The universal tree
Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2023-10-22.
Last modified on 2023-11-24.
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-} module trees.universal-tree where
open import foundation.universe-levels
The universal tree is the coinductive type associated to the polynomial endofunctor
X ↦ Σ 𝒰 (λ T → Xᵀ).
Note that this is the same polynomial endofunctor that we used to define the type of multisets, which is the universal well-founded tree.
The universal tree of small trees
module _ (l : Level) where record Universal-Tree : UU (lsuc l) where coinductive field type-Universal-Tree : UU l branch-Universal-Tree : (x : type-Universal-Tree) → Universal-Tree open Universal-Tree public
Recent changes
- 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Refactor precomposition (#937).
- 2023-10-22. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Iterated type families (#797).