-arrow a) → Σ (codomain-double-arrow a) (P ∘ map-cofork a e) right-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer = map-Σ ( P ∘ map-cofork a e) ( right-map-double-arrow a) ( λ x → tr P (coh-cofork a e x)) double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer : double-arrow (l1 ⊔ l4) (l2 ⊔ l4) double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer = make-double-arrow ( left-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer) ( right-map-double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer) cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer : cofork double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer (Σ X P) pr1 cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer = map-Σ-map-base (map-cofork a e) P pr2 cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer = coherence-square-maps-map-Σ-map-base P ( right-map-double-arrow a) ( left-map-double-arrow a) ( map-cofork a e) ( map-cofork a e) ( coh-cofork a e) flattening-lemma-coequalizer-statement : UUω flattening-lemma-coequalizer-statement = universal-property-coequalizer a e → universal-property-coequalizer ( double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer) ( cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer)
Proof of the flattening lemma for coequalizers
To show that the cofork of total spaces is a coequalizer, it suffices to show that the induced cocone is a pushout. This is accomplished by constructing a commuting cube where the bottom is this cocone, and the top is the cocone of total spaces for the cocone induced by the cofork.
Assuming that the given cofork is a coequalizer, we get that its induced cocone is a pushout, so by the flattening lemma for pushouts, the top square is a pushout as well. The vertical maps of the cube are equivalences, so it follows that the bottom square is a pushout.
module _ { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (a : double-arrow l1 l2) {X : UU l3} ( P : X → UU l4) (e : cofork a X) where abstract flattening-lemma-coequalizer : flattening-lemma-coequalizer-statement a P e flattening-lemma-coequalizer up-e = universal-property-coequalizer-universal-property-pushout ( double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e) ( cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e) ( universal-property-pushout-bottom-universal-property-pushout-top-cube-is-equiv ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork ( double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e)) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork ( double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e)) ( horizontal-map-cocone-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( vertical-map-cocone-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( vertical-map-span-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( horizontal-map-span-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( horizontal-map-cocone-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( vertical-map-cocone-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( map-equiv ( right-distributive-Σ-coproduct ( domain-double-arrow a) ( domain-double-arrow a) ( ( P) ∘ ( horizontal-map-cocone-cofork a e) ∘ ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a)))) ( id) ( id) ( id) ( coherence-square-cocone-flattening-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e)) ( ind-Σ (ind-coproduct _ (ev-pair refl-htpy) (ev-pair refl-htpy))) ( ind-Σ (ind-coproduct _ (ev-pair refl-htpy) (ev-pair refl-htpy))) ( refl-htpy) ( refl-htpy) ( coherence-square-cocone-cofork ( double-arrow-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e) ( cofork-flattening-lemma-coequalizer a P e)) ( ind-Σ ( ind-coproduct _ ( ev-pair refl-htpy) ( ev-pair (λ t → ap-id _ ∙ inv right-unit)))) ( is-equiv-map-equiv ( right-distributive-Σ-coproduct ( domain-double-arrow a) ( domain-double-arrow a) ( ( P) ∘ ( horizontal-map-cocone-cofork a e) ∘ ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a)))) ( is-equiv-id) ( is-equiv-id) ( is-equiv-id) ( flattening-lemma-pushout P ( vertical-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( horizontal-map-span-cocone-cofork a) ( cocone-codiagonal-cofork a e) ( universal-property-pushout-universal-property-coequalizer a e ( up-e))))
Recent changes
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