The minimum of upper Dedekind real numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2025-03-24.
Last modified on 2025-03-24.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.minimum-upper-dedekind-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.conjunction open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.disjunction open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.inhabited-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.powersets open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.unions-subtypes open import foundation.universe-levels open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification open import order-theory.greatest-lower-bounds-large-posets open import order-theory.large-inflattices open import order-theory.lower-bounds-large-posets open import real-numbers.inequality-upper-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.upper-dedekind-real-numbers
of two
upper Dedekind real numbers x
and y
is an upper Dedekind real number with cut equal to the union of the cuts
of x
and y
Unlike the case for the maximum of upper Dedekind real numbers, the minimum of any inhabited family of upper Dedekind real numbers is also an upper Dedekind real number.
Binary minimum
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : upper-ℝ l1) (y : upper-ℝ l2) where cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ : subtype (l1 ⊔ l2) ℚ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ = union-subtype (cut-upper-ℝ x) (cut-upper-ℝ y) abstract is-inhabited-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ : exists ℚ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ is-inhabited-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ = map-tot-exists ( λ _ → inl-disjunction) ( is-inhabited-cut-upper-ℝ x) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ p) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q = elim-disjunction ( ∃ ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ p)) ( λ q<x → map-tot-exists ( λ _ → map-product id inl-disjunction) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ x q) q<x)) ( λ q<y → map-tot-exists ( λ _ → map-product id inr-disjunction) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ y q) q<y)) backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ p) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q = elim-exists ( cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q) ( λ r (q<r , r<min) → elim-disjunction ( cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q) ( λ r<x → inl-disjunction ( backward-implication ( is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ x q) ( intro-exists r (q<r , r<x)))) ( λ r<y → inr-disjunction ( backward-implication ( is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ y q) ( intro-exists r (q<r , r<y)))) ( r<min)) is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q ↔ exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ p) is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q = forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q , backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ q binary-min-upper-ℝ : upper-ℝ (l1 ⊔ l2) binary-min-upper-ℝ = cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ , is-inhabited-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ , is-rounded-cut-binary-min-upper-ℝ
Minimum of an inhabited family of upper Dedekind real numbers
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (H : is-inhabited A) (F : A → upper-ℝ l2) where cut-min-upper-ℝ : subtype (l1 ⊔ l2) ℚ cut-min-upper-ℝ = union-family-of-subtypes (cut-upper-ℝ ∘ F) abstract is-inhabited-cut-min-upper-ℝ : exists ℚ cut-min-upper-ℝ is-inhabited-cut-min-upper-ℝ = rec-trunc-Prop ( ∃ ℚ cut-min-upper-ℝ) ( λ a → map-tot-exists ( λ _ → intro-exists a) ( is-inhabited-cut-upper-ℝ (F a))) ( H) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-min-upper-ℝ q → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-min-upper-ℝ p) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ q = elim-exists ( ∃ ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-min-upper-ℝ p)) ( λ a q∈Fa → elim-exists ( ∃ ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-min-upper-ℝ p)) ( λ p (p<q , r∈Fa) → intro-exists p (p<q , intro-exists a r∈Fa)) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ (F a) q) q∈Fa)) backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-min-upper-ℝ p) → is-in-subtype cut-min-upper-ℝ q backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ q = elim-exists ( cut-min-upper-ℝ q) ( λ r (q<r , r∈min) → elim-exists ( cut-min-upper-ℝ q) ( λ a r∈Fa → intro-exists ( a) ( backward-implication ( is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ (F a) q) ( intro-exists r (q<r , r∈Fa)))) ( r∈min)) is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-min-upper-ℝ q ↔ exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-min-upper-ℝ p) is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ q = forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ q , backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ q min-upper-ℝ : upper-ℝ (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 min-upper-ℝ = cut-min-upper-ℝ pr1 (pr2 min-upper-ℝ) = is-inhabited-cut-min-upper-ℝ pr2 (pr2 min-upper-ℝ) = is-rounded-cut-min-upper-ℝ
The minimum of two upper reals is a greatest lower bound
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : upper-ℝ l1) (y : upper-ℝ l2) where is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ : is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-Large-Poset ( upper-ℝ-Large-Poset) ( x) ( y) ( binary-min-upper-ℝ x y) pr1 (is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ z) (z≤x , z≤y) p = elim-disjunction (cut-upper-ℝ z p) (z≤x p) (z≤y p) pr1 (pr2 (is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ z) z≤min) p x<p = z≤min p (inl-disjunction x<p) pr2 (pr2 (is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ z) z≤min) p y<p = z≤min p (inr-disjunction y<p)
The minimum of two upper reals is a lower bound
is-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ : is-binary-lower-bound-Large-Poset ( upper-ℝ-Large-Poset) ( x) ( y) ( binary-min-upper-ℝ x y) is-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ = is-binary-lower-bound-is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-Large-Poset upper-ℝ-Large-Poset x y is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-binary-min-upper-ℝ
External links
- Minimum at Wikidata
Recent changes
- 2025-03-24. Louis Wasserman. Minimum and maximum on the lower, upper, and usual Dedekind real numbers (#1335).