The universal property of fiber products
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and Jonathan Prieto-Cubides.
Created on 2022-02-10.
Last modified on 2024-03-02.
module foundation.universal-property-fiber-products where
open import foundation.cones-over-cospan-diagrams open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.standard-pullbacks open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.fibers-of-maps open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.pullbacks open import foundation-core.universal-property-pullbacks
The fiberwise product¶ of two families P
and Q
over a type X
is the family of types (P x) × (Q x)
over X
Similarly, the fiber product of two maps f : A → X
and g : B → X
is the type
Σ X (λ x → fiber f x × fiber g x)
, which fits in a
pullback diagram on f
and g
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} (P : X → UU l2) (Q : X → UU l3) where cone-fiberwise-product : cone (pr1 {B = P}) (pr1 {B = Q}) (Σ X (λ x → (P x) × (Q x))) pr1 cone-fiberwise-product = tot (λ _ → pr1) pr1 (pr2 cone-fiberwise-product) = tot (λ _ → pr2) pr2 (pr2 cone-fiberwise-product) = refl-htpy
We will show that the fiberwise product is a pullback by showing that the gap map is an equivalence. We do this by directly construct an inverse to the gap map.
gap-fiberwise-product : Σ X (λ x → (P x) × (Q x)) → standard-pullback (pr1 {B = P}) (pr1 {B = Q}) gap-fiberwise-product = gap pr1 pr1 cone-fiberwise-product inv-gap-fiberwise-product : standard-pullback (pr1 {B = P}) (pr1 {B = Q}) → Σ X (λ x → (P x) × (Q x)) pr1 (inv-gap-fiberwise-product ((x , p) , (.x , q) , refl)) = x pr1 (pr2 (inv-gap-fiberwise-product ((x , p) , (.x , q) , refl))) = p pr2 (pr2 (inv-gap-fiberwise-product ((x , p) , (.x , q) , refl))) = q abstract is-section-inv-gap-fiberwise-product : (gap-fiberwise-product ∘ inv-gap-fiberwise-product) ~ id is-section-inv-gap-fiberwise-product ((x , p) , (.x , q) , refl) = refl abstract is-retraction-inv-gap-fiberwise-product : (inv-gap-fiberwise-product ∘ gap-fiberwise-product) ~ id is-retraction-inv-gap-fiberwise-product (x , p , q) = refl abstract is-pullback-fiberwise-product : is-pullback (pr1 {B = P}) (pr1 {B = Q}) cone-fiberwise-product is-pullback-fiberwise-product = is-equiv-is-invertible inv-gap-fiberwise-product is-section-inv-gap-fiberwise-product is-retraction-inv-gap-fiberwise-product abstract universal-property-pullback-fiberwise-product : universal-property-pullback ( pr1 {B = P}) ( pr1 {B = Q}) ( cone-fiberwise-product) universal-property-pullback-fiberwise-product = universal-property-pullback-is-pullback pr1 pr1 cone-fiberwise-product is-pullback-fiberwise-product module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} (f : A → X) (g : B → X) where cone-total-product-fibers : cone f g (Σ X (λ x → (fiber f x) × (fiber g x))) pr1 cone-total-product-fibers (x , (a , p) , (b , q)) = a pr1 (pr2 cone-total-product-fibers) (x , (a , p) , (b , q)) = b pr2 (pr2 cone-total-product-fibers) (x , (a , p) , (b , q)) = p ∙ inv q gap-total-product-fibers : Σ X (λ x → (fiber f x) × (fiber g x)) → standard-pullback f g gap-total-product-fibers = gap f g cone-total-product-fibers inv-gap-total-product-fibers : standard-pullback f g → Σ X (λ x → (fiber f x) × (fiber g x)) pr1 (inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p)) = g b pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p)))) = a pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p)))) = p pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p)))) = b pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p)))) = refl abstract is-section-inv-gap-total-product-fibers : (gap-total-product-fibers ∘ inv-gap-total-product-fibers) ~ id is-section-inv-gap-total-product-fibers (a , b , p) = map-extensionality-standard-pullback f g refl refl ( inv right-unit ∙ inv right-unit) abstract is-retraction-inv-gap-total-product-fibers : (inv-gap-total-product-fibers ∘ gap-total-product-fibers) ~ id is-retraction-inv-gap-total-product-fibers (.(g b) , (a , p) , (b , refl)) = eq-pair-eq-fiber (eq-pair (eq-pair-eq-fiber right-unit) refl) abstract is-pullback-total-product-fibers : is-pullback f g cone-total-product-fibers is-pullback-total-product-fibers = is-equiv-is-invertible inv-gap-total-product-fibers is-section-inv-gap-total-product-fibers is-retraction-inv-gap-total-product-fibers
Table of files about pullbacks
The following table lists files that are about pullbacks as a general concept.
Recent changes
- 2024-03-02. Fredrik Bakke. Factor out standard pullbacks (#1042).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1017). - 2024-02-06. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Refactor files about identity types and homotopies (#1014).
- 2024-01-28. Egbert Rijke. Span diagrams (#1007).
- 2024-01-25. Fredrik Bakke. Basic properties of orthogonal maps (#979).