Minimum on the rational numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-03-24.
Last modified on 2025-03-25.
module elementary-number-theory.minimum-rational-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.decidable-total-order-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import order-theory.decidable-total-orders
The minimum¶ of two rational numbers is the smallest rational number of the two. This is the binary greatest lower bound in the total order of rational numbers.
min-ℚ : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ min-ℚ = min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
Associativity of the minimum operation
abstract associative-min-ℚ : (x y z : ℚ) → min-ℚ (min-ℚ x y) z = min-ℚ x (min-ℚ y z) associative-min-ℚ = associative-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
Commutativity of the minimum operation
abstract commutative-min-ℚ : (x y : ℚ) → min-ℚ x y = min-ℚ y x commutative-min-ℚ = commutative-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
The minimum operation is idempotent
abstract idempotent-min-ℚ : (x : ℚ) → min-ℚ x x = x idempotent-min-ℚ = idempotent-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
The minimum is a lower bound
abstract leq-left-min-ℚ : (x y : ℚ) → min-ℚ x y ≤-ℚ x leq-left-min-ℚ = leq-left-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order leq-right-min-ℚ : (x y : ℚ) → min-ℚ x y ≤-ℚ y leq-right-min-ℚ = leq-right-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
If a
is less than or equal to b
, then the minimum of a
and b
is a
abstract left-leq-right-min-ℚ : (x y : ℚ) → leq-ℚ x y → min-ℚ x y = x left-leq-right-min-ℚ = left-leq-right-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order right-leq-left-min-ℚ : (x y : ℚ) → leq-ℚ y x → min-ℚ x y = y right-leq-left-min-ℚ = right-leq-left-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
If z
is less than both x
and y
, it is less than their minimum
abstract le-min-le-both-ℚ : (z x y : ℚ) → le-ℚ z x → le-ℚ z y → le-ℚ z (min-ℚ x y) le-min-le-both-ℚ z x y z<x z<y with decide-le-leq-ℚ x y ... | inl x<y = inv-tr ( le-ℚ z) ( left-leq-right-min-Decidable-Total-Order ( ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order) ( x) ( y) ( leq-le-ℚ {x} {y} x<y)) ( z<x) ... | inr y≤x = inv-tr ( le-ℚ z) ( right-leq-left-min-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order x y y≤x) ( z<y)
If a ≤ b
and c ≤ d
, then min a c ≤ min b d
abstract min-leq-leq-ℚ : (a b c d : ℚ) → leq-ℚ a b → leq-ℚ c d → leq-ℚ (min-ℚ a c) (min-ℚ b d) min-leq-leq-ℚ = min-leq-leq-Decidable-Total-Order ℚ-Decidable-Total-Order
Recent changes
- 2025-03-25. Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke. Multiplication on closed intervals of rational numbers (#1351).
- 2025-03-24. Louis Wasserman. Minimum and maximum on the lower, upper, and usual Dedekind real numbers (#1335).