The congruence relations on the natural numbers

Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Julian KG, Vojtěch Štěpančík, fernabnor and louismntnu.

Created on 2022-01-26.
Last modified on 2025-02-19.

module elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


The congruence relations on the natural numbers

cong-ℕ :
        UU lzero
cong-ℕ k x y = div-ℕ k (dist-ℕ x y)

_≡_mod_ :       UU lzero
x  y mod k = cong-ℕ k x y

concatenate-eq-cong-eq-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x1 x2 x3 x4 : } 
  x1  x2  cong-ℕ k x2 x3  x3  x4  cong-ℕ k x1 x4
concatenate-eq-cong-eq-ℕ k refl H refl = H

concatenate-eq-cong-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x1 x2 x3 : } 
  x1  x2  cong-ℕ k x2 x3  cong-ℕ k x1 x3
concatenate-eq-cong-ℕ k refl H = H

concatenate-cong-eq-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x1 x2 x3 : } 
  cong-ℕ k x1 x2  x2  x3  cong-ℕ k x1 x3
concatenate-cong-eq-ℕ k H refl = H

is-indiscrete-cong-one-ℕ :
  (x y : )  cong-ℕ 1 x y
is-indiscrete-cong-one-ℕ x y = div-one-ℕ (dist-ℕ x y)

is-discrete-cong-zero-ℕ :
  (x y : )  cong-ℕ zero-ℕ x y  x  y
is-discrete-cong-zero-ℕ x y (pair k p) =
  eq-dist-ℕ x y ((inv p)  (right-zero-law-mul-ℕ k))

cong-zero-ℕ :
  (k : )  cong-ℕ k k zero-ℕ
pr1 (cong-zero-ℕ k) = 1
pr2 (cong-zero-ℕ k) =
  (left-unit-law-mul-ℕ k)  (inv (right-unit-law-dist-ℕ k))

refl-cong-ℕ : (k : )  is-reflexive (cong-ℕ k)
pr1 (refl-cong-ℕ k x) = zero-ℕ
pr2 (refl-cong-ℕ k x) =
  (left-zero-law-mul-ℕ (succ-ℕ k))  (inv (dist-eq-ℕ x x refl))

cong-identification-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x y : }  x  y  cong-ℕ k x y
cong-identification-ℕ k {x} refl = refl-cong-ℕ k x

symmetric-cong-ℕ : (k : )  is-symmetric (cong-ℕ k)
pr1 (symmetric-cong-ℕ k x y (pair d p)) = d
pr2 (symmetric-cong-ℕ k x y (pair d p)) = p  (symmetric-dist-ℕ x y)

cong-zero-ℕ' : (k : )  cong-ℕ k zero-ℕ k
cong-zero-ℕ' k =
  symmetric-cong-ℕ k k zero-ℕ (cong-zero-ℕ k)

transitive-cong-ℕ : (k : )  is-transitive (cong-ℕ k)
transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z e d with is-total-dist-ℕ x y z
transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z e d | inl α =
  concatenate-div-eq-ℕ (div-add-ℕ k (dist-ℕ x y) (dist-ℕ y z) d e) α
transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z e d | inr (inl α) =
  div-right-summand-ℕ k (dist-ℕ y z) (dist-ℕ x z) e
    ( concatenate-div-eq-ℕ d (inv α))
transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z e d | inr (inr α) =
  div-left-summand-ℕ k (dist-ℕ x z) (dist-ℕ x y) d
    ( concatenate-div-eq-ℕ e (inv α))

concatenate-cong-eq-cong-ℕ :
  {k x1 x2 x3 x4 : } 
  cong-ℕ k x1 x2  x2  x3  cong-ℕ k x3 x4  cong-ℕ k x1 x4
concatenate-cong-eq-cong-ℕ {k} {x} {y} {.y} {z} H refl K =
  transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z K H

concatenate-eq-cong-eq-cong-eq-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 : } 
  x1  x2  cong-ℕ k x2 x3  x3  x4 
  cong-ℕ k x4 x5  x5  x6  cong-ℕ k x1 x6
concatenate-eq-cong-eq-cong-eq-ℕ k
  {x} {.x} {y} {.y} {z} {.z} refl H refl K refl =
  transitive-cong-ℕ k x y z K H
eq-cong-le-dist-ℕ :
  (k x y : )  le-ℕ (dist-ℕ x y) k  cong-ℕ k x y  x  y
eq-cong-le-dist-ℕ k x y H K =
  eq-dist-ℕ x y (is-zero-div-ℕ k (dist-ℕ x y) H K)
eq-cong-le-ℕ :
  (k x y : )  le-ℕ x k  le-ℕ y k  cong-ℕ k x y  x  y
eq-cong-le-ℕ k x y H K =
  eq-cong-le-dist-ℕ k x y (strict-upper-bound-dist-ℕ k x y H K)
eq-cong-nat-Fin :
  (k : ) (x y : Fin k)  cong-ℕ k (nat-Fin k x) (nat-Fin k y)  x  y
eq-cong-nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) x y H =
  is-injective-nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k)
    ( eq-cong-le-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) (nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) x) (nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) y)
      ( strict-upper-bound-nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) x)
      ( strict-upper-bound-nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) y)
      ( H))
cong-is-zero-nat-zero-Fin :
  {k : }  cong-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) (nat-Fin (succ-ℕ k) (zero-Fin k)) zero-ℕ
cong-is-zero-nat-zero-Fin {k} =
  cong-identification-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) (is-zero-nat-zero-Fin {k})
eq-cong-zero-ℕ : (x y : )  cong-ℕ zero-ℕ x y  x  y
eq-cong-zero-ℕ x y H =
  eq-dist-ℕ x y (is-zero-div-zero-ℕ (dist-ℕ x y) H)

is-one-cong-succ-ℕ : {k : } (x : )  cong-ℕ k x (succ-ℕ x)  is-one-ℕ k
is-one-cong-succ-ℕ {k} x H =
  is-one-div-one-ℕ k (tr (div-ℕ k) (is-one-dist-succ-ℕ x) H)

Congruence is invariant under scalar multiplication

scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ :
  (k x y z : )  cong-ℕ k x y  cong-ℕ k (z *ℕ x) (z *ℕ y)
pr1 (scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z (pair d p)) = z *ℕ d
pr2 (scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z (pair d p)) =
  ( associative-mul-ℕ z d k) 
    ( ( ap (z *ℕ_) p) 
      ( left-distributive-mul-dist-ℕ x y z))

scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ' :
  (k x y z : )  cong-ℕ k x y  cong-ℕ k (x *ℕ z) (y *ℕ z)
scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ' k x y z H =
  concatenate-eq-cong-eq-ℕ k
    ( commutative-mul-ℕ x z)
    ( scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z H)
    ( commutative-mul-ℕ z y)

Multiplication respects the congruence relation

congruence-mul-ℕ :
  (k : ) {x y x' y' : } 
  cong-ℕ k x x'  cong-ℕ k y y'  cong-ℕ k (x *ℕ y) (x' *ℕ y')
congruence-mul-ℕ k {x} {y} {x'} {y'} H K =
  transitive-cong-ℕ k (x *ℕ y) (x *ℕ y') (x' *ℕ y')
    ( scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ' k x x' y' H)
    ( scalar-invariant-cong-ℕ k y y' x K)

The congruence is translation invariant

translation-invariant-cong-ℕ :
  (k x y z : )  cong-ℕ k x y  cong-ℕ k (z +ℕ x) (z +ℕ y)
pr1 (translation-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z (pair d p)) = d
pr2 (translation-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z (pair d p)) =
  p  inv (translation-invariant-dist-ℕ z x y)

translation-invariant-cong-ℕ' :
  (k x y z : )  cong-ℕ k x y  cong-ℕ k (x +ℕ z) (y +ℕ z)
translation-invariant-cong-ℕ' k x y z H =
  concatenate-eq-cong-eq-ℕ k
    ( commutative-add-ℕ x z)
    ( translation-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y z H)
    ( commutative-add-ℕ z y)

step-invariant-cong-ℕ :
  (k x y : )  cong-ℕ k x y  cong-ℕ k (succ-ℕ x) (succ-ℕ y)
step-invariant-cong-ℕ k x y = translation-invariant-cong-ℕ' k x y 1

reflects-cong-add-ℕ :
  {k : } (x : ) {y z : }  cong-ℕ k (x +ℕ y) (x +ℕ z)  cong-ℕ k y z
pr1 (reflects-cong-add-ℕ {k} x {y} {z} (pair d p)) = d
pr2 (reflects-cong-add-ℕ {k} x {y} {z} (pair d p)) =
  p  translation-invariant-dist-ℕ x y z

reflects-cong-left-add-ℕ :
  {k : } (x : ) {y z : }  cong-ℕ k (x +ℕ z) (y +ℕ z)  cong-ℕ k x y
pr1 (reflects-cong-left-add-ℕ x (d , p)) = d
pr2 (reflects-cong-left-add-ℕ {k} x {y} {z} (d , p)) =
  p  translation-invariant-dist-ℕ' z x y

reflects-cong-add-ℕ' :
  {k : } (x : ) {y z : }  cong-ℕ k (add-ℕ' x y) (add-ℕ' x z)  cong-ℕ k y z
reflects-cong-add-ℕ' {k} x {y} {z} H =
  reflects-cong-add-ℕ x {y} {z}
    ( concatenate-eq-cong-eq-ℕ k
      ( commutative-add-ℕ x y)
      ( H)
      ( commutative-add-ℕ z x))

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