Type arithmetic with natural numbers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Elif Uskuplu.

Created on 2023-04-26.
Last modified on 2024-02-06.

module elementary-number-theory.type-arithmetic-natural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.integers
open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.parity-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.powers-of-two

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types
open import foundation.iterating-functions
open import foundation.split-surjective-maps
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-coproduct-types
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-unit-type
open import foundation.unit-type

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.coproduct-types
open import foundation-core.empty-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.injective-maps
open import foundation-core.negation

open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


We prove arithmetical laws involving the natural numbers


The natural numbers is a fixpoint to the functor X ↦ 1 + X

map-equiv-ℕ :   unit + 
map-equiv-ℕ zero-ℕ = inl star
map-equiv-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) = inr n

map-inv-equiv-ℕ : unit +   
map-inv-equiv-ℕ (inl x) = zero-ℕ
map-inv-equiv-ℕ (inr n) = succ-ℕ n

is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-ℕ :
  ( map-inv-equiv-ℕ  map-equiv-ℕ) ~ id
is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-ℕ zero-ℕ = refl
is-retraction-map-inv-equiv-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) = refl

is-section-map-inv-equiv-ℕ :
  ( map-equiv-ℕ  map-inv-equiv-ℕ) ~ id
is-section-map-inv-equiv-ℕ (inl star) = refl
is-section-map-inv-equiv-ℕ (inr n) = refl

equiv-ℕ :   (unit + )
pr1 equiv-ℕ = map-equiv-ℕ
pr2 equiv-ℕ =

The coproduct ℕ + ℕ is equivalent to

succ-ℕ+ℕ :  +    + 
succ-ℕ+ℕ = map-coproduct succ-ℕ succ-ℕ

map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ :  +   
map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ (inl x) = 2 *ℕ x
map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ (inr x) = succ-ℕ (2 *ℕ x)

action-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ-on-succ-ℕ+ℕ :
  (x :  + ) 
    (map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ (succ-ℕ+ℕ x)) 
      (succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ (map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ x)))
action-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ-on-succ-ℕ+ℕ (inl x) =
  ap succ-ℕ (left-successor-law-add-ℕ _ _)
action-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ-on-succ-ℕ+ℕ (inr x) =
  ap (succ-ℕ  succ-ℕ) (left-successor-law-add-ℕ _ _)

is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ : is-split-surjective map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ
is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ zero-ℕ =
  ( pair (inl 0) refl)
is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ (succ-ℕ zero-ℕ) =
  ( pair (inr 0) refl)
is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ (succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ b)) =
  ( pair
    ( succ-ℕ+ℕ (pr1 (is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ b)))
    ( ( action-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ-on-succ-ℕ+ℕ
        ( pr1 (is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ b))) 
      ( ap (succ-ℕ  succ-ℕ)
        ( pr2 (is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ b)))))

is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ : is-injective map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ
is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ {inl x} {inl y} p =
  ( ap inl (is-injective-left-mul-succ-ℕ 1 p))
is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ {inl x} {inr y} p =
  ex-falso (t s)
  s : (div-ℕ 2 (succ-ℕ (2 *ℕ y)))
  s = concatenate-div-eq-ℕ (x , commutative-mul-ℕ x 2) p

  t : ¬ (div-ℕ 2 (succ-ℕ (2 *ℕ y)))
  t =
    ( is-odd-succ-is-even-ℕ
      ( 2 *ℕ y)
      ( y , commutative-mul-ℕ y 2))
is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ {inr x} {inl y} p =
  ex-falso (t s)
  s : (div-ℕ 2 (succ-ℕ (2 *ℕ x)))
  s = concatenate-div-eq-ℕ (y , commutative-mul-ℕ y 2) (inv p)

  t : ¬ (div-ℕ 2 (succ-ℕ (2 *ℕ x)))
  t =
    ( is-odd-succ-is-even-ℕ
      ( 2 *ℕ x)
      ( x , commutative-mul-ℕ x 2))
is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ {inr x} {inr y} p =
  ( ap inr (is-injective-left-mul-succ-ℕ 1 (is-injective-succ-ℕ p)))

is-equiv-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ : is-equiv map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ
is-equiv-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ =
    ( map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ)
    ( is-injective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ)
    ( is-split-surjective-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ)

ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ : ( + )  
ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ = pair map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ is-equiv-map-ℕ+ℕ-to-ℕ

map-ℕ-to-ℕ+ℕ :    + 
map-ℕ-to-ℕ+ℕ = map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ)

is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℕ+ℕ : is-equiv map-ℕ-to-ℕ+ℕ
is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℕ+ℕ = is-equiv-map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ)

The iterated coproduct ℕ + ℕ + ... + ℕ is equivalent to for any n

equiv-iterated-coproduct-ℕ :
  (n : )  (iterate n (_+_ ) )  
equiv-iterated-coproduct-ℕ zero-ℕ = id-equiv
equiv-iterated-coproduct-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) =
  ( ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ) ∘e
    ( equiv-coproduct id-equiv (equiv-iterated-coproduct-ℕ n))

The product ℕ × ℕ is equivalent to

ℕ×ℕ≃ℕ : ( × )  
ℕ×ℕ≃ℕ = pair pairing-map is-equiv-pairing-map

map-ℕ-to-ℕ×ℕ :    × 
map-ℕ-to-ℕ×ℕ = map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℕ×ℕ≃ℕ)

is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℕ×ℕ : is-equiv map-ℕ-to-ℕ×ℕ
is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℕ×ℕ = is-equiv-map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℕ×ℕ≃ℕ)

The iterated coproduct ℕ × ℕ × ... × ℕ is equivalent to for any n

equiv-iterated-product-ℕ :
  (n : )  (iterate n (_×_ ) )  
equiv-iterated-product-ℕ zero-ℕ = id-equiv
equiv-iterated-product-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) =
  ( ℕ×ℕ≃ℕ) ∘e
    ( equiv-product id-equiv (equiv-iterated-product-ℕ n))

The coproduct (Fin n) + ℕ is equivalent to N for any standard finite Fin n

equiv-coproduct-Fin-ℕ : (n : )  ((Fin n) + )  
equiv-coproduct-Fin-ℕ zero-ℕ = left-unit-law-coproduct 
equiv-coproduct-Fin-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) =
  ( equiv-coproduct-Fin-ℕ n) ∘e
    ( equiv-coproduct id-equiv (inv-equiv equiv-ℕ) ∘e
      ( associative-coproduct))

The product (Fin n) × ℕ is equivalent to N for any standard finite Fin n where n is nonzero

equiv-product-Fin-ℕ : (n : )  ((Fin (succ-ℕ n)) × )  
equiv-product-Fin-ℕ zero-ℕ =
  ( left-unit-law-coproduct ) ∘e
    ( ( equiv-coproduct (left-absorption-product ) left-unit-law-product) ∘e
      ( right-distributive-product-coproduct empty unit ))
equiv-product-Fin-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) =
  ( ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ) ∘e
    ( ( equiv-coproduct (equiv-product-Fin-ℕ n) left-unit-law-product) ∘e
      ( right-distributive-product-coproduct (Fin (succ-ℕ n)) unit ))

The integers is equivalent to

ℤ≃ℕ :   
ℤ≃ℕ = (ℕ+ℕ≃ℕ) ∘e (equiv-coproduct id-equiv (inv-equiv equiv-ℕ))

map-ℕ-to-ℤ :   
map-ℕ-to-ℤ = map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℤ≃ℕ)

is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℤ : is-equiv map-ℕ-to-ℤ
is-equiv-map-ℕ-to-ℤ = is-equiv-map-inv-is-equiv (pr2 ℤ≃ℕ)

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